003: Meeting Hinata and academy

One month before entering the academy

old man call me in his office for asking me how my life is going on so I tell him i am fine and tell him that their is more people in his room except us,he was surprised that i was able to sense his anbu guards who protect him, i asked him that he have 5 anbu as guards he says no and tell me that he have 4 peole as his guard,then he order them to show themselves,then i point toward book shelf and said that there is one more person over there,after hearing that that anbu (root) try to run and caught by anbu guard,and old man thank me for the help.


Hiruzen pov:

That bastard danzo trying to put his nose in my damn business.then i order my guards to take that root agent to TI department and tell them to go to Ibiki(dude from first test of chunin exam) and tell him any means necessary to break that anbu,i want proof against danzo. and more surprising thing is that

Naruto is a senser type and very good in it. then i call inu(Kakashi) and crow(Itachi) and tell them about the situation,by the look of their faces even they don't know that Naruto is a senser.


i am going to my apartment then i meet some kids and a girl who they are bullying.


Mission: Save Hinata from bullying

Mission reward: Friendship with Hinata

Exp:1500 and 10 stat points; Boxing and

myu thai scroll.

Mission fail: Hinata got badly hurt , got into dipression and remove from clan heiress title.


3rd person pov:

Naruto run toward them to confront the bullies.

Naruto:Oy leave her alone or you will not be able to even walk.

bully 1: look what we have here one monster come to save another.

Naruto: who you are calling monster, now i am going to kick your ass.

bullies: we will see who is going to kick who's ass


Then i start beating ther ass like and it's one sided massacre, and by the end of it one have four bone break and broken nose ,second one got his ribs crack and third one is little serious well he was bathing in his own blood.

I go near Hinata and help her to stand and ask her is she all right.

She say she is all right and i ask her why they are bullying her, she said because of her eyes.

_______________________________________3rd person pov:

Naruto: But your eyes are beautiful and you look pretty with them

Hinata blush by that remark

Hinata: A...are y..you a...alright did t...they hurt you a..any where.

Naruto: No i am alright,hey will you be my friend.

Hinata: y..yeah sure

Naruto grinned

Naruto: Thank you for being my first friend,say are you going to be in academy from next month.

Hinata : yes

3rd person pov ends....


After all this happened Hinata's bodyguard Ko come and take her away by saying that she don't have to accompanied by some one like me.

All this happened and report of this fight send to old man by no other than by my future sensei and most loyal uhicha of the village.


Kakashi's pov:

I don't know what to say he is even stronger than me when I was his age ,he is truly sensei's son

Itachi's pov:

Damn this kid is going to be beast in future as a shinobi he is very good in tijutsu for a sir year old kid.


Hokage office:

Hiruzen: Are you sure that's Naruto's doing

Inu(Kakashi): Affirmative Hokage sama.

Crow(Itachi): I am impressed by his speed, he is faster than any chunin or may be some jonin.

Hokage was speechless he didn't know what to say only thing he do was saw the photo of the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze.

He is going to be a splendid ninja, Minato & Kushina I hope you are seeing this form above your son is doing fine even without my help.


First day of academy:

Old man hokage come to my apartment and take me to the gate of academy and tell me to study well if I want to be a great ninja.

I go into the academy and all civilian parents are terrified by the thought that their children are going to study with the kyuubi brat, and don't give a shit about that and went to the class and look around, there are the children of clan heads also known as clan heirs.

Future rookie 9 of the leaf:

Uchiha clan: uchiha sasuke(Avenger)

hyuga clan : hyuga hinata(shy princess)

nara clan: nara shikamaru(lazy genius)

Akimichi clan: akimichi choji(gentle giant)

Yamanaka clan: yamanaka ino(mind manipulator)

Inuzuka clan: inazuka kiba(alpha dog)

Aburame clan: aburame shino( silent death)

Haruno clan: haruno Sakura(pink death)

Uzumaki clan: Uzumaki Naruto( most unpredictable no.1 Knuckle head and most powerful ninja of the world )


I look around for seat and found that Hinata is sitting alone so I go there and ask if I can sit next to her,she said yes

and become red ( typical Hinata), i sit next to her and introduce my self properly and start talking about her hobbies likes and dislikes, she like flower pressing, i am going to ask more question but the two person come to the podium and start introducing themselves.


3rd person pov:

Iruka: Hello class my name is Umino Iruka, I am going to be your homeroom teacher for next 6 years means i am going to be your teacher till the date you are going to graduate form this academy.

Now i want all of you to stand up one by one and introduce yourself to everyone in the class .

One by One every one introduce themselves

Shikamaru: my name is nara shikamaru

i like sleeping,shogi, and watching cloud

i hate when someone wake me up

my dream well i want to become chunin then retair and marry a women who is not to beautiful not to ugly, have two kids, live life normally then die.

Every one was speechless because of his words

Ino: lazy ass

Shika: troublesome

Remaining student start introducing themselves then come the turn of Naruto

Naruto: My name is Uzumaki Naruto

I like ramen, training and few friends i have , I hate when somebody try to hurt them and stop me from eating my food; My dream i want to be the strongest shinobi in the world as well as strongest kaga in the five great nation, Believe that!

(A/N: Naruto is not Naruto without dattabayo( belive that). )

Everyone one was silent,then one dumbass say yeah sure nobody but you are going to be strongest shinobi and kage.

And everyone start laughing, Naruto don't give a mind to some no body,

but Hinta,shika and choji come to aid of Naruto

Shika: I think Naruto can be the Strongest shinobi and Hokage

Choji: yeah I believe that too

Hinata: I a....also be..believe that

Naruto look at them and grinned

3rd person pov ends

Like this first day of my academy ends.


Hokage office:

3rd hokage and one jonin Cyclops looking at the inauguration ceremony of the academy and amazed by the sheer determination of Naruto.

Hiruzen: He have a big dream,Bigger then anyone i know.

Kakashi: He truly is sensei's son,Lord Hokage I want to be his jonin instructor pls don't take that opportunity form me.

Hiruzen: I know now get in the line,Jiraya is also going to teach him . His father's priced jutsu rasengan and going give him his toad summoning.


Author's note: Read and review,take some rest because every week there is going to 3 to 4 chapters every week.