"I'm glad to accept Mr. Roman's kind act," Mr. Stone said.

Mr. Stone took the cup of coffee with a smile and gulped it down.

Violla was gobsmacked. She actually wanted to tell the elder that he couldn't drink it because there was nutmeg in the coffee. From his file provided at the reception, it was indicated that he was allergic to nutmeg, which happened to be Davon's favorite.

Nonetheless, as the words stuck in her throat, she didn't utter a word. After Mr. Stone gulped down the cup of coffee in one swallow, he couldn't help but let out a retch. He immediately covered his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting.

He had to hold his vomit in because Davon had gifted the cup of coffee to him. Davon leaned back in the president's leather chair, assuming an arrogant posture, and looked at him amusedly. It was as if he was ready to watch a good show!

The other shareholders wished to help him because he didn't look well. However, none of them dared to speak before Davon said anything.

"You... You don't have to hold your vomit in." On the other hand, only Violla dared to say it out loud and nervously grabbed a rubbish bin. "Just vomit here."

Everyone inside the room was flabbergasted.

"Who recruited this slow and blunt secretary?"

"How can someone as stupid as her work at level 68?"

"Doesn't she know that no one is allowed to speak or do anything until Davon does or gives permission?" These thoughts ran through the minds of the board members.

Davon's eyes squinted, and rage pulsed through his veins. "Was I out of my mind when I decided to promote her? Why did I bring the stupid wench to level 68? Was it to irritate myself?" Davon thought.

Mr. Stone vomited non-stop, spitting out all the coffee he had just gulped down. Davon's face turned grimmer, as if dark clouds were looming before the storm. Everyone sweated in fear, and some even began to wipe their brows with handkerchiefs. They glanced at Davon for a while and then shifted their gaze toward the pitiful Mr. Stone.

"That's right. Just puke it all up." Violla held the rubbish bin in one hand and patted his back with the other, hoping he could expel everything and not have a further reaction to the nutmeg. After some time, Mr. Stone only vomited saliva, not coffee.

"Violla, what are you doing?" Molly happened to enter the boardroom and witnessed the scene. She whispered angrily, "Get out of here now!"

"I…" Violla started.

"Get out!" Molly shouted at her, and Davon's ice-cold glare was directed at Molly. She instantly fell silent. Violla initially wanted to say something, but she had no choice but to leave after Molly gave her a stern look.

After taking only a few steps, she suddenly heard a thud behind her. Some of the board members screamed, "My God, Mr. Stone!"

She turned around and saw that Mr. Stone had fallen to the ground, clutching his neck with both hands. His face turned purple, his eyes widened, and his inflamed tongue protruded. It was clear that the allergic reaction was taking its toll on him.

"My goodness, he is having an extreme reaction to the nutmeg now." Violla instantly regretted her decision to not speak up earlier. She couldn't forgive herself if something terrible happened to him.

"Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance now!" The boardroom descended into chaos. Although Davon was a little worried, he still spoke calmly, "Ask Dr. Immaculate to come here!"

"Yes, sir!" Cruze said.

"How could this happen?" The board members were frightened.

"Mr. Roman, as stubborn as Mr. Stone might be, you can't do this to him," an elder board member said in a trembling voice. "We are all elders who fought alongside your grandfather, old Mr. D'barl Roman, for decades and helped the Roman family prosper throughout our lives. How can you poison him merely because he disagrees with you?"

"Indeed, Mr. Roman, you can't treat Mr. Stone like this. This is too much," two other elder board members shot him accusatory glances with tears. "We know you're ruthless in everything you do, but how can you do this to people in your own company?"

"I have to call old Mr. Roman," an emotional elder board member said, wanting to make a phone call.

Davon felt increasingly furious. "What on earth is on your minds? I merely gifted a cup of coffee to Mr. Stone, yet you suspect me of poisoning him? Stop being dramatic."

"Who made the coffee?" Davon bellowed.

"It was her. She made the coffee," a secretary immediately pointed at Violla.

"Me?" Violla was about to explain when Mr. Stone began to roll his eyes and foam at the mouth. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Violla immediately rushed towards Stone to rescue him.

"What are you doing? Get lost!" the secretary wanted to push her away but was stopped by Molly. She wanted to ask Davon for backup but found him casting a deathly cold stare at her. The secretary swallowed.

Violla quickly spread Mr. Stone's arms and pinched his chin. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the cetrizine pills she always carried for her own allergies, popping them open and stuffing them into his mouth.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't do anything stupid!" the elder board members were terrified. "Drag her away from him!"

The security guards immediately looked at Davon, waiting for his order.

"Let Beautiful do it," Davon stared at her confidently.

