Davon was jolted when he heard her words. As his fingers continued to dance on the keyboard, he looked at her passionately. "Worried about me?"

Realizing her Freudian slip, Violla blushed and bit her lower lip, not daring to utter another word.

When he saw how embarrassed she was, Davon couldn't help but be touched. He used his leg under the table to nudge her. "Come here beautiful !"

"Why…" With her heart racing, Violla glanced at him bashfully before averting her gaze.

"Come to me beautiful," Davon demanded.

Violla dawdled towards him. Despite being just a few steps apart, it felt as if they were a thousand kilometers away. It took her a long time to close the distance.

Cruze grew anxious. 'Are these two actually being lovey-dovey at such a crucial moment?'

"Ah…" Davon pulled her into his embrace.

Sitting on his lap, her body was trembling all over. When she was about to struggle, he ordered softly, "Don't move beautiful." Then, he circled his hands around her waist to stop her from falling off and he continued typing away.

Violla didn't dare move a muscle.She was literally caught in the middle of a fight over a project worth tens of billions and the fate of the company. With his hands on both sides of her slender waist, she was worried that any move she made would cause a devastating impact.

And it would be an unforgivable sin.

Rolling his eyes, Cruze cracked his knuckles in exasperation as he couldn't stand the sight of them.

Cruze recalled that Mr. Trad had drunk laxatives for two consecutive days and suddenly felt he could empathize with him.As a warrior, he had killed all his enemies in cold blood.On the other hand, Mr. Roman fought for the fate of the world while embracing a beauty at the same time.

Although no one was doubting Mr. Roman's capabilities, Cruze still couldn't help but feel nervous.Cursing like a madman in his heart still couldn't relieve the stress that was building up within him.

"Let go of me and do this properly. At this crucial moment, how can you…" Violla pushed Davon away gently as the screen started flashing with green code. Beside it, an ipad was showing the live broadcast of the launch event on the sixty-sixth floor.

Mr. Trad had finished his introductions of the president and began to talk about the features of the new products.

The old man wiped the sweat off his brow as he was running out of ideas to stall. All he could do was hope that Davon could stabilize the system so that the new products could be launched.

As for Davon his eyes were fixated on the screen while his fingers continued to dance on the keyboard. Meanwhile, his chin seemed to be to discreetly resting on Violla's breast.

Despite being shielded by her top, he could still feel the wonderful sensation of its bounce."Ah…" Violla moaned when he swept his tongue on her cleavage. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

Cruze's lips twitched as his expression darkened. However, he had no choice but to head out to battle with a golf club in hand.The moment he opened the door, a few assassins dashed at him with knives in their hands. Cruze gritted his teeth and charged head on.

"Let go of me. I'm going to help." When Violla saw Cruze's wound was still bleeding, she felt terribly guilty. She pushed Davon away as she wanted to help.

However, Davon held her even tighter with his cold lips brushing across her collarbone, his fingers furiously typing still.Violla was filled with anxiety. "Stop fooling around. Everyone is depending on you at this crucial moment… Ah…"

Before she could finish, she moaned again as her body trembled.

'Damn Davon! Why did he bump into me.' Violla thought. Although they were still separated by their clothes, she was already trembling from the electrifying sensation.The moment he heard her moan, Cruze's hand was slashed by a knife.

"Will you survive?" Davon asked casually.

"This won't kill me!" Cruze gritted his teeth and he lunged back into battle.

As Davon squinted his eyes, he continued to type furiously at the computer while gently thrusting his body at the same time.

"Let go of me…" Violla was in a panic as she could feel herself being aroused, just like a beast in a cage that had just woken up.

"It's too dangerous! Sir! " Violla protested.

"Shut up!" Davon ordered while his phone rang at the same time. Sliding to answer, he put it on speaker.

"Mr. Roman, the product launch has been delayed by seven minutes," Clyde reported over the phone. "Mr. Trad has hinted to us three times that it's time to launch the new products. How are things at your end?"

"Give me another ten seconds…" Davon grunted from his throat as he licked Violla's breast.Violla covered her mouth to stop her from moaning with one hand while frantically pushing him away with the other.

"Mr. Trad has begun to make the announcement!"Just as Clyde spoke, Mr. Trad counted down together with the reporters whilst the background music was playing.




On the computer screen in front of them, there was also a progress bar within the code. It read: 80%… 85%… 90%.

The closer the numbers neared completion, the harder and the the more Davon was teasing on Violla.Violla was both in pleasure and in panic. Nevertheless, she covered her mouth tightly so that she wouldn't moan out.



