"I'm sorry. I've called over ten times, but her phone is switched off. I'm still trying to reach her," the principal nervously stated. "I've just recently been transferred here, and I'm not familiar with the students yet. But I'll give you my full cooperation."

"Mr. Roman, can you show me the video?" the new class teacher asked tentatively. Cruze then handed her the phone.

After watching the video, the class teacher remarked, "This boy isn't Ryan; it's Jason. Although they look identical, they carry themselves differently."

"Jason?" Cruze was stunned. "Are they twins?"

"They're triplets," the class teacher explained. "The oldest one here is Ryan, and the middle child is Jason. These two look the same. The youngest is a girl called Eliana."

"Eliana should be the kid who chased after the parrot last time when it flew near our car," Cruze finally realized what was going on. "I was wondering why both kids have parrots. They come from the same family."

"Hurry up and bring Jason here," the principal instructed the class teacher.

"Jason is in the field now. I'll look for him right away," the class teacher hurried out.

The principal then crouched down and patiently said to Ryan, "Ryan, trust me. They're not bad guys. If you know where the chip is, just tell them, all right?"

Ryan was already hesitating by now. If the man in black had really given the chip to Jason, that meant these people were not lying. If they were not lying, that meant they were not evil.

"Ryan," Cruze started, "The blueprint for our company's new technology is on that chip, but the bad guy has stolen it. If we can't retrieve it, someone will use our blueprint. Not only will our company suffer a loss, but it will also cause trouble in the public."

"Alright." In the end, Ryan chose to believe them. He raised his head and said seriously, "Finny ate that chip, but it hasn't passed through its system yet. When it does, I can give it back to you."

"What do you mean? Can you repeat that?" Cruze urged. "Who is Finny?"

"Are you dumb? Finny is our pet parrot,"

"Are you dumb? Finny is our pet parrot,"

the words were spoken simultaneously, albeit in different locations.

That was Jason's response to the man in black at a corner of the field.

"Do you mean your pet parrot ate the chip?" the man furrowed his brows.

"That's right," Jason nodded.

He then proceeded to provide a detailed account. "It lost its appetite after consuming the chip and has been feeling depressed. Furthermore, it keeps plucking its own feathers. Mommy, Mrs. Blake, Ryan, Eliana, and I took it to the vet, who diagnosed it with indigestion. The vet prescribed medication for Finny and assured us that it will recover once it excretes. That's why I've been monitoring its excrement every day. I wonder if it will expel that golden thing."

"Well, has it excreted it?" the man questioned.

Jason took out a box from his bag and handed it to the man. "Take a look for yourself."

The man took the box and opened it, revealing a beautifully wrapped package. Delighted, he swiftly tore the package open.

However, there was another layer beneath the first. Drenched in sweat, he continued tearing through the layers until none were left. As he removed the final layer, he discovered a pile of feces. What?

The man stared at the excrement, his mouth twitching at the corner.

"I'm afraid it might excrete it when I'm not at home, and Mrs. Blake will dispose of the waste along with the golden object. So, every morning, I've been wrapping its excrement and checking it when I'm at school."

As Jason spoke, he retrieved a stick from beneath the tree and crouched down to inspect the feces.

"Move aside. I'll handle it," the man bellowed. Observing Jason's slow actions, he snatched the twig and began stabbing the feces, only to break the stick within seconds.

"What?" The man's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"You're trouble," Jason retorted, searching for another twig.

Impatient to wait any longer, the man resorted to digging through the feces with his bare hands. Apart from several undigested seeds, there was nothing else in the excrement.

Instantly, the man's expression darkened, resembling a stormy sky. He glared at Jason and snarled, "Are you playing a prank on me?"

"Oh no. It seems Finny hasn't expelled it yet," Jason sighed, resting his plump chin on his palm. "Come again tomorrow. I'll bring fresh excrement from Finny to school. Remember to bring tongs; they work better than twigs."

The man's entire face twitched as if he was having a stroke. He clenched his hands into fists. If the boy in front of him wasn't three years old, he would have strangled him on the spot.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked innocently, waving his hands in front of the man's eyes. He inquired, "Did the smell of poop overwhelm you?"

The man took a deep breath, suppressing the murderous aura that threatened to escape him. Trying to appear friendly, he asked, "Boy, where is the parrot? Take me to it."

"Of course, it's at home," Jason blurted out. Then, he stared at the man in front of him. "Wait. You're not the man from earlier."

The man in front of him appeared ferocious, like a villain. However, he bore a resemblance to the previous man and was wearing the same clothes. Moreover, Jason vividly recalled the incident, leading him to believe they were the same person.

