015: Invasion and promotion


Naruto is looking at the kage box which is filled with smoke.

Naruto: Shikamaru it's time.

Shikamaru nodded.

Shikamaru: Kiba and shino go to the west gate and destroy all enemies.

Sasuke East gate ; Ino Choji go to South gate i will join you ; Sakura go to hospital we need medical support ; Tenten and neji go to academy ; Hinata and Lee go to North gate , Don't leave anybody alive if they live civilians die.

Asuma sensei clears the house with other Jonin and chunin ; let's the party begin.

Asuma: You know about that.

Shikamaru: Naruto just told me before he was going for his match.

Asuma nodded and start evacuating the arena .

Shikamaru (Shouted) : oy Naruto what are you doing.

Naruto( with his clones) : repairing the seal fo gaara, so he become stable and less blood hungry.

Shikamaru: what about hokage and other civilians.

Naruto: All are already evacuated those are my clones transform into different civilians, As for old man he can take care of himself for a while, now go and help ino Choji and show the village what new ino shiko cho formation can do.

Shikamaru nodded and used body flicker.

Naruto and his clone fix the seal of gaara and it takes him fifteen minutes to pull that off.

Both of gaara's siblings come to his aid .

Temari: Remove your hand from my brother or you will regret it.

Naruto: You really love him don't you.

Kankuro: of course we do he is our little brother.

Naruto: Don't worry i just fixed his seal now he can sleep without worrying about one tail taking control, he lost the bet so now he has to eat ramen with me and my friends.

Oh one more thing your father is dead , Orochimaru kills him.

Temari: Good.

Naruto: ???

Kankuro: He just sees us as a tool for politics, he was never a father for us.

Naruto: Good now wait here , i have a snake to kill.

Naruto said and teleport away.

With Hiruzen and Orochimaru:

Hiruzen: So you here to kill me.

Orochimaru: Yes i killed you then i destroy the leaf.

Hiruzen: that is not going to happend.

Hiruzen start using jutsus and Orochimaru counter then with his jutsus.

With Naruto:

Naruto: Summoning jutsu

As he slam hand on the ground three big toads appear.

Naruto: Guys i want a little help.Can you please take care of these snakes.

Gamabunta: Fine kid i will help this time.

Gamahiro: let's start cutting those damn bastards .

Gamaken: I will help you Naruto, i am ungraceful.

Naruto: Thank you guys , oh one more thing can you reverse summon gramps jiraya and send him here.

As they nodded Naruto teleport away

Naruto: Multi shadow clone jutsu

as he said 25 clones appear in front of him.

Naruto: You four go towards the gates ,you to go to the academy and the hospital, you four toward the safe house and the remaining go toward where leag shinobis are fighting.

Naruto's clones : Yes boss

as they say and teleport to reach their destination.

Naruto: Now let's meet our white skin jackass.


With Hiruzen and Orochimaru :

Hiruzen: Shuriken shadow clone .

hiruzen throw one Shuriken which turn into hundred to attack Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: Reanimation jutsu.

Orochimaru said three coffins appear in front of him and the lid of the coffin fell, Coffins have first second and fourth hokage.

Hiruzen was speechless to see his sensei and his successor in front of him even if he met him one month ago.

Hiruzen was in his thoughts and Orochimaru put kunai with a seal inside the body and they started to look alive.

On the south gate:

Shikamaru Ino and Choji are wreaking havoc on the sound and sand shinobis,

Shikamaru: Choji can you be able to use full expansion jutsu just for one.

Choji : I can if i take my family's special pills.

Shikamaru: Do it but don't use more than one , Ino connects our minds.

Ino: ok, let's finish this , " Mind destruction jutsu"

Shikamaru: Shadow stitching jutsu .

Choji finished it.

Choji nodded and slammed his big Hands on the enemy shinobi, they all died and the south gate is clear.

Naruto's clone appears there .

Naruto: hey guys boss send me help you guys but it looks like everything is already handled.

Shikamaru: take Choji to the hospital, he takes two pills instead of one.

Naruto: Damn Choji how many times i have to tell you don't use your pills when you are not in full health.

Choji: Sorry, but you know it's necessary.

Naruto: Fine let me take you to the hospital, babe take care of injured shinobis , bye.

Naruto teleports in the hospital to admit Choji.

_______________________________________West gate:

Kiba and shino go full throttle, Kiba starts being savage and starts tearing the enemy shinobi apart.

Shino didn't move from his place but his enemies are all dead.

Naruto saw this from afar and did not interfere.

East gate:

Naruto(clone): What the hell happened here.

Sasuke: they are too many so i use Kirin and they all die.

Naruto: Dude you vaporize them.

Sasuke: Same thing, they are weak.

Naruto: Stay here until we take care of remaining enemies.

Sasuke nodded and went towards the nearby watch tower.


With asuma and oto jonins:

Naruto(clone): Need help asuma sense

Asuma: Yeah a little help would be good

Naruto: just get back i want to test this jutsu.

Naruto go into sage mode and start creating rasenshuriken and throw at them , as the jutsu hit them it start expend and make a dome of wind , it start tearing the sound shinobis apart after the jutsu settle down, there is pit same size of a small village .

Asuma: What kind of Jutsu is that , it can wipe out any village in fer second.

Naruto: It's my new jutsu , advance version of wind style rasengan.

Asuma nodded and Naruto's clone puffed into smoke.


North gate:

Hinata and Lee are fighting with the sand shinobis, they are going all out Lee is fighting with opening 6 gates out of 8 and hinata is using everything she have and only few shinobi are left.

