When Violla arrived at the HR department on the thirteenth floor, the manager handled the handover procedures for her. The manager had completely changed his arrogant attitude!

She couldn't help but wonder what had brought about such a stark difference. Why was the jerk suddenly acting so differently?

After handing her the employee transfer letter, the manager said, "Violla, please take care of me when you're promoted!"

"Eh?" Violla was surprised.

She felt lost as she took the employee transfer letter from him. In the next moment, she was stunned after reading the letter. "The president's office? I'm being transferred to the president's office? Is this real? Am I hallucinating?"

"Violla!" Sean patted her shoulder and congratulated her. "The security manager asked me to bring your belongings to you. He initially wanted to congratulate you, but you left earlier. Anyway, congratulations on your promotion!"

"Thank you," Violla replied instinctively, then asked, "Am I hallucinating? Am I really being transferred to the president's office?"

"It's true. Mr. Cruze made the order himself," the manager continued. "Violla, your good luck has arrived. I'm sure you'll keep moving up in your career!"

"Hehe..." Violla laughed awkwardly and took Sean out of the office.

"Violla, how's your injury now? It seems like your shoulder hasn't fully recovered yet. And your neck is still bandaged. Does it still hurt?" Sean asked with concern.

"I'm much better now. Thank you, Sean," Violla said, feeling that Sean was the most kind-hearted man in the whole company. Consequently, she could trust him completely and befriend him.

"Thank God you're fine. I'll help you carry your belongings. Take your new work pass to scan at the elevator," Sean offered.

"Okay," Violla replied.

Finally, she no longer had to climb the stairs to work; she could now use her own work pass to go up to level 68. As the elevator ascended, she felt a sense of pride, as if she were making progress in her life with each floor the elevator passed.

Upon reaching the president's office, a staff member welcomed her and escorted her to her desk, which happened to be the reception counter in front of the elevator on level 68!

Violla was taken aback when she saw her desk. She knew that there was a reception counter in front of the elevator on every floor. The role of a receptionist was to verify the identity of guests and their purpose of visit, and then inform the relevant colleagues for further assistance.

To put it kindly, she was a junior secretary. However, in reality, she was essentially just a guard on level 68! In other words, she was an entry-level secretary in the president's office.

"Congratulations, Violla! I have to get going. Best of luck!" Sean patted her shoulder and left with a smile. Being innocent, he genuinely believed that it was an honorable position.

On the other hand, Violla felt somewhat dejected. After all, the only difference between her job and that of a guard was that she didn't have to walk as much!

"Violla, welcome!" Molly, the executive secretary in charge of training new staff, greeted her briskly. Molly appeared experienced, likely in her forties, and exuded a friendly demeanor despite her stern speech. Approaching Violla, she began to explain some basic tasks.

"I will arrange for a colleague to teach you about your job scope, as you are new to this position. Approach your learning with an open mind, and I hope you will become familiar with your duties quickly."

"Since your role has changed, your salary will increase from eight thousand to eighteen thousand. Once you have completed your one-month probation, your salary will be twenty-five thousand. This change starts today," Molly informed her.

"What?" Violla couldn't help but exclaim. "Did you say my salary will be twenty-five thousand? Am I hearing things?"

"No, you're not," Molly continued to smile. "As a newcomer, be patient in acquiring new skills, and your salary will gradually increase. Mr. Roman treats his employees very well!"

"Understood. I will work hard and learn. Thank you!" Violla clenched her fist as a gesture to motivate herself and wore a bright smile. She no longer saw Davon as a devil or a jerk; he was now Davon the Cute!

Violla spent the entire day learning about her job and could finally rest at four in the afternoon. Molly then led her to deliver some documents to the boardroom. On their way, Molly reminded her, "Once you have placed the documents, leave the room and avoid disturbing the board members during their meeting. Be gentle in your actions and avoid making any noise."

"Also, please refrain from irritating Mr. Roman as he hasn't been in a good mood for several days; otherwise, everyone in the company could get into trouble!"

"Understood," Violla followed her, carrying the documents in one hand. Molly gently knocked on the door when they arrived. After receiving permission, she and Violla entered the room.

As soon as the door opened, Violla was stunned. The room was six meters high and painted in cold colors, creating an imposing and overpowering atmosphere. The board members sat on both sides of the long table, most of them middle-aged, while two appeared relatively younger.

All of them wore solemn expressions, either deeply engrossed in reading their documents or engaged in low-voiced discussions. It seemed that all the seats were occupied, except for the president's seat. Davon was not there yet!

After Violla and Molly placed the documents on the table, the other executive secretaries immediately distributed them to each board member.

One of the executive secretaries instructed Violla to clean up the unwanted documents and trash on the table. Then, she was asked to assist in distributing the documents as well.

While Violla was cleaning the table, one of the board members behind her softly remarked, "If we still can't find that chip, the company might have to postpone the launch of our new tech products."

"Are we not cooperating with the police in the search for the chip? Haven't we made any progress so far?" another board member asked.

