70. Investigation, Interrogation and A Blood Soaked Chapter.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter –

The chapter had started off with a 3rd person pov of Mark, Eva, Johnny, Salma, Keanu and River at the Red Lotus. They were celebrating the success of Knives Out and Keanu discreetly thanked Mark for his help with the therapist visitations.

Later Mark asked Eva how the planned acquisitions and investments were going and then told the rest about the international publicity tour they would be on in a few days. Johnny invited everyone to his Nightclub called the Viper Room.

Mark felt something was wrong and discreetly informed the Overwatch operatives tailing them. At the club when Mark left for the washroom, River was intoxicated with a drink by two of his old acquaintances.

The three operatives - 6, 7 and 9 who were watching this, followed them to the private booth upstairs. It was already rigged with surveillance equipment by them. After hearing them talking about drugs, 9 went in to stop them, he succeeded but was too late to stop River.

He called for back and followed procedure, they gathered the evidence, surveillance equipment and even the unconscious goons. Mark took River to a bathroom to have him gain his wits and help him get out of the nightclub through the police raid.

They get into a car and Mark called his friend who was a doctor to come to Eidolon HQ as he couldn't take River to a hospital as this might be what the mastermind wanted to destroy River's reputation and ruin Knives Out.






~ A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. ~

– By Jean de La Fontaine


~ 3rd Person's POV ~


Date: Sunday, 16th September, 1990.


Location: In Mark's car on the way to Eidolon HQ.


Time: 07:31 pm.



Mark had just finished explaining the situation to others, obviously he didn't tell them about the operatives and just said that they're a few hidden bodyguards he had hired to protect them but unfortunately in River's case they were a little late in action.

For his own safety and that of his family and friends, he can never reveal his involvement with the Overwatch Initiative in any shape or form. He had already called a trusted friend of his who was an ENT specialist, he didn't have much medical knowledge but he knew his friend would take care of River.

But the guilt was eating up Mark on the inside, the guilt that might have sped up the timeline for River. He wasn't supposed to be in a near death situation now but actually 3 years later. But with him being reborn and making so many changes, changes in the events were obviously about to happen.

This is why he had Overwatch operatives planted around his friends and yet, they were a bit too late in reaching him. Mark remembered a saying that fit quite well with his current situation - 'A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.'

He berates himself for thinking only good things will come out of his meddling but his very existence was an anomaly. Stopping now would be foolish, he needed to step up his protective measures for his friends and hire them better security.

A ride ended with Mark coming to terms with the changes that the flapping of his wings brought. He vowed to do his better to protect his friends and family, while also swearing to find the mastermind behind this incident.




They had rushed him to a secluded room where Mark's friend, Paul Alan had already set up with the needed equipment to monitor River's condition. Mark nodded to Eva and said, "I need to make an important phone call."

After that he immediately left for his office, once there, he took out the special burner phone that he could use to contact David directly.

He called him after getting his thoughts together and piecing together all the information he knew about the incident. It was here that his genius mind came into play, he could recall every encounter and every conversation.

After piecing together all the information, he came to the conclusion that; while this was an attack launched at Eidolon. The viciousness with which they targeted River felt like it was a personal vendetta.

He had already asked Johnny and Keanu if River had offended someone or gotten into a fight with someone. But they told him that they were keeping their nose clean after Mark requested them to lay low.

But then he remembered the night when they were invited to the Late Night Show. There while defending Mark and the movie, River had made a joke out of the person/people who were behind the smear campaign.

This might have bruised somebody's ego and they orchestrated this event to get their revenge on River and destroy Knives Out. Two birds in one stone as they say, it was only due to Mark's precautions and his quick thinking that he was able to save River from the trap and get him out safely.

All these thoughts went through his mind in less than a minute after concluding his findings he called David, "it's me, Henry." Mark said, calling himself the fake name they agreed on before.

"Ah, Henry, it's so good to hear from you again. Tell me, do you need more pizza's?"

It was a code if there was any follow investigation required on the current matter. Mark smoothly replied back, "of course you know I love your pizzas. But I want to order something new, something more spicy."

Spicy was the code for a deeper level of investigation.

"Of course, anything for my favorite customer. Do you have anything particular in mind?"

"Yes, there was a dish that was quite popular recently. It was even on the news recently, I want to know who made the dish, I want the secret recipe. I am willing to pay double." Mark replied cryptically, he had gone over the code language book David had sent him.

"Of course, I will let you know of the creator and the secret recipe in a few days. Thank you for your patronage." David replied smoothly in a Canadian accent and cut the call.

Mark put down the phone and sighed in relief, he knew how good David and his team were. He believed he would have the name of the person, if not the organization that he/she worked for and when he did he would dismantle and crush them till nothing remained.