Naruto(clone) come and kill remaining shinobis

Naruto: Well now this is done only cleaning is left so princess and bushy brows stay here and keep an eye on upcoming wave of shinobis and please take some rest .

After that clone dispell himself.


With Hiruzen and Orochimaru:

Hashirama: we meet again saru.

Tobirama: How are you little monkey.

Minato: Nice to meet you hiruzen.

Hiruzen: It's nice to see you again every one, are you out of Orochimaru's control?

As they are talking Orochimaru is thinking that his jutsu failed to control previous hokage.

Naruto appear on the side of hiruzen with a smile .

Naruto: hey Oldman one and two , how are you dad.

Minato: i am good son , tell me how are you doing, did you win the chunin exam.

Naruto: No that white skin snake bastard attacked the leaf before the exam finished.

Tobirama: Kid learn some manners, i am the second hokage of the leaf.

Naruto: No, i call him Oldman and you two are even older than him.

Naruto said pointing his thumb toward hiruzen.

Hashirama: I like you Naruto, you are the only one who can shut my brother up.

Tobirama: Shut up.

Hashirama got dipressed.

Orochimaru: What is happening here.

Naruto: Nothing, just going to kick your ass.

Orochimaru: I know you are strong but you are overestimating yourself.

Naruto: How about this i fight with you and nobody interfere.

Hiruzen: Are you sure about that Naruto.

Hashirama: Let him fight saru, kid is strong.

All the Hokage left the stage and all the Anbu who are looking the scene was confuse.

Naruto vs Orochimaru:

Orochimaru: "Earth style: earth dragon jutsu"

Naruto: " Lightening style: lightening dragon jutsu".

Orochimaru: " Fire style: fire ball jutsu"

Naruto: " Water release: tidal wave jutsu"

As Naruto jutsu hit Orochimaru's, steam come out and cover the whole area .

Naruto: "Wood style: Smothering Binding Technique"

Naruto binds Orochimaru with the jutsu.

Naruto: Game over , snake bastard.

Naruto grab Orochimaru's hand and some sealing marks start appearing on his hand and going towards his body.

After seeing that Orochimaru use his remaining strength to release himself from the bind.

Orochimaru: Release the barrier we are retreating .

As Orochimaru said to his subordinates, Naruto activate the seals and both hand of Orochimaru goes limb and his chakra network got destroyed.

Orochimaru runs towards the gate of the leaf to save himself but stops by Naruto

Naruto: Where are you going our match is not over yet.

Orochimaru: we are done here and i am leaving.

As Naruto run towards Orochimaru, he reverse summon himself.

Naruto; Damn , that snake slip again.

As remaining enemies retreating to save themselves, leaf village shinobi are taking breath of relief that invasion is over.


Next day:

After invasion is over summoned hokage release the jutsu to go back in pure world.

Bodies of leaf shinobis who died during invasion are taken to the cemetery for proper burial and respect .

Everyone is there to give respect to their fallen comrades.

Everyone was sad, but happy about the fact that we lost the minimum number of shinobis during the invasion.


Three days later:

Jiraya came back to the village and got beaten by Naruto because he left the village without telling him.

Hokage office:

Hiruzen was sitting on his desk Iruka is on the right side of him and 12 Genins are in front of him.

Hiruzen: I call all the Genin squad here to give my thanks .

Naruto: Come on Oldman this is our home if we don't protect them who will.

Neji: I agree with Naruto on this.

Neji said and everyone nodded in agreement.

Hiruzen: well that aside, now the result of chunin exam.

Shikamaru nara congratulations you are promoted to chunin rank.

Shikamaru: what a drag.

Hiruzen: Shino aburame Congratulations you are promoted to chunin rank.

Shino nodded in acknowledgement.

Hiruzen: Sasuke Uchiha congratulations you are promoted to chunin rank.

Sasuke: Finally, i am one step closer to you Itachi.

Hiruzen: Naruto, to find out about the traitor and the invasion, and also fight against Orochimaru.

Naruto Uzumaki you are promoted to the rank of special jonin, congratulations my boy.

Naruto: I am a special jonin, hey old man when did i give a test to become jonin.

Hiruzen: In three months Naruto.

Naruto nodded and took his jonin jacket and teleported everyone away.


Next day:

Naruto got a message that he was summoned in the hokage office.

when he reached there he saw that Jiraya was there with hokage.

Naruto: You call me Oldman.

Hiruzen: yes naruto i am assigned you and jiraya a S rank mission

Naruto: What we have to do .

Hiruzen: You have to find Tsunada senju the last heir of senju clan and one of the sanins.

Naruto: it's a B rank mission, why did you put in the category of S rank Oldman.

Jiraya: Let me handle this sensei, Naruto Tsunada lost his everything in this village, this village only give her bad memories, she did not come back to the village for more then ten years.

Naruto: So you want us to bring her in the village by force.

Hiruzen: No Naruto just give her this scroll and after reading the scroll she still refuse to come back you can use force.

Jiraya: Don't worry sensei it didn't come to that.

Hiruzen: I hope so Jiraya.

Jiraya: Meet me at West gate in two hours geather all the things you need we are going out of village for a while.

Naruto nodded and teleported to his apartment to geather the things he needed for the mission.

Two hours later:

Jiraya: Are you ready kid.

Naruto: yep grandpa let's find granny tsunada and bring her back.

After that they leave to find the fifth Hokage of the leaf .


Author's note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.