"Some mysterious men approached me today to inquire about the chip, and their questions left me bewildered. It was only later that I discovered they believed I was Jason, after reviewing the surveillance footage," Ryan recounted the incident to the others, providing a detailed account of what had transpired.

Violla found it hard to believe. She had never imagined that the chip Jason had mentioned was real, and to her surprise, it turned out to be the same chip that Roman Corporation had lost.

"Wow. So that chip contains all their new technology's secrets. No wonder there's such a fierce battle over it," Jason remarked, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He grinned, quite pleased with himself. "I've done an excellent job protecting the chip for so long."

"What do you mean? You led the wolves straight into the sheep's pen," Ryan admonished, his brows furrowed. "You didn't even know that man in black, so you shouldn't have taken his belongings. We were lucky that nothing happened to us today. What would we do if anything happened to you and Eliana?"

"I didn't react until he forcefully stuffed the thing into my pocket," Jason pouted, unhappy with his brother's words. "Besides, I told you that Finny swallowed the chip, but none of you believed me."

"It's my fault. I didn't realize the gravity of the situation," Violla apologized to Jason. "If I had paid more attention to it, something like this wouldn't have happened."

"The villain has already stolen the chip, and the Roman Corporation people are pursuing him. This doesn't concern us anymore," Ryan concluded, tilting his head to the side.

"Not necessarily," Mrs. Blake murmured suddenly.

"Why?" Violla gave her a confused look.

Mrs. Blake walked to the doorway and looked around, ensuring that no one was near their house before quickly shutting the door. Only then did she return and whisper to them, "The chip isn't in the box."

"What?" Everyone stared at her in surprise. "The chip isn't inside? Then what is?"

"It's..." Mrs. Blake trailed off as she glanced at Finny in Eliana's arms. Finny buried its head under its wing, seemingly embarrassed.

Meanwhile on the other side things were not so good. "Mr. Roman, Tiger has run off with the chip. We're currently pursuing him," Cruze reported as he led his men in pursuit of Tiger.

"You imbecile!" Davon roared. "If you can't retrieve the chip, don't bother coming back."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Cruze waved his hand and commanded the security guards. "Even if we die tonight, we must recover the chip."

"We will retrieve it even if it costs us our lives!" The Roman family's security guards chanted, continuing to track Tiger and set up traps. Tiger's escape proved challenging, with the specter of death looming close on several occasions.

Nevertheless, no matter the difficulty, Tiger pressed on. He clung firmly to his goal: delivering the chip to the person who hired him. Upon succeeding, he would be rewarded with a hundred million, ensuring financial security for him and his brother for the rest of their lives.

At two in the morning, Cruze led his subordinates and cornered Tiger at South Hampton Shore. Multiple spotlights and guns were trained on Tiger. The moment he resisted, he would be riddled with bullets.

Cruze bellowed, "Tiger, surrender the chip, and we'll let you go." Faced with imminent danger, Tiger decided to take the risk of swallowing the chip and leaping into the sea.

With that thought in mind, he retrieved the silver box and hastily removed the pink ribbon. Opening the box, he reached for the chip. However, he froze upon seeing its contents.

In that moment, his expression changed from dumbfounded to shock, contorting his facial features. His lips trembled, and tears welled up in his eyes. Jason's mischievous face flashed in his mind.

Tiger growled under his breath before loudly cursing, "Damn it. His entire family is a bunch of devils!"

As the sound of a gunshot echoed, Tiger's arm was hit, causing the silver box to tumble into the sea. He cried out in agony, disoriented, as a group of security guards immediately dived into the water to retrieve the chip.

For a brief moment, Tiger froze before an evil grin spread across his face. "Davon, you want the chip, don't you? Enjoy your search for a needle in a haystack."

"This is absurd." Cruze's face reddened with rage. "Tiger, you would rather throw the chip into the sea than give it to me. I'm going to kill you!"

"Send divers to retrieve the chip," Davon ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Cruze complied.

Back in the house,the family of five widened their eyes as they gathered around Finny and stared at it.

"Mrs. Blake, are you saying Finny laid an egg?" Jason blinked and continued staring at Finny's bottom. "How can it lay eggs? It's a parrot, not a chicken."

"Not only chickens lay eggs," Ryan said, searching on the computer with his glasses on. "All birds lay eggs."

"But don't you need a male and a female to lay eggs? We only have one parrot at home," Jason exclaimed, astounded by the news. "She's a single parrot. How can she lay eggs?"

"Did Finny get a boyfriend without telling us?" Eliana held up Finny's head and interrogated it. "Finny, confess. Did you get a boyfriend without telling us?"

