"Go, search!" someone snarled near Jason. Suddenly, a team of men in suits rushed in and started searching the area. Jason swiveled his head and stared at the restroom. "Could it be related to that man?" he thought.

He was in a daze when the man in black rushed out from the restroom and extended a bloodied hand. Then, he slipped something into Jason's pocket and whispered in the boy's ear, "Brat, I'll come back for it!" The man then disappeared into the stairwell. The team of men in suits immediately went after him.

Jason was stunned. "Wow, was that a scene from a crime film? That was so cool!" he chirped. Snapping back to reality, he took out a small box from his pocket. When he opened it, there was a tiny golden chip about the size of a bean.

He studied it carefully, wondering what it could be. It looked like gold. He thought it was some electronic stuff like the kind Ryan was obsessed with.

"Seed! Seed!" Finny chirped. Jason was deep in thought when little Finny's beak parted and ate the chip, thinking it was a seed. Jason was dumbfounded. He immediately patted Finny's green head and shouted, "Finny, spit it out! Spit it out!"

Finny immediately shrieked, and instead of spitting it out, it swallowed the chip out of shock.

"Oh no!" Jason exclaimed in panic. He grabbed Finny's tail and swung it around. "You can't eat that! Spit it out now! Spit it out!" Finny was dazed from Jason's rough actions. Its eyes rolled, and its tongue hung weakly from its mouth.

"Jason, what are you doing?" Eliana yelled, rushing over to intervene.

She quickly took Finny from him, cradling it carefully in her arms. "Why did you harass Finny? I'm going to tell Mommy!"

"No, Eliana..." Jason began to protest.

"Jason, it's wrong to harass Finny," Ryan said sternly.

"I... Finny..." Jason pointed to himself and then helplessly at Finny. Finny's head spun as it lay in Eliana's arms, panting heavily. Knowing that none of them would believe him, Jason had no choice but to keep it a secret.

Davon sat with his back against the door of the VIP room in the restaurant, elegantly sipping on his wine under the dim light. His figure appeared imposing. Cruze rushed in to inform him, "Mr. Roman, Paul has escaped!"

The man's hand paused briefly as he icily uttered, "Useless!"

"Yes," Cruze responded, lowering his head guiltily.

"That chip holds the secret to our corporation's latest technology. If it gets leaked, the consequences will be dire. We must get it back!" he snarled.

"Yes," Cruze answered. "I'll find Paul within three days!" Davon stood up to leave, his majestic figure stunning everyone. A heavy silence hung in the air as all and sundry held their breath.

When he and his entourage arrived at the underground car park, he got into his Rolls Royce without a word. The driver was about to drive away when Davon called out, "Wait!" The driver hit the brakes immediately.

Cruze followed Davon's gaze, spotting a little girl running past the rear of their car. She had nearly been knocked over . He immediately alighted from the car.

"Girl, why are you alone here?" Cruze asked.

"My Finny flew downstairs. I'm going after it. Finny! Don't run! Stop!" she shouted. Eliana was about to pounce on the bird, but it flew into the car instead. She crawled into the car at once. When she looked up, she was shocked to see a pair of cold eyes staring at her. He seemed scary. "Is he the bad guy mommy always talks about?" she wondered.

Eliana gazed at Davon in fear and instinctively inched backward. Davon was also gazing at the little girl, his heart softening. His stare was no longer as stony as it always was.

"What a cute little girl. She looks like a pretty doll with her puffy cheeks. Look, her eyes are shining like stars. Strangely, she feels familiar to me. I can feel myself softening up at the sight of her," Davon ruminated.

All the while, Finny was circling in the car, shrieking, "Eliana! Eliana!"

"Come over here at once!" a frowning Eliana stretched her hand out and demanded. "If you keep acting up, I'll get mad!"

Yet, Finny didn't perch on her little hand. It landed on Davon's shoulder instead. Davon's brows snapped together as he reached out to grab Finny. Finny immediately struggled and pooped on Davon's blazer in fright. A few feathers floated around, accompanied by shocked silence.

Cruze froze, and even the security guards paled instantly. They knew how much of a clean freak Davon was. The bird was as good as dead!

Indeed, Davon's expression darkened, and his grip on little Finny tightened. Finny's body stiffened from the increasing force, its eyes rolling upward as its tongue lolled out.

"Ah! Let go of Finny!" Eliana snapped. She leapt onto the man and tried to pry his hands off Finny. "Let go! Let go!"

"Kid," Cruze called out as he tried to pull her away. Staring at Eliana's flushed face and doll-like eyes, the menace in Davon's gaze faded away. He slowly released his grip on the bird. Finny flapped its wings frantically and returned to Eliana's embrace.

Eliana caught the bird and glared angrily at Davon before escaping from his car.

"Hey, kid!" Cruze called after her, but she merely ignored him. Worried, he told a security guard, "Go after her and make sure she reunites with her family safely."

