Violla felt depressed. She was now certain that she had unknowingly gotten on the devil's nerves. Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept punishing her repeatedly.

"Enough. It's time to work," barked the captain of the security guards at the group of young guards.

He informed Violla, "Your uniform looks big on you, so just bear with it for the time being. The HR department has already tailored a few sets for you, which will arrive next week."

"Thank you!" Violla couldn't help but sneeze.

"Do you have a cold?" the captain asked her in a friendly manner. She briefly nodded. "Today is your first day at work, so you're probably unfamiliar with your station. Just follow Sean on his rounds at the parking lot. There's usually not much going on there."

"Thank you!" Violla was extremely grateful.

"Let's go!" Sean handed Violla a security cap and led her towards the car park. The oversized uniform Violla was wearing made her look like a kid in adult clothes, it appeared utterly hideous. If it weren't for the belt, her pants would have dropped at any moment.

When they arrived at the car park, a white Bentley pulled up. Sean pulled Violla along to welcome it. Violla asked softly, "Why do the security guards have to do this? Don't we have doormen to handle it?"

"The doormen are responsible for the car park's entrance," Sean answered. Violla was speechless and had no choice but to follow him. When Sean opened the Bentley's door, a tall and dashing man emerged from the car. Violla was shaken when she saw him. It was her ex-fiancé.

"Thank you," Franklin Stanley said. He was just as gentle and elegant as he had been four years ago. His white suit accentuated his tall figure and made him look especially dignified. Violla quickly turned away so that he wouldn't recognize her. "Move aside!" Franklin's security guard pushed Violla aside as he escorted him towards the elevator.

Wearing her cap low, Violla hid behind a pillar and discreetly watched Sean. He was wearing silver-rimmed glasses and had a faint smile on his face. Anyone who saw it would be mesmerized. However, he seemed to have lost some weight. Violla wondered how he had been over the last few years.

As the past came rushing back, beautiful and innocent memories from that time flooded her mind. Feeling the burn in her nose, Violla's eyes turned red. She had been madly in love with him once. She had given him all the passion of her youth while he had promised to marry her and protect her unconditionally. He had given her the world. Alas, people change.

As if he felt something, Franklin turned around to look. Violla quickly hid behind the pillar, her heart pounding rapidly, hoping he hadn't seen her.

Then, she heard footsteps approaching from behind her. She grew extremely nervous, not wanting him to see her under such dire circumstances. The closer the footsteps got, the faster her heart pounded. When they were right behind her, she panicked and started running.

"Hey, why are you running?" Sean called out to her from behind. Violla stopped in her tracks when she realized it was just Sean.

Franklin Stanley entered the elevator and headed to the sixty-sixth floor, where the president's office boardroom was located. Only then did Violla heave a sigh of relief. However, a wave of disappointment washed over her when she realized he didn't recognize her. It only meant one thing: he had truly forgotten her.

"Don't worry, I felt the same way when I first met someone important. In fact, I was even more nervous than you. You'll get used to it after some time," Sean encouraged her, assuming Violla was scared because of her lack of exposure to the world.

"Thank you," she simply replied.

Violla was grateful and felt that her colleagues in the security department were generally friendly. "Let's patrol over there," Sean instructed.

As Sean led Violla on their rounds, he also explained what she needed to look out for during patrol. Just as they were chatting, a Rolls-Royce Phantom drove towards them.

"It's the president's car," Sean whispered. He approached it and yelled at Violla to do the same. "Quick, follow me." Knowing that the Devil was the reason she had fallen into such undignified circumstances, anger swelled up within her. All she wanted to do was tear him apart.

However, since they were going to see each other, she wanted to question him as to what she had done to offend him. Otherwise, working as a security guard just wasn't right. Holding that thought, Violla followed Sean.

"Good morning, Mr. Roman," Sean greeted the president respectfully as he opened the car door.

"Good morning his ass, it's already ten thirty," Violla cursed in her heart. Davon stepped out of the car, his black suit making him look mysterious and dashing, along with his handsome yet frosty face. He really looked annoying to Violla.

"It seems working as a security guard doesn't suit you," Davon sneered. When he saw Violla's resentful expression, he rubbed salt into her wounds. "Perhaps being a cleaner would be a better fit?"