"Boyfriend! Boyfriend!" Finny repeated.

"Now I remember. The neighbor on the opposite block also has a parrot. Finny always flies over to play with it," Mrs. Blake remarked.

"Mrs. Blake, when did you realize Finny laid her egg?" Violla asked.

"This is what happened," Mrs. Blake began. "I cleaned Finny's cage this afternoon. When I saw that egg, I was stunned. I learned from a television program that if I don't remove the egg, she'll eat it. So, I took the egg out, cleaned it, and kept it. After that, I thought of giving all of you a surprise, so I placed the egg in a pretty box and tied it with a pink ribbon. I never thought someone would mistake it for a chip and steal it."

"That box used to store the chip," Jason exclaimed, raising his arms. "I had placed it on the table in my room before. When I saw it in the cage, I thought the chip was still inside."

"What a turn of events," Violla murmured, patting her chest. "If not for the man thinking the box contained the chip, he wouldn't have left so quickly. I'm afraid he'll do something to all of you."

"In that case, we should thank Mrs. Blake and Finny," Eliana said, lovingly caressing Finny's head.

"Mrs. Blake, did Finny poop out the chip?" Violla asked the most important question of the day.

"No," Mrs. Blake frowned and shook her head. "I've been watching her, and she hasn't passed the chip yet."

"That's bad news then." Violla's expression turned grave.

"What's so bad, Mommy?" Eliana asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.

"Don't you get it?" Ryan's expression mirrored his mother's as he wagged his finger.

"That man thought the box contained the chip, and the people from Roman Corporation believed he had stolen it, so they went after him. However, they'll soon realize the chip isn't in the box, and then..."

"So they'll come after us again?" Jason and Eliana exclaimed in unison.

In the next second, Eliana rushed into Violla's arms, burying her face in her mother's shirt, trembling with fear.

Mrs. Blake hurried to the doorway, blocking it with a table to prevent anyone else from barging in. At the same time, Ryan darted into the kitchen to fetch two knives for Mrs. Blake.

With a knife in each hand, Mrs. Blake stood by the entrance like a battle angel.

Meanwhile, Jason grabbed the broomstick, mop, and anything else that could be turned into a weapon for the rest of the family.

He then retrieved nun chucks and began swinging them, mimicking the moves of the man he had seen on television.

The family was fully prepared for battle, dressed from head to toe. However, as time passed, there were no strange noises coming from outside. Eliana shook with fear, her large eyes brimming with tears.

"Don't be scared. Mommy will protect all of you." Violla hugged Eliana tightly and turned to Mrs. Blake. "Mrs. Blake, why don't we call the police?"

"That's a great idea." Mrs. Blake quickly went to grab her phone.

"Right now, our priority is to let Finny poop out the chip," Ryan analyzed like a detective, his eyes narrowing. "Otherwise, the police might take Finny. They might even open up Finny's stomach to find it."

Upon hearing Ryan's words, Eliana burst into tears. "No! Don't let them take Finny away. Don't let them open up its stomach."

"Don't be scared, Eliana. I'll protect you and Finny." Jason reached out to wipe Eliana's tears away.

"Ryan's right. We should let Finny poop out the chip first," Violla murmured. Then, she pursed her lips. "But it's been many days, and Finny still hasn't pooped it out. What are we going to do?"

"Why don't we try this?" Mrs. Blake took out a small green bottle from the room.

"What's that?" Everyone turned to look at it.

"I always have constipation, so the doctor gave me this," Mrs. Blake explained, feeling a little embarrassed. "It works very well."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hurry. We have to give it a smaller dose, or else Finny won't be able to take it. We'll give it one-tenth of the usual dose," Violla instructed.

Half an hour later, the entire family anxiously waited for Finny to poop. Finny drooped its head and let out a miserable call before starting to pace in the cage. Eliana frowned. "Can Finny's stomach handle it? It looks unwell."

"I feel unwell before I poop too," Jason sympathized, rubbing his stomach as he looked at Finny pitifully. "Finny, hold on for a little while. You'll feel better when you poop. Otherwise, those bad men will open up your stomach."

"Stop it!" Eliana shrieked, interrupting Jason. She had always been a scaredy-cat, and his words frightened her.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop," Jason said as Ryan cried out, "It's pooping! Look, it's pooping!"

The whole family redirected their attention to Finny, staring at its rear end, awaiting the outcome.

"God, please let Finny poop out the chip," Eliana prayed. Finally, Finny excreted a pile of watery poop. This time, they didn't even need to use a twig to search through it. With a single glance, they could see the golden chip.

