"Quickly fetch the first-aid kit!" Molly immediately ordered.

Calmly and steadily, she quickly walked to the president's office.

Violla's heart thumped wildly in her chest. She wanted to see what happened but could only wait.Besides, if she went there, she might make things worse for Franklin.

"Mr. Stanley, you are leaving already? I have a first-aid kit with me. I'm sorry for Mr. Roman's behavior. He is not in a good mood today. Let me send you to the hospital…" Molly trailed on.

"It's okay." Franklin turned a corner and disappeared into the restroom.

"Mr Franklin's assistant, this is the first-aid kit. There is some medicine in it." Placing the box in the assistant's hands, Molly continued, "Maybe you can use it?"

"Thank you." The other party took the kit and said, "I will take care of it. You should get back to work."

Nodding, Molly returned to her desk and instructed the other secretaries, "I want all of you to be busy with work. When Mr. Stanley comes out, don't stare at him."

"Okay." The secretaries had common sense and understood that he left the president's office because of his pride. The more they stared at him, the more embarrassed he would feel.

While at her desk, Violla was frowning and felt uncomfortable. She did not understand why Franklin had to give in to Davon's requests and bow down to him when the Stanleys were so well-off."Isn't it better for him to manage his own business?Is Davon the only client in the world?'

Franklin emerged from the restroom with a handkerchief covering his forehead. His assistant followed behind him.

Violla could not help but steal a glance. His forehead was still bleeding, and his white shirt was soaked with blood. He looked miserable.Feeling bad, she clasped her hands together tightly. All she wanted to do was to show concern, but she did not dare to.

Till Franklin entered the elevator, she did not make a move. However, she caught him raising his head and looking at her with bloodshot eyes, along with an inexplicable expression.

Her heart ached and tears welled up in her eyes.Finally, Franklin left as the elevator door closed. Violla lowered her head, overwhelmed.

"Violla , go to the president's office with Lizzy to clean up," Molly ordered.

"Huh? I…" Elizabeth trembled in fear. "Miss Molly I'm afraid…"

"What is there to be scared of?" Molly growled, "Do a good job and don't sprout nonsense or look around unnecessarily. If you don't step on his toes, Mr. Roman's will not eat you up."

"Noted." Violla quickly brought the necessary tools to the president's office.

Elizabeth could only follow obediently. She tugged Violla's arm and muttered, "Violla, can I clean the near the exit while you clean the inside?"

"Sure."In contrast to Elizabeth, Violla was unafraid. She even wanted to confront Davon about why he hit Franklin and why he had to resort to violence like that?

After they knocked on the door and entered the president's office, Davon commanded, "Tell the others that no one shall allow Franklin to step into Romans Corporation without my permission from now on."

"Yes!" Cruze immediately heeded his order.

Elizabeth lowered her head and timidly picked up the glass shards by the door.

On the other hand, Violla walked to Davon's desk and squatted down to tidy the documents that had been scattered on the ground. There, she found Franklin's blood stains all over the place.

Once again, she felt bad and felt a wave of anger.

"You don't have to clean up. Get out," Davon ordered.

"Yes…" Elizabeth started.However, Violla stopped Elizabeth mid-sentence, "Mr. Roman,are you not afraid of the stench of blood?" She coldly continued, "Otherwise, are you used to such violence?"

Cruze held his breath. He wanted to remind Violla not to argue with Davon at that moment, but he did not dare to speak.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth was taken aback." Is Violla out of her mind? How dare she talk back to Mr. Roman like that?Even if she doesn't care about the consequences, at least she shouldn't drag me down!"

"Are you questioning me?" Davon glared at Violla with a cold stare.

Trembling in terror, Elizabeth's legs turned jelly.

"Get out of here," Davon told Elizabeth, with his eyes still fixated on Violla.Immediately, Elizabeth scurried away.Gauging the situation, Cruze followed behind.

Violla did not continue talking. She quietly tidied the documents and placed them on the desk.Then, she cleaned up the bloodstains with a cloth.With every wipe, she felt like she was wiping her own wound.

