65. Naruto's Supreme Creator and A Late Night Show.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter —

Mark dropped off Hinata at her place the Comic Con was over, where he met up with her mother Ms. Brown. He asked her about how Keanu was doing, after some reluctance she told him that he is doing better.

He then wrote the third installment of the Resident Evil series, which he named the Escape from Raccoon City. It was an action packed thriller novel which was halfway done when Stan Lee and Bob Harras came in for a meeting.

They wanted to discuss the changes in Marvel comics and the impending reboot. Later when Stan asked him about the movies he was planning to make on the Marvel comics. Mark showed him a dossier with a list of movies that would appear in the New Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Later he even gives him a file that states transfer of 1% of ownership of Marvel to Stan Lee, which Stan found very touching and the two share a hug and Mark called him grandpa as Stan barely holds in his tears.






~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: 15th August, 1990.


Location: At our fanboy's house.


Time: 03:47 pm.



It had been almost a week since the Comic Con ended, the event would always stay with him though. He learnt a lot and understood that he can't always have everything he wants in life. On the third day of the comic con the workshop was revealed and they were accepting registrations.

After discussing with his parents he immediately signed up, after taking in his relevant information like age, gender, and address they also asked him to give a description about his interests and hobbies in as detail as possible.

When he asked why the detailed information on his interests and hobbies, he was told that Mark had come up with this method to see if one's interests and talents match up.

He was also informed that he would later be receiving some relevant books which would educate him on the subject of his choice. The delivery hadn't come in yet unfortunately but the second issue of Naruto did.

It had been a hassle as he had to bike for over an hour just to buy the book and he had to line up to finally buy but he felt like it was all worth it. As he glanced down at the cover he could see the cover was in fact the last panel from issue 1.

From reading a few books on writing he knew that this was the "call-back" technique that authors liked to use. It invoked a sense of nostalgia and familiarity to make the audience feel more connected to the thing they're reading.

Naruto due to his young age and not being able to read the local language. Something which Mark had indirectly told them about Naruto by showing him not being able to read the menu at Ichirakus. This being the "Show, dont tell."

"Show, don't tell - is a writing technique in which story and characters are related through sensory details and actions rather than exposition." He had read in another book. His ambition to become better was driving him forward, his family was fully supportive of his endeavor.

He read as Naruto moved further into the forest and was surprised by how colorful and beautiful it looked despite it being almost night time.

Naruto was a little scared of the dark and the shadows he felt moving in his peripheral vision but he steeled himself and kept moving forward trying to find some kind of shelter away from people.

He eventually found a tree with a hole in its trunk not too high up from the ground. Rian felt this was a bit anticlimactic, 'this was supposed to be the forest of death. So where is the danger?' he thought to himself as turned the next page.

Till now Naruto had tried thrice already at climbing the tree but this time he was successful. The next page showed him looking into the hole to find it to be the home of a gaint snake. It had awoken by the sounds Naruto made while trying to climb up the tree.

It immediately lunged at him in the next panel, Rian could see the snake from Naruto's perspective and it was almost instantly upon it. He yelped as Naruto shouted and felt backwards towards the ground.

The snake was right above him in the air and he closed his eyes out of fear.

The next panel was completely black with just a white text bubble, "open your eyes child."

In the next panel, he saw, Naruto hesitantly opened his eyes to see an old man holding him in his arms. He turned his head to see the snake had been decapitated, he exclaimed and asked the man how he did it.

But the old man just gently put him down and gave him a piece of advice. "Never take your eyes off of your enemies in a fight, little one."

Naruto nods his head up and down and then thanks the old man for saving his life. The old man just shrugs and says it was light work and asks him why he was out in the forest so late at night.

Naruto tells him, "I am an orphan, I don't have a home to return to."

"What is your name, little one?" the old man asked while walking towards the snake and starting to skin it.

The process wasn't shown as the scene was shown from Naruto's perspective and the old man who was wrapped in a cloak. The cloak had the symbol he had seen somewhere before. It looked like a.. lotus.

"Wait, a minute isn't.. that the symbol .. of Eidolon?!" Rian asked himself, suddenly this very small detail took the man from a random side character who would save the protagonist's life to someone of great importance.

