023 : Meeting tailed beasts and unlocking rinnegan


One year later (Mount Myōboku):

Fukasaku: Congratulations, Naruto boy for becoming a true sage .

Naruto: Thanks toad Gramps but without your help it's not possible.

Now it's time to become one with nature without becoming a stone statue.

Fukasaku : Take some rest Naruto boy we will start tomorrow.

Oh, from tomorrow you will train under the great toad sage.

Naruto: Finally, what are you going to do then.

Fukasaku: I will help jiraya-boy in his sage mode training.

Naruto: He has improved a lot in the last three months .

Fukasaku: Yeah he needs a push and you provide him that.

Naruto: Naa, i just don't want him to die just because he thinks that mastering sage mode is enough to take on the world.

Well I am going to take a break bye toad Gramps.

Naruto enters his room and sits on his bed and starts meditating .

Naruto's Mindscape:

Naruto: Oyy, Kurama it's time to meet your siblings.

Kurama: Alright kit let me take you to the place where all the tailed beasts meet.

Tailed Beast Psyche Plain:

Naruto: Damn kurama it's even bigger than I thought.

Shukaku: Why I am here.

Matatabi: Why did you call us here Kurama.

Isobu : I am sleeping.

Son Goku: Waste of time.

Every tailed beast starts to say something to kurama.

Kurama: Shut your mouth you little rascals or will shut it and you don't like it.

Gyūki: Then tell us why did you call us here.

Kurama: Well, i call all of you to meet my Jinchuriki.

Everyone start looking at Naruto who is looking at matatabi with hungry eyes.

Naruto: She is a cat right.

Kurama: Why did you ask!?

Naruto: Can i pet her, please.

Kurama was not able to answer the question, Naruto just starts running towards Matatabi , creates some shadow clones and starts rubbing ears and the head of the matatabi start purring.

Chōmi: I don't know how he was able to scratch a beast made of fire chakra.

Kurama: He covers himself with nature energy.

Kokuō: He is a sage, just like father.

Kurama: Not on the level of Oldman , but yes he is a sage.

As they are talking Naruto starts giving belly rub to Shukaku who starts waging his tail madly.

Siken: Big brother, why did his chakra feel familiar.

Kurama: He is the reincarnation of Ashura.

Every tailed beast listens to what Kurama says and they start looking at Naruto.

Shukaku: Are you sure he is ashura's incarnation.

Kurama: Yes .

Shukaku: fine i give him my permission and my Chakra.

Matatabi: Me too.

Isobu: Same for me.

Son Goku: Fine by me.

Kokuō: Me too.

Saiken: He has my permission.

Chōmi: I give him my permission.

Gyūki: Let's do this.

Kurama: Naruto come here and stand in the middle.

Naruto: Ok but why.

Kurama: They all agree to share their power with you.

Naruto: Cool .

Naruto stands in the middle of the tailed beasts and eight strings of chakra attached to him with different colours.


A few minutes later:

Gyūki: My chakra grant you ability of sealing ink.

Chōmi: My chakra grants you the ability to talk with all type of insects and order them.

Saiken: My chakra give you the ability of acid and bubbles.

Kokuō: My chakra give you the ability of boil release.

Son Goku: I grant you the ability of lava release.

Isobu: My chakra provides you an indestructible armour.

Matatabi: I provide you blue flames and blade like nails.

Shukaku: I give you my magnet release, now you can control sand like Gaara.

Naruto: So cool now I am an Aburame without being from their clan , I can throw acid , lava and steam , My flames are always blue and I have ten swords and can seal any one with my ink and sand.

Thank you very much.

Naruto starts using the powers he got then suddenly a man appears on the head of eight tails and looks at Naruto.

Killer B: Hey eighto why did you left me behind to come here.

Gyūki: Why are you here .

Naruto: Hey Gyūki , he is your jinchuriki Killer B right.

Gyūki: Yes he is my partner B.

Killer B: I fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee i am killer B , Nice to meet ya.

Naruto: Nice to meet you to octo pops.

B starts talking with Naruto and he is saying everything in rap which makes Naruto mad , so Naruto starts rapping which makes B shut his mouth.

Naruto: Here is one rap song for you.

( A/N : Put your favourite rap song here)

After Naruto's song B disappears from the plane .

Gyūki: You know what kid i like you even more, you are the only one who shut B completely for two minutes.

Ok kid it's time to go.

Naruto: Ok bye guys meet you later.


Outside world :

Naruto: It's awesome let's go and start training.

As Naruto stands to go outside to train his eyes start to burn and he fall on the with a screem and got unconscious.

Listening to Naruto's screem Jiraya and Fukasaku run towards Naruto's room and found him unconscious.

Jiraya : What happened here and how did he got unconscious.

Shima come from behind and smack Jiraya.

Shima: First check on the boy then goofing around.

Jiraya: Yes ma.

Fukasaku calls for a medical toad to examine Naruto , Toad tells everyone that Naruto is normal but his chakra is acting wierd.

Jiraya was in panic if something happened to Naruto Tsunade, Hinata and ino will kill him for sure.


5 Hours Later :

Naruto open his eyes and look around he saw jiraya is standing on the gate with his eyes closed.

Naruto: What happened to me , Gramps.

Jiraya: Are you alright kid what happened to you suddenly and why did you become unconscious after screaming.

As Jiraya asks questions to Naruto, his eyes stop at Naruto's eyes which change from purple to black colour with six red spirals and nine comas in them.

Jiraya: Your eyes turn into Rinnegan.

Naruto: Really, what is that?

Jiraya: Really kid some time I forgot you are still a fifteen years old brat.

Those eyes you possess now are the most powerful dōjutsu in the world.

Naruto: So cool , tell me what I can do with these eyes.

Jiraya: I teach a kid with these kinds of eyes but I don't know its abilities.

Naruto: You are boring Gramps , i thought you knew how to use these eyes.

Jiraya: I am not boring, it's just that nobody knows the ability of these eyes.

Naruto: Well it's ok , we will find out when I use them and try to master them.


Grand elder toad palace:

Naruto enters the hall where Gamamaru lives.

Naruto: Yo, geezer sage i am here to train now train me.

Gamamaru: Sure kid, who are you again.

Naruto: It's me Naruto, come on geezer toad at least remember one name.

Gamamaru opened his eyes and see Naruto, his eyes stuck at Naruto's eyes.

Gamamaru: Boy, how did you get those eyes.

Naruto: I got this after I meet other tailed beast and they share there chakra with me.

Gamamaru: So they finally find someone worthy enough to share their chakra with.

Naruto: Did you know about these eyes.

Gamamaru: Yes, Hagoromo told me about the ability of the rinnegan.

Naruto: Can you teach me how to use these eyes.

Gamamaru: Sure, but first let's make you

a true sage .

Naruto and Gamamaru go outside of the

palace , so Gamamaru started the training of Naruto .


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.