64. The New Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter —

Mark after finishing up the showing was changing out of the Doom Slayer armor when Evelyn came in a stunning Leia bikini cosplay. She told him about the actions of their rival studios and the smear campaign they were running through small newspapers.

Mark didn't pay it any heed as they won't succeed and even if they did, he has enough dirt on them to bury them 6ft under the ground. Instead he had "fun" time with Evelyn as they celebrated the successful launch of Eidolon Publications. Next day he ran into Rian, his fanboy and gave him some advice on career and life.

Evelyn leaves him for some urgent work and he meets up with Kevin to discuss the buyout for the two studios that worked on the animated short films of Halo and Doom. He couldn't make a deal with Pixar as there weren't any authoritative figures present but was successful in signing a deal with Hannah-Barbera.

They were the other studios that worked alongside Pixar to create Halo and DOOM's short films. Mark bought a 60% ownership stake in the company with full rights over its creative content. He promised to not change the name of said studio and only had to pay $100 million for a studio he knew would grow to be worth billions under his lead.






~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: 10th August, 1990.


Location: At Hinata's Mother's Apartment.


Time: 03:47 pm.


He had dropped off Hinata at her place and even got to have a chat with her mom, Ms. Brown or Ms. Yasashii. She was the secretive trusted psychiatrist/therapist Mark had recommended to Keanu and even asked how he was doing.

His questions were brushed off as they fell under confidentiality agreement. But Mark just stated that he didn't need any details and was just asking if he is feeling better and if the therapy was working.

She just nodded her head and said "it is, but his scars are old and he doesn't even think of them as scars. Don't worry about your friend, he will be alright."

"Thanks, Ms. Yasashii. I am eternally grateful to you for coming out to the estate for a private session twice a week. I know with your busy schedule it must be a hassle." Mark told her in Japanese, bowing his head to display his sincerity.

"You don't have to bow to me Mark, you already pay me way more than needed to make it worth my while. Also thank you for taking this girl out to that convention, it did her a lot of good." She thanked him for looking out for her daughter.

"Please don't mention it, Ms. Yasashii, it's my duty as a friend to ensure that she also enjoys her life and overcomes her fear."

Mark said with a kind smile, looking at Hinata who had already dozed off on the sofa."Here, let me drop her off on her bed, before I go." Mark said lifting her with one arm and the bag of items she bought at comic con in the other.

"Thanks, Mark. I don't know what she would do without you." She said leaving for the kitchen.

It had already been 3 days since his successful showing at the San Diego Comic Con ended. The animated Cinematic short films were very loved by almost all the comic fans there. But what they were especially excited for, was the opening of the Everything Eidolon Store.

He had already discussed and accelerated the plan to shift his property investments from rental units to his own stores.

The team of managers and agents he had hired were working day and night to complete the opening of the 3 storefronts in L.A. and 2 in New York.

But this was just the beginning, by the end of the year he had plans to cover every major comic book hotspot in America and in 5 years time he would have an E-E Store in every city in America and even expand internationally.

The promised Ichiraku Ramen shop was also in the works, the renovations were on-going and Mark wanted everything to be done to perfection.

The restaurant would look just like the one in Naruto, but with an additional space for customers to dine in and enjoy their bowl of ramen in peace.

The testing of his dumplings were also done, so now the Ichiraku would serve as a marketing tool for him to promote his healthy yet tasty food brand which he simply named as WELLNESS.

There was a lack of variety in their catalog as they only served a vegetarian and non-vegetarian option for the dumpling and 2 flavors of the Wellness Soup. But he planned on soon expanding it with different flavors and even cuisines while still maintaining the healthy appeal of it.

He knew the craze for healthy and delicious food would explode in the coming years as people grow more health conscious. Mark was just looking to enter that space ahead of the competition and dominate that market segment.

Lately, he had been working on the third installment of the Resident Evil series. He had already conceptualized the book in his mind for a while and all that remained was putting it on paper.

The last book had ended on a negative arc with Dr. William Burkin, injecting the G-virus strain into the body of Sherry, his daughter.

Then the readers find out in the end how the "Outbreak In Raccoon City" actually happened. William, who was actually working for Umbrella Corporation experimenting on the G-virus, couldn't control his greed.

So he made a deal with the US military where he lied to them about creating the G-virus himself. He got them to provide him with asylum but unfortunately Umbrella came to know about his dealings, maybe from a mole in the US military.

They sent a team to retrieve the G-virus from Dr. Burkin but one of the agents shot him when he hesitated, but he somehow survived and played dead till they left him.

