Who are They?

"Attention all life forms!" He says. "After acknowledging that it's been 47 years since we've begun our expedition, do not fret, for we shall be sure that we will find a planet to start our reign on. The League Of Superior Extraterrestrials will be sure to rule over the entire galaxy, with the universe being our end goal! Our destiny of universal domination shall come into fruition soon! Soon!!" Every ship cheers, giving applause to the speech of their leader, WKAQ. Moments later, WKAQ's searchers walk up to him saying "Sir, we might have found a world worth starting on." WKAQ turns around and looks down on them, curious. "I'm listening." "This planet is habitable and is populated mainly of animals and an advanced species called 'humans.' They call this world… Earth." WKAQ seemed interested. "Show me this planet." They nodded, and led him to the navigation room, where they showed him models of the strongest animals of Earth and models of people, before showing him the planet itself. "Would you like to visit there? There is a city called 'Alinel' that is highly populated, and is one of the world's most popular cities. It would be a great starting point." One of them said. "Start the trip there. We will start at this planet." WKAQ said.

Months went by with little crime. "Looks like we've slowed down the crime here, huh, Ron?" "You've got that right, bro." Kai and Ron said to each other. They've been training this whole time, and Ron's gotten used to his new arm by now. This was the point where they were stopping small criminals sent to them by Zynner as he healed. The government and our two heroes were still cleaning the remains of the destroyed mech. Everything was going good. Ron was beating up his punching bag, and Kai was reading a book. They were just doing their thing. Suddenly, there was a feint voice coming from outside. Loud enough for the whole city to hear. It was the sound of something landing. A plasma-esque sound, sounding like something futuristic. "I will admit, this place seems quite advanced. But not as advanced as I pictured." WKAQ said. A hatchet opened up, and he walked out of it. But the time they had landed and he walked out, there was a crowd outside of the ship, wondering what the noise was about. "Worry not, humans. We mean no harm, as long as your species does not resist being conquered. Police showed up, and told him to get down. All WKAQ did was smirk. "You expect me to feel intimidated?" He asked sarcastically. The police started shooting him, and every bullet hit him. The bullets, however, melted inside of him. "Please" he said, confidently, and he snapped. Immediately, plasma rays blasted the crowd. A wall made of plasma was materialized, trapping everyone in. Ron and Kai looked outside, and immediately put on their suits. Kai flew and Ron ran, both towards the giant space ship. They immediately crashed into the invisible wall. "Huh?" Ron said, and tapped it. It glowed on contact, lighting up where Ron tapped. He and Kai nodded at each other, and Ron got ready to strike a pose in the air and shoot, while Kai charged an energy wave up. Kai released it, and Ron shot multiple shots at the wave, adding power and shockwaves to it. It was strong enough, thankfully, to shatter the wall. WKAQ looked at the two heroes curiously as they said "Don't move, or else." Ron said threateningly. WKAQ chuckled, and said "No one told me some of them have powers." The aliens, however, were not aware of that either. Any of them. "Who are you?!" Kai asked. "My name is WKAQ, but call me Q." Q said. He pointed at the heroes, and warriors with plasma swords and rail guns came out of the ship and charged at them. Ron sand Kai started to fight. Swords flew up, screams were let out, and guns were snapped. Kai let out a huge energy blast at the crowd of aliens, and it went through them and blew up the spaceship to smithereens. Q looked scared, but fake scared, watching as hundreds of his men get slaughtered. One of them were sent flying at Q, and he dodged, making them crash behind him into the rubble of the ship. Ron almost was stabbed, but he caught the sword with his glove hand, making a fist and extinguishing the plasma. Combos were unleashed on the hoard of aliens, and many fell to the ground, while others crashed to the floor. Every human in the crowd had left by the time the fight was done. After a good 5 minutes of battling, every alien out there was down, or incinerated. The heroes stood on a pile of aliens, all either dead or unconscious. They looked at Q menacingly, and started to walk towards him. Q fell to the floor, and crawled away from them, backwards. "Leave Earth now." Ron said. He charged a finger gun shot at Qs head, and looked him in his eyes. Although you can't see Ron's eyes through his suit, you could tell that he was staring him down. "Okay, okay. I will. But one thing." Q said. Ron stayed silent, letting him speak. "Observe." Q said, and he let out a energy burst. Ron and Kai flew backward, but caught themselves in the air by flying. By the time that they caught themselves, however, Q had manifested into a ship in the sky. A smaller one than the one that landed, but enough to fit everyone that survived the original ship's explosion.

"Try to stop my reign, if you can!" Q said. "We WILL conquer Earth, though, whether you humans like it or not!" He exclaimed. Kai was about to fly up there, but Ron stopped him. "It's not worth it. Not just now, at least. Let's try to figure out more information about these things, and then we stop them." Ron said. "So YOU'RE just going to let them get away?! Well I won't!" Kai said. "I'm going to stop them, and if you want to be a real hero and come with me, that's your decision. But I am going to do what needs to be done. I'll update you on my progress. If it helps, I'll try to be sneaky." Kai said. Ron sighed, and said "Go ahead. Be careful, bro." Kai gave a thumbs up, and flew up to the ship.