013: Meeting God of death and becoming sage.


Naruto wakes up Jiraya and takes him to hokage.

Hokage office:

Naruto : Oldman gets up from your seat we are going for a short trip.

Hiruzen: Naruto i can't go anywhere not when Orochimaru is here.

Naruto: Just make a few shadow clones and put a chakra seal on them so they are not dispell before we come back.

Hiruzen: where are we going Naruto, it's better than important.

Naruto: We are going near wave village, and for importance it is important for the village and its future.

Hiruzen nodded and made a few shadow clones and put a chakra seal on them.

Hiruzen: when we are leaving.

Naruto: Now.

As Naruto says and teleports both jiraya and hiruzen with him at the border of wave village.

Naruto: Now it's only two miles away, let's go.

They run at full speed and reach the Uzumaki temple.

Naruto: we are here let's go inside .

Jiraya: Will you tell me now why we are here .

Naruto: to meet my father.

Jiraya: how , his soul is inside God of death's belly .

Naruto: you will see.

Hiruzen: let's go inside, we have to go back inside the village before sunset.

They nodded and went inside the Uzumaki temple by deactivating seal traps.

Naruto: Now where is that mask.

Naruto is searching for Grim reaper masks all over the place

Naruto: There it is , now guys go back a little.

Naruto wears the mask and a surge of chakra flows from his body.

Naruto: Hello god of death i have a deal for you which benefits both of us.

GoD: Mortal, be in your limit there is nothing you can give me.

Naruto: Well decide that after listening to my condition.

GoD: Fine but if i don't like the condition you will die.

Naruto gulp and both Hiruzen and jiraya pale by the thought of Naruto dying in front of them.

Naruto: Listen i will destroy this mask and destroy the scroll in which reaper death seal written and those who know never use it again in exchange you have to release my father soul and put this seal on the soul of every hokage who is dead and going to die.

GoD thinks for movement then talks.

GoD: I agree with your condition but you have to destroy the mask after i release your father's soul.

Naruto: I agree.

GoD takes out his knife and tears his stomach and a soul pops out , as this happens Naruto destroys the mask with a fire jutsu in front of GoD.

Naruto takes out a scroll and unseals the seal from which four bodies appear .

Naruto: Tiger Snake Dog Dragon " Impure world reincarnation".

As Naruto slam his hand on the ground three more soul appear and go into the dead bodies .

Jiraya: Naruto where did you learn that jutsu it's forbidden.

Hiruzen: So you write that jutsu when you steal the forbidden scroll.

Hashirama: Where i am.

Tobirama: Someone use my jutsu to reanimate us.

Minato: You did it Naruto.

Kushina: My baby.

Hiruzen: It's been a long time since Sensei, Minato Kushina.

Jiraya: It's been a while kid.

Minato: yes sensei.

Naruto's mind:

Kurama: Switch with me.

Naruto: why ?

Kurama: Just do it.

Naruto: fine.

Outside World:

Kurama takes over Naruto's body and uses full speed and punch Hashirama on the face.

Naruto(kurama): That's for sealing me inside Mito.

Hashirama: Who are you when did i seal you.

Naruto(Kurama) : It's me you damn toothpick.

Hashirama and tobirama: Nine tails.

Naruto: yep and he is not happy that you seal him into grandma Mito and distribute his brothers and sisters to every nation.

For me you are cool but this is the dumbest decision you ever make .

Hashirama : can it talk ?

Naruto: it's he not it and yes he can talk and he is more intelligent then all of us combine.

As you can move freely which means the seal is working perfectly.

Hiruzen: Naruto can you tell us what that seal is for.

Naruto: Well first think i did not learn impure world reincarnation from the scroll dad taught me , while he was teaching that jutsu he told me it work like Summoning so the who is reincarnated is bound to follow order of the summoner , so i make a seal to put it on the hokage so if somebody reincarnate them it automatically break the control of summoner on them.

Tobirama: that's ingenious.

Minato: Indeed.

Hashirama: who the hell are you.

Minato: sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Minato Namikaze and i am fourth hokage.

Hashirama: Forth good good.

Tobirama: So tell me kid you don't reanimate us just for testing the seal.

Naruto: well i want little help from Oldman first and you , i want the other half of nine tails from dad and improve my kenjutsu with the help of mom and tijutsu with the help pervy sage.

Jiraya: oy i am not a pervert i am a super pervert.

As Jiraya says that he was beaten to death by Kushina, Both reanimated hokage make a mental not to piss Kushina off.

Hashirama: What is the problem Naruto in which you want my help.

Naruto : well i want to improve my wood style and who is better than you to teach me.

Hashirama: You have wood style, finally i am able to pass my legacy to someone.

Tobirama: Shut up brother .

Hashirama got into depression and started sulking.

Tobirama: What do you want from me.

Naruto: Teach me how to take out water from air moisture and help me with my seal that i am working on.

but first dad it's time.