Davon finally hit the "Enter" button and retracted his arms from the keyboard. With one hand hugging Violla's waist tightly, he slid the other against her thigh underneath her skirt. As his fingers brushed across her flawless skin, his hand continued to creep upwards. Violla trembled, feeling her body melt.

Outside the room, Cruze was fighting against ten men. He had been slashed multiple times and was slowly succumbing to his wounds.

One of the assassins seized upon the moment to dash past him and charged towards Davon with his knife.

"Ah!" Violla screamed at the top of her voice.

Shifting his eyes, Davon grabbed a pen from the table and flung it at the attacker. When the pen pierced the man's chest, he let out an agonizing cry before collapsing to the ground.

As blood splattered all over her, she was utterly stunned by the gruesome sight. Meanwhile, Davon had pulled off her panties…



As the countdown continued in the live broadcast, the computer screen prompted, "System recovered!"

With that, the computer screen started displaying the new products and their features.Within the broadcast, the system was unlocked and Romans Corporation's latest products were presented to everyone.The crowd broke out in loud cheers and thunderous applause.

With her eyes glued to the screen, Violla was captivated by the emotional scene. She had not realized that Davon's hand was already deep between her thighs. At the same time, he was biting off her top. The last assassin was finally disposed of by Cruze. After which, he collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Pretending to care, Davon asked, "Are you dead?"

"No…" Covered in blood, Cruze struggled to stand up. He proudly declared, "Mr. Roman, I will defend you until my last breath...."

"Crawl out if you have to!" Davon interrupted him and demanded. "Stand guard outside and don't let anyone come in to disturb me."

Jolted by his words, Cruze turned around. He saw his beloved boss captivated by the beauty on his lap and was in no mood to listen to his brave words.Disappointed, Cruze dragged his injured self out the door and muttered under his breath, "Scumbag!"

"Close the door," the scumbag added from behind him.Shaken by his response, Cruze's eyes began to turn red. In his heart, he cursed, 'what a cold and ungrateful animal!'

Alas, he didn't dare swear aloud.

The moment the door closed, Violla regained her senses and realized Davon's hand had reached her sensitive parts. When she tried to push him away, he pushed her against the table instead.

"No…" Violla trembled in fear as she tried to resist as best as she could.

"You want this, I can tell from how your body is reacting." Davon declared with a raspy voice and kissed her . At the same time, he took off his shirt.

"Mmm Mmm…" Violla continued to struggle as the escort's image flashed in her mind. She didn't want to betray him.Lifting her skirt, Davon prepared for his final advance.

"No…" Violla screamed in fear. "I have a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Davon stopped and squinted his eyes at her. "Are you using such a lame excuse on me?"

"No, really." Violla frantically replied, "We were just together yesterday..."

Suddenly, she stopped mid-sentence when she saw the faint tattoo underneath his shirt.However, she could only see a corner of it and not the whole tattoo itself.

She quickly reached out to uncover his vest, so that she could see if it was the cobra head tattoo.

Davon caught her hand and pushed her away warily.

"You are…" she started.

"You can leave now." Davon interrupted her as he straightened his clothes, just like what a heartless scumbag would do.

"What's that on your back?" Violla grew extremely anxious and tried to take off his vest.

Davon avoided her attempt and raised his eyebrows coolly. "What's wrong? Are you trying to throw yourself at me now that you are aroused?"

"I…" Just when Violla was about to reply, there was a knock on the door followed by Clyde's voice. "Mr. Roman, the product launch is at its end. Mr. Trad requests that you join him downstairs."

"I'll be on my way," Davon replied.

"Yes!" Violla had no choice but to save her words for another time. She remarked, "You should go ahead with work."

"Beautiful woman. Your underwear was removed without you noticing it."

Davon teased handing her, her white panties from the top of the black leather sofa.

Filled with embarrassment, Violla bit her lower lip and took it from him.

"There's a break room at the back." Davon's eyes were filled with suppressed desire. "You should tidy yourself up first."

"Mmm-hmm." Violla hurried towards the changing room.

As Davon watched her go, he let out a charming smile. The lust in him was still burning strong but he knew now wasn't the time. He had to endure.After all, there were still plenty of opportunities.

With the product launch at its end, Davon appeared behind the screen. Meanwhile, the broadcast only showed him.

Before he said a word, the audience broke into thunderous applause.