When he was finally alone, he injected himself with the G-virus to try and survive. Even though he survived, he got mutated by the virus and went on a rampage killing the Umbrella operatives.

The vials containing the G-virus fell down and broke, some rats got splashed with chemicals as well. These infected rats then brought the G-virus to Raccoon City's water reservoir.

Because of this the whole city got infected and this was how the outbreak in Raccoon City actually happened. It was all because of one person falling to the Sin of Greed.

He had covered the story till here in his first book and then shifted to tell the story of the origins of the Virus that Umbrella Corp. found in a village in West Africa in his second book named Resident Evil: Umbrella Origins.

The Tyrant virus, more commonly referred to as the T-virus, was a man-made mutagenic plague. It was created by the Umbrella Corporation and was derived from Progenitor Virus, a non-carcinogenic virus originally discovered in West Africa.

The first strain of the T-Virus was separated from the Progenitor Virus, establishing its creation in 1978. It was created when Marcus made a breakthrough in applying it to leech DNA which resulted in the leech creatures that were later shown in the book.

Characters like Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine who were members of STARS were investigating in a mansion which was surrounded by mysterious deaths and people going missing near it. There they found some of the history of Umbrella and its secret lab.

Unfortunately at the end of the book it all got destroyed in an explosion and it connected to the start of the events in the first book.

Now he was writing the third installment which he aptly named «Resident Evil: Escape from Raccoon City», the book started off right where it left off with Sherry infected. He wrote how Claire found Sherry and heard about an antidote from her mother, Annette on the intercom system.

She tells Claire how there is actually a vaccine of the G-Virus in her lab and the key fob for the lab is in sherry's pendant. After meeting up with Annette by following her instructions, she hands off the vaccine to Annette and Sherry is saved from death.

Leon, who is being manipulated by Ada, finally finds a G-virus vial but removing it sounds an alarm. This alerts Dr. Burkin, that someone has stolen his last vial of the G-Virus, enraged he breaks the roof and bursts into the room attacking Leon.

Annette tries to save her husband by injecting him with the vaccine but unfortunately his mutation has already evolved beyond what her vaccine is capable of repairing. Dr. Burkins DNA is so heavily mutated by the G-virus that he is incurable.

In the fight that takes place next, Mark did his best to show how Leon took advantage of his surroundings to defeat the monster that Dr. Burkins had become. Unfortunately he was able to grab his wife in a fit of rage and throw her across the room which led to her eventual death.

But before she dies of her injuries, Anette is able to tell Leon that Ada isn't an F.B.I agent but in fact her true identity is that of a mercenary and spy. She tells him not to give the G-virus vial to her as she will just sell it to the highest bidder regardless of the consequences.

Mark was absolutely focused as he was writing the next scene, it needed to be a bit heavy on the dramatic side of the characters and still feel natural. It was the confrontation scene between Ada and Leon, it was set when he had just left the lab and ran into her.

She asks him to hand over the vial but he refuses saying that what she's doing is wrong and how if the virus ends up in the wrong hands then millions will die. Ada pulls her gun on Leon but he calls her bluff knowing she won't shoot him.

But then Annette appears in the doorway and shoots Ada on the shoulder before finally passing away from her injuries. At that very moment the facility starts to collapse and due to them both falling down, Leon drops the vial so he could catch Ada.

But Ada tells him to let her go and saves herself by using her grappling gun. Leon immediately leaves the place and then gets into a fight with the mutated Mr. X who was actually alive till now. Luckily Ada is able to get him an RPG which he uses to defeat the monster.

Meanwhile Claire and Sherry find the controls for a transportation train that belongs to Umbrella Corp. She is able to activate the train and then gets on it along with Sherry, they are then reunited with Leon who is also able to get on in time after defeating the mutated Mr. X.

They let out a sigh of relief thinking that all is over and that they will finally make it out of the city safe and sound. Mark knew that this thought would also be on the mind of his readers so he decided to write a surprise boss fight. One that Leon thought he had already defeated.

You see, Mark wanted to create a paranoia of the Zombies and the Bio-Organic Weapons like Nemesis and Dr. Burkins. Normally blasting the head off of a creature is enough to kill them, such methods are the best when dealing with Zombies as well.

As the age old rule of "always aim for the head" and "always double tap" were classic and staple for old age zombie movies and novels. But Mark wanted to create a new rule, a rule applicable when facing off against a B.O.W.