He had even asked Vani if she could help him find said person but she told him that he didn't have the necessary skill and she couldn't tell him the name of the person because it didn't fall under the parameters of recruitment or hiring.

But she did tell him that he could find him if he met the person face to face and used his Character Evaluation skill on them. As the thoughts and hidden desires of the person might reveal the truth.

After he was done with the call he went to check up on River and see how he was doing.

He went into the room where River was being treated, he asked Paul about River's condition. Paul told him that the good news is that River is not in any kind of danger and should recover soon.

Mark asked, "How bad is it Paul?"

Paul replied, "Not too bad but sadly most of River's progress with his journey to recover from drugs is gone and he will have to start over again. Ingesting that drug was like a shock to his body and now he will crave it even worse."

"He is going to need all the support from his friends and family that he can get."

"It will be even harder for him to overcome that need for getting high this time around. But if you can keep him clean for at least a month or 2 then he should be fine and then recover with time." Paul finally said laying a hand on Mark's shoulder as told him.

"Don't blame yourself, Mark. Hollywood is a vicious circle where people are willing to do anything to get ahead of the competition. Remember, it's not your fault. You already did all you could."

"Thanks, Paul, for coming out so late and even hauling the equipment to my office. You know, I couldn't take him to the hospital."

"Mark, what you did for my daughter and wife is something I couldn't pay back no matter how much I help you. So don't embarrass me by saying such things." Paul reprimanded him and then explained how long they need to let River rest and that he needs to be constant observation.

No sharp or dangerous objects can be near him as he might try to hurt himself to get them to do things for him. It was a rare scenario but one he felt like they should be prepared for anyways.

After recommending Mark, a private nurse that he could vouch for, Paul left the room. Mark went to finally get a look at River's face, it was pale and haggard. He looked very tired but the breathing was smooth and he wasn't shivering anymore.

Mark felt bad watching his friend like that, he tried his best but it wasn't enough. It brought to mind his own inadequacy and how despite all his preparations his plans somewhat fell apart. From now on he would have to be even more cautious.

After all his goals were lofty and the enemies that he will inevitably crush beneath his heel, might feel vengeful. Even a cornered rabbit when he feels like his life is threatened won't hesitate to bite the lion.

He thought about asking Eva to hire a high class security team for his friends at least when a movie of theirs was coming out so that they could be protected from such future attacks and schemes.




Meanwhile with the Overwatch operatives..

Six, Seven and Nine had just reached a safe house of theirs. They drove into the garage and dragged out the two criminals. Time was of essence, as they didn't want to have a missing persons report be filed, as it would draw too much attention.

The two goons were pumped with Rohypnol and wouldn't gain proper consciousness for at least 30 more minutes. They liked using that particular drug because even when people regained their consciousness.

They would still not have complete focus or control over their mind so they would answer questions simply out of reflex and not even think about lying.

As they were waiting for the two to wake up they were organizing all the evidence that day wearable to collect against these two the glass which had the drug mixed drink that help them intoxicate river there talk while they made river take the drug forcefully even and then when they fought back against 9.

While they were performing their tasks they also got a call from the Watch Commander himself. He told them about Mark's suspicion that this was a coordinator attack specifically targeted on River to destroy his reputation. The trio also gave their testament that they thought the same as well.

David told them to investigate the small media companies that had been doing a smear campaign on Knives Out and find out which studio made the majority of the orders for such a move.

After the coded conversation with their commander, they went to task on the two fools. Any kind of information they could extract from them was done with efficiency and then they were fed high grade hallucinogenics, to make them think of this incident as a fake and imaginary.

They then quietly dropped off the two fools in their homes and went off into the night like they were never even there, leaving behind no evidence of their work.




Meanwhile, Rian Johnson, our resident fanboy, had finally somehow gotten his hands on the 5th issue of Naruto. It had been out for over 3 days but it was the first ever R-rated issue of Naruto and was double the cost of a normal issue.

Obviously with him being 17 the counter guy didn't really budge so he was only able to get his hands on one after an elder brother of his friend had finished reading it. The backprint explained why the price was doubled, the 5th issue was the end of the introduction arc and would be twice as long as the normal issue.

He really liked the cover of the issue as it featured the infamous Uchiha Itachi. He had only been talked about before as Sasuke loved bragging about his brother's greatness in issue 4. He turned over the page to see Itachi talking to himself how it must be done.

Rian then watches how with machine-like precision and ghost-like movements, Itachi takes out the Uchiha clan. The clan fabled to be one of the strongest being cut down like cabbages by a kid who looked to be just 15.

The perspective then changes to show Sasuke who was on his way to clan district and how upon entering it he finds a complete massacre. Death and blood was all he found and his eyes immediately shifted to red, he raced towards his home.

