Violla held her head, tears welling up in her eyes due to a throbbing migraine. Davon smirked and asked, "What's wrong, boss?"

"My head... it's killing me with pain," Violla replied, pursing her lips. She spoke with an innocent tone, "Are you getting back at me for last night? I know I was in the wrong... but you didn't have to hit me like that."

"Why were you wrong?" Davon asked, gently swaying with her to the music.

"I shouldn't have sold you to those three wealthy ladies," Violla remorsefuly confessed, resting her head on his chest as she synchronized with Davon's dance moves. "Luckily, you managed to escape. Otherwise, you could have been seriously injured or even died."

"That's unlikely," Davon coldly grunted. He rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes, relishing the moment.

"Why not? Those three ladies together weigh over seven hundred pounds. Just their weight alone could have been fatal for you," Violla explained, seemingly finding her conscience. "If you were dead, who would earn money for me? I won't force you next time. Let's take things slow and find a more sustainable way."

"I'm glad you've found your conscience," Davon finally felt contentment and planted a kiss on her neckline.

"Um, how much does your sugar mommy give you per month?" Violla asked inquisitively. "Considering she gifted you such an expensive car, she must be quite generous."

"Why are you asking?" Davon had a bad feeling about it. "I'm just curious, you drive an Aston Martin,it's quite expensive you can't afford that by what you get in this job." Violla probed, "Is it one million?"

Davon ignored her.

"Eight hundred thousand?" Violla guessed again. Davon furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes flew open, and he stiffened. He stopped dancing and took a few steps back from Violla. "Five hundred?" Violla became desperate. "She can't be that stingy, can she?"

"What do you want?" Davon snapped.

"Do you still remember the contents of our agreement?" Violla leaned closer with a grin. "The agreement states that you have to pay me half your earnings within three months. And the earnings don't just include those from Empire Night."

"I knew it!" Davon growled, squinting his eyes in displeasure. "You are both greedy and a nymph. You just can't change."

"I shouldn't have softened my stance against her," he thought.

When she sold him to the three rich ladies the previous day, he was outraged. Hence, the first thing he did in the morning was to teach her a lesson. However, she did send him a message expressing her regret last night and sounded sincere. Also, he heard from the manager of Empire Night that she had waited for him from evening till late in the night. He couldn't help but go to Empire Night to check on her. He then saw her fighting with a few other ladies over him. That was when he saved her again.

He thought she had sincerely regretted her actions. But little did he expect that she just wanted to make money for the long term using him as an escort.

"That's part of our agreement," she blurted.

Worried that he would be upset, Violla tugged his arm and persuaded, "Actually, it's good to have a sugar mommy to take care of you. The stable income is definitely better than the individual clients at Empire Night. However, it would be even better if you work at both places. That way, you can earn even more."

As she rambled on, she didn't notice that Davon's face had darkened significantly.

"You can get a few sugar mommies. If each one of them gives you five hundred thousand, having ten of them means you will get five million. Ah! I would then receive two and a half million…" Before she could finish, Davon suddenly placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her towards him. He snapped, "Doesn't it hurt anymore?" he asked.

"Huh?" Violla asked. "Your head, doesn't it hurt anymore?" Davon repeated his question. Violla was briefly stunned before she began to feel nervous. They were only an inch away from each other. She could feel his breath and the beast-like dominance he was exuding.

The atmosphere became tense and dangerous. Noticing something was amiss, Violla quickly resorted, "Don't be angry. I was just making a suggestion. If you think my demands are too much, we can split your allowance sixty forty. Sixty for you; forty for me…"

"I think you haven't suffered enough today," Davon said. He pinched her chin and rubbed her lips with his thumb. He looked at her as if he was considering how to devour his prey.

"Thirty seventy?" Violla quickly suggested. "You can't expect twenty eighty!"

"I am out of here!" Davon spat, suddenly having run out of patience. He twirled around and started walking away.

"Escort, please don't be angry…" she started.

"Don't follow me!" Davon snarled, cutting her off as a sudden chill fell upon the space. Violla was so terrified that she froze on the spot.

After a few seconds, Violla ran after him. She tripped and sprawled onto the ground outside. She got scratched and cut, her palms and knees burning in pain.

Behind her, the Aston Martin sped off and left her in the dust. Violla shivered in the cold as she pitifully picked herself up. She then realized she was alone in the parking lot. Her phone had run out of charge. She was on the brink of breaking into tears.

"Why are all men so cruel!" she cursed. The boss she met during the day was like that, and so was the escort at night. She walked to the roadside, but none of the passing cars slowed down.

After being out in the cold for an hour, she managed to stop a cab. Violla quickly halted it by jumping in front with outstretched arms. Davon in his Aston Martin who had parked at a distance watching her only drove off when he saw that she had gotten into a car safely. That night, Violla caught a cold and slept so soundly that even the alarm couldn't wake her.

When morning arrived, Mrs. Blake woke her up. As she dragged herself to wash up, her body ached all over. When Mrs. Blake learned that she had caught a cold, she quickly made her some hot tea."

