A Changed Hero

He immediately slams into an invisible force field. "Okay, then I'll just use force!" He blasted the wall with a wave strong enough to break it, but not to do anything else. The aliens were alerted about the broken force field, and the leader of the expedition, Q, chuckled. Kai gripped onto a door and used his rocket feet to pull extra hard, which was strong enough to rip off the door. He flew away with the door, but stabilized his balance and flew in. "Hey, punks!" Kai shouted, and the aliens looked at him. Q took a pill, and it translated his language to English, as he had done earlier. "Well, well, well. So much for being the calm hero, huh?" Q said. "I'll do anything to protect humanity! Now tell me where you're going." Kai demanded. "Or else I'll beat it out of you all!" He exclaimed, cracking his knuckles. "Now, now, no need to get feisty." Q said. Kai looked at him angrily, although the mask concealed his emotion. He nodded at an alien behind him, and he shot Kai with an electric ball that paralyzed him.

When Kai woke up about a few hours later, he was in the clothes that were under his suit. He got up, and took a few steps before halting suddenly because he heard someone behind him. "So, you're finally up, huh?" He turned quickly, and he saw Q tossing Kai's helmet up in the air and catching it, looking as smug as an alien could. "You know, this little costume is pretty cool. Quite frankly, I've discovered many things in this that your body cannot handle as of now." Just 10 minutes ago, he finished testing the improvements and additions that he made to the suit. He even named it: ADV-100, meaning "Advance 100," and he gave the suit the ability to levitate anything, as well as to make giant body parts out of it's energy. All of it's capabilities are enhanced, as well. "Give that to me!" Kai said as he lunged at Q. He levitated himself out of the way, and Kai fell to the floor face-first. He got up, clearly frustrated. "Why do you have me in this room? And why did you upgrade my suit?" Kai asked confused. "Well, I saw your potential when you and your friend decimated my army, and I decided to let you unlock it. You seemed so limited with your moveset, so I gave the suit some new abilities and… supportive features." Said Q, cleverly luring Kai in, seeing as though he looks like he is listening. "However, I would like to make a deal. I'll give you the suit back, if you would like to join me." Kai looked stunned, yet he knew that he might need to. What would happen if he didn't? He didn't want to know. "No. I won't." "Fine then… guess I'll need to MAKE you." After he said that, the room started to fill up with pink smoke, and Q was immune to it, so he stood there in silence, looking down at Kai as he got on his knees. He started coughing, and said "What is this..?" Before collapsing.

Ron had been trying to call Kai, but no calls got to him since he was in space by the time that Ron began to worry. He was flying to the direction that the ship flew to. Surely it wouldn't be hard to spot a spaceship in space. And it wasn't. Ron, easily, saw the opening that Kai had left when he broke in, and Ron went right through there. He saw a guard, and took him out with an energy shot. He maneuvered throughout the ship until he saw a room with pink smoke in it. "Weird, I've never seen pink smoke before." He said. He did a pose in the air, and he broke down the door with the shockwave. In that room, he saw Kai standing next to Q. "Kai!" "So you're the other guy that he was fighting with, huh?" W said with a smirk. "I'm not just 'the other guy,' I am Ron the Hero! And I'm here for my brother! Come on, Kai, let's stop this guy before he does anything else." Said Ron, before he tried to punch Q." Kai, however, grabbed Ron's fist. Ron looked at Kai confused, before he was punched in the chest and kicked to the wall. "Kai, what are you doing?!"