69. A Nefarious Plot Unveils.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter –

The chapter had started off with a 3rd person pov of Mark in his office, with him feeling happy with the changes he made to Knives Out. Mark was happy with the movie's success but he felt kinda odd like he felt something bad would happen.

He then got a call for Mr. Ron Meyer, the COO of Universal. He congratulated Mark, they had a conversation and Ron asked if Mark was willing to renegotiate the marketing and distribution contract about his films. They had a back and forth, Mark eventually agreed to think about it.

We then see a meeting being held about Mark and Eidolon at CAA. Eva is invited as well, and they acknowledge Mark's status as a Star-Maker. Bryan Lourd, Mark and Eva's backer in CAA takes helm orders them to treat Mark with care and respect.






"The graves of those who have given their lives in the name of the Emperor now outnumber the stars themselves"


~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: Sunday, 16th September, 1990.


Location: In Mark's private booth at the Red Lotus.


Time: 05:47 pm.



Mark had Eva call in his main cast (Salma, River, Johnny and Keanu) for a celebration and night out together. He was sipping on some wine waiting for appetizers to arrive when Keanu called aside to talk.

The booth had a private balcony with a beautiful view and few chairs. Mark followed aside thinking maybe Keanu had something important to tell him that was private, maybe even about his results with the therapy.

Keanu had a glass of red wine in his hand. He was smiling a little to himself as he looked down at the glass.

Mark didn't interrupt him and patiently waited enjoying the company of a friend.

As if reminded about where he was, he looked up to see Mark just staring into the night sky. He felt very grateful to him for looking out for him, just because signing up for a new movie might interfere with his visits to the therapist.

He had already signed him on John Wick, all just so that his journey of healing won't be hindered. It was these actions that touched his heart and made feel like he could be vulnerable again, to feel again.

"Thank you, Mark. I- I really appreciate the help." He finally said in a somewhat emotional tone in a low voice.

"What help? Molding you into a legendary assassin won't be easy and I don't want you to be distracted by other jobs. So I thought why not just hire you now." Mark replied nonchalantly not wanting to speak about it as it might still be a sensitive topic for Keanu.

"Yeah." Keanu replied in a slightly hoarse voice as he drank his wine and looked into the night sky as well.

The balcony was artfully made with shaded partitions so nobody from outside could look in. After a while they headed back to their table as the waiters brought in the food.

After being done with the appetizers Mark wiped his mouth with a tissue and asked, "Eva, how's the second round of recruitment coming along?"

"Well, it's going well, maybe too well. In fact we have hundreds of applications already, the process of sifting through is a pain though." Eva replied as she sighed.

"Well, when I come back from the tour. I hope you will be done with shortlisting them."

"I will try to get it, but I won't make any promises, Mark. The crazy success of Knives Out, is like a sign that you're going to create the same miracle in Hollywood that you did in the world of Fiction."

Mark simply chuckled at that, and asked further. "Oh, how is the acquisition plan going? Has Nina acquired any more IPs for me?"

"Well, she is working really hard, dragging Sarah along for the negotiations. Currently she has bought the complete rights to 4 books, 5 scripts and is close to sealing the deal on the game company you have been trying to acquire." She whispered in his ear.

"Hmm, she's been busy."

"Yup, she is working really hard to prove herself."

"Well, tell her that she can buy the game company for $25 million. I can see the future in it and there's room for growth." Mark whispered back with a grin, happy to finally get his hands on one of the most coveted table top RPG games in the world.

"What are you both whispering about?" Johnny asked, seeing Mark smirk happily whilst talking with Eva in a hushed tone.

"Oh, it's nothing much, just telling Mark about work." Eva replied with an apologetic smile.

"Eva, we're here to celebrate, let's just enjoy the night and not worry about work for one night." Johnny replied in a carefree tone.

"You're right, how about we talk about this party you really want us all to go to?" Eva asked, changing the topic.

"Well, it's a party at my newly opened nightclub and bar called the Viper Room. I am part owner of the place." Johnny replied with a grin.

Mark's eyes widened a bit and his heart grew cold as he knew it was the place of a tragic event he had been trying to stop from happening.

"Ooo, you got into business as well, good for you. But Johnny don't you think with rumors about you being a raging alcoholic, maybe opening a bar isn't really a good thing for your reputation." Salma said carefully not wanting to imply anything.