"Paul has been caught. I'm his brother; they call me Tiger," the man said, grabbing Jason and striding toward the back gate. "Don't worry. As long as you give me the chip, I won't hurt you."

"Let me go!" Jason started struggling and kicking. "I can't take you home."

"Brat, stop making a fuss," Tiger growled.

Just then, he spotted Roman's car. "It looks like they're already here. I have to find the chip before them, or it will be disastrous for me," Tiger thought, hurrying toward the back gate with Jason in his arms.

"Jason!" a sudden soft voice called out. When Eliana saw Jason being grabbed by a man in black, she rushed after them.

"Eliana, run. Run quickly," Jason waved at her, gesturing for her to stop following them.

"Evil man, where are you taking Jason? I'm going to tell the teacher!" Eliana stomped her feet on the ground and spread out her arms to stop them. Her baby face showed a fierce expression.

"This is trouble," Tiger observed. To ensure his escape went unnoticed, Tiger took Eliana along as well.

In each of his arms was a child, and it seemed as though he was snatching away chicks. "Let me go! Let me go!" the two kept struggling and yelling.

To ensure no one heard them, Tiger taped their mouths and took them out of the kindergarten. When he reached his car, he shoved the two children inside. After locking the door, Tiger removed the tape from Jason's mouth and threatened, "As long as you take me to the parrot, I'll let you two go. Otherwise, I'll feed your sister to the sharks."

"You…" Jason gritted his teeth, but when he looked into Eliana's tearful eyes, he nodded. "Fine. I'll take you to Finny."

At Roman Corporation's security department, after patrolling with Sean, Violla finally turned on her phone.

When the screen lit up, she saw dozens of missed calls from the kindergarten. Shocked, she quickly returned the call.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hello, is this the kindergarten? I'm Ryan's, Jason's, and Eliana Milan's mother. You've been calling me many times. What happened?" she inquired.

"Miss Milan, it's about... bad news!" the principal stuttered. Before the principal could finish her words, the class teacher rushed in and said, "Jason and Eliana have been kidnapped!"

"What?" Violla shrieked in astonishment. She had heard the teacher's words and flew into a panic. She cried out, "What happened? What happened to my kids?"

"A tall man in black, wearing a mask and a cap, kidnapped them and escaped from the back of the school. The security guards have already run after him," the principal explained.

"Get them quickly," Davon bellowed.

"Yes, Mr. Roman," Cruze promptly ran after the man with his subordinates.

Violla's mind was in a mess. Her hand on the phone was shaking, and she was yelling into her phone, "Hello? What's going on?"

"Miss Milan, don't be anxious. Listen to me," the principal explained everything that had happened to Violla. After hearing the story, Violla's legs went weak, and she slumped onto the ground.

She did not know when her call ended. All she did was hold her chest as she reminded herself to stay calm. As Violla rushed home, she called Mrs. Blake.

However, Mrs. Blake was not picking up her call. She thought of calling the police, but she did not know who the kidnapper was and if calling the cops would aggravate them and make them kill her children.

Just as thoughts raced through her mind, Mrs. Blake called back. "Yes, Miss," she started.

"Mrs. Blake, where are you?" Violla asked.

"I'm at home, Miss. Let me tell you some good news. Finny..." Before Mrs. Blake could finish her sentence, a loud thud traveled out of the speaker. Then, the call ended.

"Mrs. Blake? Mrs. Blake!" Violla was on the verge of a mental breakdown as she roared at the cab driver, "Mister, please hurry up!"

Back in the house and intruder had just barged into the house.

"What are you trying to do?" Mrs. Blake pointed the broomstick at the man in black with trembling hands. "What have you done to my Jason and Eliana?"

The man threw the two tied-up children onto the couch. Jason shook his head vigorously as he groaned, attempting to signal Mrs. Blake to escape.

Meanwhile, Eliana sobbed, her mouth covered, and her sobs muffled.

"Where is the parrot?" Tiger's glare was outright murderous as he strode toward Mrs. Blake.

"What?" Mrs. Blake stuttered, taking shaky steps back. "What are you trying to do? Don't do anything absurd! There isn't much money here. You're robbing the wrong place." She believed the man was a robber.

"I'm asking you, where is the parrot?" Tiger questioned.

"It's..." Mrs. Blake stammered.

"Bad guy! Bad guy!" Before Mrs. Blake could speak, Finny on the balcony exclaimed. Tiger immediately rushed to the balcony.

"Jason! Eliana!" Mrs. Blake tossed her broomstick aside as she hurriedly untied the two children. The moment Jason's tape came off, he reminded Mrs. Blake, "Mrs. Blake, call the cops now!"

"Right, right." Mrs. Blake anxiously grasped her phone. Just as she was about to call the police, she heard Finny shrieking, "Help!"