"Bear with it for a little while…" Violla hissed.

She reached for a bottle of water and hurriedly uncapped it before helping Mr. Stone. Nevertheless, Mr. Stone struggled and pushed the people around him non-stop because he felt extremely uncomfortable. As a result, he accidentally hit Violla's injured shoulder.

Biting her lip, she forced herself to bear the pain and continued to pour water into his mouth. Davon noticed her pain and was on the verge of killing Stone himself.

Suddenly, Mr. Stone forcefully hit Violla's injured shoulder again with his moving arm. "One more stupid move from you, Mr. Stone, and I will kill you with my bare hands," Davon snarled, his gaze fixed on the duo.

Violla held Mr. Stone for a while, and it took some time before he threw up but quickly calmed down. He gasped for air but apparently wasn't as uncomfortable as before. Moreover, his eyes and face gradually returned to normal.

"Mr. Stone, are you alright?" Two elder board members came up to him emotionally.

"Much better." Mr. Stone was still gasping for air when he weakly continued, "Just now… I was almost dying. Luckily… this lady… saved me!" He pointed at Violla and continued, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Violla forced an awkward smile. "Mr. Stone, how do you feel now? Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body?"

Davon seemed to have mixed feelings as he looked at her.

"No, I feel much better now." Mr. Stone shook his head.

"Why was there something in the cup of coffee? What on earth was that?" a board member questioned.

"Board members, I will thoroughly investigate this matter and explain everything to you!" Davon announced. "Cruze, blockade the company now, check the surveillance video, and give me an answer within one hour!"

"Yes, sir!" Cruze immediately left the room to execute the order.

Dr. Immaculate finally arrived at the room with other medical personnel. With Davon's permission, she checked up on Mr. Stone and reported, "Mr. Stone is allergic to something."

"Take Mr. Stone to the hospital for a proper examination and treatment," Davon commanded.

"Yes, sir." Dr. Immaculate nodded. The medical personnel brought a wheelchair and helped him sit on it. As the two elder board members were worried about him, they wished to follow him to the hospital.

Before leaving the meeting room, Mr. Stone turned around and said to Davon, "Mr. Roman, this lady." He pointed at Violla and pleaded, "She's my savior. Please don't give her a hard time."

"Rest assured!" Davon's lips quirked coldly. Violla, however, shuddered because she felt that his smile was terrifying.

An hour later, Cruze played the surveillance video with the computer in the boardroom and announced, "We've figured it out. It was the secretary who made the coffee. However, worrying that she would be scolded because Mr. Roman was in a bad mood, she instructed Violla to bring the cup of coffee into the room."

"What was in the cup of coffee?" the board members questioned.

"As for that question, it's nutmeg. The coffee was initially prepared for Mr. Davon," Cruze explained, and the board members nodded, calming down. Cruze then whispered something in Davon's ear as he passed something to his hand.

Davon smirked as he said, "As I said earlier, the Chip would come back today! Here it is. We can proceed with everything as planned."

"What..." Everyone's jaws dropped once Davon finished. "What the hell?" They were all in awe.

Meanwhile, in the principal's office at the kindergarten:

"Mr. Clyde, are you here because of the kids again?" The principal was terrified when she saw the men in black suits. "I'll ask the teacher to bring them."

"No need," Clyde interrupted. "Kids are innocent. What would they know? Even if there was a problem, it's the parents' problem."

"You mean?" the principal asked.

"I want the information on the kids' parents," Clyde said.

"Understood. Give me one moment," the principal said.

At the same time, in the president's office of Roman Corporation, President Davon sat on a black leather chair, looking at Violla with a piercing gaze. "Be honest, or there will be no mercy."

Violla dared not say anything and kept her head down. Her heart rate skyrocketed as she tried to squeeze an idea out of her brain.

"How do I explain this?" She could just make something up and lie her way out of it, but Davon already knew that Jason accidentally left with the chip. "How do I explain my relationship with Jason?" she pondered.

Her phone was still quiet at the moment, which meant that everything was fine at the kindergarten. Or did they stop because the chip was found?

"Talk!" Davon growled.

Violla jumped and slowly raised her head to look at him. His murderous intent overwhelmed her, causing her knees to weaken and her thoughts to jumble. She had lost the ability to think properly.

"So you're not talking?" Davon was losing his patience. "Hand her over to the police and sue her for theft," he ordered Cruze.

"Understood!" Cruze immediately approached Violla.

"I didn't do it! I didn't steal anything!" she said abruptly.

"Then tell me how you came to possess the chip," Davon tapped rhythmically on the chip, his brows knitted. "I'm getting really fed up here, so you have one minute!"

