68. A Plea for Renegotiation, Star-Maker and CAA's Choice.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter –

The chapter had started off with a 3rd person pov of Mark in his office, sitting with Salma, enjoying an intimate moment between them. We get to see how Mark was shameless enough to put ads in his books and comics, so as to pull his fans to the theaters.

Then Mark checks his achievements and creative works. It's a nice tally of Mark's works and efforts but unfortunately he is 4 points short of buying the Harem King Template. We then see the POV's of two critics watching Knives Out.

Hadrian, the more accomplished of the two, even considers it the Movie Of The Year. Finally we see Eisner a few days later watching the Weekly Box Office Rankings and fuming because Knives Out is at the top. He plans on getting his due by harming both River and Knives Out.






~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: Thursday, 13th September, 1990.


Location: In Mark's office in Eidolon HQ.


Time: 05:47 pm.



The first week of Knives Out's release was almost over and Mark was feeling elated and content. His decision to make the changes to Knives Out had paid off, pretty well. The critics loved his movie, the audiences were still in re-watching spree to find out all the hidden details of the movie.

Everything considered, the release of Knives Out had gone even better than he could have imagined and this was mostly because of the support from his fans and the constant build-up of the reputation of his movie. He had seen the smear campaigns that were being run by rival studios.

Just because they couldn't find any real foul things about his actors and the crew. They resorted to all sorts of outlandish lies and false news to muddy the waters and turn people away from watching his movies in the theaters.

Mark expected to face some backlash but this was something beyond that, his instincts made him feel like someone was targeting him with a malicious intent. He had already upped the security and overwatch details on River, Johnny and Salma.

But this weird feeling still wouldn't go away, he thought about going out of the states might do him some good. So he called up Mr. Meyer, the C.O.O at Universal for an increase in the number of screens allocated to Knives Out and to discuss the international release.



"Hello, Mr. Meyer, this is Marc Spector. I hope I didn't catch you in an awkward moment." Mark said as Meyer picked up the phone.

"No, no, I was looking at a ..ugh.. few details." He almost moaned as he gestured to his secretary to stop. She carefully tucked him back in and crawled out from under his desk.

He waved her to leave and tried to focus back on the conversation.

Mark grinned as he had a feeling that Meyer was doing just the thing he suspected. He didn't allude to catching on to him though.

Despite being interrupted in his happy hour. He was quite happy to talk with Mark, after all Knives Out might as well be the Movie of the Year and it was being released by Universal.

This success also brought some stability and security to his position as the person in-charge of Universal. So, he was quite grateful to Mark, but he had heard the voices of dissent among his executives about how Mark had cheated them out of the Marketing side of things.

Meyer knew that even if the Marketing budget was left to them, Universal would never agree to spend $10 million just on marketing a film. Such an absurd budget was rarely ever alloted and only to movies done the best like Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, etc.

Only Mark, who had such great belief in himself and his movie would be willing to bet so much. Well being worth over half a billion dollars also helped, he had done his best to quiet the hot headed egoists in his employ and warned them to not try anything stupid.

He was also expecting this call as the opening week was coming to an end. In this conversation he felt like he needed to be careful as Mark might have the upper hand.

Because even though it would be Mark this time who was making the requests. But so was he. It's just that Mark didn't know about it. Unfortunately, he had been put in this disadvantageous position by the board.

"So, Marc, I think congratulations are in order. You just produced your very first movie and it's about to cross the $100 million mark." He replied in a jovial tone.

"I sure am happy, that the audiences received the movie well." Mark replied smoothly, not letting Meyer egg him on.

"You don't need to be so stiff, Marc. You should learn to take pride in your achievements. After all, such a feat has only ever been done by some of the best in our industry."

Mark didn't reply, he felt like Meyer wanted something from him and that was why he was buttering him up. So he just stayed silent and decided to hear what he had to say.

"And that is after toiling for years in this industry, trying to figure out their own style. Slowly growing their reputation and learning over the years to figure out what works and what doesn't."

"And you come along, someone lauded as a genius, with millions to his name, with an already established fanbase as well. You… Marc, have shaken up the industry .. and I think you don't even realize, ... just by how much."

"The other studios are going to try and copy your success but unfortunately for them. It is damn near impossible, so the only thing they can do is to start investing heavily on their publicity and marketing budget."

"But we both know that the $10 million budget isn't the reason for your success, no. It's how you used that money and various other means to subtly manipulate the media to keep the attention of the country on three things: Knives Out, You and Eidolon Entertainment."

"If I didn't already know how ambitious you are Marc, I would have offered you any sum of money you could have asked just to have you working for us.