Naruto strode over to him and introduced himself, "I am Uzumaki Naruto."

"Hoh, an Uzumaki? I see." The old man took a glance at Naruto and muttered something under his breath.

"You know my family? Ojii-chan?" Naruto excitedly asked, hoping to find out about his family.

"Nah just the clan they most probably named you after, kid." he answered nonchalantly as he draped the snakeskin on the branch to dry out.


"Yup, the Uzumaki Clan were a clan of powerful ninjas known for their mastery of the Art of Seals or Fuin-jutsu." The old man bragged about the Uzumaki Clan.

"Were they really powerful?" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes.

"Hmm, then let me tell you a short story about them." the old man said and then narrated a story about how they were so powerful that it took the combined might of 3 ninja villages to come together to destroy them.

"Wait so they were all killed?" Naruto asked with a sad face.

"Unfortunately, yes. There might be some remnants remaining but no-one has been able to find em yet, kid." he said with a sigh as he finally got a fire started.

"Wait, I didn't ask your name, who are you mister?" Naruto asked with a smile as he saw the old man sprinkle the snake meat with some kind of condiments and skewer it.

"Me? Hmm, it's been a long time since someone asked me that, it's Mark, kid. But you can just call me old man." the old man said laughing as he gave him some water to drink.

"Holy shit! That's Mark?!" Rian exclaimed as he jumped off his bed in excitement.

This was a turn of events our young fanboy was definitely not expecting. Mark truly was an expert in surprising and surpassing expectations.

He continued to read the next panel to see the pair talking about how the villagers hated and harassed young Naruto after he was thrown out of the orphanage and then Naruto asked Mark what he did for a living.

The old man smiled and said, "I travel to far away places and collect interest stories. Then I tell them to others for a price and generally provide joy and entertainment to people through my stories."

Rian laughed as this was just Mark describing his job as a book author. But then he thought if Mark would be a recurring character in his book or was this a one time appearance.

Then a small montage happened in the next few panels after Mark agreed to teach Naruto a few essential skills. There were no dialogues but he saw how efficiently with just actions he could follow all that Mark taught the young child.

He was taught cooking, hunting, fishing, tracking, hiding his tracks, meditating, foraging and other essential wilderness survival skills. Naruto was even taught some kind of martial arts but it wasn't named.

Rian absolutely enjoyed watching that small training montage that lasted maybe two months and then Mark bade his leave from Naruto saying that he needed to continue his adventures and discover newer stories for his audiences.

Naruto was crying a lot, saying that he will miss him and trying his damn best to be a good ninja like the Uzumaki Clan. Rian had a smile on his face as well, reading that final panel, as it made his heart swell with happiness at how far Naruto had come.

He especially enjoyed how this issue ended on a positive note unlike the previous one which ended on a cliffhanger with the protagonist's life hanging on the line.

He couldn't wait to read the next issue. Despite it being a weird mix of fantasy and modern world, he found himself deeply invested in the story of the young - Uzumaki Naruto.




Mark was getting ready for his appearance at The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Universal with his $10 million publicity budget had been able to get him a slot to appear along with River, Johnny and Salma.

He declined at first saying how it might be too many people to interact with and it might get dragged out but the show producers really wanted him to be a part of it as well.

Edna was fussing over his suit, it was an upgraded version of his signature - Abstract Lotus print suit.

At first he just wanted to go in some ripped jeans and hoodie but Edna had put her foot down and instead ripped apart any argument he put forward of wanting to appear as a normal behind-the-scenes guy.

So despite his previous complaints he agreed to present his best look in front of the public. Johnny, River and Salma had all been clothed by Edna personally as well.

She took in their complexion, body shape and temperament and hand crafted suits and dresses that were just gorgeous on them.

"Mark, buddy, are you alright? You seem lost in thought." River asked him in a jovial tone, happy to be with friends promoting his new movie.

"Nah, I was just recalling Edna scolding me for being half assed and being lazy for not dressing up to my best." Mark said as he chuckled.

"Yeah that was a sight to see, that lady has a temper but her skills are top notch. This suit easily beats out of the Italian tailors that hand craft their suits." Johnny said as remember the scene and couldn't help but admire her talent as looked at himself in his suit in the vanity mirror.