"Sigh, our problem will be solved if there is progress," a board member with grey hair sighed and continued, "We have been spending millions every day on the search but still haven't received any news after seven to eight days."

Violla was shocked when she heard this. My goodness, the search costs millions! Does that mean the company has spent over a billion in just a few days?

"Don't worry. Since the president is handling it personally now, I'm sure we can find the chip," the younger board member comforted them.

"That's right. When I reported my work to Mr. Roman, I heard that he instructed Cruze to investigate a baby. So, I think he's approaching it from a different perspective."

"A baby? What does that mean?" Violla was too shocked to continue listening. If Davon really comes to my house to find it, I'll be doomed... I have to return the chip today!

"Violla, Violla!" Violla was startled when she heard Molly's voice. Her hands trembled, and she accidentally knocked over a cup. Everyone in the room could hear the sound of a cup breaking.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." Violla nervously squatted down to clean up the broken pieces. Several board members turned around and frowned disapprovingly at her.

"What have you done?" the senior executive secretary, who was in her fifties, yelled, "Get out."

"I apologize, Miss. She is a newcomer. I will provide her with more training," Molly quickly apologized and ushered Violla out of the room. Violla bowed to everyone as a form of apology and hurriedly followed Molly.

However, as they approached the door, it suddenly opened. Two security guards entered first, making way for Davon, who was dressed in a black suit. Instantly, everyone in the room was stunned by his strong physique and imposing demeanor.

When Violla saw him, she immediately felt guilty and nervous.

"Mr. Roman!" Molly acknowledged his presence politely and pulled Violla to stand aside. Violla's heart was pounding relentlessly. She glanced up slightly to steal a peek at Davon, wondering if he had checked her house.

On the other hand, Davon appeared cold as ice and didn't spare a glance for anyone except her. He paused by her side and smugly said, "Hey, beautiful!"

Violla lacked the strength to respond. She could only tuck strands of hair behind her ear and lower her gaze as she blushed, her cheeks turning pink. Davon walked straight toward the president's seat.

"Mr. Roman!" The board members courteously acknowledged him.

Furthermore, all the staff standing on both sides of the room lowered their heads to bow at him. Davon nodded in response and took a seat in the black president's chair.

Immediately after that, Molly took Violla's hand and left. However, as Violla walked out of the meeting room, she heard Davon say, "All board members, please rest assured. I have identified the location of the chip and will retrieve it by tomorrow morning!"

"Wonderful!" The board members clapped their hands and cheered. Violla instantly felt a chill run down her spine. "My God, it seems Davon's underlings have discovered my three babies. Under such circumstances, their identities will be revealed. Damn it! What should I do?" Violla wondered.

"Violla, what are you doing?" Molly yelled sternly in a low voice. "Why do you always seem lost during office hours? If you don't collect yourself, you can't even stay in the president's office for a day!"

"I'm sorry. I..." Violla stuttered.

"Go to the washroom and wash your face. Calm yourself down and meet me in the training room," Molly instructed.

"Okay. Thank you, Miss Molly." Violla quickly rushed to the washroom. After making sure no one was around, she hastily took out her phone to call Mrs. Blake.

"Hello, Miss!" Violla started as soon as the call connected.

"Mrs. Blake, how is everything at home?" Violla asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mrs. Blake was confused. "I'm cooking red bean paste for your dessert tonight."

"No, I mean..." When Violla was about to be more specific, she thought that everything was fine at home since Mrs. Blake was in the mood to prepare dessert. So she stopped asking about it and said, "Okay, I have to get going."

"Okay." Mrs. Blake didn't realize that something was wrong with Violla because she was busy cooking.

Considering that Mrs. Blake was fine and the kindergarten teacher didn't call her, Violla believed that Davon's underlings hadn't found it. However, they could also be on their way or preparing to make a move.

No matter what, she still had time as long as they hadn't arrived. Violla touched her chest and heaved a sigh of relief. The chip inside the black box was still in her shirt.

Now that the board members were having a meeting and the staff waited outside the boardroom, she had to seize the chance to return the chip as soon as possible. After making up her mind, she left the washroom and stealthily walked toward the president's office.

Everything had gone smoothly according to her plan so far. Although she encountered two colleagues who were on duty, they merely glanced at her and didn't say much.

In less than a minute, she arrived at the president's office. But when she reached out her hand to push the door, the infrared sensor of the digital door was triggered. The next moment, the small screen displayed a message stating that a fingerprint was needed to open the door. She cursed herself silently for being so stupid. "How can I easily enter the president's office?"

"Please key in the password!" She suddenly heard a voice prompt from the sensor.

"Password?" Wishing to try her luck, she entered Davon's phone number.

"Wrong password!" The voice prompt stunned her. ''Damn it! If it isn't his phone number, could it be his birthday?'' While pondering over it, the door alarm suddenly went off.

Violla jumped in shock and nervously ran away. Unfortunately, two security guards blocked her path as soon as she attempted to escape. Her heart thumped wildly while her entire body sweated.