Naruto says that Minato who is talking and laughing with jiraya and Hiruzen becomes serious.

Minato: Are you sure about this Naruto.

Naruto: Yes dad hundred percent.

Naruto's mind:

Kurama: tell them to knock you out cold because that transfer is going to hurt like a bitch.


Naruto: Dad knocked me out cold and tied my hands and legs tightly because this transfer hurt a lot from what nine tails told me.

As he says the word tobirama knocks Naruto out and hashirama uses his wood style to bind him and Minato starts the transferring process. Jiraya put a hand on Kushina's shoulder who is panicking.


5 hours later:

Naruto was out cold for three hours , it took one hour to transfer Kurama's chakra into Naruto, Hiruzen was left because it was starting to get dark and he didn't want to give any opportunity to Orochimaru so he took jiraya with him.

After that Naruto starts to gain consciousness little by little it takes him two hours to wake .

Minato: Are you alright Naruto?

Naruto: I am alright but bells are ringing in my head.

so before we start i will tell you what happened after you all died.

Naruto starts telling the whole history after the death of the second hokage to the uchiha massacre and the mastermind behind it and also tells about how he got sharingan.

Tobirama: This is the first time I feel like i fail, my own student is the reason for the uchiha coup and their massacre even though i don't like them because of their almighty behaviour but this is brutal.

Hashirama: I am going to kill that bastard .

Naruto: No you are not going to kill him, he will die in a more painful way .

Minato: I agree with Naruto on this let living people handle him, Naruto your training will be start from tomorrow.

Hashirama: How did we all teach you at the same time

Naruto: Two words shadow clones.

Tobirama: How many you can make .

Naruto: With 10 percent of my chakra i can make hundred thousand easily.

Tobirama was speechless , he himself the creator of that jutsu is only able to make hundreds at a time.


One week later:

Naruto completes his training and learns everything he wants Hashirama told him he has to learn sage mode if he wants to use "Tenth Edict On Enlightenment" more effectively.

Tobirama was impressed with Naruto's learning speed and he and Minato helped him with the seals that he wanted to make.

His mother helped him improve his kenjutsu and made food for him as she wanted to live few normal movements with Naruto.

Naruto: So it's time for you guys to leave, i know you guys are dead but it's hard to say goodbye.

Minato: We also don't like to leave you but we have to go.

Kushina: Be brave my baby boy and live your life fullest.

Hashirama: Kid you are strong by both body and soul you will be a great leader for the village.

Tobirama: you already surpass us kid , work hard and don't become an idiot like my brother .

As they undo the jutsu they vanish into thin air .

Naruto: well let's go back to the village.


Two days later:

Naruto: it's time to learn sage mode pervy sage.

Jiraya: hey don't call me that.

Summon pa here.

Naruto: "Summoning jutsu "

with smoke a small green toad appears.

Fukasaku: So it's time for the sage training.

Naruto: Yup Gramps , reverse summon both of us .

Jiraya: why me?

Naruto: You are completing your sage training this time no if and but.

Jiraya: fine.

With smoke they disappear and appear into different worlds where summoning toad live.


Mount Myōboku:

Fukasaku: Welcome to our home Naruto boy.

Naruto: Thanks Gramps it's so beautiful.

As they are talking Gamakichi and yellow toads appear the same height as gamakichi.

Gamakichi: Hey Naruto welcome to our home ,meet my brother gamatatsu , did you have candies.

Naruto: Hello gamatatsu, here catch in this scroll i seal all the candies that leaf village has and share with your brother.

Gamakichi: You are the best Naruto.

Gamatatsu: He is so nice.

Now they went to meet the great toad sage.


Inside great sage place:

Naruto: Hey Oldman I came here to train.

Gamamaru: Good kid, but who are you.

Naruto fell in anime style.

Naruto: It's me Naruto, the one who you promise to train.

Gamamaru: ahh yes i will train you but first you have to learn basics from fuka - chan.

Naruto: ok, let's go gramps.

Fukasaku nodded and took Naruto to a place where there are hundreds of toad statue

and oil falling in a pond-like structure.

Fukasaku: Now let's start training.

Naruto: yes sir.

Fukasaku: Listen carefully, as opposed to ninjutsu where you utilize your own internal energy, sage jutsu takes that internally generated chakra that leads to all your ninjutsu, genjutsu and even your tijutsu getting a real power boost.

Naruto: I get it basically sage jutsu is a type of enhancer.

But tell me what that natural energy is all about.

Fukasaku: Energy that is external to you .

let me demonstrate to you .

Fukasaku meditate for a few seconds and go near a toad statue and lift it up.

Fuaksuke: This is the power of nature energy enhance - sage jutsu.

Naruto: How did you do that.

Fukasaku: By becoming one with nature.

Naruto: How can i become one with nature.

Fukasaku: By dying

Naruto: dying!?

Fukasaku: You have to stay still for gathering nature energy, if you take less amount nothing happens, if you take little more than required it is reversible but if you take a lot you become toad and then turn into stone.