"Yes!" the guard answered.

The vehicle then slowly drove away. Davon took off his blazer and patted the feathers away before wiping his hands with a piece of wet wipe. Cruze scanned his boss's expression. He still looked stern, but that murderous glint in his gaze was gone.He couldn't help but comment, "What an adorable little girl."

"She has an innocent gaze,"Davon commented, which was rare for him.

"Yes, I wonder what kind of mother she has to give birth to such a lovely girl like her," Cruze expressed.

Eliana was riding the escalator when she heard Violla calling her name. "Eliana! Eliana!"

"Mommy, I'm here!" she said.

Eliana ran over with Finny in her arms, launching herself into Violla's embrace like a rocket, causing the latter to stumble from her weight.

"You gave me a scare," Violla stated, hugging Eliana tightly and caressing her head anxiously. "Are you hurt? Did you meet any bad guys?" she queried.

"I'm not hurt, but..." Eliana started.

Eliana recalled the man in the car. "Was he a bad guy? I'm convinced he looked like one! But... Finny pooped on his shoulder. He was angry, but he didn't kill Finny. That means he's not a bad guy, right?" Eliana thought to herself.

"But what?" Violla urged.

"Finny pooped on a man," explained Eliana, gesturing with her chubby hands. "But that man didn't hurt Finny."

"I'm glad you're both fine. Don't wander around next time, got it?" Violla warned sternly.

"Okay," they chorused.

Not far away, the bodyguard waited until the little girl left with her mother before he walked away. As he was too far away, he only saw her back and her faded denim shirt.

Monday was a busy day. The moment Violla arrived at the office, she buried herself in work and only stopped when it was lunchtime.

She followed her colleagues from the administration department to the company's cafeteria on the twenty-first floor. They had just exited the elevator when they bumped into Davon. The man strode out of the elevator in an imposing manner, causing the air to solidify.

The rest of her employees retreated to one side and looked at the ground silently. Violla peeked at him and met his icy glare without warning. She immediately looked down in panic. "Was Davon Roman staring at me?" she wondered.

"Don't mind me. Carry on," uttered Davon. The employees were pleasantly surprised by their president's words. This was the first time they had heard him speak directly to them, so they were thrilled.

Davon sat down at a seat by the window. Two security guards stood watch behind him as Cruze left to order his meal. Violla peeked at him once again. The sunlight reflected off his body, encasing him in a golden glow like a god. "If only this man were the father of my triplets," Violla wished.

Just as the thought flashed across her mind, Violla brushed it off immediately. She took her tray of food and followed her colleagues to their usual table. When she sat down, the annoying Isaac showed up. "Hello," he grunted.

Violla rolled her eyes and shifted sideways to keep a distance from him. "How could you eat so little?" teased Isaac. "Eat up. Our company's cafeteria serves a luxurious buffet for free. It's better than the ones at five-star hotels," Isaac boasted.

Violla ignored him, lowered her head, and focused on her food. "Hey, why is Mr. Roman eating in the cafeteria today?" Violla's colleague asked.

"I'm curious too. He never comes to our cafeteria," said another colleague. She peeked at the table opposite theirs and lowered her voice. "Due to his presence, we're all tensed up. Look how silent the whole cafeteria is now," the colleague observed.

"Yes, my hands are shaking," another colleague stated, not daring to look up at all.

"Ah, don't be nervous," Isaac seemed unfazed. "He might seem cold, but he's actually quite friendly."

"Mr. Isaac, you seem to know Mr. Roman well," a male colleague voiced his curiosity. "I saw you greeting him last time."

"Of course. The president and I are close," replied Isaac. His voice trailed off, hinting at a deeper meaning behind his words.

"No wonder you got promoted so quickly in six months. Turns out you're friends with Mr. Roman," the male colleagues hurriedly buttered up to him. "Mr. Isaac, please remember us in the future when he brings you something nice."

"Don't worry. As long as you're doing a good job, you'll get a promotion in no time," Isaac said smugly. Violla couldn't take it anymore. She took her tray, rose to her feet, and started to leave. Isaac went after her. "Violla, hold up!" Isaac called out.

Annoyed, Violla quickened her footsteps . Isaac chased after her and stood in front of her. "Why are you in a hurry? Let's walk together," he stated.

"Mr. Isaac, I don't know you well..." Violla started.

Before Violla could finish her statement, someone bumped into her. She lurched forward from the force, and her unfinished spaghetti splattered on Isaac's face.

As the pasta streamed down his face, everyone gasped. Isaac stiffened, utterly stunned. He promptly regained his senses and clumsily wiped the spaghetti sauce off his face in anger.

Violla burst out laughing. It seemed like a rude reaction, so she immediately apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't do that on purpose. Someone bumped into me, and..."

When she whirled around to take a look, she realized that the person who had bumped into her was none other than Davon Roman!