Behind the screen, Davon explained the new technologies and the philosophy behind them. He wanted to help mankind live more efficiently so that they could have more time to do more important things.

After that, he unveiled the latest multifunctional robot and showcased its features to everyone.

As the reporters repeatedly took pictures of both the robot and Davon, the atmosphere came to a climax.

When Violla came out of the room after tidying up and saw what unfolded on screen, she felt a newfound sense of admiration and respect for him.

At the same time, her suspicion that he was Escort was further intensified.

"Miss Roman" Clyde greeted her when he saw her. He had just led a group of men into the room to clean up.

"Mr. Clyde," Violla quickly replied.

Although all of Davon's close subordinates treated her with respect, she was well aware of her status. Hence, she returned the favor and treated them with respect.

"Miss Milan you look familiar. Have we met somewhere before?" Clyde gave Violla a closer look. All this while, he had always been out for work. The few times he was back, he only saw Violla from afar and hardly took notice.Today, after he managed to see her up close, he felt she looked familiar

"Is that so?" Violla looked up at Clyde. Prior to this, she had only seen him once when they were in a hurry. Hence, she didn't take notice. But now that she saw him up-close, she suddenly remembered.

The first day when she returned to the City from the village, her taxi crashed into a car. At that time, the man seating beside the driver was Clyde.Violla was shocked as all the pieces fell into place.

If he was sitting beside the driver, that means the person who was hurt and had a tattoo on his waist must have been Davon.

At that time, she was puzzled as to why an escort would be riding in such an expensive car.

When she met up with him at Empire Night, she even thought that the car belonged to his rich sugar mommy.

Looking back now, she felt she had been extremely naive.

From the very beginning, Davon was the escort. Despite them resembling each other so much, she was still easily fooled by him.However, what she didn't understand was why was he doing all this.

'Wait, I had my three children with me then. Did Clyde see them?If he did, then…'The more she thought about it the more uneasy she felt.

"Perhaps, I made a mistake, I'm sorry," Clyde apologized with a bow before leaving.

Meanwhile, Violla tried her best to calm down and quickly left the president's office. She washed her face in the employee's washroom and regained her composure.

When the two cars crashed that day, Clyde had only caught a glimpse of her from afar. Furthermore, the children were in the car. So even if he saw her, he might not have seen the children.

Nevertheless, although all the circumstantial evidence pointed to the fact that Davon was the escort, she knew she could never be sure until she saw the tattoo. Since he already had feelings for her, finding out wasn't going to be difficult.

'As of now, the priority is to hide the children's identity and determine if Davon is the Escort. I'll figure out the rest after that. At the same time, I still need to solve the problem of the debt repayment contract.' Holding that thought, Violla took a deep breath. After regaining her composure, she went back to work.

Once the product launch was successfully completed, the reporters started to leave. After that, all the major media companies flooded the news with Romans Corporation's latest tech products. The marketing department also announced that sales would begin in three days.

Separately, the police were brought in to arrest all the intruders and to investigate who they were.The perpetrators were mostly wounded or unconscious when the police rounded them up.

When her colleagues returned to level 68, they were shocked by the amount of devastation they saw . Molly then announced that everyone in the president's office would be given a three-month bonus for their exceptional performance. They would also be given the day off to facilitate the repairs.

Everyone cheered and jumped in ecstasy at the news.

Finally, Molly informed Violla personally. "I have already gotten Mr. Roman's permission to make you an official employee. Congratulations and keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Miss Molly!'' Violla was overjoyed. Realizing she had hardly done anything, she was just grateful to be able to receive the reward.

"It's time to get off work. You should head home to rest." Molly patted her on her shoulders before going off.

Just when she finished packing and was about to leave, she suddenly saw Davon with Clyde and another two bodyguards. They were heading for the VIP elevator and she quickly followed.

"This is reserved for the president's use. Please leave," The bodyguard warned.

Clyde shot him a glance, causing him to back down.

At that moment, the elevator's door was about to close. Davon raised his eyebrows at Violla, "What do you want?"

Violla meekly looked him in the eye and bit her lip. She requested softly, "I would like to talk to you about the necklace."

"Go on." Davon tone was cold.

Violla explained in simple terms, "Actually, I lost Leila's bracelet and she wanted me to pay for it. However, when I couldn't afford to do so, I had no choice but to give her the necklace as collateral. We agreed that I would be able to use the bracelet to exchange it back. And now, I found it…"

"What has that got to do with me?" Davon interrupted her. "The ruby necklace is what I'm looking for."