Violla was stunned for a moment and hurriedly got into the car.

Everyone around was watching her.Several women who lived in the same neighborhood were gossiping around. "Isn't this Mrs. Blake's daughter? Look, she has a boyfriend now."

"He looks rich and handsome. Mrs. Blake lucked out!"

"Quick, close the convertible." Violla covered her face since she did not want to be seen by her acquaintances.

"What are you afraid of? I have nothing to be ashamed of." Drew closed the convertible and even waved at the women. "Bye, ladies!"

"Bye!" They were overjoyed.

"Why did you wave at them?" She could not understand him. "Don't you think you're being too flashy?"

"They're your neighbors, aren't they? So we will know each other eventually," Drew said cheekily, "When do you plan to let me meet your family?"

"Stop messing around." Although Violla spurned, a smile appeared on her face. "Why are you driving in a different car today? Where's the Aston Martin?"

"That car broke down, so I took it to repair." Drew sped away in his car.

"Broke down? It was fine yesterday." Violla was shocked.

"It broke down on the way back." He was not lying. He deliberately crashed it on the way back and took the car with a deformed front hood to Davon's parking.Early that morning, Cruze arranged for someone to send it for repair.

That way, Davon would not be driving that car, and Violla would not meet the real escort In Debt anymore.

After doing all that, Drew felt a little uneasy as that was his first time playing tricks on Davon since childhood.He was hesitant and felt anxious for a moment, but in the end, he did it anyway.

He knew that he had protection as a Roman grandchild, so Davon would not actually do anything to him.

"Drive carefully next time." Violla exhorted and started feasting on the buns and milk. Drew glanced at her and pretended to be pitiful. "How rude. I drove to pick you up, but you won't give me food."

"Fine. Just one bun,the one I've started eating." She handed him a half-bitten bun.Surprisingly, he did not mind and leaned closer to take a big bite. "Mmm, so delicious!"

"The buns made by Mrs. Blake are delicious, indeed."She stuffed the remaining half into his mouth.

"Bring a few more tomorrow." He licked his lips. "I can eat ten of such delicious buns in one go."

"You will make me poor." Violla smiled and wiped his mouth for him.

"I personally drove to pick you up, yet you accuse me of eating too much of your food." Drew totally enjoyed his close interaction with Violla. "Although I have dated many women, I have never shared a bun with a girl in a car like this. This is the most blissful thing in the world." Drew ruminated.

"All right, all right. I will bring ten for you. " Violla was worried that he could not accept her current state of living, but she did not expect him to be so down-to-earth. It seemed like her worries were unnecessary.

"I will observe him for a little bit longer. Then, if he continues to behave this well, I might consider taking him to meet Mrs. Blake and the children.The children need a father, after all." Violla contemplated.

A speedy drive meant that it only took ten minutes for them to reach the street across from the office.

"Let's stop here. I don't want to be seen by my colleagues." Violla was very cautious.

"All right." He parked his car by the road. "I will be busy this afternoon, so I can't pick you up after work. I'll see you at the bar tonight!"

"Sure." When she was about to get out of the car, he suddenly held her and leaned in intimately. "Goodbye kiss!" Drew requested.

Violla blushed and closed her eyes nervously.Drew curled up the corners of his lips and leaned in even closer. When his thin, sexy lips were about to make contact with her forehead, a Rolls-Royce suddenly passed .

He hurriedly let go of her and teased, "Let's leave it there. We'll get back to it tonight!" Opening her eyes, Violla glanced at him bashfully. She then quickly got off the car and ran towards the company building.

Violla was still blushing when she walked into the office building. She soon noticed all her colleagues lined up neatly in two rows. They bowed toward her and acknowledged, "Mr. Roman!"

She was taken aback and froze on the spot.It was not until Eunice, who stood beside her, kept winking at her that she reacted with hindsight and turned around.

Davon's tall and slender figure walked in with rays of sunshine behind him, exuding a commanding presence.Violla hurriedly retreated aside; she bowed her head nervously while holding her breath.

Davon stared straight ahead and strode forward. As he walked by her, he suddenly stopped and coldly reminded, "Hey beautiful,since you're late by thirty-five seconds, your punishment is to clean the swimming pool!"

"I…" Violla wanted to explain but then nodded humbly instead. "Yes, Mr. Roman!"

Violla slowly lifted her head when his steps were farther away and stared angrily at his domineering back. Although he looked like her boyfriend, she loathed him. "I just want to kick him! !!" She screamed in her mind.

When Davon was entering the elevator, he turned around and glanced in her direction.Her bitter and hateful expression instantly became a fake and respectful smile.

When the elevator door closed slowly, Violla sighed in relief. "Violla, Violla…"A voice came and interrupted her thoughts.Recovering her senses, Violla smiled and acknowledged her " Eunice"

"Are you all right?" Eunice tagged her along to ride the elevator. "You don't look good."