The entire family cheered and exchanged high-fives, thrilled as if they had won the jackpot. Mrs. Blake swiftly retrieved and cleaned the chip before giving it to Ryan.

Ryan placed the chip into a black box and handed it to Violla. "Mommy, you can call the cops now." Violla took the box, about to call the cops when knocking noises erupted from the door.

Almost everyone in the house jumped in shock. Mrs. Blake instantly sprinted to the door, clutching kitchen knives.

Both Ryan and Jason stood behind the door armed with weapons. Simultaneously, Eliana hid behind Violla, gripping her mother's shirt, trembling.

"Don't be scared," Violla consoled. She took a deep breath and called out, "Who is it?"

Apart from the knocking, no other sounds emanated from outside, intensifying the children's fear. Even Mrs. Blake's hands holding the knives trembled.

Holding a small knife, Violla cautiously approached the broken door and peeked through the gap. At the same time, an eye stared back from the other side.

When the two eyes met, both parties screamed. "Ahhhh...!" The children joined their mother in screaming.

"Call the cops! Quick!" Violla hurriedly reached for her phone.

"Hold on. Wait a minute. I think it's the gate guard." Peering through the gap, Mrs. Blake realized that it was indeed the gate guard. She promptly opened the door for him.

"Mrs. Blake, you're at home." The gate guard was about to call for backup through his walkie-talkie when he saw Mrs. Blake and stopped. "You scared me. I thought something happened to your house."

"Something did happen. There was a... " Mrs Blake started .

"There was a thief who barged into our house earlier, trying to steal something. But together, we managed to get rid of him." Violla interrupted Mrs. Blake just in time. She did not want anyone else to know about the chip, as it could lead to more trouble.

"What? Have you called the cops?" the gate guard asked, growing worried.

"Let me check if I've lost anything before deciding whether or not to call the cops," Violla said with a smile. Then, she changed the subject. "Mr. Guard, does your company offer any door repair services?"

"I think you'll need to replace the door with a new one." The gate guard briefly inspected the condition of the door. "We have new doors priced at four thousand eight hundred, including locks."

"Four thousand eight hundred?" Violla felt a headache coming on upon hearing the price.

"Are you interested?" the gate guard inquired. "I can give you a ten percent discount."

"Twenty!" Mrs. Blake bargained. "Since we're neighbors." Looking at the kitchen knives in her hands, the gate guard shuddered and agreed, "All right. Twenty percent off it is."

"Let's change the door now, or we won't be able to sleep tonight," Mrs. Blake urged.

"Very well." The gate guard then instructed his colleagues to come to Violla's house and change the door. When they arrived, Mrs. Blake stood aside as they worked on the door.

Meanwhile, Violla prepared a simple dinner for the three children before helping them wash up and sending them to bed.

Once the children were settled, Violla sat on the couch, holding onto her phone as she contemplated the events of the day. "Should I call the cops? If I do, they will ask me to explain everything that happened. When that happens, the Devil will find out that the child with the chip is mine. Will he think that I instructed my child to steal the chip? I might lose my job, and he might even sue me for theft. I can't predict how furious the Devil will be. If he truly wants to blame me for this, I won't escape unscathed.

Furthermore, once this matter is exposed, my children's identities will be revealed too. Will that escort try to take my kids away from me then?" With these thoughts in mind, Violla dismissed the idea of calling the police.

However, she also realized that the men in black might come after them again if the police were not involved.

Although nothing had happened to them today, they couldn't possibly live the rest of their lives like this.

"They're done with the door. They've earned over four thousand just by changing the door. What an easy life they have. I should've haggled for a better price," Mrs. Blake thought.

After sending the men off, Mrs. Blake closed the door and turned on the television. She then lowered the volume as she cleaned. This was a habit of hers. The channel was currently airing the late-night news.

"BREAKING NEWS!!! BREAKING NEWS!!!! A shooting incident has occurred at South Hampton Shore. A man involved in the shooting is also suspected to be involved with the theft of Romans Corporation's latest chip. He has now been apprehended by the police. Before the man was caught, he had thrown the chip into the sea. Roman Corporation is now working with the police to find the chip," the news anchor reported.

Hearing the news, Mrs. Blake hurriedly walked to the front of the television with the broom in her hand.

At the same time, Violla's eyes widened. She promptly increased the volume as she glued her eyes to the screen.

A man in black was arrested by the police and escorted into a police car.

Before the door closed, the man grinned maliciously and hissed, "Have fun finding it. I'll admit I lost when you find it."