"Do you feel hurt because Franklin got injured?" Davon uttered.Violla did not respond and continued to clean.Losing his patience, Davon frowned and seethed, "Are you a mute? Talk to me!"

With that, Violla finally stopped cleaning and looked up at him. "Why do you resort to violence? Why can't you talk it out? Do you have to hurt others?"

Without a word, Davon gazed at her with a complicated expression.It took a while before he got up and slowly walked towards her.Sunlight shone on his body. Although it gave his figure a warm hue, it somehow made him seem colder.

While he gradually approached her, Violla started to feel afraid. Unconsciously, she stepped back, and even the stubborn look in her eyes disappeared. Her eyes shifted to the floor, and she guiltily tried to explain, "Well, I just thought you shouldn't resort to violence…"

He continued to walk towards her while she continued to retreat. Although she was terrified, she still mustered up her courage and confronted, "Mr. Stanley wants to discuss a partnership with you. If you don't want to work with him, you can always turn him down. Why did you have to throw something at him?"

His black leather shoes appeared within her sight, and she drew a sharp breath. He was right in front of her.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, "If you act like that, everyone in the office would be afraid of you. Your existing and potential partners would be scared of you too…"

"Only you are not afraid of me," Davon growled in a dangerously low voice.He forced her to retreat until her back was against the wall and she had nowhere else to go.Then, he placed one hand on her shoulder while his other hand pinched her cheek to force her to look into his fiery eyes.

"I…" Violla stammered.She panicked and did not know what she could say to get out of the situation.

"Do you think you can attract my attention by resorting to such tricks?" Davon mocked. "Or else, do you think I like you, so you have the right to act like a spoiled princess?"

Violla could not utter a word. But before she knew it ,his icy lips brushed hers and Davon's tongue swirled around hers,she shivered as his tongue swiped her lips. Before he finally took her lips into hers , kissing her softly and then passionately. Desire coursing through him. Violla melted in his arms softly moaning in his lips "Were you hurt because I hurt him?" He asked again after breaking the kiss . His lips an inch from kissing her again .

" No boss,I ....I...I" she stammered.

"Are you scared of being with me,why can't you talk?" He dropped the question from nowhere. Before she could answer him ,his lips were on hers again. His hand slipped behind her waist and he tugged her closer. " Come here beautiful!"

She closed the space between them. " You shouldn't be scared when you are backed by the most powerful man in this nation." Davon hissed against her lips and softly nipped her lips .

" That's precisely why I am scared of you. You are the most powerful man in the nation,and besides I have a boyfriend..." She hissed .

" And yet you kiss me with so much passion?" He whispered between kisses. And Violla could not help but kiss him back. Davon hauled her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked with her towards the couch. Violla broke the kiss struggling against him until he placed her down. " This is so wrong . Don't ever touch me like that again. " Violla spat her eyes betraying her true feelings. Davon smirked.

"I never thought you were interested in me…" Violla continued, "A person like you will never be interested in anyone else but yourself anyway. I don't want to be your toy. And I don't want to drag your name in the mud."

"Good!" Davon let out a burst of icy cold laughter, like a beast showing mercy before his prey.It made Violla uneasy, and she realized that her words only added fuel to the fire. Davon was already angry she managed to make him angrier. Not willing to know what was wrong with him that was making him furious from morning she gushed out,

"I…have to go…"

She wanted to escape, but the man's tall and strong frame was like a cage around her. Therefore, she bent down and weaseled her way out beneath his arm.

Davon did not stop her but snapped his fingers instead, and the infrared sensor on his door started to flash.The door was locked and Violla could not open it.

She tried to twist the doorknob in several ways, but it would not budge. There was only an automated voice prompt. "The door is locked. Please use your fingerprint or enter the password."

Violla was flustered, and she turned back. "What do you want? Let me out right now."

Silently, Davon twirled his black leather chair and leisurely lit up his cigar.

"Mr. Roman…" Out of ideas, Violla rushed to him and pleaded, "I apologize for whatever I said earlier. I should not have been so disrespectful and insensitive. Please forgive me and let me go."

Still, her boss stayed quiet and took another puff from his cigar.

