Capture Him.

The fake Ron returned to the factory. "How shall I serve you, creator?" It asked. A devilish smile molded on Zynner's face. It was simple. The clone was a robot, so it could be modified. Zynner could make it have modes. So, he programmed a remote that would allow the clone Ron to enter 3 modes. "Capture," "Civil," and "Hunt." "Let's give you a name… I'll call you Rob." Zynner said, before he tapped on the capture mode, and the bot stomped before launching itself out into the world. "Capture 'Ron the Hero.'" It said. Flying in the sky, it scanned the entire city until it could find Ron. And Ron he had found, as Ron was training. Rob slammed the door down, and no one seemed to be there. They were in the training room, which was hidden. Without hesitation, Rob finger blasted the walls over and over until it broke through the smoky quartz walls, revealing Ron beating up dummies. "What is that? Ron?" Klint asked, confused. "Klint, I'm right here." Ron said. Then he had realized. That was a clone that he saw a few months ago. And this was THAT clone.

"That's my clone…" Ron said. "Wha-" Klint almost asked. The robot jumped up and activated its fire feet and blasted itself at Ron. Klint turned his chest into a shield. "Hey! Leave him al-" Klint tried to say before the robot punched Klint, making him fly into Ron and crash into the wall. "That's it, pal." Ron said. He jumped up just before Rob could zoom into Ron. The robot got stuck in the wall. Ron slowly backed away from it, before attempting to run. However, Ron got pummeled into the ground by Rob when he got out of the wall. Rob violently grabbed Ron by the throat and threw him up before grabbing him and swiftly carrying him to Zynner's factory. "Let go of me!" Ron said, before kicking off of Rob and landing on the ground. Rob punched Ron off of the planet and into space. Ron flew across the solar system before landing on a planet across the galaxy. "How am I alive..?" Ron thought as he soared across the galaxy. He could somehow breathe, too. In a matter of 2 minutes, he crashed onto the planet and leapt up. This planet seemed to be a futuristic world, with buildings, orange-ish skies, grey clouds, smoke, and robotic animals all around. Rob was following right behind, however. Ron opened his eyes and saw a flaming ball traveling towards him at mach speeds. Ron spun before striking a disco pose, which somehow made him faster. Way faster. When the ball got a bit too close, Ron ran. He ran faster than he ever imagined he could. He was running on a highway, knocking any cars out of the way. The whole highway was clear. As Ron ran, Rob followed right behind. "Why do you want to get me so bad, you bucket of bolts?" Ron asked with a smirk. Rob's face was as determined as ever. "I was ordered to capture Ron the Hero." Rob said. "That's me! And I'm not one to give up" Ron said. Rob launched a finger blast at Ron, but it missed. "Try again!" Ron said, taunting the bot. Ron jumped and put his leg out. Rob flew right into it before Ron kicked off of it and continued to run. Rob got up and accelerated right back up to speed. "Alright, try this!" Ron said before shooting finger blasts at Rob. The robot got shot by every blast on purpose. It slowed down before crashing to the ground. Ron continued to run. "Hey, this running thing is fun! Take that, you hunk of junk!"Ron said. "Now, how do I get back home?" Ron thought. He slowed down to think a bit more, also because he had no need to run at mach 40 anymore. However, right as he slowed down, Rob flew at Ron so fast that he couldn't react. It grabbed Ron on the back of his head and dragged him through the highway floor and across the ground. Once Ron was unconscious, Rob brought him back to the factory on Earth and to Zynner.

With a sonic boom, they flew off of that planet. And in no time, Ron was laying right in front of Zynner. "Very good, Rob. Rest" Zynner said. And with that, Rob entered rest mode. Ron woke up and coughed up blood. Where am I..?" Ron asked. The left side of his face looked horrible from being dragged against the ground at unthinkable speeds, so Zynner put on a metal half-mask on Ron's face before he woke up. "Who are you?" Ron asked Zynner. "Oh, I'm just a guy who wants to take back what was taken from me…" he said, looking at Ron's glove. Just before Ron could ask a question, Kai sliced open the room that Zynner was hidden in within the factory. He did so by making a plasma blade and cutting through. When the wall crashed down, Kai looked at Zynner with a serious look. "Leave. My. Brother. Alone." Kai said to Zynner. "K-Kai?" Ron asked. "This'll be fun." Zynner said with a smirk.