"Well, I barely visit the place. But my partner really insisted on me bringing you all along for the night. He wanted to throw a party, to celebrate the success of my new movie." Johnny replied scratching his nose, a little emotional at him finally getting his first big break in Hollywood.

But Mark's sense of suspicion only grew heightened, he wanted to dismiss the proposal of them going there tonight. But he felt like it might be a false alarm, because the incident was still a few years away and he will be following along as well to keep an eye on things.




A few hours later, at the Viper Room. The group was having a fun time partying and dancing. Mark was as well, but he felt like something was off and tried to keep an eye on River the whole time.

Many people even approached them to congratulate the actors and raise a toast. Despite being vigilant and alert, Mark couldn't stay for long as he needed to go to the washroom.

He left in peace knowing that a watch operative was also on the scene. But only a few seconds later a duo walk up to River and start chatting with him. They were old acquaintances of his, wishing him the best and handed him a drink.

River thanked them and drank unaware of what lied in store for him. His speech started to slur a little and the undercover operative keeping a watch on River saw how the two smoothly guided him towards the private booth upstairs.

He carefully signaled to other operatives stationed there watching over Johnny, Keanu and Salma that the prey had taken the bait.

He followed them up to see them enter room 3, the booths were completely soundproof but it didn't matter as the others had ample after being alerted by Mark to plant surveillance devices in all of the rooms.

He watched two more operatives enter and lock the door behind them. One operative remained behind to keep a watch on the trio.

"So it was River after all." Six said as she glanced at the listening device Seven was operating.

"Yeah, I wonder how Mark knew about it happening here." Nine asked changing clothes to the staff of the nightclub so that he could go save River without raising suspicions.

"Well, that's not important to the mission, so let's think about that later. I heard them talking about tasting a new enhanced drug on the market which provided a high like nothing we have seen before." Seven replied, informing them about the situation.

"This is definitely the work of someone trying to frame River as a hopeless drug addict who has gone back to his previous ways." Six said, trying to come up with a motive behind the actions.

"Well, it might be true. But what really matters now is that we stop them now. River has been clean for months now, his body won't be able to handle a new enhanced drug."

"I am going in now." Nine replied, turning to leave.

"Hurry, I can hear them opening something." Seven replied, urging him to hurry.




"Hello, I am here to deliver a drinks tray to Mr. Phoenix courtesy of a fan." Nine knocked on the door and spoke in the mic by the door.

Despite the oddity the duo, who had completely intoxicated River didn't want to raise any suspicions. They thought it must be really be a fan of River's, so one of them went to open the door, and take the drinks. But the moment he did so, Nine jabbed his palm at his neck area precisely.

"Aguh." The guy choked on air as he felt the pain.

He only wanted to quickly incapacitate these two, so after his jab. The first guy who had immediately dropped down to the ground choking badly was kicked in the back of his head to knock him out.

Nine stepped in and closed the door. All these actions happened in less than 5 seconds, his training and years of experience carrying him through the confrontation smoothly. He closed the door so as to not let any noise escape and alert the actual staff or the crowd.

Unfortunately, he was still a few seconds late as he could see, River's dilated eyes and the blank look in his face. He felt a bit frustrated at failed an important part of their mission but there was no time for distractions.

He just groaned to express his frustration and immediately headed for the second man.

"Who the fuck are you?" The other guy asked in a fake menacing voice trying to intimidate Nine, as he broke a beer bottle and tried to stab Nine with it.

Nine expertly backpedaled and weaved around the clumsy attacks, he could that his opponent didn't really have much formal combat training or experience. In one swift motion he jabbed the wrist and made him drop his makeshift weapon and immediately went for the jugular.

After a few moments of ground action where he had him in chokehold, the second accomplice passed out as well. He went to check up on River and saw that he was having a drug-induced seizure.

He called out loud, for support from the others and immediately laid River on his side. As he knew he will have to take care of River and wouldn't have the time to bag the evidence, remove the surveillance equipment and tie up the perps. There was a lot to do and very little time to get it done.

"It's gonna be alright, kid, don't worry, I got you." He said holding him steady so that he didn't hurt his head jerking around.

Six and Seven entered the room, with a concerned look on their face.

"How is he?" She asked while taking and bagging the evidence that will be used against these low-life scums.

"He is having small seizures, the amount he took doesn't seem substantial." Seven replied, holding River carefully.

"Both of them are knocked out and tied up ready to go." Seven replied, done with handling the criminals.