"This is an office. If you don't let me out, what would others think?" She was desperate and tried to persuade him with another method, "Some people were already speculating about our unusual relationship. If you do this, others may think you are a boss that harasses his female employees. I have already taken longer than usual in here and with the door locked is suspicious."

"Haha!" Davon laughed. "Do I even need to harass female employees?"

"You…" Violla started .

"There is something I'm curious about…" Davon puffed out some smoke before he continued, "Who were the people that were talking about us? How did rumor that start?"

"They said…" Violla timidly asked, "Were you the one who saved me when something happened to me at Empire Night?"

Davon did not reply and stared at her coldly while the corner of his lips curled up. His attitude only scared Violla even more. "You were really the one who saved me?" She asked him carefully.

"You didn't even know who saved you?" Davon retorted.

"I…" Violla wanted to tell him that she did not know what happened then because she was drugged and was in a semi-conscious state, but she stopped herself.

It was not something glorious after all. If he was not the one that saved her, she was just going to be setting herself up.

"Forget it. I'll never get an answer from you." She tried to change the topic and complained, "Mr. Roman, please let me out. I still have to work."

"I saved you," Davon suddenly returned to the previous topic. "How do you want to repay me?"

"It can't be you…" Violla was alarmed. "If you are the one who saved me…how is that possible?"

"I was out for a drink, and coincidentally, I was there." Davon let out another puff of smoke then glanced at her arrogantly. "Even if someone harassed my dog, I will step in to help. It is an act of charity to me."

"How is that possible…" Violla was confused. "The one who saved me was…" She thought she saw the "escort In Debt". What on earth is going on?

"You were drugged and clearly very thirsty. Also, you kept moving in my arms…" Davon teased. "You even wanted me to…"

"That's not possible…" Violla fervently denied. There were a ton of questions at the back of her head. "The man who saved me was my boyfriend. After it happened, I woke up to him. How can it be you…"

Before she could finish, Davon pulled her into his arms.She wanted to resist but was locked in his arms without the space to move at all.

"What are you trying to do? Let go of me right now." Violla struggled as much as she could. However, the more she did that, the more it aroused Davon's desire for her.

"That day, you were not like that…" The man slurred.He lifted her chin to look at her flawless face and beautiful eyes. The sight sent his blood pumping and his body burning with desire for her.

"That day, you took the initiative to kiss me. It was like this…" He whispered huskily and nibbled on her earlobe. Instantly, the fiery touch threw Violla's sanity out of the window.

She froze and stood nervously. Her voice sounded like a moan as she croaked, "No…"

"You also did this…"He slowly moved towards her cheek, pressing his lips against it before he moved to her neck, chin and rosy, red lips.

The moment Davon's lips touched hers, Violla felt a wave of warmth rise within her body again. She was slowly losing control again.

"No…mmm…"She seemed like a helpless kitten, shaking uncontrollably.Her previously stiff body seemed to slump over, melting into his arms again just like before.

Regardless, there was a voice in her head reminding her repeatedly. No, no, no…

Davon always loved this side of her, fragile and delicate. His movements became more intense, and his hand moved to the bottom of her skirt.

"Oh…" Violla shuddered and instantly snapped to her senses. She pushed him away in panic.

However, she did not manage to push him away. As she used too much strength, the wound on her shoulder split open again. The pain was so intense that her face turned pale, and she started to sweat.

Reluctantly, Davon loosened his grip on her. He licked his lips longingly, with desire still burning in his eyes .

" How do you always do that. Want me one minute and the next you don't Violla. A few minutes ago you kissed me back so passionately and even now. The next you are pushing me away. Tell me the truth. What is it that you are so scared of me knowing when we hook up ?" Davon snapped.

Violla took the chance as he runted to back away and straighten her clothes.

Looking at her pained expression, he knew that she aggravated her wound again, so he went over to check on her.

Instead, Violla warned, "Don't come over here."

Davon frowned but compromised, "Okay." Following that, he snapped his fingers again, and the lock on the door opened . Violla ran as fast as her legs could carry her, like she was running away from the devil.

