67. Spector's Call, Record Breaker and Movie of the Year.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter -

The chapter had started off with a 3rd person pov of the crowd gathered in front the Mann's Chinese Theatre. They're all gathered to support Mark and his first film - Knives Out. Mark was having some "fun" in the backseat of his car with Eva and decided to accept her request to live-in together.

After reaching the place Mark thanked the crowd of fans, had a small interview and then entered the cinema hall. The premier was a huge success and Mark had a "great night" with Eva but next morning he got a system notification. He completed an achievement and a hidden one as well.

The box office of Knives Out was booming and breaking all estimates each day of the opening weekend, with it finally becoming a huge $53.9 million. This caused a celebration at Eidolon Entertainment and Universal whereas it caused a small wave of panic at the other studios in Hollywood, especially Disney.






~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: Monday, 10th September, 1990.


Location: In Mark's office in Eidolon HQ.


Time: 03:47 pm.



It was Monday and the hype of Knives Out was still surging, to make it even bigger Mark even used a shameless advertising tactic. A tactic that the media would later coin as the Spector's Call. The ads were present in the recent chapter issues of Naruto, Doom, the various Marvel Comics and even the RE: Vol.3 that was currently in the publishing phase.

He had left a message asking the readers if they like watching crime, thriller or comedy movies. The message said that there was a new movie called Knives Out coming out on 6th September.

It said that he would really appreciate it if they could support Eidolon Entertainment in their new endeavor in bringing their stories to life on the big screen.

Mark was relaxing in his office, being hugged by Salma who was ecstatic at the success of Knives Out. Last night had been only hell of night with both Eva and Salma vying for his attention.

Luckily Mark Jr. was up to the task and didn't disappoint either of the two lovely ladies that had decided to become a part of his life.

It was getting exhausting though and he felt like he really needed the Harem King skill to give him a much needed boost to his sexual stamina and libido. After all, if he wanted a harem, he should also be capable of keeping up with them.

'Vani, can you show me my recent achievements and my point total please,' Mark thought to himself wanting to see how close he was to his goal.

[Of course, Mark. Here is a list of your achievements and creative works that have earned you Hunting Points.

– Achievements Unlocked –

1. Establish your own Studio. +20HP

2. Establish your own Entertainment Group. +20HP

3. The Eminence in the Shadows. -/-

4. The Start of a Business Empire. +40HP


5. Record Breaker.


• Break a pre-existing record in the Hollywood industry.

Feat - Highest Box Office Collection in the opening Weekend of a film's release - $53.9 million. Film - Knives Out. | Studio - Nirvana Pictures of Eidolon Entertainment. |

Previous Holder - Batman Forever - $52.8 million.

| Warner Bros. Pictures. |

Rewards - 20 HP and a Knowledge Script containing the skill and experience of mid-tier film actor; (Avg. Score - 75). Lasts for 2 movies, can be toggled on and off.

– Creative Works –

1. Written and published the first and second volume of The Legends of Runeterra. 10HP

2. Written and published the first volume of The Vinland Saga. 5HP

3. Written and published the first volume of Halo. 5HP

4. Written and published the first three issues of Naruto and two issues of Doom. 1HP

Total Hunting points → 30 (Leftover from the first purchase.) + 20 +20 + 40 + 20 + 26 = 156 HP.]

'Vani, could show me the details of the Harem King skill again,' he asked in his mind, as his left hand trailed down Salma's skin and landed on her butt squeezing it, feeling the warm, supple skin.

With her improved diet and specialized exercise to target some specific areas. Her butt which was already quite plump had toned down a bit and looked even more beautiful if that was even possible.

She had working been quite hard on herself to look her best, as she was now a part of Mark's retinue. He had even enrolled her into some exclusive acting classes as he wanted her to improve her skills and was even thinking of sending her to Broadway for a year or two.

[Of course, Mark, here are details of the skill you asked for -

Unique Skill: Harem King's Template (Passive) (A-tier) - This skill allows its user to eventually become the Harem King. Comes with various misc. perks to help you woo your lady, keep the harem in harmony, etc.

Extra tip: It also provides a passive boost to the user's charisma, stamina, vitality, libido and life span.

Cost: 160HP]

'160HP … argh .. I am just 4 points away. If writing and publishing a book gives me 5 points then when RE:3 will officially be out then I will have enough to finally buy it.'

'Hmm, this does make me wanna call the chief of Eidolon Publications and push him to make the release go faster. But patience is a virtue and I thought it would take at least a few years to save up to 160 HP.'

'But, I did it in less than 6 months. All things will happen at the right time, all things will fall into place, all according to my plan.' Mark thought as he kissed and pulled her onto his lap as she ground her core on his thigh.

Mark looked at the news channel as a different program came on, here the news anchors were talking about the record his film had broken.

"We have just gotten the Knives Out's official opening weekend box office. It's $54 million." The older gentleman said in an excited voice.

"But this is old news, Tom. It has already been confirmed a few hours ago. What are you so excited for?" The younger man said in a fake confused tone.

