57. The Second Fanmeet and Mark's Investment Tactics.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter -

We see Diane Spencer, Mark's mother, recalling things from Mark's childhood and teenage years. She reminisces about how Mark was mature beyond his years and would always behave like an adult.

They share a tense conversation about Mark's new way of operations, about him trying to legally avoid paying taxes. But it all mellows out as they talk and share a laugh, afterwards they leave for the banquet separately.

At the banquet Mark has a short Q&A session with the interviewers, journalists and the critics present for the screening. They ask him a few controversial questions but he remains calm and collected. He replies diplomatically to each and every one of them, and postures himself as a good natured and humble person.






~ Mark Spencer's POV ~


Date: 2nd August, 1990.


Location: At Eidolon HQ.


Time: 08:28 pm.


Mark was leaving for the banquet that was designated for the public, he wanted to personally hear the feedback from his fans. He had only just left the room when he heard his name being called out from behind him.

"Mark Spencer," someone called out.

He looked back to see a middle-aged man approaching, focusing on his face Mark recognised him as Roger Ebert, a famed film critic. Mark was a little surprised to see him here as he had rejected their invitation to the screening.

Mark said so, "Mr. Ebert I am pleasantly surprised to see you here. I hope I didn't disappoint you too much with my amateur work."

"I would be grateful if you could please go easy on me in your reviews. After all, I am just a mere beginner with no true experience."

Rogers' face soured when he heard that, as that had been his exact response about why he refused to come for the screening.

"Don't be sassy with me, young lad, but I must say it was a fine movie, you made. It was only on the invitation of my friend Francis that I came today." He said while grumbling about young people not respecting elders.

"Ah, Mr. Coppola, of course, I will be sure to thank him later. Well if this is going to be a long conversation, I would like to keep moving as we talk."

"My fans are already waiting in the other banquet and wouldn't like to keep them waiting too long." Mark replied, requesting him to move along if he wanted to talk.

Rogers grumbled under his breath but agreed to Mark's request nonetheless. They began making their way to the public banquet as Rogers asked Mark various things about the filming of Knives Out and how he pulled them off.

He asked him, "Mark, I heard you made changes to the original story and even changed the ending to make it a dual antagonist ending."

"If you were willing to do that, why not remove the psychosomatic trigger that Marta has as vomiting, into something less gross and easily acceptable by the public."

"I didn't want to lose the essence of the story and turn into a soulless facsimile of my beloved work that I wrote when I was 13."

He took a breath and said the rest of his answer. He knew he might step on his toes but it had to said, because if he didn't come clear now. He would be setting unwanted expectations on himself by the man.

"I don't want to ruin my work just to conform to some high standard that the elites of the society think movies should be."

"I want to make movies about all kinds of stories, just because a story doesn't possess a deep hidden meaning or message doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve to be made into a movie."

Rogers wasn't offended, because he understood that it was just business but one thing Mark said interested him. He asked him to elaborate more on it. "You said you are going to make all kinds of movies, so are you going to be making art films as well?"

"Of course, there are so many good stories that can be made into a movie, with a low budget and good execution, they will surely do well. But I will probably make a different studio for that, as the mission plan for Nirvana Pictures is different."

"Mission plan of Nirvana? It's your studio that made Knives Out, right?"

"Yeah, my goal with Nirvana Pictures is to make movies that would be both critically acclaimed and a hit at the box office. A perfect balance between "Art" and "Business", I know it's not going to be easy. But nothing that is ever worth achieving comes easy."

"Like another studio of mine - "A-Team Productions," in the future it's gonna be incharge of producing my mass entertainer action flicks. I would recommend you stay away from those films or you might have a brain aneurysm." Mark chuckled as he joked about Rogers bursting a blood vessel from watching his movies.

"Oh yeah before I leave, Mr Ebert, If I would have tell you one movie of mine you shouldn't miss watching. It would have to be the one I will be shooting next, you can skip everything else I ever make after that but not that one."

"It's going to be a dark and gritty one, showcasing numerous social issues in itself. I hope to see you on the premier of my next movie then, have a beautiful day Mr. Ebert." Mark finished what he had to say and left as Rogers stewed in his silence.




He has been given a lot to think about, the fact of the matter was, Mark Spencer was definitely one to look out for. His ideology of a simple and straightforward story to be given chance to be made into a movie was certainly valid as does every other story.

It was certainly an argument he hadn't heard someone use before to defend studios focusing more on commercial movies. But Mark's frank admission that he wouldn't give up on art films also gave him hope for the young man.

Despite his previous misgivings about Mark, after watching his movie and personally talking to him about cinema and movies. He came to realize that Mark truly loved the art of storytelling involved in filmmaking.

Mark wouldn't sell his soul, just to make a quick buck like the other greedy Hollywood executives. After all, he could have easily replaced the trigger response of vomiting for Marta, but he didn't do it, just because he wanted to stay true to the original story.

