
Kai stares Rob dead in the eye. As Rob scans Kai, he learns that Kai is Ron's brother. However, Kai punches Robs head so hard that it dislocates. This prevents Rob from scanning Kai any further. "Let my brother go, or I'll have to use violence!" Kai says. "No can do, buckaroo." Replied Zynner. "Fine. I'll do it myself!" Kai said, before shooting an energy blast at the electric rope that tied Ron up, destroying the rope and releasing Ron. "Stay back, Ron. I'll handle this hunk of bolts." Kai said. "No! You don't know what he can do! He might end up killing you!" Ron exclaimed. "I have the future spirit. If anything, I'll know." Kai responded. Before he knew it, Rob kicked Kai to the walls of the factory, denting it like tin foil. "TARGET ACQUIRED. DESTROY 'KING KAI!'" Rob said. "H-huh?" Kai said.

Rob leapt at Kai, tackling him. Kai bounced back up and jumped off of the wall and then jumped to the ceiling. He was bouncing around the entire room, his rocket feet propelling him as he does so. His shoes got hotter and brighter as he bounced, to the point where there were light beams urrounding the room like lasers, each beam being made every 0.2 seconds. The velocity was so high that, when Kai finally struck Rob, it made a boom louder than thunder. Rob made a diamond shield that absorbed all of the power coming from the blow. So much so, in fact, that it shattered into hundreds of pieces. Zynner nor Ron got hit by any piece, though. But Kai did. He had hundreds of pieces of diamond in him now. Rob was sent flying across the room, but he bounced back up and struck Kai with his best kick. He then bounced off of Kai and did a finger gun at him, shooting Kai. His suit absorbed the shot. In a matter of seconds, Kai and Rob were exchanging blasts. Kai then shot a giga-blast at Rob, firing a wave of energy that, despite the effort put into it, didn't even budge Rob. Rob then flew at Kai and fake punched him, making him flinch. Rob went behind Kai and made his hand bigger before gripping Kai's whole torso and breaking his ribcage. He then swung his torso like a amusement park ride, with Kai still in hand. He spun around so fast that his upper half looked like a tornado. He then came to a complete halt and opened his hand, flinging Kai at the walls of the factory. It was so strong that he broke the wall and the wall after that. Typically, this would be a hard feat, considering that the entire factory was made out of topaz. But it happened, shattering the walls. Kai trembled up, trying to fight "Kai, this is your fight. You can do this. Fight." Ron said in Kai's mind. Through the bond of the brothers, he was able to use Ron's fighters spirit temporarily. Rob flew at Kai, about to do a devastating punch to Kai's skull. Kai, however, he ducked faster than a bullet. He got back up, and swiftly so. Rob moonwalked, slowing down time just as much as Ron would. He then tried to hit Kai rapidly, but despite time being slowed down, Kai dodged each and every hit just as efficiently. When time resumed, Kai kicked Rob on his chin, sending the bot upwards. Kai then kicked Robs side and spun fast. He then slowly angled Rob downwards, still spinning, until the kick was facing the ground. He then shot Rob down so hard that he went through the floor and 30 feet into the ground. The bot got back up and uppercutted Kai.

Kai made a plasma sword and stabbed the bot in the air, before slashing it up into pieces. Kai then kicked Robs head like a soccer ball right back into the room they were in originally. Kai then walked back into the room. Ron caught the head like a baseball. "Out!!" Ron said. Kai ran back to his brother. They hugged in joy. "You're alive! The fighter spirit and the future spirit must've came in clutch, huh?" Ron said. "Yeah, basically." Responded Kai. Kai passed out, and Ron caught him. "I only gave him fighters spirit enough for him to fight. This is fair." Ron thought. He then threw Kai's body up, backflipped, and calumet him, before flying back home. "Wait! I didn't even get to-" Zynner said before grunting and picking up Rob's head. "I'm going to have to fix all of this up. Ugh." Later on, while Zynner was thinking, he got an idea. "If I can't make a clone that works, I'll just make a robot. But this one won't be a clone. This one will be a superior one. A superior Ron." Zynner thought. Then, he got to work. Him and his entire army worked on it. Project PERFECT has been started, and won't be done until it has been perfected.