Hearing those words, Violla lowered her gaze to look at the chip in her hands. In a daze, she mumbled, "The chip is with me. Why are they... Do they..."

"That horrible man threw Finny's egg into the sea, so what they're looking for in the sea right now is a parrot egg!" Mrs. Blake concluded excitedly. "Miss, am I right?"

"Yes," Violla watched the screen, speechless, as officers and men from Romans Corporation sent divers and submarines to search for the chip.

"Will they be furious when they find out the chip is still with me, and the thing they're searching for with so much effort is a parrot egg?" Violla asked herself.

An image of the Devil losing his temper emerged in her mind, sending a chill down Violla's spine.

"Miss, what should we do now? Should we still call the cops?" Mrs. Blake anxiously inquired.

"Let me think for a moment." Violla patted her chest to calm her racing heart and gather her thoughts.

"First, it seems like the man in black has realized that he didn't steal the chip. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that. Secondly, since Roman Corporation is investing considerable resources in searching for the chip in the sea and involving the police, it indicates that they genuinely believe the chip is in the sea. In other words, they have no idea that I have the chip."

She paused before continuing, "Even if that man has discovered he doesn't have the chip, he's been apprehended. He won't disclose its whereabouts because he wants to make it difficult for them."

At that thought, Violla's panicking heart calmed down, and her knitted brows relaxed. She raised her head and declared, "I've decided not to call the cops."

"Huh? Why not?" Mrs. Blake queried.

"Because I now work for Romans Corporation," Violla explained. "If I involve the police, they might suspect me of being the thief. I could lose my job or even face worse consequences."

"I understand," Mrs. Blake muttered. "Miss, no matter what you decide, I support you."

"Although I won't be calling the cops, I still have to return this chip to them."

Violla tightly gripped the black box and made a decision. "Tomorrow, when I go to work, I'll discreetly hand this chip to the president. That way, all the problems will be resolved."

"That's a brilliant idea! Miss, you're so smart," chirped Mrs. Blake.

"Mrs. Blake, I'll be going to the office early tomorrow. Please inform my children to keep this a secret and not tell anyone about it," Violla warned.

"Of course," agreed Mrs. Blake.

Violla had only slept at four in the morning. The next morning, she had dark circles under her eyes as she rushed to work. On her way there, she tightly held her pocket, fearing that she might lose the black box with the priceless chip inside.

If so many people were trying so hard to steal the chip, and Roman Corporation was willing to spend so much to retrieve it from the sea, the chip must have cost a fortune.

When she reached the office, Violla first changed into her uniform at the security department. After keeping the chip in her clothes, she went patrolling with Sean. Oddly enough, the Devil's Rolls-Royce never appeared until her shift ended at noon.

Violla kept staring at the entrance, waiting for him, but he never showed up. She was starting to get anxious. "If he's not coming, how am I going to give him the chip?" Violla asked herself.

"Violla, what's wrong? You seem distracted," Sean sensed that something was amiss.

"Is Mr. Roman not coming in today?" Violla asked, feeling baffled. "It's already noon, but I still don't see his car."

"He's the president; he can choose whether or not to come to the office. You're just a security guard. Why are you so concerned about whether he comes to work or not?" Sean felt exasperated by her question.

"I'm not. I was just asking..." Before Violla could finish her sentence, the Rolls-Royce drove in, and she quickly dashed over.

"Good morning, Mr. Roman," Violla greeted.

Violla was opening the door for Davon herself today. Once upon a time, this was an action she scoffed at. Davon then got out of the car and glanced at her before heading straight to the elevator.

Meanwhile, Cruze and the security guards followed closely behind him.

"Mr. Roman!" Violla was about to run after him when she realized Davon was wearing an AirPod and was on a call.

"Interrogate Tiger. Maybe what he threw into the sea is just the box. The chip might not be inside. He might have hidden the chip somewhere else," Davon said.

Hearing those words, Violla's heart skipped a beat. "Oh God, the Devil actually managed to guess what happened! He's really not someone to mess with. If I don't give him back the chip as quickly as possible, I can't imagine what will happen next." Just as Violla was lost in her thoughts, Davon had already entered the elevator.

She touched the chip in her pocket as she pondered, "How am I going to find an excuse to go to level 68? How can I give this chip back to Davon without him noticing?"

Violla had no opportunity to go to level 68 that day; he had not asked her to bring him breakfast or clean the swimming pool.

"Can I mail it to him, or can I send him the chip along with the documents from another department? But the chip is so important. How can I be so careless with it? I'll be in deep trouble if I lose it," she contemplated.

"Violla!" Sean's voice interrupted Violla's train of thought. "It's time to change shifts. Let's have lunch."

