"Mrs. Stanley, please don't be mad. I will help you find a solution," the principal said.

"What solution? Until now, the parents involved aren't even here yet. Do they not teach their children anything?" the haughty voice came again. Violla frowned as she pushed open the door to go in.

Ryan and Jason were facing the wall with their hands behind their backs. A well-dressed lady was sitting on the sofa with her back facing Violla, and her legs crossed. Behind her were two security guards dressed in black suits, looking aloof.

Beside her sat a young boy in a tailored black suit, with his hair slicked back. With his pouting lips and chin held high, his face was filled with arrogance. Violla felt as if she had seen the child before but couldn't remember where.

"Miss Milan, you're finally here!" the children's teacher shrieked when she saw Violla; it was as if she saw her savior. She quickly introduced her to the principal. "Madam Principal, this is Ryan, Jason, and Eliana's mother."

"Mommy!" Ryan and Jason called out to her in unison, with a pitiful look on their faces.

"Miss, you're finally here." Madam Principal frowned and coughed out, "Your children broke the school rules by beating up another student. They also broke the window of the parent's Bentley. How do you think we should resolve this?"

"Madam Principal, hold your horses. Let me find out what's going on first," Violla quickly said, stepping forward and wanting to ask the children what happened.

"What is there to understand? Your two barbaric sons beat up Titus." The woman sitting in the chair complained arrogantly.

"Please watch your mouth! Who do you think you are to call them names?" Violla became exasperated. The woman turned around angrily. When she saw Violla, she was stunned.

"It's you?" Filled with shock, her eyes widened in disbelief. Violla was equally stunned; she didn't expect the haughty woman to be Leila Smith, the same cousin who had always followed her and fawned over her since they were children.

Leila's ability to superficially appear close to Violla was excellent, but they lost contact after Violla fell into horrible circumstances.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here," Leila said, quickly regaining her senses and maintaining her haughty composure. She sneered, "Are these boys yours?"

If it weren't for the fact that they had grown up together and Violla was extremely familiar with Leila, she wouldn't believe that the person in front of her was Leila, who used to be timid but now seemed like a different person.

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to admit it?" Leila mocked with a laugh. "What's there to hide? The whole city knew about your disgraceful act, and your reputation has long been destroyed. Even if you bore two—oops, I'm wrong—three bastards, it's not surprising at all..."

"Leila!" Violla cut her off and yelled. "How dare you speak to me like that in front of the children? Don't make me slap you silly!"

"You..." Leila was outraged. But when she saw the ferocity in Violla's eyes, she decided to stay silent.

"That's right, they are my children," Violla replied as she turned her attention to the arrogant-looking child. "Is that your son with Frank?"

"Of course!" Leila raised her eyebrow smugly. "After you left, Frank and I got married after a month. Now, I am Mrs. Stanley."

"Is that so? Congratulations," Violla said. She saw the hypocritical look on Leila's face, and memories from the past flooded back into Violla's mind.

At that time, Franklin's mother had made an announcement on the day of the ceremony itself, stating that the engagement had been called off. Franklin was shocked, and Violla stormed off.

After that, Leila took Violla to Empire Night, where she told her that she could forget about her troubles there.

Violla, who was furious with Franklin, was told by Leila that Franklin was on his way and she should find a man to get back at him. By making him feel jealous, she would be able to even the odds at home. After that, Leila arranged for a male escort for her.

As the past flashed before her, Violla understood what had happened. She had fallen into Leila's trap and Leila had taken her place. However, it was too late for regrets. Other than blaming herself for being stupid, Violla couldn't do anything else.

Others had set the trap, but she was foolish enough to take the bait. "Thank you," Leila smirked. "Despite being relatives, we still need to settle the score. Your sons beat up my son and even broke my car window. Tell me, how are you going to compensate for it?"

"So it seems both of you are relatives," the Principal tried to salvage the situation. "In that case, why don't you resolve this in private?"

"Resolve this in private?" Leila interrupted the principal and retorted, "My son is a distinguished boy. Now that something has happened to him in your kindergarten, are you trying to avoid responsibility?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant," the principal said.

"I have already called my husband, and he will be here shortly," Leila declared, arrogantly pressuring the principal. "Madam Principal, if today's matter is not resolved to my satisfaction, you can close down the kindergarten soon!"

"Huh?" The class teacher was so shocked that her expression drastically changed.

"Keep your mouth shut," the principal reprimanded the teacher before reassuring Leila, "Mrs. Stanley, please don't be angry. I will definitely resolve this to your satisfaction."