"I do look quite sharp in this." he said with a cocky smile.

"Can't argue with that, but it makes your ego so big that it's bursting out of that big head of yours." River said, chuckling.

"Come on, now River, go easy on him. You know he has a big head." Salma said, joking about Johnny's hairline.

"Hey!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Okay, that's enough you guys had your fun, stop teasing him." Mark stepped in and defused the situation.

"Did you all read the questions they gave us?" Mark asked, wanting to know if they were ready.

"Of course, they were quite simple and straightforward. I think they're planning to ask us, the more risque one's without any notice." Salma said to Mark whilst checking her makeup in the mirror, after all one doesn't appear on national TV everyday.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Yes? Is it time our already?" Mark asked if it's time for their entrance. A young girl stepped in, she didn't look a day over 18.

"Yes. Sir, it's time for your entrance." the girl said, probably an intern as she looked too young.

"Please let me guide you all to the place." she requested and gestured them to follow her.

Mark and team obliged and followed her to a side entrance of the stage. Mark could see that the usual sofa chair had been replaced for a sizable L shaped couch that would be perfect for them all.

'Hmm, they're quite thoughtful and well prepared. I wonder what my fans and friends are going to make of my first appearance on television.' Mark thought to himself just before he was called on stage by Johnny Carson, the host.




"It's STARTING!!" screamed a girl in her late teens. Excited to finally see her favorite author on TV, she screamed to alert her friends. They were all residents in an orphanage funded by Mark anonymously.

"Tone it down, Rebecca. The kids are already asleep and if they wake up because of you. It will be you who will put them to sleep this time." said the matron of the place.

She whispered back, "Sorry. Aunty Hall."

While this was happening the rest of the teens arrived in the living room. The teachers and helpers of the place arrived alongside them.

The eldest of them all, a professor, spoke up, "It's okay, Hall. Let them have their moment, it's normal for her to be this excited."

"This is a big moment for all us Marc Spector fan's around the globe. The Elusive Spector is finally live on television for the first time." said another boy, excitedly, he was a huge fan of Mark's work as well. He even had a self knitted Jurassic Park T-shirt on.

"Big?! This is fu- I mean absolutely monumental! " Rebecca exclaimed but controlled herself in middle sentence after a frosty look from aunty Hall and the teachers.

"It's Mark's first interview and it's going to be live on national television." she said excitedly reiterating what was said before as she bounced on the couch.

"It's internationally actually." the Ms. Know-it-all, of the place corrected her. "Other channels around the globe have the rights to broadcast it as well. But there might be a bit of a delay."

"Okay, okay settle down now, let's watch in silence. This could be a game changer for Mark and Eidolon." said the professor as everyone focused on the TV.




"Thanks, letting us all crash here, Sofia." Andrew Stanton said to Sofia Coppola as a few of his work friends from Pixar and other animation focused friends crashed at Sofia's place for the night to gather wits after a party that went too hard.

"It's alright, but why were you guys partying that hard?" Sofia asked while handing them water, because according to Mark their animation development was going at a snail pace.

"Well, we had a small breakthrough in our animation software research while working with Mark for DOOM's and Halo's short films. So we were out celebrating," he replied happily.

"but a few people got too drunk" he said as he looked at a few people in particular in frustration that were just wasted on the floor. "and their misbehavior had gotten us thrown out of the place."

Sofia laughed and couldn't help but ask as she searched for some aspirin, "what did they do."

"Well, it was the usual, they asked a girl out. They didn't do anything excessive but the boyfriend still took offense and it broke out into a brawl. The security escorted us out of the place." Andrew replied as he rubbed his head and sipped on the cool water.

"What are you watching? Is that Johnny Carson? But I thought you didn't like talk shows?" he asked as he saw Johnny Carson on TV.

"I don't, I'm watching because Mark will be on it tonight." she replied with a smile.

"Wait, that was tonight?!" One of them exclaimed, and called out to rest that Mark's interview was coming on.

They all groggily replied and took the aspirin and water to gain some semblance of control at least the one's that weren't passed out.