"Okay," Violla mumbled as she followed Sean to the cafeteria, looking rather distracted. Right then, she recalled Davon's last visit to level 27 for his meal. Maybe he'll be there today too. Without wasting a second, she hurriedly dragged Sean to the cafeteria on level 27.

The sudden appearance of two security guards among the crowds of office workers seemed quite out of place.

On the other hand, Violla was peeking around, looking for signs of Davon. Her former colleagues in the administration department were all in a hurry to avoid her. None came up to chat with her.

At that moment, disappointment filled Violla's heart. She didn't understand why they were treating her that way.

"Violla!" Right then, a voice reached her ears, and Violla looked up to see Yulisa approaching with a tray. "Can I sit here?"

"Of course. Please take a seat." Violla quickly made room for her.

After Yulisa sat down beside Violla, she handed her a pack of yogurt. "I got one for you."

"Thank you." Violla was deeply touched by her gesture.

"No problem. You were kind to me when you were in the administration department," Yulisa replied with a smile. "How are you doing now, Violla? Are you getting used to your job in the security department?"

"It's not bad. My colleagues are nice to me." Violla then introduced Sean to Yulisa. "This is Sean. We're on the same shift."

"Hello, Sean. I'm Yulisa." Both Yulisa and Sean greeted each other.

Then, Yulisa whispered to Violla, "Violla, did you hear about this? Mr. Isaac has been reassigned to a guard position in the parking lot."

"So I heard." Violla nodded. She had been working in the parking lot recently, but she hadn't come across Isaac. She considered it fortunate, as she didn't want to see him again.

"Do you know why?" Yulisa wondered.

"I'm not sure." Violla didn't want to dwell on it, as she didn't consider it something to be proud of.

"Oh." Yulisa didn't pursue the topic further. "I was just curious, that's why I asked. I hope you don't take it to heart."

"It's alright." Violla turned to look at the cafeteria entrance. It was already half-past twelve, but he still hadn't shown up. "I don't think he'll come today." Violla internalized.

"Violla, I have to leave now. There's an important board meeting, and I need to deliver the documents to level 68." Yulisa then stood up with her tray.

"Can I come with you?" Violla blurted out. In the next second, she added, "I'm afraid it'll be too tiring for you, so I want to help you take the documents up."

"Sure. Let's go." Yulisa agreed.

"Remember to stay by my side once we reach level 68. Do you understand?" Yulisa reminded Violla.

"Understood," Violla muttered, racking her brains for a way to sneak into Davon's office.

"Hey, Violla…" Yulisa said suddenly. "Were you involved in Mr. Isaac's case?"

Violla took a moment to process Yulisa's words. "Well... I'm just an intern, so there's no way I would involve myself in such cases."

"So you're innocent?" Yulisa asked, staring directly into her eyes.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" Violla asked, raising an eyebrow. She wondered why Yulisa was so interested in this case.

"Nothing," Yulisa replied with a grin. "There have been rumors going around that you were the one who implicated Mr. Isaac in his current situation since you were assigned to the security department just days after his reassignment."

"Alright... so what's the issue?" Violla asked.

Yulisa froze and forced a smile onto her face. "I'm concerned about you. A young lady like you isn't suited to be a security guard."

"Oh..." Violla simply said. Before she could say another word, the elevator doors opened on level 68.

Violla rushed out with the documents as Yulisa stepped out of the elevator and gestured to the corridor beside them. "This way, please."

They delivered the documents to the boardroom for the president's secretary to collect, and Violla managed to sneak out while Yulisa was engrossed in conversation with the secretary. Yulisa pretended not to notice her quick escape. It was lunchtime, and there were hardly any people roaming the corridors on level 68.

Violla quickly found the president's office and raised her hand to knock on the door, only to stagger backward when a man inside bellowed, "Get out!"

She shivered and pressed her ear against the door to eavesdrop.

"Please, Mr. Roman, please forgive me! I'll do whatever it takes to stay..." It was Isaac's voice.

Violla froze. "What is he doing here?"

"Mr. Isaac, you attempted to sexually assault a female employee! You could have received a punishment worse than what you got! What made you think plotting against others in the parking lot you're assigned to was a good idea? The President would never forgive you for this!" That was Cruze speaking.

"N-No, that's not true..." Isaac tried to defend himself.

"Destroying the security cameras in the parking lot won't hide your crimes! Every car in the parking lot has a video recorder, so all your despicable actions were still caught on camera," Cruze explained.

"I... I just wanted to take revenge on Violla Milan! She has ruined my life! Hurting others or troubling Mr. Roman was never part of my plans," Isaac argued.

"Is that your confession?" Cruze scoffed.

"Cruze..." Isaac started.

"Cruze! Get this filthy piece of trash out of my office!" Davon snarled.