"Nine, from his file, I remember he is a recovering drug addict. Maybe the enhanced drug messed up his body's balance. How is his heart rate looking?" Six asked almost done with bagging the evidence.

"A little slow." Nine replied, checking his heartbeat.

"Yeah, we need to induce vomiting so the toxins are released from the body. Here's a glove and a tray." Six replied as she passed him the mentioned things.

Nine got right to wait and started to wear put on the gloves and induce river to vomit into the tray

Meanwhile, Seven was removing all the surveillance equipment that they had planted in the room as no evidence of the existence of Overwatch could be left behind.

After a few tries River vomited out some of the contents of his meal and also a pill that looked somewhat dissolved. His seizures were easing off and he was only shuddering due to the pain and discomfort.

Six bagged the pill as well for evidence and decided to leave with Nine after informing Mark of the altercation. He most likely won't be happy that River was harmed but they couldn't intervene without definite proof.

After they reached the lower floor, Eleven met up with them. He told them how he checked the glass River had drunk from and it was definitely drugged.

They bagged the glass as well and made their way to Mark who seemed to be looking around for River.

"Mr. Spector, we need to talk." Six whispered to Mark and gestured to follow her upstairs.

When Mark left with the operatives for the private booth upstairs. There was an upheaval at the front entrance of the nightclub.

The LA police department had been informed of the rampant use of crack and cocaine by the users of the nightclub, along with some orders from superiors and this impromptu drug raid was launched.

Seeing the situation at the front gate they immediately understood that this was a two pronged attack with drugging River then launching this raid to paint him as a liar and drug addict and having him arrested.

Whoever did this wanted to destroy River's reputation and all credibility. They beelined towards the back exit and called the Seven's burner to inform him of the raid.

Mark entered the private room and asked, "What happened? I only left River for a few minutes and my worst fears came true."

"Sir, we have proof that River has been targeted by someone who wants to destroy his reputation and your movies. He is not in danger currently but we need to move fast. He needs to be examined by a doctor." Six said to Mark explaining the matter at hand.

"Hmm, I see." Mark replied, taking a deep breath and holding in his anger.

"I will tell my driver to pull up. We can disguise River as just being blacked out drunk and take him away." He replied by coming up with a solution.

"That will not be that easy, sir. I was on call with Nine. There has been a raid." Seven interjected as he explained the situation to Mark.

"Shit. Will you be able to get away?" Mark asked concerned.

"Of course, sir, we can even take the criminals with us as well. Don't worry, we will take care of it." Seven replied in a calm tone.

"Thank you. But I need names. I want to know who orchestrated this, these two fools are just the pawns." Mark replied, getting River to stand as he supported him on his shoulder and went to the door.

"I want to know who or at least which organization was behind this." Mark said in a serious tone as he dragged River out of the room.

He immediately went into the bathroom and grabbed River by the stomach and tried to get him to vomit if anything that still might be left inside and didn't feel alright.

After that he splashed some cold water on him to wake him up a little as he was completely out of it and that won't be of any help with the police.

"Argh, fuck, whe-re am I. Ma-rk, th-at you?" He asked groggily barely being able to open his eyes.

"Yes, it's me. Listen, it's too much to explain now, you just drank a bit too much. I promise I will tell you all about it when you get home." He replied as he sprayed some deodorant on both of them, fixed his clothing and helped out of the washroom.

Mark put on a mask and helped River to the ground floor. There he met up with his friends, handed River to keanu and made way to the exit. He hurriedly paged Mr. Kim pulled up the car outside.

They even had sniffer dogs posted outside as they checked each and every person exiting the nightclub. He was a little nervous as River came up for inspection but he passed through as well. Luckily, vomit and deodorant helped mask the smell of the drugs.

He immediately ordered Mr. Kim to head for Eidolon HQ and then called a friend who was a doctor to visit there on an emergency visit for a patient who had seizures recently.

Keanu asked, "Mark, what happened to River? Did you just say seizures?"

"Well.." Mark said as he began explaining what happened and he speculated that this might be done by someone who wanted to destroy River's reputation and bring down Knives Out.






{Author's Note: So yeah this was the payoff I wanted to write. If you guys thought River's redemption will come easy with him just stopping to take drugs then think again. He took a big hit now and it will take all the willpower and then some. Along with the support of trusted friends and family.

To not give in and become what Eisner wanted him to be – a hopeless drug addict who would eventually die of a drug overdose. Sorry for this chapter was delayed by a few hours, I was watching Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}