"Yeah, it should be starting in a few minutes. We can all watch it together if you want, I keep the volume low to not disturb the ones that are already passed out." Sofia replied with a kind smile as she moved about with the ones that had some control to drag the others to the guest bedrooms to sleep off their hangovers.

"That's too kind of you. Thanks, Sofia, we really appreciate you letting us stay." Andrew replied with heartfelt gratitude.

"Enough with the thanks, Andrew we're all friends. I know you would do the same for me if I was in a bind. Now help me move some of them, before the show starts." she replied back as even with the power of friendship she couldn't move a passed out grown man on her own.

"Sorry," he replied sheepishly as he helped her drag them to the guest bedrooms.




"Is Kevin not coming?" Sarah asked Jess as she put down the tray of coffee and snacks.

"I talked with him on the phone but he said he is with a friend so he won't be able to make it." Jess replied while doing quotations with her fingers when she said friends because she was quite certain that Kevin was meeting a special someone.

"Well, good for him." She replied, and nodded whilst handing the beverages to everyone present in her humble abode.

Along with her and Jess, except for Kevin and Sofia, the rest of the Inner Circle was gathered at Sarah's place to watch the interview together and spend some off time with each other. To catch up on what was happening in each other's lives.




"I want you guys to completely focus on them, mannerisms, expressions, everything!"

"I want you guys to analyze and pick apart any flaws or lies and use it as ammunition in our next smear campaign." said Harold, the person in-charge of Disney's PR Department.

Usually his work was very simple and he didn't really have to struggle a lot to bring people down and destroy their image.

But Mark and Knives Out were proving to be a thorn in his shoe, no matter what the small newspapers reported, public opinion couldn't be successfully swayed.

How could it be, after the three of the biggest directors in Hollywood have given their seal of approval to Knives Out and Eisner was getting too heated in their meetings due to his repeated failures.

All it took was a small press release from Eidolon about how they would rather prove themselves with actual Box Office numbers than go after these small media outlets in court. This seemed to just raise the confidence of the potential audiences in Knives Out.

"Relax, sir, you're taking too much stress. Knives Out isn't just being targeted by us but most of the big studios in Hollywood. Someone will definitely find something to use against him." his secretary replied as she loosened his tie.

"Don't take this too lightly, because if we don't find something soon. The boss will most like come after us all and the worst case scenario, we might even get canned." He grumbled as he went to take his seat.




She wasn't wrong though most of America had the channel tuned in to the Late Night Show with Johnny Carson. Tonight, both his fan's and even his enemies were eager to watch the interview to know a little more about the Elusive Spector.

His friends comfortably sat in Sarah's apartment and were munching on some snacks.

Kevin was in a bar with a lady by his side and a drink in hand. Both were watching the interview on TV along with the rest of the patrons at the bar.

Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Mr. Coppola and many other Hollywood's celebrities also tuned in to watch Mark's first ever live interview.

They wanted to see the man who has gotten the support of three legendary directors with his very first movie, a movie that he wrote, produced and directed himself.




Back at the Studio of the heavily awaited talk show, Johnny Carson the host was telling a few funny news clippings making the audiences laugh and relax before the called the guest on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know who you're all so excited for," he said, making the crowd cheer and hoot. "Alright, okay, settle down. I won't stall any longer."

"So, please give huge round of applause to welcome tonight's guests and the man behind the scenes, the Elusive Spector, the masked face of Eidolon Entertainment - Mark Spencer, the talented acting duo - Johnny Depp, River Phoenix and the beautiful Ms. Salma Hayek." As he said this the spotlight lit up a side entrance doorway which opened to reveal Mark, Johnny, River and Salma.

They entered under the applause and cheer of the audiences. Johnny knew most of it was for Mark and River, but he was sure after the premier he would become a superstar with a massive fan following as well.

As they finally reached the sofa Mark was elected to be seated closest to the host and from right to left it was Mark, River, Johnny and Salma.




"Wow, he is really tall and so huge." back at the orphanage Rebecca muttered to herself.

"He is definitely over 6ft, maybe around 6.3ft would be my guess," the professor replied, glancing at Mark and guessing his height by comparing him to the objects around him on TV.