Wanting to see if his parents were alright, unfortunately he was just in time to see Itachi, his most beloved person in the world, drive a sword through his own mother's heart. Sasuke let out a strangled roar as he watched it happen.

Rian could feel that this would be a character defining moment as this very moment would shape Sasuke into what he will become, this moment would haunt him forever.

Sasuke was crying as crashed onto the floor and said, "My br-brother wouldn't do this. You're kin-"

Itachi interjected with a cold and emotionless voice. "pretending to be the kind brother you hoped for was only to determine your ability but you fell short as well."

"I did this to see how far I had come, to witness the limits of my strength, and yet I am filled with emptiness. Maybe you, baby brother, can be the one to confirm my ability."

"You have that potential. Now you are filled with anger and hatred towards me."

"I know you have always wanted to surpass me. So I will let you live for my sake."

"You are pathetic little brother, if you truly want to kill me then you must first burn with the hatred that is now festering within you."

"Hate me and live like the coward you are, cling to life without honor so that someday maybe you will have eyes like mine and when you do I know you will find me again."

That final panel showed Itachi's eyes and they were different from the normal sharingans that Rian had seen before. Maybe it was the next evolution, he couldn't think much about that though as he kept reading on to see Itachi put sasuke in a genjutsu and flee the scene.

The next panel showed Itachi on a lamp post as he watched over konoha deep in thought he seemed to be looking at the gates of the village. Maybe planning his escape, but as he went to jump off the pole he paused.

Rian thought maybe he was discovered and would have to fight again. But Itachi just turned around and headed in another direction, the building seemed familiar but he couldn't place it.

The next panel showed Naruto finishing his meal and putting his dishes in the sink to wash them when suddenly he turned around and threw the iron chopsticks behind at full speed.

Itachi effortlessly clamped them between his fingers and put them on the table. Naruto saw the weasel mask on his belt and eased off slightly but the vibe felt off. Normally the weasel he knew was a very easy going and peaceful person.

But now he felt like he had just come out of a war, looking at his slight blood splatters on his cloak it did seem like it. He had a tired look on his face, but Naruto didn't comment on that, waiting for him to speak first.

Rian looked at Itachi standing in front of Naruto, he was super tense because Itachi just killed his entire clan so he thought maybe he was gonna kill naruto as well.

He was blood splattered and had a hollow look in his eyes. He just said, "They will hunt you, Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto was stunned hearing that and just muttered, "wh- what?!"

This was definitely a development, Rian didn't think he would see, Itachi was warning naruto about something.

Itachi just repeated himself in a somber voice, "They will hunt you, Uzumaki Naruto."

And then he said further, "They will hunt you down. Regardless of where you hide they will find you and they will kill you."

Naruto was completely terrified hearing that, he was shivering under the pressure of Itachi's eyes.

"W-why? Why are you telling me this?" Naruto asked, his voice shaking.

"To serve as a warning. Those who will hunt you are both numerous and powerful, some even far more powerful than myself." Itachi said in a severe tone.

Rian gasped at the revelation, "WTF!! More powerful than Itachi?! Dude just solo-ed his entire clan! and people even stronger than him are coming after Naruto!"

"This definitely is the best issue yet."

Naruto just listened with bated breath as he tried to comprehend his situation.

Itachi knew about Naruto's mask, how he is actually smarter than he lets on. He wanted to warn Naruto to help him and give him a fighting chance no matter how small.

"Fuck, that was cold, this definitely raised the stakes for the series. I can't wait to see how this lights a fire in Naruto to try even harder to improve and get stronger." Rian said hyped to read the next issue.

Naruto couldn't even blink as he was so terribly scared of those fabled eyes red as the blood. He couldn't even nod his head to acknowledge Itachi's words.

But somehow he broke the silence and asked, "wh- who?"

"His is not a name you're ready to hear for now." Itachi replied not telling him the name.

He turned around and made a single seal, before vanishing silently with a small gust of wind.

His parting words were but a faded whisper upon a breeze –

"Survive, Uzumaki Naruto."

"This is definitely the best chapter yet. My god this was sooo Epic!" Rian exclaimed, still super excited from all that was shown in this special issue. He couldn't wait to read the next one where a new arc of the story will begin.






{Author's Note: so I was thinking whether to include this reveal about Itachi killing his clan so early into the story and then warning Naruto about his imminent doom. But then then I remembered that I am trying to make this book realistic so I need to make high points that will hook the audiences and make them want to read the book further.

So this was the ending of the introduction Arc for Naruto and this introduced Madara and the akatsuki to the story even though the names weren't revealed yet. I did this because I wanted to give Naruto a proper reason for his drive to become stronger and that truly is no better motivator than knowing that several S class ninjas are after his head.

Anywhos, moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}