"No big deal." Violla shook her head. "Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

"No wonder you are so out of it today. You didn't even realize that you were on Mr. Roman's way." Eunice smiled and teased, "Luckily, it was you. Mr. Roman only punished you for cleaning the swimming pool. If it were someone else, that person would be doomed."

''Stop kidding." Violla clarified in a low voice, "There's nothing between Mr. Roman and I ."

"Impossible. Mr. Roman hugged you so tightly that day." Eunice commented.

"Impossible, you're mistaken." Violla jerked.

"Here's the elevator. Let's go." Violla reached level 68 anxiously. When she was about to go to work, Molly came to inform her, "Don't go to work yet; leave it to Lizzy. You should clean the infinity pool. Report to me after you are done."

"Okay." Violla pitifully went to the infinity pool.Although it was sunny today, it wasn't hot and the pool water still felt chilly. Violla took off her shoes and socks, rolled up her pants, and started cleaning the pool.

Given she had prior experience, she felt much more proficient doing the cleaning work this time.She was also not as frightened when she turned around to realize that someone had appeared beside her.She only froze for a brief moment before greeting respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Roman!"

Davon sat on the recliner and was spinning the ultra-thin mobile phone in the palm of his hand.Violla worked silently; she was afraid of provoking him.

"How much is your monthly salary again?" Davon suddenly asked her.

Violla was mopping the floor when she heard his question. She immediately stopped her work and looked at him timidly. "It was eight thousand when I was in the administration department and the security department. Now that I've transferred to the president's office, it's twenty thousand."

"Do you want to make money beautiful?" Davon looked at her.

"I do." Violla nodded.

Davon hooked his finger and motioned her to come closer . Violla cautiously walked over to him.

Davon gave her a medical report. "Go to the hospital and persuade that old mad to take the laxative and let it help him to pass out stool . I will give you one million if you succeed. I am launching our new product and he is to host it. He can't afford to be absent!"

Violla was shocked. She almost forgot about this and hurriedly asked, "Why is it important for him to pass out stool. Can't you get someone else to do it?"

"Because he worked for my dad and now for me he is more like family. Just like my dad.And as a family we want to bestow to him the honour of launching the product. He has taken laxatives twice it didn't help. And he doesn't want to take it anymore. He might die ." Davon scowled. "The stubborn old man didn't want to take it anymore. If you can talk to him and he passes out the stool by today, one million will be transferred to your account immediately. I don't want my dad to get on my neck if his friend dies. And I want him here tomorrow"

" Maybe a beautiful young woman,who has no ties to him can persuade him. Further more I noticed, you two were chatty the last time you were in the villa. It's Mr. Trad. The stubborn old man might listen to you." Davon added.

"Yes, Sir!" Violla could not hide her enthusiasm. "I'll go right after I finish cleaning."

"You don't have to clean anymore. Go right now." Davon motioned her to leave immediately. "Your mission today is to get the old man to pass out stool!"

"Yes, Sir. I'll do it right away." Violla said. Barefooted, Violla hurriedly rushed out but returned shortly afterward to get her shoes and smirked awkwardly at Davon .

"I'm so happy that I can make so much money!" Her mind screamed.

Davon looked at her back with a mocking sneer. "What a greedy woman!"

After Violla reported to Molly briefly, she put on her shoes and hurriedly went home.

As soon as she walked in, she called out, "Mrs. Blake, do you still have the laxative that you gave Finny last time?"

"What laxative?" Mrs. Blake did not understand at first.

"No laxative, no laxative!" Finny shouted in the cage.

"Shut up!" After shouting at it, Violla said to Mrs. Blake "I mean, that green laxative that helped to get the chip out of Finny last time."

"There is still half a bottle left. Why? Do you have constipation?" Blake probed.

"No, an old man from my boss needs it. You can help me make a pot of vegetable beef soup and some pot stickers. Prepare a fruit basket, too. I will take them to the hospital to visit the patient." Violla instructed.

"All right." said Mrs Blake

Violla went back to the room to stay with Eliana, who had been sick for a while.At half-past one in the afternoon, Mrs. Blake had finished preparing the food and found the laxative.

Violla immediately rushed to the hospital with everything.In the car, she saw that the medicine was branded "Dulcolax". This is a good brand; it really does what it says!

Upon arrival at her destination, Violla realized that it was the same place where Eliana saw the doctor last night—Romans Heart Hospital!

Romans Heart Hospital was the best private hospital in the City. It provided one-stop services for all treatments, saving the trouble of requiring patients and their families to register multiple times for separate procedures. Furthermore, each patient had an assigned nurse and doctor.Since the hospital provided quality services and exceptional expertise, the charges were also sky-high.

Immaculate waited at the door for Violla; she was to take Violla to Mr. Trad.The poor old man was lying alone in the luxurious ward and staring at the ceiling blankly.

In just two days, Mr. Trad had become extremely skinny and very resistant to drugs.Whenever the nurse wanted him to take his laxatives, he would lose his temper. "Go away. I won't take it… I would rather die than take laxatives…"

The nurse stepped back helplessly, shook her head, and said to Immaculate. "Dr. Immaculate, we are out of ideas. Mr. Trad is not being cooperative."