Ryan went to the medical kit and found some cold medicine. He also brought Violla a glass of warm water. "Mommy, once you finish breakfast, you will need to take your medication," he said.

"You're such a good boy, Ryan," Violla said as she used a tissue to cover her nose. "I got up late today and am running late. Mrs. Blake will take you to the bus later, alright?"

"Mommy, don't worry. I will take care of Jason and Eliana," Ryan said, acting like an adult. Ryan's expression showed that he was eager to shoulder the responsibility.

"Mommy, you shouldn't go to work. Instead, take the day off and see the doctor," Eliana said, feeling bad for her mom as she helped Violla clean her nose with her chubby hands.

"I'll be fine after taking some meds. Don't worry," Violla chimed. She kept drinking water as she also had a sore throat.

"I'll pour you some more water," Eliana offered.

When Violla finished the water, Eliana took the empty glass and poured another one. "Mommy, this is the cold medicine I have prepared for you. You should take it to work," she said.

Ryan put the cold medication into a small box and placed it in Violla's handbag.

"Thanks, Ryan and Eliana," Violla appreciated. She was proud of her children. They were only four but already so sensible. At that moment, she realized Jason was gone and quickly asked, "Where's Jason?"

"Jason is watching Finny poop," Eliana pointed her chubby arms toward the balcony. Jason was standing on a small bench and staring intently at Finny, who was in a cage. He was holding a stick in his hand, and no one knew what he was up to.

Inside the cage, Finny stood there without moving. As its eyes darted around, it stretched its neck and tried hard to poop.

"He woke up twice in the middle of the night to check whether Finny pooped. And this morning, he did the same too," Mrs. Blake laughed as she related. "Perhaps he thinks Finny is going to shit that piece of gold out."

"I am inclined to believe Jason," Ryan said, furrowing his eyebrows and looking serious. "Perhaps his story is true."

"Jason, come and have your breakfast!" Mrs. Blake called out. Jason walked slowly toward Violla. "Mommy, Finny has pooped."

"Is there any gold?" Eliana sounded anxious.

"No, I've checked it with a stick," Jason replied, still filled with hope. "Perhaps it will come out next time."

Afterward, he instructed Mrs. Blake with a serious tone, "Mrs. Blake, help me check if Finny poops any gold while I am at school."

"Alright, alright, I'll watch over him for you. If there really is gold, I will keep it for you," Mrs. Blake replied with a smile. "Now, eat your breakfast." After breakfast, she sent the three children off, while Violla hailed a taxi to work.

In the taxi, she sneezed non-stop, and mucus kept dripping from her nose. She felt very sick at that moment. When she recalled how she suffered yesterday, she gritted her teeth in anger. She was quietly cursing both Davon and the escort, wishing they would be forever impotent.

Inside the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Davon sneezed twice, and the image of Violla flashed across his mind. "Damn it, did I catch a cold from her?" he thought.

"Mr. Roman," Cruze reported, "The results of Paul's investigations are out."

"Go on!" Davon's attention was still on his documents.

"Paul gave the chip to a child at the Plaza," Cruze explained with a frown. "From the security footage, the child is around three to four years old..." Davon cut him off.

"Search the city for the child!" he snarled.

"Yes, sir!" Cruze responded.

When Violla arrived at the office, she realized everyone was looking at her differently. Her usually genial colleagues were all avoiding her, which made her feel uneasy. She debated within herself whether they had found out about the incident with Isaac or if there was some misunderstanding about her.

Just as she was pondering this, the head of the administration department informed her that she had been transferred to a new department and needed to report to the HR department.

When Violla asked him for the reason, he simply turned and walked off. Feeling puzzled, Violla wanted to find out from her other colleagues what had happened. However, everyone avoided her like the plague, so she had no choice but to proceed to the HR department alone. After receiving her transfer notice, she was dumbfounded when she learned of her new position.

"Security! Security? Is there a mistake?" Her mind screamed.

Yesterday, when Isaac tried to take advantage of her, he was beaten up badly by Davon. Afterward, he was reassigned as a security guard in the parking lot. She thought she had escaped the matter unscathed. After all, she was a victim. But now, the shocking news blew her into a state of devastation.

"What kind of logic is this? Why is the victim being punished along with the perpetrator? This is just so unfair!" she thought.

Violla couldn't contain her anger as she vowed to seek clarification from the president. The new HR manager just made a scornful remark. "You've committed a big mistake. But you should count yourself lucky that only your position has changed and you still get to keep your old salary."

"What did I do wrong?" Violla asked.

"Enough with your questions. If you're not satisfied, then just leave!"

"You..." Violla was speechless. "Fine, the company belongs to the Devil so he can do whatever he wants. Is there a point in reasoning with him? Impossible," she thought.

Fuming, Violla collected her uniform and headed to the security department to report for duty. There, a group of burly security guards surrounded her and joked, "Hey, is the sun rising from the west? The security guards at Roman Corporation have always been male. Today, we actually have our first female guard."

"She's beautiful too," another said.

"How did such a beautiful goddess end up being punished here?" asked another.

"She must have offended the Devil," another remarked. Violla felt depressed. She was now certain that she had unknowingly gotten on the Devil's nerves.