"Erm..." Violla was briefly stunned before quickly standing at attention.

"Good morning, Mr. Roman! It's wonderful to see you here. Have you had your breakfast? Do you need me to get you some?" Violla sarcastically said. Understanding the sarcasm in her tone, Davon replied, "Sure, why not." Davon smiled smugly as he shot Cruze a glance. He loved how Violla was about to drop her jaw, expecting him to turn down her offer. She didn't mean a word she said.

Cruze walked up to Violla and instructed, "Get him the pizza from Noor's, the beef sandwiches from Lance, and the hand-brewed coffee from St. Lagon's... That should do for today, it's a lot lesser than usual."

"Huh?" Violla widened her eyes in shock.

"Thank you for the trouble," Davon appreciated, visibly holding back his laughter. He then shot her a glance before leaving with his security guards behind him.

"Send them to the boardroom on the sixty-sixth floor in half an hour," Cruze instructed Violla before he caught up with Davon.

Violla stood there stupefied. She had offered to buy breakfast out of sarcasm and didn't expect the man to take her up on it, let alone make such ridiculous demands.

Those few restaurants were among the city's most famous, and one had to make a reservation two hours in advance. How was it possible to get all those items within just half an hour?

"He is obviously messing with me," she thought.

"By the way..." Cruze turned around to add, "If you don't get them within half an hour, please be prepared to be transferred to the janitorial department."

Violla felt the urge to clench her fists and scream, "I quit!" Just when her lips moved, the words lodged in her throat.

At that moment, Davon had entered the elevator. When he turned around, he smiled deviously at her.

"I..." Before she could say anything, the elevator door closed. Shutting her eyes tightly and gritting her teeth, she screamed at herself for being useless.

"Violla, Violla!" Sean's voice broke her train of thought. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Violla felt like crying. "I should have just shut up. Why did I offer to buy Devil breakfast?"

"Mr. Roman? The Devil?" Sean became nervous at once. "Don't let anyone catch you saying that, or you'll be finished. Next time, you shouldn't call him that."

"Now what do I do?" Violla muttered. She was on the brink of tears. "Buying all those items in half an hour is just impossible."

"I haven't even heard about those things before." Sean gave her a sympathetic look. "I haven't been to such high-end places before. Usually, we eat at the restaurant on the seventh floor."

"There's a restaurant on the seventh floor?" Violla was surprised. "Before this, I only ate at the one on the twenty-first floor," she said.

"The restaurant on the seventh floor serves local food, while the one on the twenty-first floor serves international cuisine. Most of the white-collar staff like you go to the twenty-first floor, while blue-collar workers like us go to the seventh floor..." Sean explained.

"I know what to do," she hissed.

Violla rushed into the elevator, knowing there was no time to waste. After all, she only had half an hour. When she arrived at the restaurant on the seventh floor, she got the chef to prepare pizzas, beef sandwiches, and a few other items.

After that, she went to the twenty-first floor to get coffee. Since she got the food items based on the list provided by Cruze, and they were similar, she didn't believe that Mr. Roman would be able to taste the difference.

By that time, she had used up twenty-one minutes and only had nine minutes left. Violla dashed into the elevator with the food but then realized her security guard badge didn't grant her access to the sixty-sixth floor.

Only then did she recall that it was the administration manager who had granted her access to the sixty-eighth floor with his card when she had gone there to clean the swimming pool just the other day. "What am I going to do now?" she pondered.

She had started out with enough time, but now she had been delayed. Violla considered asking the manager for help, but when she recalled how he had been avoiding her, she felt it would be a waste of time. She tried pressing the other buttons and realized her card granted her access to the forty-eighth floor.

Once she got there, she continued going up using the stairs. It was an eighteen-story climb from the forty-eighth floor to the sixty-sixth. Despite having a cold, Violla struggled up the steps with her legs trembling and her head covered in sweat. Nevertheless, she persevered and reached the sixty-sixth floor at the very last minute. She exited the stairwell, her knees buckled, and she almost fell down at the entrance of the boardroom.

At that crucial moment, a pair of hands grabbed onto her. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

When she turned around, panting for breath, she saw the familiar face of Franklin. Her body froze in shock, and she couldn't believe her eyes. Likewise, Franklin was stunned to see Violla. The chivalrous smile on his face quickly turned into an awkward expression.