"Finny!" Without hesitation, Eliana rushed over with the broomstick, yelling at the man, "Let go of my Finny!"

"Eliana!" Jason rushed over with his tiny fists. With a ferocious expression, he glared at the man and shielded Eliana.

Tiger rolled his eyes. The children weren't worth his attention.

He grabbed the parrot's cage, about to open it when Eliana swung the broomstick at his leg. "Let go of my Finny! Let it go!"

Tiger grabbed the broomstick mid-swing and easily snapped it in half. He then shot a menacing glare to scare the girl. Eliana burst into tears, frightened, and her plump face turned as red as a tomato. Tears welled up in her big eyes before rolling down her cheeks.

"Meanie, how dare you bully my sister?" When Jason saw his sister crying, he grabbed a bat and started swinging it at Tiger.

"Brat. You've got quite the strength." The boy's swings made Tiger take a few steps back. The man then roared, "Move aside, or else I'm going to get you."

"Let go of my babies!" Mrs. Blake charged over with a kitchen knife. Her heavy stomps seemed to make the entire house shake.

Just as Tiger was about to make his move, he noticed the Romans' car parked downstairs.

No longer having the luxury of time, he kicked Mrs. Blake aside before shoving the two children. With the parrot cage in his arm, he was about to run when unexpectedly, Jason tripped him.

He managed to support himself against the wall in time and didn't fall, but the cage in his hands crashed onto the ground.

The collision opened the cage, and Finny flew out in a hurry. "Hey!" Tiger tried to grab the bird, but he only managed to grab one of its feathers.

"You're all in my way!" Tiger bellowed as fury erupted within him. He was about to attack them when he spotted the small silver box inside the cage. The box contained the chip. To his surprise, the box even had a round pink ribbon around it, resembling a present.

Tiger shook the box, and he heard noises emanating from it, indicating that something was inside. Thrilled, he beamed, "It was as easy as ABC to get this."

"No! You can't take that," Mrs. Blake lunged toward him.

"Get lost. This was mine to begin with." Tiger took out a dagger and pointed it at her. Shivering, Mrs. Blake stood frozen in place. Just then, a group of people barged into the house.

Holding the box tightly, Tiger jumped down from the balcony. "Stay right there!" Cruze roared when he saw Tiger escaping with the box. He swiftly ran after him with his subordinates.

Meanwhile, Eliana was wailing on the balcony floor. Her face was still red from crying, and tears kept falling. "Finny. My Finny!"

"Eliana, look. Finny is back." Jason pointed to a nearby roof.

Indeed, Finny was flapping its wings as it returned. It landed on Eliana and rubbed its little green head against her tear-streaked face. "Eliana! Eliana!"

Eliana quickly embraced Finny as she used her damp hand to gently tap its head. She asked, sobbing, "Why are so many people trying to get you? Are you a mythical bird?"

"It's because Finny swallowed an important chip," Jason furrowed his brows as he solemnly explained, "They're here for the chip."

"Ryan! Jason! Eliana! Mrs. Blake!" Violla rushed into the house. When she saw the broken door and the messy state of her house, she thought something horrible had happened to her family. She was so frightened that her legs went weak.

"Mommy!" Both Jason and Eliana ran out onto the balcony and jumped into Violla's arms.

"Mommy, I was so scared. A bad guy kidnapped me and Jason," Eliana then told Violla what had happened earlier, using words and gestures.

Anxiously, Jason added, "Mommy, that man stole the chip!"

"What chip?" Violla inquired.

"The one Finny swallowed," Jason explained. "They're here for the chip."

"That isn't important. The only important thing is that you're safe." Violla hugged the two tightly. "Where's Ryan?"

"Ryan isn't here?" Mrs. Blake panicked. "Oh no, don't tell me they kidnapped Ryan!"

"What?" The color drained from Jason's face as he suggested, "Why don't we call the cops?"

Tears brimmed in Eliana's big eyes again. The corners of her lips tilted downward, and she looked as if she were about to cry again.

"Yes, we should. I'll call them now." Violla promptly took out her phone. Right then, a familiar voice sounded from behind her. "Mommy!"

"Ryan!" Violla whipped her head around to see her oldest son, and tears nearly escaped her eyes. "I'm glad you're back. You scared me."

"I am fine." Like a miniature adult, Ryan started checking on his siblings.

"Are you alright? The teacher said you were kidnapped, and it scared me. I was going to follow the security guards from Roman Corporation to save you, but they refused to take me along. The teacher was the one who brought me back."

"What? The bodyguards from Roman Corporation? How do you know the people from Roman Corporation, Ryan? What happened?" Violla asked.