After that, she coldly remarked to Violla, "Miss Milan, your children have been disobedient. Please apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley along with your children and pay the necessary compensation."

"Madam Principal, I have not yet gotten to the bottom of the matter. Isn't it too early for you to reach such a conclusion?" Violla retorted.

"You..." The principal was speechless.

"I think it's important to understand what happened first," Violla said as she approached her children. "Ryan, Jason, tell me what happened."

"It's him," Ryan pointed at Titus and explained angrily. "He was the one who colored Eliana's hair with paint, causing her to cry. I warned him not to do that, but he scolded me instead."

"Nonsense, my son wouldn't do something like that," Leila immediately defended her son.

"Please let him finish," Violla requested. She scrutinized Titus and noticed that there were still traces of paint on his hands. Furthermore, he didn't deny what Ryan said. All he did was show his arrogant face.

"Yes, that's what happened," Jason said, clenching his little fists as his chubby face flushed red with anger.

"I asked him to apologize to Ryan and Eliana, but he refused. He even threw the crystal ball on the table to hit me. Luckily, I ducked in time, so it missed me. But it flew out of the classroom and hit the window of a car outside."

"Therefore, you didn't hit anyone, and the car window was smashed by him. Is that right?" Violla probed. "That's right," her children nodded in unison. Violla hugged both children sympathetically.

"The other students in class saw it too. They can be witnesses," Ryan cleverly suggested.

"Did you inform the teacher about what happened?" Violla asked again.

"We did," Ryan looked at their class teacher with an aggrieved expression and said, "I told her many times, and the other students corroborated my story too. Our teacher knows about it." Violla turned and faced the class teacher.

The class teacher had a remorseful expression on her face. She had wanted to say something but decided against it when the principal shot her an angry glance. All she did was look at her toes cowardly.

"Can we even believe them?" Leila sneered. "It's obvious that they beat up my son."

"I trust my children because they never lie and won't beat anyone up without reason," Violla looked at Titus. "Besides, your son's clothes are still tidy, and his hair isn't even messy. He doesn't look like he was roughed up at all."

"Do we have to wait until he is grievously hurt?" Leila retorted.

"Since we each have our own versions of the story, why don't we check the security footage?" Violla said, standing up. "The classroom is fully monitored by security cameras. Wouldn't we know the truth once we review them?"

"Um..." The principal was in a dilemma.

"Madam Principal!" Violla was seething with anger. "You didn't even check the security footage. So on what basis do you accuse my son of damaging the car? Since there's no evidence, why are my children being punished? Just because the other party is someone important? Does your kindergarten only serve the rich?"

"Miss Milan, how can you say that?" the principal asked coldly. "If you're unhappy with our kindergarten, you can choose to leave with your children."

"That's right," Leila scoffed. "Considering we are relatives, I will let this matter slide if your children leave this school. I will treat the eight hundred thousand as a donation to charity."

"Compensation? What compensation?" Violla angrily retorted.

"Your son broke your car window, so why do we have to pay for it? I haven't even settled the score with you over your son coloring my daughter's hair, and yet you want my children to leave? I think you should be the one to leave," Violla roared.

"When did you see my son color your daughter's hair?" Leila shot up angrily.

"Why don't you ask your son?" Violla challenged, staring at Titus.

Titus raised his head arrogantly. However, when he saw Violla's sharp gaze, he began to waver.

"Titus, tell her you didn't do it!" Leila angrily demanded, hugging her son. "Don't worry, Mommy is here. No one can falsely accuse you."

"Mommy, I..." Titus hesitated. At that moment, the office door opened, and Mrs. Blake entered with Eliana in tow.

"Mommy!" Eliana shrieked when she saw Violla, throwing herself into her mother's embrace. Tears streamed down her almond-shaped eyes, and her sniffling sounds could break anyone's heart.

"Mommy, Titus colored my hair with paint. I still can't wash it off even with Mrs. Blake's help. Do I need to cut my hair now?" Eliana questioned. Tears gushed out like a waterfall as she spoke. "I don't want to cut my hair. I want to keep it long."

Violla hugged Eliana to comfort her. "Eliana, don't worry. Mommy will help you wash it off when we get home. It will definitely come out."

"Mmm-hmm," Eliana murmured, pursing her lips as she sniffled pitifully, tears strewn all over her face.

"Eliana, please don't cry anymore..." Titus said, quickly sliding down the chair and walking toward her. "I was just playing with you. I didn't really mean to harass you."