"Yes, Mr. Roman," Isaac replied. "The police officers are on their way, Isaac. I hope you'll turn over a new leaf after you're released from jail!"

"Y-You called the police?" Isaac stammered. "I'm literally begging you right now! Why can't you just let me go?"

"You have no right to set foot on Level 68!" Davon growled.

Violla shivered as she recalled how Franklin had swooped in to save her from the falling crates in the parking lot. "I wouldn't be able to stand here and witness this showdown if he weren't there that day. It seemed like a freak accident at first glance, but the neat stack of crates suggested otherwise. So... it had been Isaac all along! I bet he didn't expect Davon to catch him in the act a second time!" Violla thought.

Just a few days after the incident, Davon's staff had gathered enough evidence to incriminate Isaac for the incident.

Davon had threatened to kick Isaac out of Roman's Corporation, and the latter had sneaked into Level 68 in a desperate bid to plead for his forgiveness.

The sound of someone being dragged roughly across the floor reached Violla's ears just seconds later as Cruze hauled Isaac out of the office.

Isaac refused to give up. "Mr. Roman, please... I'm your most loyal worker!"

Violla panicked when she heard footsteps approaching the door, and Yulisa swooped in to save her at that very moment. "Violla! What are you doing here?"

Yulisa grabbed Violla by the arm and tried to make a run for it, only to freeze in place when the door to the office opened behind her.

"What are you doing here?" Cruze asked, surprised.

Violla turned around to see Isaac,who was clad in the security guard uniform, kneeling on the ground with Cruze yanking on his collar. Isaac's hair was a mess, and he looked like a shaggy, abused dog.

"Violla Milan!" Isaac screeched. "Are you here to watch me suffer after ruining my life?"

"Mr. Isaac?" Yulisa said, taken aback by the scene. "What are you doing, Mr. Cruze?"

"That's none of your business! Get out of the way!" Cruze barked, dragging Isaac along with him. Cruze grimaced and tugged at Isaac's collar to drag him away.

"Violla Milan! I'm going to kill you!" Isaac suddenly yelled, pulling a dagger out of nowhere and charging towards Violla.

Violla tried to sidestep his attack, but someone pushed her from behind, causing her to fall to the ground. Isaac took that chance to pin her down and drove the blade of his dagger into her shoulder, making her scream out loud.

Blood began to pour from her wound onto the ground as Cruze rushed forward to subdue Isaac.

"Go away!" Isaac yelled, locking Violla in a chokehold and pointing his dagger at Cruze. "Come any nearer and I'll turn her into a corpse!"

"Calm down, Isaac!" Cruze said. "You don't have to do this. You'll just get yourself into even more trouble! She is a Roman woman, under Roman's protection," he blurted out, and everyone fell silent at his words before collecting themselves. Violla was more stunned.

"Yeah, Mr. Isaac! Put down your dagger, and everything will be fine. Haven't you heard who she is to Mr. Roman?" Yulisa added, but the mockery in her voice couldn't be hidden.

"What trouble?" Isaac snapped. "She's nothing but a slut! You're the ones beating me up, sending me to guard some forgotten place, and making me suffer! All I wanted was revenge, and you're handing me off to the police for that? Why? Just why?"

"You deserved it!" a loud voice boomed from behind, dousing the flames of Isaac's anger. Davon's backlit figure emerged from the office, as though he was a deity descending from the heavens.

Isaac fell to his knees and pleaded, "Mr. Roman, please don't hand me over to the police... I'll make sure to stay out of your way from now on!"

"Just agree to his requests, Mr. Roman," Yulisa said. "Violla is already injured. She'll die if this drags on!"

Davon narrowed his eyes as he gazed at Violla. By then, Violla was already shaking like a leaf. Her face was as pale as a sheet, but she forced herself to stay quiet by biting down hard on her lip. Davon's heart broke into pieces as he saw the blood from her had long since soaked through her black uniform, and Isaac's dagger had already carved a bloody streak into her snowy-white neck.

"Haha! I think I know why you're treating me like this. It's because of her, isn't it?" Isaac scoffed. "Rest assured that I haven't touched her yet. If you let me go, she'll be yours forever."

Violla looked up to meet Davon's eyes, which were flickering with rage.

"You have no right to threaten me like that!" Davon snapped, his voice colder than ice. "No one does! Especially not when it's concerning my business, worse when it has to do with my woman."

No one expected him to say that, and an eerie silence settled over the corridor. "Is this some kind of drama being played, a Roman woman?" Violla thought.

"So you want her to die?" Isaac growled, pressing the dagger deeper into Violla's skin. She kept her chin up and forced herself to stay still, though the scent of death had already filled her nostrils.

Davon's eyes darkened, darker than the storm!