"Hehe he…" She let out an embarrassed laugh, hoping to conceal her guilt. "Well, if I say that I was passing by and accidentally touched the digital lock, would you believe me?"

The two security guards shook their heads emotionlessly.

"I... I really…" Unexpectedly, before she could finish her sentence, the security guards made way and lowered their heads courteously. "Mrs. Milan, please!"

Violla was startled. "Am I hearing things? Why didn't the stone-faced security guards arrest me but instead treated me courteously?"

"What's going on?" A man asked in a familiar voice. She realized it was Cruze.

"I…" Words failed Violla.

"Ma'am, Mr. Roman is in a meeting." Cruze glanced around to ensure no one was nearby. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Are you looking for him? Come tonight!"

"Hmm…" Violla finally realized that everyone saw her as Davon's girlfriend.

"If you face any problems at work, you can ask for my help privately," Cruze gently reminded. "But it's better to keep your relationship with Mr. Roman a secret from other colleagues!"

"There is nothing between us," Violla said, leaving hastily with mixed feelings.

"Damn it! Everyone around Davon now thinks I'm his girlfriend. Wait, even those who attended the auction will probably think the same."

"In that case, Davon's reputation is at stake. If the fact that I have children is exposed, he will become the laughing stock of everyone!"

"Moreover, if he finds out that the chip is missing because of me and my children, he won't just wish to strangle me. He might even want to cut me into pieces and turn me into ashes. Will my three children be dragged into it?" Violla felt overwhelmed with anxiety as she pondered over it.

Since discovering that she had attempted to sneak into the office, she was unable to employ the same strategy any longer. Consequently, she had to find an alternative method to return the chip to him.

"But how should I go about it?" she pondered.

"Hey, Miss Milan, by the way, what were you looking for in the boss's office? I can assist you!" Cruze approached her after dismissing the other security guards.

"Um, Mr. Cruze, I came across this during one of my visits to the vet. It was found in a pet's poop, and its golden shine caught my attention. I took it and realized it was a chip. However, what truly intrigued me was the 'D.R' symbol on it. I knew it had something to do with the president or the company. My instincts told me that this is the chip you have been searching for all along. Is that correct?" Violla informed Cruze, handing him the chip that she had been holding.

Cruze took the chip, squinting his eyes, and exclaimed, "Thank you, Miss Milan. This is it. You will be generously rewarded." He then hurriedly left.

"Come here, junior secretary," snapped another voice.

Violla instinctively looked around and asked, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, you! Come over here!" beckoned the senior executive secretary, who was in her fifties. Violla timidly approached her.

"Take this cup of coffee into the boardroom for Mr. Roman!" the senior executive secretary instructed, handing Violla a tray with the cup of coffee on it.

"Me?" Violla was astonished. After all, Molly had taught her that a low-level secretary like herself shouldn't enter the meeting room without proper reason. "Why did the secretary assign me such an important task?"

"Yes, you. Enter the room quickly," the senior executive secretary asserted.

"Okay," Violla replied, taking the cup of coffee and making her way towards the meeting room. Another senior secretary gently pulled the first one's arm and asked, "How can you let a new staff member do this?"

"Mr. Roman is losing his temper now. I must be tired of living if I go in now," the secretary said, fear causing her to cover her chest. She continued, "The last time Mr. Roman lost his temper, he threw a cup and accidentally hit Molly's head. She had to undergo seven stitches as a result. I don't want to be disfigured."

"In that case, this new staff member had broken a cup earlier on. An incompetent secretary like her will be fired sooner or later. I'm giving her the last chance to be productive before leaving the company," the senior secretary said, feeling a little startled.

Violla knocked on the door and entered the boardroom with a cup of coffee.

"The press conference for our new product launch will be held on Friday as scheduled. There is no need to postpone it," Davon announced. He then asked, "Any objections?"

"Mr. Roman..." An elder board member with grey hair was sitting in the first row on the right side of the table.

He spoke slowly, "I think we should postpone it until we've retrieved the chip. If we make the announcement now, the whole world will be aware of our plan. It will be embarrassing if we don't launch the chip."

"Mr. Stone, don't you believe me?" Davon's lips curved into a smile as he spoke, but his eyes pierced into Mr. Stone.

"I wouldn't dare," Mr. Stone said slowly, wearing a seemingly caring smile. However, he remained insistent on his opinion. "I'm simply offering a safer piece of advice!"

Davon didn't reply. Although he maintained his smile, his gaze grew colder. The rest of the board members fell silent, refraining from making any sound.

Meanwhile, Violla entered the room and placed a cup of coffee before Davon, feeling a sense of trepidation.

"Hey, beautiful! Give the cup of coffee to Mr. Stone," Davon said, still fixated on Mr. Stone without sparing a glance at Violla. He spoke with intensity, "Since you're accustomed to tea, it's time for you to try a different type of beverage!"

"Okay..." Violla handed the cup of coffee to Mr. Stone.