"Titus!" Leila quickly covered his mouth, preventing him from saying anything further.

"Hmph!" Violla scoffed and turned toward the principal. "Did you hear that?" The principal was visibly shocked, lost for words.

The class teacher added timidly, "I did ask the other students, and they admitted that Titus colored Eliana's hair. However, he didn't do it on purpose. He just wanted to play with her, but she ignored him. That's why he tried to get her attention that way..."

"Shut up!" The principal interrupted her and barked, "Mr. Stanley is on the school board. Therefore, his son is a distinguished guest of the school. If we anger him, our school will have to close."

"I'm glad you're aware," Leila sneered. "After all, only one of us will remain here. I'll leave if she stays. Your choice!"

"Mrs. Stanley, of course, I hope that you will stay," the principal made her stance clear. "Miss Milan, I am sorry. I'll refund the school fees that you have paid. You will have to find another kindergarten for your children."

"Madam principal..." Violla started.

"No," Titus screamed before Violla could finish her sentence. Titus suddenly freed himself from Leila's hand and rushed toward the principal. "You can't let them leave!"

"Titus," the principal chirped.

"If Eliana leaves, I won't come to school!" Titus yelled emotionally.

"Titus, why are you disobeying me?" Leila became desperate. "There are so many other children here, and many pretty girls too. Why must it be her?"

"I don't care. It has to be her." After he finished screaming, Titus dashed out.

"Titus…" Leila called out. Together with her security guard, they gave Titus a chase.

Now, there were only the principal, the class teacher, and Violla's family left in the principal's office. All of them were equally stunned. "Erm…" the principal stated awkwardly. "Miss Milan, why don't you head home with the children first and let me discuss the matter with the Stanleys. After that, I'll give you a call?"

"Sure, but please give me a copy of the security footage," Violla smiled smugly. "In case it disappears, the truth will be buried again."

"Miss Milan, is that necessary? Since Titus has requested not to let Eliana leave school, the matter can be resolved easily," the principal calmly said.

"Madam principal," Violla interrupted her. She asserted solemnly, "Let me be clear. From what Titus said, it's obvious he is the one who harassed Eliana and damaged his family's car too. My children did nothing wrong, and yet they were criticized and humiliated by you and the other parent. To the extent that we were being kicked out of school."

Violla continued, "Now, it isn't a matter of whether they will look past this. Instead, it's up to me whether I want to let go of this matter. If you don't hand over the security footage, I will then make a police report and let the police come for it."

"You…" the principal began to panic. She assumed everyone was just as afraid of the Stanleys as she was and would choose to take the humiliation quietly. Little did she expect Violla to be someone who's not easily cowed.

"Miss Milan, please don't be angry," the class teacher tried to salvage the situation. "Let us talk this over. I'm sure we can come to an amicable solution."

"That's right, let's talk this over," the principal said with a wide grin. "It's just a small conflict between children. Let's resolve this internally. I'm sure there's no need to involve the police."

Violla sneered, "If only the other party were reasonable and you handled it fairly, it would have been a trivial matter and wouldn't have escalated to this extent. Leila was rude and intimidating to my children, yet you wrongly accused them without any basis. In fact, you even punished them."

She added, "When the truth was revealed, you chose to bow to their status and influence. You even forced us to leave school. Since you are unable to mete out justice fairly, I have no choice but to seek recompense for my children another way."

"What do you want?" the principal asked impatiently.

"Simple!" Violla quipped. "First things first, hand over the security footage to prove my children's innocence. Secondly, get Mrs. Stanley and Titus to apologize to my children. Thirdly, you and the class teacher will also have to apologize. In fact, you will have to announce it to the whole school."

"The class teacher and I can apologize to you, but it would be impossible to get Mrs. Stanley and Titus to do the same," the principal explained. "Your family lives in this city too. Offending the Stanleys does you no good. A word from Mr. Stanley is enough to get you blacklisted. You won't be able to find a job or get your children into schools. What are you going to do when that happens?"

"If I can't even protect my children, I'm not fit to be a mother!" Violla thought, infuriated by the principal's words. "Since that's your stance, I'll just make a police report. I want to see how powerful the Stanleys are."

As she spoke, Violla took out her phone to call the police. "Miss Milan, please don't!" the principal said desperately, trying to grab Violla's phone.

"What are you doing?" Violla barked.

"Stop!" a loud voice bellowed from behind. At the same time, a pair of hands pushed the principal away and pulled Violla into their embrace.