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"I'll send you my bank account details. Remember to deposit your salary before 12 a.m. every day, got it?" she reminded him as she typed furiously on her phone. The man received the text, clicked into it, and saw the account number she had just sent him.

The man smirked. ''This is interesting!'' he thought to himself just as Violla's phone began to ring.

Seeing it was Isaac, she answered it and yelled in frustration, "Stop pushing me. I don't have the money to foot the bill. I don't want the job at Roman's Corporation anymore. Will that do?"

She hung up promptly, her face flushed with anger. She had just lost her new job and slumped onto the couch in dejection. Spotting the wine glass in front of the man, she grabbed it and finished the wine in one gulp. Violla let out a burp and complained, "It's all your fault. I just lost my job because of you. It's hard to find a job nowadays. I can't believe that despicable man did that to me."

"Mmmh?" the man hummed before asking. "Is someone at Roman's Corporation harassing you?"

"You won't understand." Violla was about to ignore him when something occurred to her. "Oh, can you pay a bill for me? It's a few hundred thousand here," she requested.

"Sure!" he chimed in.

"Great! Thank you," she told him.

The man paid the bill, which amounted to over one hundred and eighty-three thousand. Her heart ached at the ridiculously expensive bill, but she had to keep her job. After all, she still had to support her kids.

"Thank you once again. I'll deduct the amount from your compensation," she said. She went to her colleagues and informed them, "I have settled the bill. Did you have fun tonight?"

"Yes, yes. Thank you, Violla!" her colleagues cheered.

"Did you seriously foot the bill? I heard it was over one hundred and eighty thousand!" a colleague inquired in disbelief.

"Yes, it was pretty expensive. I had to max out a few cards to pay the bill. I'll be eating bread for the next few months," Violla let out a bitter chuckle. "But it's worth it as long as you had fun tonight!"

"Well..." A few other colleagues felt bad for her and glanced at Isaac.

"Violla is being humble. The money isn't even enough for her to buy a bag. There's no way she has maxed out her cards," Isaac snickered. "But anyway, thank you. Next time, it's on me."

Violla was upset at how despicable the scumbag was, but she couldn't retort as she needed the job. Ignoring him, she excused herself from her colleagues.

"Violla, I drove here. Let me give you a ride back," a colleague offered.

"It's alright. I can take a cab. Thank you, though," Violla replied.

When Violla came out of the bar, the man was no longer in the private room. She assumed he must have left with a client, amused that he couldn't be idle.

She sent him a text: "I'm leaving now. Work hard and earn more money. The faster you pay your debt, the faster you'll be set free." In the room, when Davon received her text, the corners of his mouth turned up. "What a foolish yet adorable woman!" he murmured, audible only to himself.

"Mr. Roman, Paul has just shown up," Cruze, his security guard, came in and reported. "I have sent someone to keep an eye on him. We'll find out who he will contact."

"Remember, don't alert him," Davon warned him.

"Got it, boss!" Cruze said.

When Violla didn't receive a reply from him, she panicked. She assumed he was trying to go back on his word. "I am still nearby. If he seriously has that intention, I can go back and look for him," she told herself, immediately calling his number.

Davon was about to leave when his phone rang. He smiled subconsciously when he saw who it was. "Hello?" he echoed after answering the call.

"Why didn't you reply to my text? Are you trying to get away?" Violla demanded.

"I'm busy earning money to pay my debt," explained Davon, fully immersed in his role. "Did someone ask for you?" Violla asked excitedly. "For one round or one night? How much did you earn?" she added.

"You seem really experienced at this," Davon sneered. "How many times have you hired escorts?"

"You're the only one!" Violla retorted. Embarrassed by her sudden outburst, she coughed a few times before her voice grew stern. "Stop changing the topic. How much did you earn?"

"One night... Ten thousand," replied Davon, arching his brows.

He was at the peak of his business career, where everything felt dull to him. The woman was giving his plain life more color and making it much more entertaining now. Cruze was confused as he stood beside his boss. He thought Davon was discussing a new business partnership.

"What does he mean by 'one night'? Is ten thousand a code phrase or something?" Cruze asked himself.

"Great! Transfer five thousand to me now!" Violla was elated.

"I don't ask for payment in advance. I'll do that tomorrow morning," replied Davon before disconnecting the call.

Violla was upset at how rude he was by hanging up abruptly, but she decided that she would just wait and see. Perhaps when she woke up, there would be money in her account!

For the entire night, Violla tossed and turned in bed. She kept glancing at her phone. There were no new transfers. Not yet. It was just 2 a.m. She waited a bit more...

Violla had just fallen asleep at 6 a.m. when a text arrived. She grabbed her phone from underneath her pillow. It was a text informing her that a transfer of five thousand had been made to her account. She immediately leapt up in excitement. Awesome! The first payment was in!

She then quickly sent a text: "I just received the money. Good job! Work harder tonight! And thank you."

Escort In Debt: "I just remembered I paid the bill last night. You said you'd deduct it from my debt."

