"So that was what happened…" Violla finally pieced the puzzle together. However, another doubt was quick to surface in her mind. "But, the Devil is such an aggressive and domineering person. How did you manage to take me away from him?"

"You are my girlfriend, after all." Drew answered confidently, " As domineering as he is, he would not have sacrificed his customers and business just for a woman."

"That's true." Violla believed what he said. Indeed, she knew how Davon was when it comes to work. His mind would be engulfed by business and nothing else.

She then recalled Davon's behavior that day. If it were him who saved her that night, he would also be the person who slept with her. However, he did not mention any of that.Unless. He was the real escort, and the person in front of her was a fake!

Violla looked towards the self-proclaimed "escort In Debt". However, she quickly dismissed her doubts. "It's impossible. That day, I saw Davon leave with my own eyes. Then, this dude beside me drove this exact same car to fetch me.The two events happened in less than a minute. It would be impossible for the "escort In Debt" would not be in two places at once."

Therefore, Davon was in fact his true self. On the flip side, this dude beside me is the real "escort In Debt". That must be the truth!

"What are you thinking about?" Drew tenderly approached her. "Are you thinking that I'm not an escort?"

"A bit." Violla gave him a complicated stare." Since he's not an escort Should I let him reunite with the children?At the end of the day, the children need their father. " She contemplated.

"If you wish, it's not too late for me to be an escort." Drew put up a straight face and proposed. Violla burst into laughter.

"You finally laughed." Drew pinched her cheeks. "Do you know that you look good when you're smiling? Smile more!"

Violla suddenly realized that the escort wasn't that bad after all. Whenever she was in trouble, he would be there to rescue her.Besides, he was honest with her. Every day, he would religiously transfer the money into her account and report his earnings.Now, he was trying to make her laugh and feel happy.In her opinion, he was a perfect person.

Before this, she was concerned with his occupation. However, now that she found out that he was not an escort, there wouldn't be any negative influence on the children. Perhaps, it is possible that.....

As she was contemplating bewildering thoughts in her mind, Violla snapped back into reality and noticed that the car was taking the wrong route back home. She nervously asked, "Where are you driving me? Why am I further from home?"

"We're going for supper. It's too early to go home." In actual fact, Drew had no idea where her house was.However, he was quick on his feet and told a lie without breaking a sweat.

"No can't do. I need to go home now. Please send me back." She quickly urged.

"Hmm…" he hesitated.

"Did you forget my address?" she assumed.

"No…" He tried to wiggle his way out.

Suddenly, Violla's phone rang and it was from Mrs. Blake "Miss, Eliana's fever is now at 103.1 degrees Fahrenheit."

"I'm coming back immediately." Violla panicked. "Mrs. Blake, can you please prepare the medical card and a water bottle? We'll head straight to the hospital when I reach home."

"Alright." Mrs. Blake said . Violla then put down the phone.

Drew managed to locate her address from the navigation records. He immediately made a U-turn and exclaimed, "32 uplands, am I correct? We'll be there in ten minutes!"

"Thank you." Violla was delighted that he remembered her address. "I've deleted your contact number. Call me again so that I can save it."

"My phone…"'Drew's heart sank. Previously, Davon lent Drew his phone for the sole purpose of impersonating him. However, the phone was later reclaimed at Empire Night!

Although Drew could furtively borrow the car, he could never gain access to Davon's phone.

"Why? You don't want to give it to me?" Violla was displeased with his hesitant look.

"No…" Drew's eyes glistened as he found an excuse. "I've stopped using that number. I'll give you my new one."

As he was saying that, he passed his phone to Violla after unlocking it."Why did you change your phone number?" asked Violla. "Oh, I know… I bet a lot of girls must have had your old number," she added.

"Hey, the past is in the past. I'm a different man now. I'll only be yours in the future!" Drew promised solemnly.

"Hah! Only a fool would believe you." Violla feigned a smile.

"I swear!" Drew raised his hand. "From now on, if I'm ever seen fooling around with other girls, then I shall be forever cursed with erectile dysfunction."