Naruto: So these stone.statue are previous appreciates of yours who turn into statues.

Fukasaku nodded

Naruto: Well i don't have much time, I have to stop an invasion so let's start.

Fukasaku : You are not taking it seriously.

Naruto: No, I know what i am doing , my village is going invade by sound and sand , there is an organisation who is hunting tail beasts, so i have to become strong fast.

Fukasaku: Come here Naruto let me show you some thing, this is secret toad oil of mount Myōboku.

Here let me rub on your hand.

Naruto give his hand to fukasaku who start rubbing oil on his hand.

Naruto : cool.

Fukasaku: yes it help you to feel natural energy and gradually you will gain ability to sense natural energy.

However there is a risk you will start turning into a toad.

Naruto runs towards oilfall and sees his reflection on his right side turning into a toad.

Naruto starts running and screaming for help Fukasaku takes out a chakra rod and slams it on Naruto's head.

Fukasaku: it's all about balance , you are used to turning your mental and physical energy, even Jiraya boy is not fully able to master it.

Naruto: Well i am going to master it , Hey Gramps can i use shadow clones it helps me learn more in less time.

Fukasaku: Yes you can Naruto boy but not more than three.

Naruto: ok let's start .

As Naruto says, he removes his clothes and jumps into the pool of Oil.

It takes Naruto 2 days just to gather the right amount of natural energy so he stops turning into a toad fully.

Naruto: See grandpa jiraya i am better than you in using sage mode, i don't have that weird nose when i use nature energy.

Jiraya: We will see that i am very close to completing my sage training with the help of shadow clones.

Fukasaku: You fully control over toad oil transformation, as for your gift this is Jiraya boy's first book , read it and tell me if you like.

Naruto: Tales of Gusty Ninja.

After that Naruto took some time off to read that book and read that book he was crying.

Naruto: Grandpa you should write these kinds of books it's awesome , hey who is Nagato.

Jiraya: He was my student who I met in the second great ninja war, He possessed Rinnegan the eyes of the sage of six paths,

He died fighting Hanzo the salamander .

Naruto shows that he was sad but inside he knows that Nagato is alive and part of akatsuki.

Naruto started his training without using toad oil , as he began his training he started to turn into a toad and got hit by Fukasaku every time.

Fukasaku: Stop moving and stay still

Naruto: How can i do that i don't even feel that i am moving.

Fukasaku put his hand on his chin and started thinking.

Fukasaku: Come with me.

As they walk in between pointy stone summits.

Fukasaku: Take that stone slab.

He said and jumped to reach the top of the summit.

Fukasaku: stack the stone slab on the summit and begin zen meditation.

Naruto makes clones and they all stack the stone slab and start meditation.

It takes 3 days to complete the sage mode training without toad oil.

Naruto: See Grandpa i am better sage then you i complete my training in just one week .

Jiraya pouted then put down his head in shame.

Fukasaku: congratulations Naruto , now let's go to meet lord Gamamaru.

They all go to meet great sage.

Fukasaku: lord Gamamaru i bring them with me and they both completed their training.

Naruto: Yes i complete my training now train me Oldman Gamamaru.

Gamamaru: ahh , Who are you again.

Naruto( Shouted): It's me Naruto , you promise me that you train me personally.

Gamamaru: Yes well Naruto tells me how much time it takes you to collect nature energy.

Naruto: 30 seconds.

Gamamaru: Now for how much time are you able to stay in sage mode.

Naruto: For 5 minutes maximum.

Gamamaru: Now for your first task decrease the time to absorb the nature energy by third and increase the time of sage mode by three times.

Naruto: Well i am also trying to do that .

Gamamaru: By doing this step by step , you start breathing nature energy and become one with nature without turning into stone.

Naruto: ok i started working on it, why didn't you also try this Grandpa.

Jiraya: I will try.

Naruto comes outside the place of great sage with both jiraya and Fukasaku.

Naruto: "Shadow clone jutsu"

As he says 20 thousand clones appear with smoke .

Naruto : ok guys divide into 15 thousand and 5 thousand, 15 thousand work on sage mode and 5 thousand work on our only incomplete jutsu.

they nodded and ran away .

Jiraya : if they are going to do all the work what are you going to do.

Naruto: I am going to master frog kumite and try to add sage mode with nine tails chakra mode, i still have 12 days right.

_______________________________________11 days later :

Naruto increases the amount of shadow clones every day by 5 thousand and is now able to gather energy in 6 seconds and is able to stay in sage mode for 21 minutes, now he was able to enter the sage mode even when he was standing.

Naruto: Ok Gramps it's time to go back to the village, i have to put these seals on the important palaces of the village.

and thanks for the head band, bye .

As Naruto says that shima summons both jiraya and Naruto outside of the leaf village.

and go back to mount Myōboku.

Naruto: well let's meet Oldman first.

Jiraya nodded and they teleported away.


Author's note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.