When Violla turned around, she saw Franklin, who held her tightly in his embrace, acting as her protector. She could see the longing and pain in his eyes, and emotions swelled within her as if she had returned to the past.

"M-Mr. Stanley..." The principal stuttered, her eyes widening in shock, thinking that she was seeing things.

"Your hand..." Franklin said when he noticed the cut on Violla's hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and barked at the principal, "What gives you the right to touch her?"

"Erm..." The principal was so frightened that she felt a chill down her spine. "Mr. Stanley, Mrs. Stanley and Titus just left," the principal meekly reminded him, assuming Franklin had mistaken Violla for Leila.

Upon hearing those words, Violla regained her senses.

"That's right, Franklin is married to Leila now, and they even have a son. I shouldn't have any more fantasies." With that thought in mind, Violla immediately pushed Franklin away and stepped to the side.

"I know, I asked them to head home first," Franklin stated, recovering his usual elegant demeanor. Looking at the two children in front of Violla, a sudden mix of emotions engulfed his heart.

Ryan and Jason had rushed to protect their mother when the principal confronted her. It was just that Franklin beat them to it. They stood guard in front of Violla with their fists clenched, resembling little lions looking at Franklin warily.

"Mommy!" Eliana called out from a corner. She was being held by Mrs. Blake, her watery eyes widening in fear.

"Are they... your children?" Franklin asked Violla, looking at her knowingly.

"Yes!" Violla said, averting her gaze. "Will he hate me for my impulsive actions, then?" Violla asked herself. Despite his calm exterior, Franklin subconsciously clenched his fists.

After a brief silence, he told the principal, "Madam principal, I have seen the security footage, and it was indeed Titus' fault," Franklin confirmed.

"Yes, yes," the principal said. She had lost track of what was going on, only able to nod and agree to whatever Franklin said.

Franklin knelt down and gently asked Eliana, "Little girl, did Titus color your hair with paint?"

"Yes," Eliana grumbled with a pout, "He was the one who bullied me, and my two brothers only warned him about it. They didn't hit him. It was he who threw the crystal ball out the window in a fit of anger..."

"Yes, I know," Franklin apologized to her sincerely. "On behalf of my son, Titus, I would like to say sorry to the three of you and also to your mother."

Seeing the scene that had just unfolded before her, the principal and the teacher were equally shocked. As for Mrs. Blake, she heaved a sigh of relief. Mr. Stanley hadn't changed. Violla looked at him intently; she realized he was just as a gentleman and chivalrous as always.

"Mommy," Ryan tugged at Violla's sleeve and asked softly, "Do we forgive Titus' dad?"

Before Violla could reply, Franklin added, "When I return home later, I will punish Titus accordingly. I will also tell my wife to personally apologize to all of you."

"Erm…" The principal was stupefied to the extent that she felt her head buzzing. She wondered if Violla had a powerful background or perhaps the three children were Franklin's illegitimate kids.

"Furthermore…" Franklin turned toward the principal. "I have called the school board and told them that you are not fit to manage this school. It's better they look for someone else."

"Mr. Stanley…" The principal started.

"Madam Principal," Franklin interrupted her. "I heard everything that you have just said to Miss Milan. You are right that I can destroy one's future with a single word. However, that person isn't Miss Milan but you instead."

"You'd better apologize to them sincerely and leave quietly. Maybe, I will consider showing you some mercy," Franklin threatened.

Seeing through the situation, the principal bowed towards Violla and her children to apologize. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have offended someone of your stature."

"Until now, you still don't know where you went wrong," Violla chimed, realizing the principal had a deep-seated issue. "Mr. Stanley has dealt with this issue fairly because he is a principled man, not because I have any influence. You are just being sycophantic to those in power and have no decency at all."

"Yes, you are right." The principal lowered her head and didn't dare utter another word. Violla just looked away and didn't have anything more to say. To her, it was pointless to further explain to someone like that.

"Just leave," Franklin growled.

"Please have mercy, Mr. Stanley," the principal pleaded before leaving with her head hung low. As for the class teacher, whose face was already pale in shock, she stuttered, "Mr. Stanley, I-I…"

"You will be suspended for one month and sent for retraining. Once you have the necessary values ingrained in you, you can return to your post," Franklin ordered.

"Thank you, thank you." The class teacher stated, realizing that she had gotten off with just a slap on the wrist. She quickly thanked him and apologized to the children. "Ryan, Jason, Eliana, I'm sorry. I failed to protect all of you." The children watched as their teacher left.

Meanwhile, the security guards of the Stanleys remained at the door.

"Mrs. Blake, it's been a while. How are you?" Franklin asked in a very sincere tone.

"Good, very good," Mrs. Blake nodded. "It's a wonder you still remember me."

"I do. I have always remembered..." Franklin shot a glance at Violla as he spoke, wanting her to know that he had never forgotten her and that he remembered everything about her. Violla lowered her head, not wanting to face him.

"Kids, let's go to the classroom to get your bags," Mrs. Blake instructed the three children. "Mommy needs to talk to Mr. Stanley about the teachers. She will join us soon."