"His suit looks so cool, all I can see are his eyes but they're definitely some of the most beautiful I have ever seen." Another girl said as she sighed and looked at Mark on TV.

"Johnny and River both look very suave as well." Rebecca replied as she compared the two with Mark.

"Salma looks so beautiful in that dress," a boy said, not being able to take his eyes off of the beautiful actress.




After they got comfortably seated, Mr. Carson began the interview with gratitude and a smile.

"Mark, hello, it's so great to you and your friends here with us. Thank you all for coming to the show." The host said with a smile leading him on.

Mark knew something was weird about his body language but he wasn't worried as he had nothing to hide that they could ever find. "Nah, it's fine. It's me who should be thanking you for allowing us to promote our movie on your show."

"Mark, I heard an interesting thing about you. I am not sure if it's true or not, is it true that you never lie?" Mr. Carson asked him with a dubious smile because if Mark agreed with him then he might get something really interesting out of him.

Mark saw the trap coming a mile away but as before he wasn't afraid as his secrets were well hidden and even a body language expert couldn't catch him in a lie.

"Of course, I try my very best to remain truthful and honest but sometimes when the situations call for it, even I have to tell a white lie sometimes." Mark replied confidently.

Then he continued with a serious expression, "Here, it is good that you asked about it in the beginning, to all your questions, I promise that I won't lie."

"I will only answer in two ways: with the truth or that I can't talk about it as it's too personal." Mark said to Carson with a nod and sat back in seat relaxing.

"Hmm, interesting, I will hold you to it, I know you're a man of action. So, let's see." Mr. Carson said as he flicked through his cards and asked, "Ah, I really wanted to ask you this, why movies? Why did you want to become a director? You already have a very successful career as an author, so why go into the movie business?"

"Wow you really don't hold back. That's a big question with multiple kinds of answers, I will give you the philosophical answer for now but ask it again later… well the philosophical answer is because I think movies are the most impactful art form known to man."

"They have a powerful effect of substitution on its viewers that they are made to place themselves in the shoes of the characters on screen. This allows the viewers to forget about all their woes in life and enjoy the moment, to be free from their worries in life even if only for an hour or two." Mark said with a hopeful look on his face.

"Wow, that's a very noble way to look at the profession of filmmaking." Mr. Carson said looking at Mark in a new light.




"He is good, he knows exactly what to say." one of Andrew's Pixar buddies said as he saw Mark on TV.

"You say it like you think he is faking it." Sofia replied immediately, coming to Mark's defense.

"Yeah, he's just being truthful. Many people use movies as a coping mechanism to escape from the harsh reality." a lady added in her two cents.

"Woah, woah, relax, ladies. I never meant that he was using fake modesty.. Just saying that he knows how to speak very well. Just that." guy replied in haste, trying to keep the situation from escalating.

'Well, he is not wrong.' thought Sofia, as after spending months with Mark she had realized Mark had a way with his words, always able to get people to do things for him and make them feel comfortable, welcomed and at ease.

Andrew butt in, saying, "Well, currently Mark is the not just representing Knives Out but also Eidolon Entertainment as a whole. So it's good that he can carry himself in a good, humble and educated manner."

"Ah, you even have altruistic reasons for filmmaking as well, other than using your money to fund various charities." the host, Mr. Carson said on TV.

"Please, stop… you can't see it, but you're making me blush under the mask." Mark said on TV, making them all laugh.

"He seems like a really cool dude." another guy says coming out with some snacks. "I warmed up some of those ready to eat dumplings you had sofia."

"Yeah, no problem. Also Mark is actually a really friendly and approachable guy when you get to know him." Sofia replied, popping one dumpling in her mouth.

Then she turned her attention to the TV as Mr. Carson asked his next question.




"Why did you choose Knives Out as your first film?" Carson asked, he had put in this question himself as it was something that bugged him.

"Won't a movie with a lesser budget be more of a safer bet for your first film?" he asked again.

"Hmm, you're right it would be. In fact we had decided to shoot a low budget horror movie, with a really interesting script that my friend had written. But then things happened that made me accelerate my plans." Mark replied with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Can you share some details on it?" Carson asked politely as it seemed like a personal reason.