"Don't give me that bullsh*t!" said Violla. Seeing Drew being so sincere and honest, Violla finally budged and dropped the subject. "Hmm, what should I set his name as in my contacts, though?"

Drew took a glance at her and knew exactly what she was thinking about. Hence, he frivolously said, "Just put my name as the child's father."

A trickle of sweat was flowing down Violla's forehead the moment she heard that. "You like kids?" asked Violla anxiously.

"I'll love them as long as you're their mother. I've got a suggestion… Why don't we start making one tonight?" Drew grabbed her hand tightly.

"Stop fooling around! I have things to do at home." Violla withdrew her hand and was quite flustered.

"Aww… Then how about we pick this up tomo-" Drew was cut off

"Bye! Drive safe." Violla was still preoccupied with Eliana's illness, so she wasn't in the mood for a lovers squabble.That being said, she was touched by the fact that the attractive Drew really liked kids.

This was because her kids, who just went through a lot today, would always nag on and on about meeting their father. "Should I let them meet Drew? Will I ruin it in the future if I do?" Violla considered.

Just stop the car here. I'll go up by myself," said Violla after arriving at her block.

"I'll walk you…" Drew was getting ready to unfasten his seatbelt.

"Nah, it's ok." Violla opened the car door and rushed to her apartment.However,Drew still made sure that she made it inside before he drove off.As he was making a U-turn, he realized that Violla's purse was still in the car. After making the turn, he parked the car by the roadside and took out his phone to call her.

Before he could make the call, he saw Violla carrying a young girl while running out. Behind them was a plump woman trudging behind, doing her best to keep up with them.Three of them went in a cab and sped off in the opposite direction.

Drew was stunned. As he watched the cab drift away, his mind was flooded with a plethora of questions.However, he was still able to keep his sangfroid when he tried to access the situation calmly. Curious, he opened Violla's purse, and her black wallet caught his attention. Drew opened the wallet and saw a family photo being kept in it.

In the photo, Violla and the plump woman he saw earlier were sitting beside each other. In their arms were three babies while a green parrot was standing on top of Violla's head. Six of them, yes, including the parrot, were beaming with smiles, and they looked really happy.

Drew was shell-shocked, yet, he was able to compose his mind and came up with a bold assumption. Even so, he wasn't intrepid enough to confirm it himself.

During this mental crisis of his, his phone rang, and that brought him back to reality. "Hey, bro!" He answered it.

"Where the hell is my car? Where did you take it to?" Davon impugned him.

"I was only borrowing it out for a quick drive. Since my car is still in North Nation, I had no choice…" replied Drew in a furtive manner.

"Well, you can use all the other cars, all except for that one. Come back with it right now!" yelled Davon.

"Okay, okay, jeez… I'll send it home right now. Calm down. There's no need to be so mad." Drew conciliated him.

After hanging up the phone, Drew called Fred and asked, "Is the bar still open?"

"Yes, it still opens for another half an hour."

"Okay, wait for me. I've got something to deliver to you there."Drew drove back to Bar DWF and handed Violla's purse over to Fred. "Don't let her know that I was the one who brought her purse back. Just tell her that she left it here."

"No problem!" Fred agreed .

Violla, accompanied by Mrs. Blake, rushed to the nearest children's hospital to get Eliana immediate medical attention. It was already twenty minutes to midnight, yet there was still a long line at the hospital.

Then, Violla left Eliana with Mrs. Blake and quickly got in line with the other registrants. She was extremely anxious and worried for her sickly daughter.

"I didn't even get to check on Ryan and Jason when I rushed out of the house with you. I wonder how they're doing right now." Mrs. Blake was still perturbed about the vexatious ones at home as she was feeding Eliana .

"Those two can take care of themselves, so there's no need to fret about that." Violla was feigning to be unconcerned, but she was more worried than anyone else about Ryan and Jason. Both of them were still toddlers. Although their bodies weren't as frail as their younger sister, still, how can I not worry? Please be okay.

"I've told Finny to keep an eye on them," said Mrs. Blake. She then rambled on, "Finny was acting weird today too, though, ensconcing herself inside that little cage of hers all day long. She only came out to play with Eliana at night right after you left."