"Hmm, so how can I help you, Mr. Meyer. There wasn't a question in there." Mark asked pulled by

"Call me, Ron and no, Marc, the question is how can I help you? Knives Out is now a national phenomenon, how many screens do you need? International releases? International publicity tour? What can I do for you?" Ron asked, trying to bait Marc by playing on his ego but sadly he just stayed calm throughout his impassioned speech and replied.

"Yes, to all those options definitely if you can. But the question remains what do you need from me, Ron? One doesn't behave so cooperative without any reason. You already seem to know my wants. So tell me yours." Mark asked him in a straightforward manner, as he wanted to project an upright image with a straightforward no bs persona.

Ron began his explanation in a meek voice trying not to irk Marc. "Well, you see, I am a newly appointed COO of Universal and the deal I have signed off with you is pretty disadvantageous on our end as we don't get the marketing cut."

"The board has been happy with the huge success of Knives Out but they were also quite peeved when they remembered that Universal won't be getting the marketing cut."

"I can bet you a million dollars that they were quite happy when they realized that they wouldn't have to pay for the marketing budget of my films. After all, how much can a rookie director's first movie even earn right?" Mark replied and then chuckled as if he had told a joke.

"Yeah they weren't, they now realize your potential Marc and have laid the responsibility upon me to somehow renegotiate the deal to include the marketing cut." Ron replied with a sigh as he knew a lost battle when he saw one, so he decided to tell the truth to gain favor.

"Yeah and give up over 10% of my box office share? We are barely acquaintances, Mr. Meyer. Why would I do that big of a favor to you?" He replied in a serious tone, dropping the laid back act.

"Marc, I have already negotiated a great deal for the extra screens that Knives Out will be alloted from the second week. I am happy to tell you, I was able to secure over 525 screens in total." Ron tried to make his case, telling him how hard it was to get those many screens so early.

"So.. you're holding Knives Out .. hostage?" Mark asked in a severe tone getting straight to the point.

"No, no, of course not. What I am saying is that I went above and beyond the requirement of the contract. So, how about you do me a favor, it doesn't even need to be in the immediate future but at least eventually I definitely need that marketing cut, Marc."

"I have been doing my best to suppress any idiots over here from pulling any foolish stuff on you like last time. You're a production house and we're a marketing and distribution company."

"Try to understand, we both need each other, Marc. Help me out, here and I will owe you one." Ron ended his explanation with a small promise.

"Promises are just words, Ron and words are wind. What I need is proof, actions that show you can back up your words. But if you can get the screens increased by 525 and then maybe we'll talk." Mark replied, carefully as he didn't want to spurn him.

After all, if it all went according to his 5 year plan, then Ron would be the one working for him. It would do him some good to have a good relationship with him. But he also couldn't let Universal take advantage of him, it was a delicate balance he was trying to maintain.

"Of course, Marc, by tomorrow the extra screens will be added to Knives Out. I have already discussed the same three of the biggest theater chain owners." He replied with confidence.

"Also about the international publicity tour, where do you want to visit first?" He asked as this week's blockbuster release had already cemented Knives Out dominance in the North American Box Office now they needed to aim for the international markets.

"Well, I would definitely like to head over to the U.K. and Japan. My books hold quite a sway over there, especially Knives Out in the U.K. is super popular." Mark said, trying to hold in happiness at the thought of finally meeting his penpal face to face. He couldn't wait to see the look of shock on her face.

"Of course, my team will take care of it. Marc before you offer let us take care of the international tour and marketing, it will be on us this time."

"You're.. right, I must prove myself with actions, instead of words. I hope to hear from you about renegotiation soon."

"Also, a word of.. caution. If you didn't know already you're being targeted and it's only going to get worse from here on out. Be careful Marc." He said at the end, as a word of caution.

"I had a feeling that something was wrong.. but thanks for the heads up, Ron. Whoever they are, I hope they don't cross my line.. cause even I don't know how I might react if I get angry for real." Mark said ominously as his gut feeling was proving itself to be correct.




Next day, 14th September, Friday.


Location: Main Conference Room at CAA HQ.


Time: 10:43 am.


Eva had been called by Bryan Lourd who had informed her that an important meeting would be taking place with concerns to Mark and Eidolon. As she was Mark's representative in the agency her presence would be needed.

She knew that this was her moment to shine, due to the heads up from Bryan, she had gotten ample time to go to the most likely questions they would ask her and thought up answers that would be the most suited for said question.

Now it was time to face the music it was big room with two rows of chairs surrounding the table with the first of a fewer chairs being occupied by senior partners and managers, likewise the second row was for the mid level agents and managers.