"Im sorry, It's a personal reason." he couldn't really tell that he had gotten a system on the day of his graduation that made him want to go for directing bigger and better movies.

"It's okay, I appreciate your honesty. I would like to know your thoughts about the rave negative media publicity going on against you." Mr. Carson asked his next question.

But Mark just chuckled and said, "Oh those clowns, yeah it was hilarious to watch them try and fail."

"I was fortunate enough to befriend some really reputed figures in the Hollywood circle and after watching my movie, they genuinely liked it and so they backed it up and because of that the smear campaign that these media outlets have been trying to run has been a complete bust."

"Mark please don't be offended but there are some rumors going around that claim that you paid off these friends of yours to support your movie and that your movie simply can't be that good as it's your very first work." Carson asked cautiously as it was a sensitive topic.

"Mr. Carson, I would like to reply to that if you don't mind." River Phoenix said looking at Mark if he could weigh in for a moment.

Mark just shrugged and said, "have at it."

"Mr. Carson, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Mr. Coppola, himself spoke in favor of Mark's movie. Every name that I just listed is bigger than the one that came before it."

"If anyone believes that a man of Mr. Coppola's status would stoop so low, as to accept money to endorse someone's film then they really must have a problem with their head."

"Please, stop, get some help, go see a doctor." River said turning to the camera at the end, as if looking at the stupid guy who orchestrated all this.




"Arghh!! Who? The. Fuck. This kid thinks he is!" Micheal Eisner roared, as he threw his glass of scotch against the wall.

He stood up livid in rage, that rumor was actually started by him in a vain attempt to undermine Knives Out's growing popularity and craze in the potential movie watchers.

"I will destroy you, I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!!!" He screamed at the television.

"You are just a washed up drug addict playing at becoming an actor. You're nothing but a fool with a weak mind that succumbed to the pressure of life.

"You have the audacity to speak about me like that and make fun of me?! I will show you the consequences." Eisner said ominously glaring at the image of River Phoenix on TV, vowing his revenge.




Back at the studio, Mr. Carson then shifted the questions to the other guests as well. They handled it very well, maintaining their cool and answering each question calmly.

Salma recounted how the crew and her fellow actors were very supportive and always made her feel welcomed. How the rehearsals that felt repetitive and excessive at first, actually became a fun time to experiment with different styles of delivery and expressions.

River was asked about his past, his journey to redeem himself. He recounted how he lost hope in his career and nothing sparked his interest.

How he had been a fan of Mark's work and decided to audition on a whim but it proved to be a turning point in his life and it was Mark that motivated him to move forward again.

The both audiences watching on their TV's and those present on set were very deeply touched by his words.

They looked at Mark in a new light, 'he is a good man and a person anyone would be honored to have as their friend,' their thoughts were along this line.

Johnny was asked about his alcoholism and if it was true. He just laughed sheepishly and replied that he never drinks beyond his limits and never drinks and drives.

Even going so far as to reveal how Mark gave him a new car and even a driver all paid for on his dime. This further cemented the fact of Mark being a generous person by nature.

They played the special trailer for Knives Out on the screen and both the viewers around the globe and on set were super hyped to watch the movie.

The background score was impeccable, the Cinematography was beautiful, they just fell in love with the movie.

In the end Carson brought it back full circle and asked Mark a few more questions.

"Mark, you asked me to circle back to this question before, so why movies? Why be a director?" Carson asked again.

"Well, I already gave you the philosophical answer. So, here's the economical answer, content creation is something that will never go out of business." Mark replied as he gave a more business minded answer.

"Provided, of course, that your content is of good quality and tells a good story or you present it well enough. There will always be people who are going to pay you to watch it."

"I already had great stories, in the form of my books. I thought, how do I scale it further? It's a fact that not everyone loves reading books. So, how do I reach out to the ones that dont, how do I reach out to the bigger audience?" Mark asked himself, despite the mask, he was able to express and articulate himself quite well.

"The answer came to me in the form of movies, I already said movies are the most impactful art form known to us." Mark finally concluded his answer.