"Yeah. With Finny by their side, they'll be happier."At the same time, Violla was getting more and more distressed by the minute as there was still a long line of registrants ahead of her. "Come on… If this keeps up, Eliana would have recovered on her own before we even get to see the doctor." She thought.

"In my days, getting a family doctor would have done the trick. There's no registration whatsoever." Mrs. Blake sighed.

The moment Mrs. Blake brought that up, Violla reminisced about her days back in the Milan family. They had a personal doctor. Even if the illness were chronic, they would just go to a private hospital to get treatment immediately, without the need to wait.

Even if things remained the same, people would have changed. The past would be nothing but a distant memory.

Out of the blue, Violla recalled that she had Immaculate's contact number and that she was told to call her if she had any health-related issues. Violla was a bit conflicted, however, as calling Immaculate also meant making her current situation known to Davon."Forget it. Let's just keep waiting." She made up her mind .

"Mommy…" Eliana had just opened her mouth for a bit, and a stream of fresh vomit came out from her mouth.

"My god…" Mrs. Blake quickly helped her clean her mouth.

"Eliana!" Violla hurried over to Eliana's side and wiped her face with one hand while patting her back with the other one. "Eliana, don't be afraid. Mommy's here, okay? Mommy's right here."

"Mommy, this is unbearable…" sobbed Eliana .

Eliana's face was pale white. Her whole body was soft as butter, and all the food she ate before was all over Mrs. Blake. Her usual shiny bright eyes were then filled with poignance and overflowing with tears

"Eliana, it's gonna be okay. We'll go see the doctor soon, okay?" Having done wiping the stains on Eliana's clothes, Violla carried Eliana to the side to call on the nurse there. "Miss, my daughter can't seem to handle it anymore. Can you please let the doctor have a look at her first?"

"Because of the season change, it's usual for children to get infected by the common flu. Many kids have fallen ill, just like yours, and they all have to wait for their turn unless it's an emergency like asphyxia. Or else, you'll have to wait for your turn just like everyone else." The nurse was so occupied with her job that she didn't even spare any time lifting her head to look at Violla.

"But…" Violla started.

"Excuse me." Right at that moment, Violla was pushed away by the other parents to the other side.

"Now what? Seriously, what do I do now?" Violla thought.

"Miss, why don't we go to the other hospitals and test our luck there? We've already waited for about half an hour, and the line is still as long as the start. If we keep on dawdling this way, I'm afraid Eliana can't hold on anymore," suggested Mrs. Blake as she wiped the stains on her clothes with a wet towel.

Looking at her unconscious daughter's pale white face, Violla was left with no other alternatives but to ask Immaculate for her help before things exacerbated any further.

Immaculate answered her phone almost instantly. "Miss Milan?"

"Dr. Immaculate, my uh, my friend's daughter got sick. However, the children's hospital was full of people, and they've waited for hours, but it still isn't their turn yet. Unfortunately, the girl's condition is getting worse by the minute. Do you suppose that you can…" Violla panicked.

"Okay, Miss Milan, calm down. Just bring your friend here. I'll treat her personally." Immaculate offered.

"Okay, thank you so much. May I have the address?" Violla asked.

"I'll send it you right now." Immaculate told her.

After hanging up the phone, Violla and Mrs. Blake called for an Uber and headed towards the address.Fortunately, the hospital was less than two miles away from where they were.

On their way there, Violla whispered, "Mrs. Blake later when we meet Immaculate, just tell her that Eliana is your granddaughter."

"What?" Mrs. Blake was bewildered.

Violla gave a terse explanation to her, and she nodded.When they arrived at the private children's hospital, Immaculate was already standing at the entrance with her assistant waiting for them.

After that, Mrs. Blake carried Eliana to the entrance while Violla carried her purse and followed them.

"What's wrong with her?" Immaculate saw that the girl was experiencing severe malaise and quickly asked for an explanation.