"Mommy..." The children looked at Violla.

"Be good and go with Mrs. Blake," Violla gave each of them a hug. "After getting your bags, wait for me at the school gate. I'll be there soon."

"Mmm-hmm." The children nodded obediently. With that, Mrs. Blake led the kids away.

When he was sure they were out of earshot, Franklin asked, "Who is the father?"

Violla frowned as she felt a massive burden weighing on her heart. She knew he would ask her that question.

"How should I answer? An escort from back then? What would he think of me?" Violla contemplated. Although they were fated to be apart, she still hoped to leave a good impression in his heart.

"Don't worry," Franklin's voice was visibly calm. "It's been so many years. Furthermore, it was me who wronged you first, so I have no right to question you. I just... just want to know who he is."

"Their father is just an ordinary person," Violla toned down the truth. "We were already separated."

"Did you know him after you left the city?" Franklin continued his questions. "I heard that you stayed in the countryside the whole time."

"Yes, I knew him then," Violla lied. "When one is in despair, one always hopes to be protected by someone."

"Fine." Franklin's eyes darkened as he didn't want to hear the details. "Are you taking care of them alone?"

"I'm not alone. I still have Mrs. Blake," Violla said, looking up at him and sneering. "In fact, I want to congratulate you. In less than a month, you married a hot wife. Now, you even have a son!"

Franklin lowered his head and didn't dare look into her eyes. He didn't even know how to explain himself.

His reaction made Violla feel worse. She really wanted to know why he married Leila so soon after they broke up.

Based on her understanding of Franklin, she was sure he wasn't someone impulsive. There had to be a reason behind his actions. Or perhaps, Leila's trap was a long time coming.

However, it was too late to change anything. Leila was now Mrs. Stanley, and they even had a child. Hence, she didn't see the point in asking any further.

With that thought in mind, Violla changed the topic. "You don't have to get your wife to apologize, as I don't want a conflict. Also, if possible, you should transfer your son to a different kindergarten. If we don't see each other, there won't be any interaction."

"I will arrange it," Franklin nodded. "What other requests do you have?"

"How could I dare demand anything from you?" Violla sniggered. "After all, I'm just an ordinary citizen, while you are the mighty Mr. Stanley."

"Veeeh!" Franklin called her by her nickname.

"Don't call me that," Violla interrupted him and coldly asserted, "It sounds too intimate. We are no longer related in any way, so we should keep our distance going forward."

"Do you still hate me?" Franklin looked at her with a frown. "I know it was my family's fault, but I was trying to salvage it back then. Why didn't you give me more time and choose to do something so impulsive?"

When she heard the past being brought up, emotions filled her heart, and tears welled in her eyes. It was obvious how devastating her actions were for him.

"It... it was my fault," Violla replied with remorse. "I made a mistake, so let's not talk about it anymore. What's done is done." With that, she turned to leave.

"Violla!" Franklin called out, grabbing her hand and stuffing a check in it. "You should start a small business and not work as an employee anymore."

"Hmph!" Holding the check in her hand, Violla scoffed. "Thirty million. It's a lot of money indeed. It seems our memories are worth a lot to you."

"Veeeeh..." Franklin sighed.

"Although money is useful, I won't receive it in such a shameless manner," Violla said, stuffing the check back into his pocket. "Both of us made a mistake then. There's no need to blame each other. Even if we bump into each other next time, we should just pretend that we don't know each other."

"Are you angry about what happened at Roman's Corporation?" Franklin asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "The situation back then was..."

"No, I'm not blaming you, and I don't have the right to do so," Violla smiled wryly. "I understand that our statuses are different, and you need to mind your reputation."

"In that case, you should accept my help," Franklin offered.

"I don't want it!" Violla rejected.

"Can you not be so stubborn?" Franklin chided her. "You used to be so dignified. How can you take such a menial job? Besides, how much can you make from it? Is it even enough to raise three children?"

"At least the money I make comes from my own labor," Violla retorted angrily. "Even if I'm broke, I'd rather work as a hostess in a nightclub than take your money!"

"You..." Franklin started.

"Your concern isn't appreciated here. You should save it for your wife instead," Violla barked. She swept his hand away and stormed off.

Watching her back as she walked away, Franklin's eyes filled with sadness.

When she reached the exit, she suddenly thought of something and turned around. "By the way, if it's possible, please keep it to yourself that I have children. I don't want outsiders to know about their existence."

"Sure, I know what to do," Franklin nodded. He understood what she was thinking. "I will remind Leila not to blab."

"It seems you understand her well," Violla scoffed before leaving.

Franklin watched her leave with a gloomy expression.

Meanwhile, his subordinate came in and lamented, "I didn't expect Miss Milan to have three children now after not seeing her for a few years. Life is really unpredictable..."

Franklin shot him a fearsome glare. His security guard frantically lowered his head and didn't dare say anything further.

"Go and find out who the father is," Franklin ordered. He had a feeling that the three children had good genes, and as such, their father could not be an ordinary country bumpkin.