He knew this young man would go far in the Hollywood industry, how could he not. If he can direct and produce such a good movie just fresh out of NYFA. As for the foreshadowed next movie, he talked about, he was already anticipating what it would be about.




As Mark entered the public side of the banquet, he saw that the questionnaires were already filled out and collected. They were being slowed ushered to their tables, it had been planned by his Event Org. Dept. that Mark would go from one table to another, spending a few minutes at each.

This would allow all the invited audiences to meet Mark up close personally and share a moment with him. Mark himself had thought of a few questions he wanted to asked at every table. He asked if the gifts were ready and if he could engage, his staff gave an "okay" signal.

Mark went to the first table, took the empty seat and said, "Thanks for coming to our test screening, how did you like the movie?"

A boy of around 13 or 14 years spoke up first. "I really loved, the way how Blanc knew from the beginning that Marta was involved in the murder was so cleverly shown."

A girl in her early teens butt in, "Wait, Blanc knew Marta was involved in the murder from the very beginning? How did you know that."

Mark and the boy shared a glance and then chuckled together, the boy told her. "The next time you see the movie, focus on where Blanc was looking when he met Marta for the first time, that will give you your answer."

"Oh come on now you're just teasing me." the girl replied pouting her face.

"Come on sis you know that's fun of watching a mystery thriller, you gotta find the answer yourself." the boy replied grinning.

He then turned to Mark and continued his answer from before, "The movie is just amazing, I tried to pay attention to every small details but I am sure I missed a few. I will definitely have to see this movie a few more times when it is released."

"Thank for the kind words, we tried our best to give the best experience to our viewers." Mark said humbly accepting the praise.

"Now was there anything that you think could have been done better? Also what was your favourite scene in the movie?" He asked again wanting know if there was dissatisfaction with his movie.

"Hmm." the boy thought for a few seconds then his eyes grew as he recalled something he missed.

He mumbled, "the vomit,"

Mark said, "Sorry, what?"

"Marta didn't vomit on Ransom's face in the final scene, the instant gratification I got when reading the book, was definitely missing." replied the boy.

"So you wanted to see Marta vomit on Ransom's face?" Mark asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah." the boy replied nervously scratching his face.

"Don't be scared young man, after an honest answer is what I seek. So what's your name?" Mark said with a smile that put people at ease even through the mask.

"Ryan, sir. Ryan Reynolds." the boy now revealed as Ryan Reynolds answered.

Mark had never been more grateful to have chosen the mask, because he didn't trust his poker not to break at this reveal.

Mark spoke again without giving anything away. "Ryan, hmm, what was your favourite scene from the movie?"

"It would have to be Marta and Harlan playing checkers and their whole conversation. The helped foreshadow Ransom using a knife to kill and mistakenly pick up a prop knife." Ryan replied with a fond smile as if trying to remember that scene.

"I see you are very smart kid. So tell me do you have any dreams about what you want to become when you grow up?" Mark asked.

"umm I haven't really thought about it, but do like the thought of becoming an actor." he said with a nervous smile.

Mark told him to try out for a drama club and participate in some plays to see if he likes it or not. He then asked the rest of people at the table the same questions. This time it was much faster, as they had already prepared their answers.

Mark then handed each family a custom clue board game with the characters from Knives Out being featured on it.

He then asked if they would like enter into a lottery, it was to have a chance win a 4 day all paid tour to a special event being held out just next city in 3 days.

Most of them decided to put in their names as it free anyways. Mark wished them well and bade moving on to the next table. He went around a few asking what they thought about the movie, there were almost no negative complaints.

But many people admitted that they would like to see Marta vomit on Ransom's face as retribution. Mark noted it in heart and decided to change the ending in a special director's cut version of the movie.

Luckily he had a version of the scene where Marta vomits on Ransom's face. He could even use it as a marketing tactic to drive the sales of the VHS tapes of Knives Out.

He reached a table where he saw young Rian Johnson sitting with his brother and family. He sat down and greeted him saying, "Hello, Rian, how has life been treating you?"

"Yo- you know my name?" Rian asked stuttering in surprise that Mark remembered him.

"I have a near perfect recall, so i never forget anything or anyone." Mark replied ruffling his hair like an elder brother.

"So how did you like my movie? Also do you also want to see Marta vomit on Ransom's face?" Mark asked sighing for the theatrics as he had gotten this request a lot tonight maybe it was a sign that he shouldn't have made that change.

Well at least the audience is liked the twist ending that he came up with. So he will just take that as win and move on.

Rian excitedly replied, "I loved the movie, it was so great. The music, the house, the people, everything was just perfect. It was even better than what I imagined in my head when I first read the book and yes I would definitely like to see Martha vomit on that a**holes face."

"Hey! language kid you are not supposed to say that word, what would you mother say." Mark jokingly admonished Rian.

Rian apologized quickly and glanced at his father to say sorry. Mark talked with the rest of the people at the table meanwhile asking similar questions and then offered them the same deal. A chance to win an all paid tour to a special event, where Mark would address the future of Eidolon Entertainment.