"Hmm, I see something that never goes out of business and a way to expand your reach of audiences so you could tell your stories to a wider range of people." Carson summarized his answer so that it would be easier for the audiences to grasp.

He then asked his final question of the night. "Mark, I heard that your company is the most desirable to work for, in all of Hollywood, especially by women. Could you shed some light on why that is?"

Mark looked proud yet embarrassed at the compliment. "Well that would probably have to do with the positive work environment I try to create in all my businesses. I never allow any higher level personnel to bully their juniors, harass them, either mentally or sexually."

"Such deplorable acts are met with an immediate termination and the appropriate authorities are contacted. Obviously we take this very seriously and only take action after a complete investigation on said person."

"The various benefits offered to our employees might also have to do with that as well I think." Mark said at the end trying to break the tense air created before.

"Of course, Mark, you mentioned businesses before. We have a list of businesses you either partially or completely own. You're also quite the successful businessman, I see. Truly a genius."

"I don't see a question there." Mark pointed out.

"Ah, I wanted to ask if you would mind if we revealed them here?" Carson replied, trying to see if Mark would panic.

"Nope, I have nothing to hide. You go right ahead. I would like to see as well, just how many you found out." Mark replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, you said it. So here's the list -

«Eidolon Entertainment»

«Eidolon Publications»

«Marvel Comics»

«The Red Lotus»

«Hannah-Barbera Productions»

«Everything Eidolon Chain Store»



"and last but not the least, «UnderArmor»."

"Wow, you have been quite the busy man and you're just 20 years old right?" Mr. Carson said jokingly to which Mark just chuckled and nodded.

"So how did we do? Did we miss something?" Carlson asked with a teasing smile thinking he got them all, as they had hired a team of professional PI's.

"Your investigation is solid, I would guess you hired a team of professionals. You missed only two," he said while holding up two fingers and said, "But just those two are worth more than all that you just mentioned."

"Holy s- cow." Salma exclaimed but changed her words mid sentence as she didn't want to curse on TV.

"That's over half a billion, how are you that rich?" Carson asked the one question that was going through everyone's mind.

"Because, I am Eidolon. You won't realize what I mean now. It's a trick answer, only someone who truly understands how money works will understand the hint." he replied with a wink.

"Also, I study a lot. Don't be fooled by appearances, I am a huge nerd, I love reading books especially on Economics." Mark revealed a small secret himself.

"I guess I can confirm the fact that you are a genius." Carson replied with a sigh amazed by Mark's brains.

"It's not because I am a genius. Being one does make it easy, but if I didn't apply myself, if I didn't work hard. I wouldn't be where I am at in life currently. I don't like the label of a genius."

"People just say oh that guy is a genius that's why he achieved this seemingly impossible feat. But no one acknowledges the hard work and sacrifice that so-called genius did to achieve his goal."

"It's a cop out, as people don't want to put in the hard work. But what these people fail to realize is without putting effort nothing can be achieved in life."

"Sorry for the rant, Mr. Carson." Mark apologized at the end.

"No, it's okay. It felt like that came from the heart. You don't really like being called a genius do you?" Carson asked with a smile, as for the first time that night Mark spoke from the depths of heart, it moved him and also the many audiences watching.

"Not at all, no." Mark replied with a deadpan voice and they both shared a laugh.

"Well, Mark, it was nice have with us tonight. I learnt a lot about you, I feel like I know you better as a person now despite not even knowing what you look like. And I wish you the best for your movie – «Knives Out» coming out on the 6th of September." He said promoting the movie one last time as the show came to an end.

"Thanks, Mr. Carson, I hope we could do this again sometime." Mark said looking at the host and then turned to the camera's said, "Hope to see you guys in the theatre and have a good night." the rest of his friends said the same and bade farewell.






{Author's Note: I finally completed the chapter God damn, I rewrote the interview part because I couldn't properly decide how much to reveal about the Mark to the public, then i got an interesting idea i have already hidden his face and identity but I thought why not a kind of transparency between Mark and his fans. So this chapter came about.

Also in this chapter I showed Mark as a part of the Naruto universe and had him train our young hero in many small things that will pay off enormously in the future. The story of Naruto has already gone AU and I hope you guys will like it.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧}