After dinner, Violla hurried to Bar DWF for an interview.

Since she wanted to become a singer, her appearance was important. Therefore, Violla dug up a black dress that she bought years ago and wore it. She even put on some red lipstick.Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she thought the lipstick was too much, so she wiped it away.

Pairing her dress with a pair of sports shoes, she headed straight to the bar.Although she was dressed rather casually, her looks still attracted attention from the people in the bar.

The place was quite empty, with only three tables occupied. There was also only a handful of staff.With Violla's arrival, the boring atmosphere in the bar suddenly came to life.

Guests sitting at those three occupied tables suddenly straightened, and their eyes lit up, ready to strike up a conversation with her.

Meanwhile, at the table in the corner, the bar owner, Fred patted the shoulder of a young man next to him. "Our fresh prey has arrived. You will surely like her."

"Pft, your bar is so lousy and does not even have a pretty hostess...…" The young man in the black leather jacket jeered but suddenly paused when he saw Violla walking in. His disdainful gaze turned into a surprised one, and his eyes looked like they were about to fall out.

"Sir, do you like her?" Fred gave him a sneaky smirk. "I will get her number for you."

"Stop it." Drew immediately stopped him and warned, "Don't you dare touch her."

"You know her?" Fred asked.

"We are more than just acquaintances." Drew narrowed his eyes and studied Violla with an odd expression.

Compared to the innocent look she had the previous day, he preferred her wild and sexy look today more.

"I'll get her to come over," Fred fussed.

"I told you not to touch her!" Drew emphasized with lasers shooting out of his eyes.

"Okay, I got it, " Fred surrendered while nodding his head vigorously in shock.

"Boss, the new singer is here for an interview." One of the waiters brought Violla over.Instantly, Violla spotted Drew and stopped in her tracks. "Is he…the escort In Debt?His figure, clothes and he looks exactly the same from the back." Violla thought.

Drew turned his head, and his gaze landed on Violla. There was a complicated expression in them. "Did she recognize me?"

"You…" Violla looked at the handsome yet slightly childish-looking young man and regained her composure. "Are you…"

Drew's heart skipped a beat."She recognizes me? Does she regard me as her older brother?"

"M D Samuel?" Violla called out, thinking he was 'escort In Debt.'

Huh?" Drew was puzzled. "What is going on? Did Davon come up with such a dull name for his alias?"

"Sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else?" Violla uttered, feeling uncertain about the situation.

"I'm sure he is that escort. Well, I should play along and pretend we don't know each other since we have already cut off our ties." She contemplated .

"You?" Fred cheerfully gleamed at Violla and confirmed, "You are here for an interview as a singer?"

"Yes." Violla nodded.

"What instruments do you play?" Fred questioned.

"I play the piano," Violla answered as she glanced at the stage to see a white piano.

"You can go up the stage and play something for us," Fred offered while gesturing towards the instrument.

"Okay." Violla stole another look at Drew before she walked up the stage. She started with an easy nocturne before moving on to a challenging song, the theme song of 'Titanic'

Instantly, everyone gave her a round of applause.All the young people in the crowd cheered for her.When she was finally done with the song, she left the stage and approached Fred. "Was that alright?"

"It was passable. However, people come here to drink, and it's not a high-class western restaurant. Therefore, you may have to sing while playing the piano, and preferably, you have to perform fast-paced songs," Fred smiled as he gave his comments.

Immediately, Violla butted in, "No problem, I can play a few more…"

"There's no need to. I'll give you some time to prepare, and you shall start your first performance at nine," Fred stopped her mid-sentence. "I'll pay you two thousand per hour. Each shift will last two hours, and you will have to come by on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Is that okay with you?"

Surprised, Violla paused momentarily before she cautiously confirmed, "Two thousand for an hour? Is that right?"

"If you think that it's too low, there is still room for discussion…" Fred explained.

"No, it's alright. I'll take it." Violla was overjoyed. "I thought I would have to show you my certificates before you would offer such a price."

"I don't need a certificate because I can tell how good you are from what I've heard this far." Fred chuckled, "Okay, you should head backstage to prepare."

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much," Violla thanked him and promptly headed backstage with another waiter.

Meanwhile, Drew swirled the liquid in his glass while his gaze followed Violla.

"Who is the man sitting beside our boss?" Violla whispered.

"That is Mr. Drew !" The waiter exclaimed and continued, "He is our boss' friend and a shareholder of this bar."

"What does he do?" Violla enquired.

"I think he is the heir to a rich family. I only know his mother's name is Diana Besides that, I have no clue."

Then, the waiter advised, "Violla , you look like a simple woman, so I will like to give you a piece of advice. Mr. Drew is a playboy and very flirtatious. His girlfriends come and go as often as he changes his clothes. If money is your priority, you can go ahead and have fun with him. Otherwise, you can forget about anything else because he will not take any relationship seriously."

"I was just curious. Don't worry. I don't have any funny ideas." Violla awkwardly laughed it off. It seems like he was not the escort in Debt" because the latter was not some heir to a wealthy family.

Just as Violla was about to leave, a group of sexy and good-looking women rushed into the bar enthusiastically towards Drew.

"Mr. Drew! We all miss you so much."

"Mr. Drew , what took you so long to come here? How heartless!"

"Yes, Mr. Drew Why did you not visit Empire Night today?"

"Shut up!" Drew frowned and scoffed, "All of you are making too much noise."

Oddly today, he felt like those women could not hold a candle to Violla One was an angel, while this bunch is just colorful birds.

"Mr. Drew, you have a big appetite today. After ordering so much, can you stomach it?" Fred raised his brows and joked in a low voice.

"It's too much," Drew spat, then ordered the women, "Wait outside for me."

"Huh? Why?" The women were unhappy that their client seemed different today.

"Get out!" Drew fumed.

"Oh…" the women obediently left.The men at the other two tables were salivating and lusting over those beautiful women, unable to tear their gaze away from them.

"What's wrong with you today?" Fred asked.

"I'll leave first," Drew stated before he got up and put on his jacket. "Take care of the lady from earlier."

"Understood!" Fred obliged.

By the time Violla returned from backstage, the man she had mistaken for the "escort In Debt" was gone.

She did not overthink it and went to Fred to go over the details of her contract. "Sir, can I change into something else? I think these clothes are too revealing."

"Sure, you can wear whatever you want." Fred shrugged.

"Thank you. Additionally, I think eleven is too late for me. Is it possible to change it to ten-thirty instead? If so, I will be able to take the last train home."

"Sure, ten-thirty is fine," Fred readily agreed.

"Thank you so much! You are so easygoing." Violla grinned.

"Haha, of course." To Fred, he had to take care of her after his biggest customer ordered him to do so.

Violla was preparing to go on stage when she saw a familiar figure walking in.Slender and tall with a domineering and mysterious aura, he exuded the vibe of a king.As he entered, the people indoors grew silent.

" Davon Roman !What is he doing here?" Shocked, Violla turned around instantly."Oh dear! If he knew I was working here part-time, would he fire me?"

"It's time for you to go up on stage," the waiter reminded.

"Give me a moment." Violla rushed to the dressing room and grabbed a black-laced mask from the bunch before slowly walking up the stage.

"Mr. Roman!" Fred walked over and welcomed him. He respectfully bowed and greeted, "What are you doing here today?"

"A tweet bird has told me that you have two things that belong to me. One more important than the other. So be rest assured I am not here for a courtesy visit." Davon growled.

" Mr Roman,what is it. I can gladly give it back to you." Instead of replying Davon sat down in a corner without a word.His aura was so strong that even the flickering lights that were projected on him seemed to fade.

Meanwhile, Fred was still crouched over, waiting for Davon's order.

The young man lit up a cigar and took a puff before he asked, "Did Drew come by earlier?"

"Yes, he did," Fred promptly replied.

"He invested three million in you. That is my money?" Davon raised his brows.

"There were several branches…"Fred cautiously answered. "They all made money."

"You mean a shitty place like this has the ability to earn money?" Davon sneered, "You can play around with that few millions. However, if I find out that you are up to no good …"

He wagged his finger, and Fred hurried over immediately. Then, he coolly jabbed the cigar butt into the Fred's palm.

An ugly expression appeared on the bar owner's face. He did not dare to make a sound, so he gritted his teeth in pain. "You will hate me for the rest of your life." Davon snapped.

Violla had just sat down, and after watching the scene, her face turned pale."What is happening?Why is he making trouble for someone else again?What did the bar owner do to him?Why does he have to treat my boss like that?"

"You can start," the DJ reminded her.

Snapping out of her daze, Violla began to focus on her performance.

She started singing "Diamonds" by Rihanna which drew everyone's attention instantly.Even Davon peeled his attention away from Fred and projected it to the stage.

On the stage, there was Violla in a black dress and a black-laced mask. She had a sexy figure and had a carefree attitude. How peculiar!

At the sight of her, his thoughts drifted to them making love in the car .

" Who would know that; that stubborn woman has such a side to her?" Davon thought with a smirk .

"Mr. Roman would you like to try some wine that I have specially kept? And you have not told me the second thing here that belongs to you. So I can get for you "

Breaking Davon's train of thoughts, Fred's injured hand shook as he brought his treasured wine to the young man.

"No need for the wine. But my woman is here even if a strand of her hair is touched. You will have me to deal with ." With that Davon waved him away and got up to leave. Leaving the club owner confused to who his woman was.

Cruze and the rest quickly followed after Davon.Fred followed behind to send them out, looking as pitiful as an abandoned dog following his owner around.

While singing, Violla watched Davon walk away. "Was he here to torture my boss? Whatever, it is none of my business!"

After only an hour of performing, she had received good feedback.Although there were not many customers, those that were there were full of praises for Violla. They even told the bar owner that they would bring their friends over to hear her sing.

By ten thirty, Violla ended work, and Fred gave her five thousand in hard cash.

She was touched, but when she saw his injured hand, she could not help but blurt out, "Sir,who was that guy from earlier? Why did he do this to you?"

She casually left out the part that she knew who Davon was.

"Problems in the real world are complicated, so there is no need to ask further." Fred then chuckled, "and, you can call me Fred"

"Sure, Fred," Violla chirped.

Grinning, Fred waved her off and nagged, "Alright, you should head home soon. Remember to report at eight-thirty tomorrow. For the first week, you have to come every day so we can test out the response."

Violla nodded.Then, she carefully placed the money in her bag. Initially, she wanted to take the train home. However, a few young men surrounded her and demanded she give them her number. Therefore, she had no choice but to wave for a taxi and hurry home.

On the trip home, Violla was thrilled. With this part-time job, she could earn five to six thousand each day, which was more than what the "escort In Debt" would give her.

She did not need to rely on anyone else and could support her family.While daydreaming, the taxi stopped at a red light, and she spotted an Aston Martin beside her. "Isn't that the escort's car plate number?"

Unfortunately, she could not see the driver from her angle.The traffic light turned green, and when her taxi moved forward, Violla turned to see the man who visited Bar DWF earlier."He is that escort?" She thought.

Immediately, Violla took out her phone and tried to find the contact, "escort In Debt". However, she realized that she had deleted his number.

She rummaged through her text messages, but when she finally found the number, the car beside them already sped off.Letting out a sigh, she could only comfort herself. "Forget it. We cut our ties, so why do I care?"

That night, she dreamt of many things. One moment, she dreamt about Davon, and the next moment, she would dream of the "escort in Debt". Then, she would start dreaming about the young man.She had no idea who was who.

Maybe because she was tired, she overslept. She only woke up when Mrs. Blake nagged, "Your children already boarded the school bus. If you don't get up, you are going to be late."

Instantly, Violla climbed out of bed and brushed her teeth. She ran a shower in less than a minute , she ran out of her room.

When she reached the door, she turned back again and pushed the money from her bag into Mrs. Blake's hands. "Mrs. Blake, this is the money I made last night."

"How did you make so much money last night? I hope you are not selling your body. .... Miss, why are you running? Have some breakfast before you leave… " Mrs. Blake shouted in concern as she chased after Violla with a rice ball in hand. However, she already got into the elevator.

Looking down at the money in her palm, Mrs. Blake grew worried.

Moments later, Violla was trying her best to squeeze into the train. When she finally arrived at her stop, she ran like a madwoman to her office.By the time she arrived at her level, she was covered in sweat.

"What's wrong with you? Mr. Roman does not like employees who don't look after their image," Molly scolded. "Quickly go to the restroom and wash up."

"Okay." Violla went to the restroom to wash her face and tidied herself. She was about to leave when she heard two female colleagues whispering.

"Did you know that someone named Violla was employed at level 68? I heard she pulled some strings."

"Who is backing her?"

"I'm not sure, but I heard from someone on level 13 that something happened to her in a bar, and Mr. Roman saved her. I think she has a special relationship with him."

"How is that possible? Mr. Roman has such a high status, so what does he see in a mere employee like her?"

"Well, you never know…"

"Whatever, let's not go on. If Mr. Roman finds out, he will fire us."

Hearing footsteps that followed, Violla immediately fled from the toilet. She was puzzled by what she heard." Did someone from the administration department see it wrongly? Was it Davon who saved me?"

While she was pondering over the matter, she felt a strong aura from the opposite side.She raised her head to see Davon walking before her with his eyebrows knitted together. He had a dark expression on his face. But he visibly relaxed them when he saw Violla.

Instinctively, she lowered her head and stood in a corner.Without making eye contact, Davon walked to her and stopped next to her. She lifted her eyes to meet his. " Hey beautiful!" He started with a smile dancing on his lips .

"Hey boss." She replied .

" How have you been and your four pets? " He asked and she could see his smile.

" Urm,um we are all good." She chirped. Davon raised his hand and placed it on her cheek before rubbing them. He nodded awkwardly as he swallowed. He pressed his forehead on hers and pinned his body on hers. Violla closed her eyes.

" Mr Roman. We will be late. Plus the staff are coming." Cruze called him out.

Davon nodded and peeled away from Violla but he quickly pressed his lips on hers stealing the kiss. Violla melted. " Can we please meet and talk tonight..." Davon started.

" Mr Roman..." Cruze called out and Davon twirled around before Violla could answer him. Rippling out his dangerous aura like a switch.

Only after she heard the door opening and closing, did Violla let out a breath of relief, knowing that he had entered the president's office. Discreetly, she made her way back to her table.

"Mr. Roman is in a bad mood today. Watch out and don't make any mistakes," Molly reminded her in a low voice.

"Of course," Violla noted.

"There will be a few visitors coming to our office today. Their information is all here. Do take note of the time..." Molly informed her but her mind was on the kiss she just shared with her boss.

"Okay," Violla cut her off and opened the file to see the first visitor, Franklin.

While she was still in a daze, the elevator door opened, and a familiar figure walked out. He looked around and was momentarily stunned when he saw Violla.

"Mr. Stanley." His assistant softly reminded from behind him.

Franklin napped out from his thoughts before he smiled and greeted, "Hello, I am here to visit Mr. Roman I have an appointment with him."

"Mr. Stanley good morning! Please come this way." Violla responded professionally and promptly led him to the office, handing him over to a more experienced secretary to make further arrangements.

Franklin's gaze lingered on her for a moment before he walked into the office.

Violla returned to her table and continued with her work. Recalling Davon's unhappy expression from earlier, intertwined with a fiery passion she wondered if he would make things difficult for Franklin.

While pondering over those questions, a secretary suddenly rushed over. "Miss Molly please come over here! Mr. Roman lost his temper and threw an object that hit Mr. Stanley's head!"