"Raze it to the ground, till only ashes remain." He would cement this rule the final fight of Claire, Leon vs Dr. Burkins who had evolved into his 5th and final stage losing all human resemblance and taking the form of a blob like creature with hundreds of teeth.

Mark described the epic fight in detail how they ignite him and detach a section of the train with Dr. Burkins on it. He goes up into a massive inferno of fire and explodes till only ashes are left. While taking a break and thinking about the other half of the story from Jill and Carlos' perspective that still remained.

He got a call on his desk intercom. His secretary told him that it was Mr. Stan Lee and Robert from Marvel for their appointment.

Mark told her to let them in, he had been informed that Stan wanted to meet him but didn't tell the reason why. Even though he could already pretty much guess why this meeting was set.

Mark sat behind his desk as Stan Lee and the current editor in chief of Marvel Comics Robert Harras also called Bob by all his colleagues and friends.

They were led in by Rose, Mark told them to have a seat and make themselves comfortable.

"Would you guys like anything to drink? Coffee? Cold Drinks?" Mark asked with a smile, his face uncovered as these people were under his employ and also quite trustworthy.

"Just water will do." Stan replied feeling less nervous by Mark's care and respect.

"Stan, relax even if you're my employee now, you will always remain my idol and you can ask anyone here how I treat them." Mark said, trying to ease the tension.

Rose placed two glasses of chilled water in front of the guests and told them how well Mark treated her and the other secretaries while handing a cup of freshly brewed coffee Mark.

Stan took a sip from glass to wet his tongue and spoke, "Mark we're here to talk about some of the changes at Marvel."

Mark knew this was coming, as making so many radical changes would make likely to face a few backlashes. He had already prepared for their every move.

Calmly, not showing much outward reaction he asked, "What changes did you find issues with?"

It was Bob that answered him, "Well for starters, the writers and creatives didn't like their professionalism being questioned by taking part in an evaluation to check their skills."

"Well if I want to make use of their skills and talent efficiently and effectively won't I have to first test them to see where they stand currently." Mark said nonchalantly, explaining the logic behind the evaluation.

"Well that's fine, what they found a major issue with is that you would fire anybody who failed to score at least a C grade in the evaluations. Isn't that too harsh?" Bob asked concerned if he will even have enough employees left to work with.

"Too harsh," Mark chuckled as he said that, "It's me being generous is what it is. At Eidolon, the selection criteria is much stricter. I decided to go easy on Marvel as it is in a slump but these people have the audacity to complain."

"You know how easy and elementary the tests are if one isn't even able to score a C grade on it. Do they truly belong at Marvel? No, I don't think so."

"Stan, how much did you score on the test?" Mark asked with a teasing look on his face.

Stan actually blushed because he was shy to reveal how he scored really well on the test. "98.4%" he said, with an embarrassed smile.

"So an A+ grade. Looks like your salary will be a hike. Higher grades means better work opportunities, which translates into higher salaries. Tell them about this, that should motivate them." Mark said with a smirk.

"Mark, do we really need to go through with a reboot?" Stan asked in an emotional voice. Many artists and writers didn't want to give their stories rushed endings to change it to fit Mark's incursion narrative.

"Well, Stan, think about the comics that I stopped in the middle of their serialization. All 11 of them weren't making much for the company and even their storylines were just bland and out of taste with the current times." Mark began explaining why the change was necessary.

"If we want to tell better stories there first must be a clarity of vision and simplicity in content categorisation. Basically, I aim to destroy the old Marvel and create a New Marvel Multiverse."

"The stories that were a hit and actually good will be kept and made part of the new continuity that will be that of Main Universe 616 of the Marvel Multiverse. The stories in this universe will be the original or at least believed to be." Mark explained the concept of a main universe.

"Any new storylines or spin offs that are created will be set in other alternate universes in the Marvel Multiverse. This way there won't be any confusion if this comic storyline is set in the same place as another storyline."

"This simplicity and distinction will make it easy for both the comic book nerds and a casual comic enjoyer to follow the story of their favorite character or storyline." Mark said with a smile he introduced the concept of different universes for different stories and spin-offs.

"Now that you both are here, I have a small announcement to make. You guys can pass it on the folks at Marvel, after the incursions there will be mainly two universes. The first will be the Main Universe - 616, the other would be my personal project - The Ultimate Marvel Universe - 1507."

"1507," Stan whispered to himself, then Bob spoke up, "isn't that the date when you bought Marvel?"

"Yup, 15th July. It's the day when I started thinking about creating my own universe." Mark said with a happy smile, thinking back on that day.