"I... Violla's mind was all over the place at the moment, unable to organize her thoughts into a simple sentence.

"Ten seconds left!" The tapping sped up, indicating Davon's impatience. "Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

"What do I do?" While Violla's thoughts were in disarray, her phone suddenly rang. It was from the kindergarten.

"Oh no! His men are at the kindergarten!" Violla's mind screamed.

She became even more nervous, but one thought immediately popped up: the children come first.

"Three! Two! One!"

"I picked it up from the vet," Violla blurted out at the count of one.

The tapping stopped. "You... picked it up?" Davon raised an eyebrow.

"Y-yes..." She gulped, carefully fabricating the lie in her head.

"My pet got sick, so I brought it to the vet. I spotted the chip in a pile of poo there. It had a 'DR' mark on it, and I remembered that the company was missing one. I assumed it was the one you were looking for. I already told Cruze. But... you know the rest of the story."

Violla finished everything she wanted to say in one breath. "This is what happened, I swear!"

Davon stood quietly in front of Violla, staring at her with his cold gaze. She was still unsettled, so she dared not look at him nor utter another word.

In her head, she was going through everything she had said just now. "Is this a thorough story? Did I miss anything?" Violla contemplated.

"Mr. Roman," Cruze quietly interrupted. "The chip was, in fact, swallowed by the kid's parrot. They said the parrot was sent to a vet. Perhaps Miss Milan and the kid visited the same vet and found it after the parrot discharged it from its system."

"That's too much of a coincidence, don't you think?" Davon stumped.

Cruze immediately lowered his head and silently backed away. Violla's mind was in a mess right then. "What should I do? If they really investigate the kids, they'll find me out. Will they think I plotted all of this?"

"Miss Violla Milan!" Davon squeezed her chin as he lifted her head. He looked into her eyes and said, "If you lied to me, you're dead!"

"I didn't..." Violla held her breath, feeling her heart skip several beats from the shock. She forced herself to stay calm, met his gaze, and replied with the utmost acting skills, "I really did not lie to you!"

Violla paused for a second and complained, "If I had known this would happen, I would have just given it to you directly. You're always so unpredictable and moody. I was afraid you might doubt my intentions, which is why I gave it to Mr. Cruze. Logically, I found your chip and returned it to you. I even saved Mr. Stone's life! But instead, you accused me of stealing and threatened to send me to jail. How am I being blamed for all of this? I was only trying to help you, my boss, and the company I work for."

As she uttered those last few words, Violla forced some tears out of her eyes, feigning innocence. Her lips quivered as if in fear. Her beady eyes shimmered as her face flushed bright pink from the accusations.

Davon's forehead creased as his heart softened. He caressed Violla's lips with his thumb for quite a while. He leaned in to kiss her but then remembered that Violla didn't want him. With great effort, he let her go before snarling, "You will be highly rewarded. State your price!"

"I don't want your money or anything as a reward. A simple thank you will do," Violla chirped. Davon calmed down and thanked her. "You may leave," he said when he finished appreciating her.

Her lips twitched as she wiped away the tears before walking away. Internally, she was ecstatic.

"Thank God!" she mumbled.

When she reached the door, she heard Davon giving an order. "Contact Clyde. Let him know we've recovered the chip, and there's no need to find the parents anymore."

"Yes, sir," Cruze immediately took out his phone.

At the kindergarten, the principal had the parental information in her hand and was about to hand it over to Clyde when the phone rang.

Clyde picked up the phone while reaching out to take the papers. "The chip's been recovered. No need to look for the parents anymore. Come back!" It was Cruze's voice.

"Alright, I'll head back right away," Clyde said. He pulled his hand back and ended the call.

"Thank you, Madam," he looked towards the principal. "Our stolen goods have been retrieved. There's no more need for the information. Thank you for your time and please apologize to the kids for me. Goodbye."

"That's good to know. Safe travels back to your workstation," the principal replied. Before the principal said anything else, Clyde was long gone.

"Thank God it was found!" the principal let out a sigh of relief as she slid the papers she had into a shredder.

On the other hand, Violla went to the washroom and called the class teacher. "Hello, teacher. Were you looking for me just now? Did something happen to the kids?"

"Nothing happened, don't worry. The kids are fine," the class teacher replied. "The principal just came to take the kids' parental information, so I thought I should let you know."

"Huh? Why did she want my information?" Violla was stumped.

"It looked like the people from Roman Corporation came back for it, but the principal said that when she gave them the papers, they told her they had already found what they needed and left."

"Did they take the papers?" Violla asked.

"No. She said they left without even looking at them," the class teacher replied.

"Okay, thank you so much," Violla voiced.