"Well, what I am excited about is that Knives Out not only surpassed all the estimates these so-called experts put out. But even broke a record." Tom, the older gentleman revealed with an excited smile.

"What?! Really?! It even broke a record?!" The excitement seemed a little fake, but the people didn't care as they were also swept away in the moment.

"Yup, rookie. The highest box office gross in the opening weekend had been a title that belonged to the movie Batman Forever by Warner Bros. with a gross of 52.8 million dollars." Tom replied with a grin.

"But that title has found itself a new owner. It now belongs to Knives Out that beat out Batman Forever by $1.8 million to be crowned as the movie with the highest box office gross in the opening weekend."

"A movie produced and directed by Marc Spector, a director who is just starting out and currently being mocked by some in the media as an amateur. I want people to remember that this is his very first movie."

"I can't even imagine what kind of cinematic experience he will put on the silver screen next for the audiences to experience."

"I have already seen Knives Out and I must say, it's a beautiful film and that any fan of comedy, suspense or thriller genre would enjoy. The climax is heart-warming and just puts a smile on my face." Tom said with a fond smile remembering the climax.




Mark's shameless advertising seemed to really work, a few smaller critics trying to increase their following were also at the scene. They had tried to get their hands on a ticket of Knives Out in the open weekend but except for a few that personally staked out the ticket counters.

The rest simply failed to get a ticket of the weekend shows, getting to buy a Knives Out was a novelty now. Just looking at the crowded line in front of the ticket counter made them sigh in disbelief, and question themselves if today really was a monday.

"Shit, just my luck. Even on a Monday, it seems like I might not be able to buy a ticket." A man grumbled standing in line, he was just one of the many small critics hired by the rival studios to launch an extensive smear campaign on Knives Out and Eidolon.

But to do so, they must first watch it, so that they can pick apart all the small flaws they could find. Then blow it out of proportions so that they can sway the public opinion.

Unfortunately this was proving to be quite the uphill battle due to Mark's fan, who unknowingly thwarted their plans with just their enthusiasm to watch the film.

The craze that Mark's fans had for his first movie, was amplified by elements like the surging praise of audiences who had already watched the film.

Even Mark's shameless advertising on his own works like comics and novels; led to all his fanbase gathering together to support their favorite writer who had been entertaining them with mind blowing stories for the past decade.

Donald, the small time critic who was trying to make a name for himself, was finally able to get himself a ticket and hurriedly entered the theater hall. The ads were being played but most of the seats were already filled.

After squeezing through many fans that were discussing the plot of the movie he finally made it through to his seat. He knew that his actions meant nothing in the grand scale of things, because just the current occupancy of the cinema hall already told all he needed to know.

Currently Knives Out was being screened at about 1850 theaters across North America currently, but the opening weekend box office and the high occupancy rate of the halls would definitely incentivize the theater chains to allot even more screens to Knives Out.




Meanwhile, a car slowly approached the same theater, its occupant while belonging to the same line work, being that of a critic. Had already made their mark in the circle and was part of the new emerging talent.

'Hmm, this one seems to be getting a good amount of reads as well.' a man who looked like in his mid 30s thought to himself. He smiled as he went through the comprehensive stats the magazine he wrote had been able to pull for his article.

His name was Hadrian Black and he belonged to a family with a lengthy history in the field of arts. Some of them being artists themselves, while some being master appraisers of the craft.

Hadrian or Harry as he was called by his friends and family, was a film critic and author by profession. But he was more interested in writing about human emotions and struggle rather than focusing on a genre.

He had a good fan following as well and was an emerging figure of impartial judgment in the public eye. It was why Disney's PR Dept. Head had himself requested him to review Knives Out as harshly as he could.

While he didn't like getting into the squabbles of the Hollywood studios, his agent had requested him to take the job as it came from Micheal Eisner himself. But even in a position of weakness, his family's name had allowed him to make a small concession.

"If I don't find anything that I personally dislike about the movie, I won't write a false article about how Knives Out is trash." It was a hard pill to swallow but Harold Disney's PR Head agreed anyways, as he was under a lot of pressure from Eisner.

But most of all he didn't think that Mark, an amateur director, could film a movie that would impress Hadrian Black. A man who was infamous for harshly judging any movie he saw, no matter how much money he was paid.

"Sir, we have arrived." His secretary called out to him.

Hadrian who was smiling, happy with the eyes his articles were pulling, suddenly thought to himself.

'I know, I am being paid to watch this movie. But I really hope the movie isn't too bad, I really don't want to bully a kid who is just starting out in this industry.'

The car came to a stop before the theater.

'But I guess that's what you get when you step on a few toes.' he thought to himself as he stepped out and waved to the paparazzi standing outside.

This place was famous for Hollywood celebrities sneaking in disguises to watch the movies, so it always has paps lying outside waiting.

Even though he wasn't really expecting much from the movie, he was dying to watch the movie. He had heard of the director before - The Elusive Spector, was the title, his fans called him by, as if he was some kind of fictional character.

But it all made sense if someone were to look at his meteoric rise as one of the best authors in America, if not the world.