Violla: I'm afraid you'll spend the money elsewhere. Just transfer me the money daily, and I'll deduct the one hundred and eighty thousand from your debt. Don't you worry.

Escort In Debt: Okay!

Violla: Work hard tonight too. If you do a good job, I'll buy you some supplements!

Escort In Debt: We will see about that.

After receiving the money, Violla was so overjoyed that she couldn't go back to sleep.

They had just moved from the countryside, so they still lacked several household supplies. Since it was the weekend, she decided to take Mrs. Blake and her kids out shopping.

Violla used to be a spoiled child too. Her father adored her and raised her like a princess. Unfortunately, life was hard to predict.

After the downfall of the Milan family, Violla ended up as the mother of triplets. As a mother, she had to keep track of the latest promotions to get the best deals when shopping for daily necessities. They soon arrived at a Plaza.

Violla was dressed in a casual denim shirt. She kept her phone in her bum bag and rolled up her sleeves in preparation for "war."

"Ryan, Jason, Eliana, I am going shopping. Stay with Mrs. Blake at the playground, alright? Don't wander off alone. I will be back soon," she stated.

"Okay!" the kids replied in unison.

Right then, onlookers started taking videos and photos of the kids. A few young ladies were tittering and squealing, "Oh, are they mixed-race babies? How adorable! So cute!"

"Yes, look at their curly hair and bright eyes. Ah, they look like two princes and a princess in a fairytale! I've never seen such good-looking kids."

"There's a parrot on the little girl's shoulder. Oh, it's nodding off. Haha! That's so cute!"

The kids would attract attention wherever they went, so every time they had to go somewhere crowded, Violla made them wear face masks and hats to avoid too much attention.

"Please don't take photos and videos of us. This is an infringement of our image rights," Ryan stated coolly.

"I can take selfies with pretty ladies. No selfies with boys, though," Jason smirked. "Only pretty ladies!"

"Shh, you're disturbing Finny!" Eliana complained, putting a finger on her lips. Finny was nodding off on her shoulder.

"Ah, how adorable! Can we take a selfie with you?" A few young ladies surrounded them.

"No, sorry. We don't do that," Ryan said, keeping his cool.

"Okay, Ryan, Jason, Eliana. I've bought the tickets. We can go in now," Mrs. Blake said as she returned with the tickets and led them into the playground. Violla went upstairs to a children's clothing brand on the third floor. There was a sale happening there. She rushed in and grabbed a cart before squeezing into the crowd at the sales section. Right then, a team of men in black marched in authoritatively and ordered everyone to make way.

The young mothers who were busy shopping immediately stopped. They glanced at the scene and discussed, "Who is that? What a grand entrance."

"Wow, all these security guards are tall and attractive. Any of them could be the top male escort at Empire Night!" Upon hearing their words, Violla's heart sank. A male escort at Empire Night? She wondered if it was her escort In Debt.

"You're wrong. They are the security guards working for the president of Roman Corporation," a mother with neat bangs answered smugly.

"My husband works at Roman Corporation. The president has security guards with a golden D R logo on their shoulders," she added. "Judging by the number of security guards, I think the president is here."

"Wow!" another mother chimed in dreamily. "The security guards are attractive. I wonder how attractive the president will be!"

"Usually, people who hire handsome and tall bodyguards are short and unattractive."

"That's right," another one chimed.

Violla's mind was filled with Davon's strikingly handsome features. Short and unattractive? He was neither short nor unattractive. The men in black formed a defensive line in front of the restaurant opposite the shop and stood tall and alert as a tall and imposing man entered the restaurant.

Violla stared at his back from a distance. It was indeed Davon Roman, the current president of Roman's Corporation. His back seemed familiar, but she couldn't recall where she had seen it before. Meanwhile, the kids were having a lot of fun in the playground.

Mrs. Blake stayed with them the entire time. A few parents approached her, and they started chatting animatedly. Jason went to the restroom to urinate. As he exited the restroom with his hands in his pockets, he noticed a trail of blood on the ground, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

"Huh? Why is there blood on the floor?" he muttered to himself.

Curious, Jason followed the blood trail and arrived at the storeroom where a wounded man in black was resting. Jason came to a stop cautiously. The man in black was wearing a mask and a cap, which hid his entire face, but blood was trickling out of his wound nonstop.

When he heard the footsteps, he immediately raised the knife in his grip viciously. But when he saw that it was just a young boy, he visibly relaxed.

"Sir, do you need help?" Jason inquired politely.

"Get lost, brat!" the man growled. Pouting, Jason took out a cartoon band-aid from his pocket and handed it to the man. "Here you go," he offered.

The man rolled his eyes. He was bleeding badly, so the band-aid wouldn't be of help.

"You'll die from excessive bleeding. You should go to the doctor now!" said Jason before turning to leave.

"Jason! Jason!" Finny flapped its wings and flew toward Jason.

Jason raised his hand, allowing Finny to perch safely on the back of his hand. As the pair walked out, they attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, what a cute boy!"

"He has a cute parrot, too. Aww!" they exclaimed.