"Mr. Stanley!" the security guard beside him softly called out his name, breaking the trance. Franklin regained his senses and quickly let go of Violla, taking a step back. His sudden retreat devastated Violla, and she could feel her heart in turmoil, tears welling up in her eyes.

Realizing that Franklin was looking at her, Violla was at a loss for what to do with her hands. One hand tightly held onto the food she had bought, while the other wiped the sweat off her brow and tidied up her messy hair.

"Mr. Stanley, we have to go. We still have another meeting at one," the security guard reminded him. Franklin gave Violla another glance before passing by her and leaving without saying a word.

Standing still, Violla listened to the fading sound of Franklin's footsteps. Her heart felt shattered, like a piece of glass being smashed into a million fragments. "Does he not recognize me anymore, or did he choose not to? Perhaps I am just a shadow in his heart, a blemish in his life. He doesn't want to acknowledge it or have anything to do with me," Violla whispered to herself, her voice filled with sorrow.

Holding onto that painful thought, Violla felt as if a knife was slicing through her heart.

"You're late!" Davon's voice rang out from behind her, sounding almost like a warning. Violla brought the food into the boardroom, her expression sullen.

"Is this the breakfast you bought?" Cruze asked, taking the food from her hands and placing them on the table one by one—pizzas, beef sandwiches, coffee. It was what he had requested. However, something seemed off.

"Where did you get them from?" Cruze inquired.

"The canteen," she replied, her expression still blank as her thoughts continued to swirl around Franklin.

She had often fantasized about how it would be when they met again, but this wasn't at all what she expected. "Franklin must have looked down on me when he saw me in such miserable circumstances. The fact that he recoiled half a step and the indifference in his eyes made me feel as if he didn't know me at all," Violla contemplated, her heart heavy with disappointment.

"This is unacceptable," Cruze reprimanded. "I told you that Mr. Roman wants pizza from Noor's, beef sandwiches from Lance, and hand-brewed coffee from St. Logan."

"He is a human, just like any one of us. If we can eat it, why can't he?" Violla sneered, no longer able to contain her frustration. If Davon hadn't asked her to get breakfast, she wouldn't have bumped into Franklin.

Davon, who was sitting on a leather revolving chair, raised his gaze from the documents in his hand and glared at Violla.

"This is ridiculous!" Cruze snapped. "How dare you talk to Mr. Roman this way?" Violla ignored him as she turned to leave.

"Report to the janitorial department tomorrow," Cruze declared from behind her. Violla stopped in her tracks and turned around. She took off her employee tag and threw it on the table. "I quit!" she snarled.

She finally said it. There was no need to gather courage or overthink the consequences.

"Erm…" Cruze was stunned.

"What did you say?" Davon squinted his eyes and gazed deeply at her.

"I said… I quit!" Violla raised her head and looked straight at him. She ranted emotionally, "I'm not going to entertain your volatile and irregular emotions anymore!"

Surprisingly, Davon was not angered. Instead, a faint smile emerged on his face as he looked at her with interest. Cruze and the other security guards were shocked.

That was the first time someone dared to talk back to Davon.

"I suggest you go and see a psychologist. You should cure your illness as soon as possible," Violla taunted after shooting Davon an angry glare. She stormed out with her head held high. At that moment, she felt that was the coolest thing she had ever done.

The moment she stepped out of the boardroom, Violla received a call from Mrs. Blake. "Miss, something terrible has happened."

"What is it?" Violla anxiously asked.

"The kindergarten teacher called and said that both Ryan and Jason got into a fight. They even broke someone's car window, and the owner is asking us to compensate with eighty thousand ."

"What? Eighty thousand?" Violla's heart dropped. "Are they trying to scam us? I'll head over now."

"Mmm-hmm. I'm on my way. I'll see you there," Mrs. Blake said.

After ending the call, Violla returned to the security department to change. After that, she left hurriedly for the kindergarten.

When she called Eliana's teacher, the teacher instructed her to head to the principal's office.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Violla hurried there quickly. She heard a haughty voice when she arrived at the door. "These two children not only beat Titus up but also broke my car window. I will not let that matter slide."