It wasn't just that he created a great children's book - Ben 10; but also how perfectly he incorporated mature elements and included many life lessons and moral values that still inspire young teenagers and adults a decade later to this day.

But what truly set him apart from the rest of the mere mortals, was his inhuman ability to write these works of art that for others might as well have been their Magnum Opus; their - Mona Lisa, as something that was as effortless as breathing.

Every single year since his debut in 1981, the 'Spector' has released a new book that has won him the hearts of his fans from around the world. But this was directing, he shouldn't be able to just dominate the box office so effortlessly.

He was eager to see the limits of Mark's creative talent, to see if he would be able to pull off a miracle and surprise him.

Harry silently entered the hall under the guidance of his secretary and sat down on his seat. Next to him was a younger man, at a single glance he could tell he was in the same profession.

Both of them being critics, the notepad in his lap, the smudged ink on his clothes and fingers. But what really gave it away was the heavy bag under the man's eyes. He nodded and looked ahead not wanting to disturb a man on the job.

'Lets, see what kind of film you have made, Mr. Spector.'




Over two hours later when «Knives Out» came to an end and the credits rolled, Hadrian, sat in silence as watched the group photos of the cast and crew of the film.

It was a perfect way to give tribute to dozens, sometimes even hundreds of faceless men and women who sacrifice so much just to get a movie to the big screen.

But what made him speechless weren't the end credits despite its humane touch. No, it was simply how good the movie was. He wasn't able to say a single word as he just sat watching as the end credits rolled on the screen.

All around, audiences were clapping and standing giving their respect to the amazing film they had just seen.

'Wow, never in my wildest imagination did I think it would be this good.' Hadrian thought to himself in amazed shock as his face slowly morphed into a smile.

'Looks like I can finally stick it to Eisner. How dare he think, he can just buy me off and order me around.' he thought to himself with a mischievous smirk on his face.

He stood up and clapped along with the audience for a few seconds soaking in their joy and happiness.

On the way to his office, he rewinded the entire movie in his mind. At first glance, he was able to see a lot of weak points in the script. Like - Blanc deciding to take Marta along with him on the investigation even though she is just a civilian.

He knew that fan's would defend it by saying that he knew Marta was the responsible for Harlan's death but he wanted to unravel the mystery of who hired him and why, who was trying to frame Marta and so he took her along so as to draw out the real murderer.

Another thing that took away his joy from the movie was Marta's psychosomatic trigger being that she vomits when she lies. He knew it was based on a book that was written when Mark was just 14.

Despite it being very carefully handled in the film with the audiences never actually seeing the vomit until the very end of the climax. He personally didn't care for it much and this was despite the scene where Marta vomits right at Ransom's face.

He knew the audience loved that scene and it was pretty cathartic to watch the villain get a little payback.

'An innocent person just died on screen but people were enjoying the thing on focus and this showed Mark's ability to tell a story from a toned down perspective and gloss over the death and gloom.'

'But there were a lot of high points in the movie as well,' he thought as he wrote his article. He knew tomorrow morning there would be dozens of news articles trying to frame Knives Out as the worst movie of the year.

As he had already decided to stick it to Eisner, he decided to go all in, with a detailed analysis of Knives and why it might be his - Movie Of The Year.




Four days later, Friday, 14th September.


Time: 11:42am


Eisner was fuming in his office, the smear campaign that he had launched with the as much as power he could wield didn't really cause much of a problem in the meteoric rise of Knives Out's box office.

– Weekly Box Office Ranking – (Sept 6 - Sept 13) –

1. Knives Out - $104.32 million – by Eidolon Entertainment.

2. Ghost - $8.9 million – by Paramount Pictures.

3. Presumed Innocent - $5.4 million – by Warner Bros.

4. Darkman - $5.2 million – by Universal Pictures.

5. Flatliners - $4.3 million – by Columbia Pictures.

6. Young Guns ll - $3.9 million – by Twentieth Century Fox.

7. Taking Care of Business - $3.64 million – by Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture.

8. Problem Child - $2.8 million – by Universal Pictures.

9. Die Hard 2 - $1.3 million – by Twentieth Century Fox.

10. My Blue Heaven - $0.96 million – by Warner Bros.

When he read the rankings in this morning's newspaper, it reminded him of River Phoenix and how he had mocked him on live TV.

'Get some help, that brat said. After I am done, it's him that is going to be in NEED OF SOME HELP.'






{Author's Note: So this chapter was delayed a lot and i mean to stress A LOT. At first it was just the glitch that had me editing all of the past chapters, it was a hassle at first but it also gave me a golden opportunity to fix the inconsistencies in the beginning chapters.

I am actually not at home lol but out partying with friends, but I got some time in between singing and playing that i could finally finish this last chapter. Thankfully I could finish this chapter before it was time for dinner now for a tally of the previous poll results -

Winner –

Option 2 - Start off with weak Spidey senses that grow with time and experience.

With an overwhelming lead this is the winner to the first question. The rest of the winners will be revealed with each subsequent chapter. Also I hoped to write that omnious ending a little better but my friends are quite distracting so can't do much. Gotta go bye guys.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}