She was in the second row right behind Mr. Lourd, her affiliation with him, was already known to most in the company. Mark's continued success and the recent meteoric rise of Knives Out's box office had led to this meeting being called.

After all the members were gathered, Bryan took point and started off the meeting. "Let's not waste time anymore, we all know why we're here. To discuss the situation about one, Marc Spector and his film - Knives Out."

"I still remember quite vividly being called names both to my face and behind my back. Mocking me about how I have lost my vision. Well, would anyone like to say anything now?" He asked mockingly daring for them to question his word.

"No? Okay. Let's move on then." He nodded at there silence and graciously decided to move on.

"Knives Out is a blockbuster movie that's going to change Hollywood as we know it. The brilliant marketing tactics Mark has used will be studied and copied by other studios in a bid to replicate his success.

"But, most importantly at least to our company his success has also given us 3 new stars."

"Salma Hayek - Previously, she was a D-list actress with a few roles in telenovelas. But now with just one movie her popularity has soared. With the media even painting her as a new A-lister. If she does one more hit movie, her place on the list will be cemented and she has joined us at the recommendation of Marc Spector."

"River Phoenix - He was already a well established name in Hollywood but was independent from the moment he joined the industry. But now he has joined us as well at the recommendation of Marc Spector."

"Johnny Depp - A promising C-list actor contracted with our rivals the William Morris Agency (WMA), after his stunning performance in Knives Out and winning the hearts of millions in the climax. He might as well be an A-lister now and he has agreed to leave WMA and has joined us as well at the recommendation of Marc Spector."

"In the past 3 months we got 3 A-listers or potential A-listers, all because of Marc Spector endorsing our agency."

"Provided we did have to give them a bit more freedom but they also willingly raised the commission percentage without any complaints."

"That kid that you guys didn't think would amount to much created 2 stars from his debut movie and he didn't just create stars. But he also holds enough influence amongst them that just his word was enough to compel them to join our company."

"This was his first rodeo, his first genuine attempt at filmmaking. He is the youngest Star-Maker Hollywood has ever seen."

"An art that we all know is heavily dependent on experience and skills. He is just 20 years old and already this good, just how high he eill climb, how high our company will climb if we cooperated with him and you all had the audacity to cry over me agreeing to 4% commission."

"Now, the choice is up to us. Marc Spector is not just a director but a studio owner. He has the potential to be CAA's biggest client and endorser, so we must treat him with care and respect. I don't want to hear any words of dissent amongst our employees."

"Most of you all must already be familiar but this is Ms. Evelyn Thorne, Mark's close friend and a senior agent here at CAA. She was the one to sign up Johnny, Salma and River to our agency just last night."

Eva stood up and greeted them, she told them how the success of Knives Out wasn't a fluke, she didn't go into the details but she did tell them how it was a combination of the following points.

1. Mark's huge fanbase as Marc Spector.

2. Knives Out being a popular book amongst crime thriller enthusiasts.

3. Spending a lot on marketing and publicity and subtly manipulating the media to keep Knives Out or Mark in the news.

4. How the people still love crime thriller stories, especially those that pay tribute to Agatha Christie's work.

5. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Mr. Coppola's seal of approval.

6. The movie was actually very good due to the first class film crew Marc had hired and his monstrous talent.

They had a look of understanding on their faces as they understood just a bit about how the success of Knives Out was created and why Marc was so important. His brand as Marc Spector was famous worldwide, especially in America and thus he was an irreplaceable part of the success.

After that she let them in on a bit about Mark's future plans with the Marvelous Comic Artists Workshop and how it will generate a dozen people every year who will be in need of an agent or a manager.

They were quite excited upon hearing that and asked more questions on it, Eva did dodge the question about what Mark's end goal was with the MCAW.

But she smoothly changed the topic to his next film, she told them how the script was already finished and the location shoots were being selected. The news seemed to draw their attention, as they asked her what the film was about and if they could recommend their contracted actors, etc.

Eva patiently answered them all one by one, only two things were left undisclosed by her at the order of Mark. The plot details and where the movie will be shot. They were told that it had roles for multiple supporting cast members both minors and adults.

The meeting went on for another hour as they planned for the other movies are to be filmed this year and how they were going to distribute their resources.






{Author's Note: Hmm so this chapter had me thinking about the kind of character I want to show Ron Meyer (C.O.O of Universal) and Bryan Lourd (the future Head of CAA) as. In the end, I decided to go with this approach, so Ron is a cautious realist who is trying to form a good repo with Mark.

Despite their shaky start he feels that Mark will go far and he wants to join on that bandwagon early. Mr. Lourd is the same but with the difference that he had the perfect start with Mark and gave his full support to Eva and Mark. It's why she was able to sign up three A-listers under her.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}