Rian immediately agreed and begged for his father to allow him to enter. Mark told him that he already won, when Rian looked surprised he had look of recognition on his face as he muttered, "The Golden Ticket."

"Yup, the golden ticket, indeed. It only works as an invite for 3 Eidolon Entertainment Events." Mark explained the works.

"All your travel, lodging, food, etc will be on us as well, I hope you enjoy." Mark said and took his leave.

Mark could see the ones where he started from had almost finished their meals. He just went out, to his car and paged Mr. Kim to bring out car to their private exit.

His parents had told him that they wanted to spend atleast 1 day together so they asked him to meet them at the estate for dinner. After leaving for University, he had only been able to meet them for vacations so this downtime had been a long time coming.

As he entered the house, he saw that his parents were already in and his mother had even started preparing the dinner. He asked if she needed any help but she turned him down and told him to freshen up and go speak with his father.

Mark realised that they might want the long answer now. They couldn't just let it go, well they were is family being nosy and caring about him is what will always do.

Mark had already come to terms with it because despite all the extra precautions he had to take having a family that loved and supported is better anything else in the world.

He took his time in shower coming with a diplomatic answer that wouldn't be far too off the rails for his father to accept. He knew from spending two decades with the man, Harvey Spencer was a man of logic and cold hard facts.

So bulls******* his father was an impossibility but winning him over with a logical and rational explanation about why he was doing the things that he was doing would be super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Mark sighed as he thought to himself, 'God I miss the internet.'

After dressing up in a simple solid white T-shirt and jeans, he went to the study room as his mother had told him. He found him reading a book as he entered the room.

"Dad?" Mark asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Everythings fine, son. It's more than fine. You remember the deal we made when you came to me asking for help in making your mother agree to allow you to pursue your dream as a director?" Harvey asked with a poker face.

"Yeah, of course, I do." Mark said easily, "I would be incharge of investing your saving to help it grow. Why? Is there a problem?" He asked at the end.

"No, son." Harvey sighed as he removed his reading glasses and stared at his son.

"Its going way too good that I just had to ask you. I know you are investing the money in real estate, but how are you getting these returns? You have almost tripled our savings." Harvey spoke up.

Mark sighed in relief as he wasn't really in trouble, he took a seat and spoke, "Well dad, you're a lawyer so this should be easy for you to understand. What i am doing is just flipping houses."

"I buy an undervalued property or a property, I think whose value will rise in the future. I buy it, and put it on rent. Now this rent pays for the all the expenses that i would have to pay for owning said property. Like - property tax, maintenance fees, etc."

"After the property rises in value, I sell it for a profit with a clear intention to put all the money made off of the transaction back into real estate. This allows me to avoid paying taxes which I would otherwise have to pay like the capital gains tax."

"And I just keep repeating this process and scale the operation to more and more rental homes allowing me to make more and more money in rent eventually as the years pass. Currently I personally own over a 1000 rental homes and you own around 15 rental homes yourself."

"All of them passively generating you rental income which is used to pay of the maintenance fees, the mortgage and as well as any home loans that were taken to buy even more houses and the excess is put into IT companies which I think will do really well in the future." said Mark ending his explanation about how he flips houses.

Harvy didn't really know what to say, this seem like almost an illegal thing to do. But he closely examined all that Mark had said and found it was all legal.

Just by using a small hole in the tax law Mark was able to create this huge real estate business that he was remotely running through managers and agents.

{Author's Note: This is something I learnt from Rich Dad, Poor Dad. A book by Robert Kiosaki, there he talks about financial freedom and educating one self about money and how we can be the 1% of the population as well. This small investment part was inspired by his methods and teachings.}

He was really impressed by his son's ingenuity and intelligence. He praised Mark for such a clever Idea and ask him if his agents and managers had been wetted in they could be fully trusted to remotely operate his business.

Mark told him that he had done background check on all of them and only choose to work with those people whose background information come out completely clean.

They spent the rest of the time till dinner talking about Mark's time in NYFA and how he made his inner circle of friends. He sudden decision to start Eidolon early, his flight to LA, the small existential crisis that he had when he thought about how insignificant he was in the industry and yet how he dream about reaching the very top of it.

They only stopped when Mark was called by his mother for dinner. They sat and had peaceful meal together reminiscing about the good times spent together as a family. Mark blushed when his mother brought up some of his embarrassing childhood memories.






{Author's Note: So this was a small character building chapter, filled with interactions and also here I revealed a future superstar Ryan Reynolds A.K.A Deadpool, that would joining the New Marvel Cinematic Universe in the future. I have always been a fan of his acting.

The next chapter will be about the media reponse, some of Mark's enemies will be revealed. So can any of my dear readers guess the special event that Mark will be participating/holding and Rian Johnson and Ryan Reynolds have been been invited to?

Also I wasn't really supposed to upload today but I have weekend off so I thought lets try to write an extra chapter. So tomorrow which is Sunday you guys will still be getting your normal schedule chapter. Enjoy this extra that I have cooked up just for you guys with some ramen.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}