After explaining her condition to Immaculate, Violla added, "This little girl is Mrs. Blake's granddaughter. Mrs. Blake's daughter, along with her husband, are currently working outstation, so she asked for my help instead and told me about the little girl's condition. I accompanied the two of them to the children's hospital, but it was filled with a surfeit amount of people. We had been waiting for too long, so we had no choice but to resort to your help."

"It's okay. Let's focus on treating the girl first." With Immaculate tending to Eliana personally, there was no need for any registration or the other specific procedures to be done.

There were no qualms about Immaculate's skill as the exclusive doctor of the Roman family. She was able to identify the problem in the blink of an eye and immediately prescribed medicines for Eliana.

"It's just influenza that was messing with her body. Anyway, I've prescribed some medication for her, and it's best if she could get some rest. After that, she'll be as good as new." Immaculate said with a smile.

"Besides, Miss Milan since you're here right now, I might as well help you with the wounds on your neck and your shoulders." Immaculate told her.

"Okay, thanks." Violla then signaled Mrs. Blake with her eyebrows.

"Dr. Immaculate, thank you for everything you've done for my granddaughter. I'll take her home to get some rest now," said Mrs. Blake, after taking the hint.

"You're welcome. I'll get someone to send both of you home safely," Dr. Immaculate offered.

"It's fine. There's no need to trouble you with that. We can take a cab home, but thank you for the offer." Mrs. Blake carried Eliana and hurried towards the exit.

Before they could reach the exit, however, Eliana regained her consciousness and started yelling dazedly. "Mommy, mommy…"

"Eliana, Mommy will be back home soon. Let's go home first." Mrs. Blake comforted her. Violla then sent them off with her gaze.

"Miss Milan" called Immaculate.

"Coming…" Violla walked inside.

Immaculate helped her reapply bandages for her wounds and gave her some ointment and medicine. After that, she mentioned some important precautions to her and offered to drive her home as well.

Adamant, Violla continuously rejected her offer, and she sidled away when she had the chance.

Having exited the hospital, she saw Mrs. Blake waiting at the side of the road with Eliana in her arms. They called a cab and left as quickly as they could.

From a distance, Immaculate witnessed all of it and was baffled by what happened. "Violla sure is acting weird tonight.Everything should be fine. If there was really something Violla wanted to hide from me, she wouldn't have come here seeking my help."

Feeling justified, Immaculate dropped the thought and continued on with her work.

It was already half-past three at night when Violla arrived home. Together with Mrs. Blake they fed Eliana the medicines and sung her to sleep.

Even though Mrs. Blake was exhausted, she still made something for Violla to sate her appetite. After seeing how tired Mrs. Blake was, Violla told her to prioritize her body and get some sleep while she kept watch over Eliana.

Dawn came, and Eliana's fever was finally going down.Feeling relieved, Violla lay down beside her daughter and fell into a deep slumber until half-past six in the morning.

The rustling wind and chipping of birds outside then woke her up. "Sh*t, I'm gonna be marked tardy again." Violla woke up with a jolt and jumped off the bed.

"Miss, you only had about an hour of sleep last night. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up." Mrs. Blake said as she prepared breakfast for the kids.

"You still have to wake me up nonetheless. I've got a job I need to be on time for." Not wasting any more time, Violla quickly brushed her teeth, washed up, and then headed out to work.

"Mommy, your breakfast." Jason ran to her with a bun and a bottle of soy milk.

"Thank you, Jason." Violla grabbed her breakfast and darted towards the elevator. "Be a good boy, okay?" said Violla, without looking back.

"Affirmative!" Jason responded.

"Ryan and Jason, do finish your breakfast before it gets cold. Later on, I'll be seeing both of you off when the school bus arrives. After that, I need to come back home immediately to look after Eliana since she's still not fully recovered. You two behave in school, okay?" Mrs Blake instructed.

"We will, Mrs. Blake." the boys chirped.

As Violla was dashing towards the subway station to catch her train, a blue Lamborghini came out of nowhere and stopped beside her.

Startled, she took a few steps back away from the Lamborghini. A handsome man with a charming smile got out of the car and stood before her. "Babe, apologies for being late. But I'm here now to escort you to work, shall we?" He said.