"I can't blame him. Mr. Trad has already taken the laxative five times and had become so weak. It's only natural that he refuses to continue taking it." Immaculate frowned and sighed. "Besides, even if he takes it, there is no guarantee that we can get him to pass out stool .."

"I have a laxative here; he will pass out stool if he takes it." Violla took out the Dulcolax, shook the bottle, and smiled mysteriously. "I can personally vouch for its effectiveness!"

Uh…" Immaculate blinked. "From my professional point of view, this is not a real laxative… But if Mr. Roman wants you to try it, you can."

"Yeah." Violla walked into the ward with the food and fruit basket prepared earlier.

"Get out—" Mr. Trad was about to lose his temper, but he was stunned when he saw Violla. "It's you?"

"Do you still remember me?" Violla was a little embarrassed. "Last time. I was at the villa when I got hurt."

"Yes I remember you child. How are you?"Mr. Trad's attitude became cordial.

"I am very well thank you. I brought you lunch; try and see if you like them. My father used to like eating these." Violla served the delicacies made by Mrs. Blake on the table.

Seeing the food, Mr. Trad could not help tearing up. "I haven't had a good meal for two days. Those b*stards, they tried to take away my food if I didn't take the laxatives!"

"Quick, take a bite!" Violla scooped a bowl of vegetable beef soup for him. "Mrs. Blake herself made this. I've loved it since I was a child."

"Thank you." After Mr. Trad took a bite, his tears almost ran down. "It's so delicious."

"You can eat slowly. There is more." Not only did Violla assist Mr. Trad with his meal, but she was also friendly to him and even massaged his legs.

Within an afternoon, the two became good friends who would talk about everything under the sun.Mr. Trad told her warmly, "Violla, don't just stand there. Have a seat."

"It's okay." Violla did not want to beat around the bush anymore. She immediately took out the bottle of laxative. "Actually, Mr. Trad I came with a mission. I know you are very repulsive to taking laxatives, but I promise that you will purge out the stool after taking this bottle. This will be the last time."

Mr. Trad frowned. "Did Mr. Roman send you here?"

"Yes." Violla nodded honestly. "But I got this laxative from home. It's tried and tested—really!"

"All right, I'll go for it!" Trad budged .

Mr. Trad closed his eyes and drank up the small bottle in one go.Violla quickly brought him warm water to rinse his mouth. "What the hell is this? It's bitter, smelly, and astringent!"

The taste of the solution had Mr. Trad frowning with a twisted facial expression."It's just a laxative to treat constipation." Violla said.

As soon as Violla finished speaking, Mr. Trad started to look odd and he shouted, "Quickly, help me to the toilet!"

"Hurry, hurry!" Immaculate hastily notified the male doctors outside.Several male doctors came in to help, and Immaculate took Violla outside to wait. Violla paced around the corridor anxiously like a husband waiting for his wife to give birth.

Half an hour later, a male doctor walked out and announced emotionally, "It came out! He finally passed out stool"

"Huh? The stool is out?" Violla asked excitedly.

"Yes…" The male doctor said.

"That's great!" Violla almost jumped up in excitement.Forty minutes later, Violla took the elevator to the president's office on the 68th floor.Never before had Violla beamed so proudly that she almost laughed out loud thinking of the one million that would be paid imminently.

"Mr. Roman. Mr Trad did it. He is cured." Standing before the office desk, Violla held out the medical file in a ritualistic gesture.

After a while, Davon looked away from the iPad and up at Violla.His glance was rather cold; it was not a look of surprise and gratitude Violla had expected.

"What's the matter?" Violla felt uneasy.

Davon did not speak but coldly made a gesture. Cruze stepped forward and took a chip from Davon. He then skillfully installed the connector and linked it up to the computer.

The white wall behind Davon suddenly turned into a projection screen showing the D R-shaped logo that represented Romans Corporation. Right after that, a circle was seen spinning.

Violla craned her neck and looked over curiously. "What exactly is inside the chip.You seem busy. Should I come back later?" Violla asked and no one talked to her. She remained standing staring at the projection.

After spinning for a long time, the circle did not go away.A loud noise sounded, the screen flickered, and finally, smoke started coming out of the computer.

Violla was startled and quickly backed away.Cruze stepped forward to turn off the power and took out the chip that was now scorched and deformed.

"Wh-what's going on?" Violla asked in astonishment.

Cruze looked at Davon, and after receiving approval, he explained, "In order to prevent someone from stealing the secrets in the chip, we have added a self-destructing feature to it. Once the chip has been launched to our systems after some days, it will automatically destroy itself."

"Huh?" Violla opened her eyes widely and was stunned for a while before recovering her senses. " Okay understand.

" Back to you paying me for my mission?" Violla asked and she couldn't help but cower under Davon's murderous aura that suddenly rippled out of him. " Did I do something wrong? " She wondered.