"Also, guys I have already given you the incursion storyline. How long do you think it will take you guys to wrap up the remaining comic stories in circulation and end the Marvel multiverse with the incursions?"

"The incursion will likely be a 6 part issue so around 2 months for that and the rest should be done by September. So in December we can start fresh with New Marvel."

"Also Mark, you're a Director now. So do you have any plans for creating a movie featuring a Marvel superhero?" Stan asked him with a hopeful look on his face as it was a dream to see a Spider-man movie before he died.

Seeing that Mark remained silent at his question, he felt bad, so he said, "Sorry for putting you on the spot like that Mark, you don't really have to answer that."

"No, no. It's just that I was thinking if I should reveal my plan so soon. Eh it should be alright, but I must warn you. What I am about to show you is not to be discussed with or told to anyone else other than the three of us here."

"Here, sign these NDA's for me, would you?" Mark said, handing them two NDA forms after filling in the specifics of their conversation.

"You just have NDA's lying around?!" Bob was shocked at the kind person his boss seemed to be.

"Well when you have secrets important enough to kill people over and murder is illegal. NDA's serve as the next best alternative, I know I made all the Marvel employee's sign NDA's for company secrets but the one I am about to reveal is much more important." Mark said as he opened his hidden safe and removed a thick file.

He brought it back and slid it over to them the first clipping of the file, while he looked over their signatures.

"Here, take a look at this." and handed it to Stan Lee.

Stan Lee saw this —

The Marvel Cinematic Universe - (Earth-010798)

1. The Amazing Spider-man.

2. Ironman: A New Legacy.

3. Captain America: Advent of Hydra.

4. X-Men: First Class.

5. The Spectacular Spider-man.

6. The Fantastic Four.

7. The Incredible Hulk.

8. Thor: An Exiled God.

8. Ironman: A New Heart.

9. Ant-man & The Wasp.

10. X-Men: Origins.

11. Spider-man: The Last Hunt.

The list went on for around few more movies before he saw one named - Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

It brought a tear to his eyes as he was touched by the lengths Mark had planned, the vision, but most of all the gesture of Spider-man being the first movie.

"Ma-Mark can y-you tell me a date when you plan to start?" Stan asked, slightly stuttering as he was feeling very emotional and he passed the paper to Bob.

"Well, to be honest, I want to start now. But unfortunately a lot of things are an obstacle to turning this dream into a reality. The CGI technology in Hollywood is still too mediocre and expensive for my taste."

"Within the next 6 to 7 years that problem should be taken care of, as it will also give me enough time to maybe acquire or create a special effects studio of my own."

"Other than that, I will need to expand my company exponentially. We would also need to create a Marvel Studios here that will be in-charge of creating movies for the MCU."

"As you can already guess this MCU will be a shared universe that will feature all the characters from the Marvel Comics Universe."

"But it won't just be limited to movies, I plan on creating Animated and Live action TV shows. Maybe even branch out to video games, but that will come in the future."

"Oh another thing, I forgot to give this to you the last time we met, Mr. Lee. Here." Mark said and went around the desk and knelt in front of the man whom he saw as his own grandfather, passing him an envelope.

"I know you have given your entire life working for Marvel Comics. Without you, Marvel comics would also never exist."

"But also I know you have never been compensated for all the hard work and sacrifice you have done for this company. In the envelope you will find I transferred 1% of Marvel shares, with a clause that this percentage will remain unchanged."

"Right now Marvel is valued at around $65 million. So these shares are worth only $650,000 but when Marvel grows into a billion dollar company and beyond like I expect it to, these very shares would be worth over $10 million dollars."

"Consider it an early birthday gift from me, Stan Lee, a grandson you never had before." Mark said with a happy smile on his face at finally being able to give back to the old man who did so much for Marvel.

"Than- k you." Stan tried to reply but choked. A single drop still came out as he hugged Mark.

Mark gently whispered in his ear as they shared a hug, "It's okay, now grandpa, I am here. It's gonna be okay."






{Author's Note: Yeah, so deciding the order of the movies to come out in the MCU was a bitch. Sorry for the delay yesterday, you guys gotta understand I can't follow the MCU order of events even if I wanted to. It's just not the best way, so I asked myself the question.

If Marvel hadn't sold off the rights to their Superheroes then what kind of MCU would they have created? A MCU with the Avengers, the Mutants, the Inhumans, Fantastic 4, etc. This MCU will be very different from the one you saw on TV or Cinema halls. I hope to surprise you all in a good way.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}