In the washroom, Violla was splashing cold water onto her face in a desperate attempt to calm herself down. As she recalled the incident that night, she was utterly bewildered by what had happened.

She fiddled through her phone and identified the contact number saved as "escort in Debt". Hesitating, she ruminated about whether to call him.

After all, she had to stay firm with the decision that was made that day. Since then, she had never contacted him anymore. "If I were to contact him now, that will amount to a tight slap to my face! Besides, it took an insurmountable effort to cut ties with the escort."If I contact him now, I'll be entangled in this messed-up relationship again!" Violla contemplated.

Eventually, she decided to heed her rational senses. The burning issue was with Davon. He had become immensely possessive over her. Sooner or later, something bad would happen.

"Perhaps I should leave Roman Corporation." She thought.

Currently, the income from DWF was sufficient to feed the family. Once her income source has stabilized, she would tender her resignation letter to the Roman Corporation.

Violla felt relieved after making that decision.She kept her phone in her pocket and returned to work. Elizabeth came over and asked anxiously, "Violla, did Mr. Roman fire you?"

"Why would I be fired Lizzy?" Violla was puzzled.

"The way you talked back to him just now, are you not in trouble for that?" Elizabeth scrutinized her surroundings cautiously and said, "He was fuming with anger. It was a terrifying sight!"

"Yes, he was indeed furious," Violla feigned her frustration, "additionally, he lambasted me and chased me out of the room."

"He merely reprimanded you?" Elizabeth was surprised.

"What did you think happened?" Violla laughed bitterly.

Elizabeth replied, "Good to know. You're so lucky…"

After that, Elizabeth did not say anything further and returned to work.

Violla thought to herself. "I should avoid that Devil in the future. Or else, rumors will start circulating in the company again."

After work, Violla's colleagues invited her to join them for dinner but she rejected their kind invitation.

Her priority was her children back home. With the scarce time that was available, she treasured the invaluable family time and wanted to spend time with her children. Not to mention, she would need to work at the bar later at night.

Violla was heading towards the subway when she unexpectedly received Mrs. Blake's call. "Miss, there's an issue again. It's best if you head to the kindergarten now."

Violla rushed towards the Kindergarten, feeling a sense of Deja vu.

In the principal's office, Leila and Amira were seated on the couch. The ambiance in the room was eerily hostile. On the other side of the room, the principal and class teacher were standing worriedly in front of them like servants who made a mistake. Mrs Blake and Eliana were at the corner of the room.

However, Ryan, Jason and Titus were absent.

"We don't have time for this. If her parents are not going to show up, we shall leave this to the police." Amira's instruction was absolute.

"Alright, Ma'am…" the lawyer immediately took out his phone and was ready to call the police.

Eliana broke into tears and waved her chubby hands in protest. "I don't want to go to prison, I don't want to go to prison…" she repeatedly begged.

"Eliana, don't be afraid. Mommy will be here soon enough," Mrs. Blake quickly tried to calm her down.

"Hey, kid, don't be afraid," Leila smirked. "You're only three and a half years old. Even if you've made a mistake, you won't go to prison. Nonetheless, the person that will actually be imprisoned is your guardian, who is your Mommy!"

"I don't want, I don't want Mommy to be imprisoned." Eliana's cries resonated even louder.

Eliana's shrieking cries of agony echoed throughout the room. Her eyes were swollen and her cheeks flushed red. It was heart-wrenching for a young girl like her to display such despair and melancholy.

"Eliana!" Violla rushed into the room and lovingly hugged her child.

"Mommy!" Eliana embraced her hug. She was crying out of breath. "Mommy, I'm sorry…"

"Eliana, don't worry about it. Mommy is here. It will be fine." Violla tenderly patted her on the back. "Now, tell me what happened?"

"Mommy,. I lost the bracelet." Eliana shakingly replied.Her voice was obscured by the excessive crying.

"Let me explain the situation." Amira scornfully looked at Violla "She lost my grandson's diamond bracelet that was passed down for generations. It costs about thirty million. Now, don't you think that we should be compensated?"

"Mom, why are you being courteous to them?" Leila exclaimed in agitation, "clearly, she stole it!"