"What I meant was…" Violla frantically explained, "I will be able to get the ruby necklace back soon. Can you give me a few more days?"

"No." Davon was firm. "I have already given you three extra days and that is the limit. Don't push your luck."

"The main reason is that Leila has taken the necklace overseas and will only be back after ten days."

"I'm not interested in the affairs of someone else's wife." Davon was visibly frustrated. "There's only one and a half day left. You should think of something else."

"But…" Before she could think of anything, the elevator door opened and Davon stepped out. Clyde nodded at Violla before leaving with the other bodyguards.

Violla was on the brink of tears when she exited the elevator. Feeling desperate, she wondered what she should do. 'This scumbag has me trapped!'

"Has Cruze been sent to Immaculate?" Davon asked when he got in the car.

"Yes, she is treating him now." Compared to Cruze, Clyde was equally as cold as his employer.

"Cruze is really weak, just fighting those few intruders alone took everything out of him," Davon mocked. "He lost a lot of blood, so just tell him to rest."

Yes." Clyde nodded. "I'll let him know."

Inside the car, Davon was checking his phone casually. Just when he looked out the window, he saw Violla leave the office building.

"Mr. Roman," Clyde softly asked when he saw Violla, "don't you think Miss Milan resembles someone?"

"Mmmh?" Davon wasn't paying attention and didn't hear Clyde's question. "What did you say?"

"No, it's nothing." Clyde changed the topic. "Straight to the airport?"

"Yes." Davon looked away with a gloomy expression. "Let's go and meet that woman who has turned crazy."

After taking the subway home, her three children ran to the door to welcome her back.

Eliana scrambled to be the first to throw herself in Violla's embrace. Holding Violla's neck with one hand, she pointed at the balcony with the other and said, "Mommy, Finny is angry. She doesn't want to come out from the cage and is plucking her own feathers."

"It's obvious she was in the wrong. Yet, she's doing this to punish us." Ryan suggested sternly, "Mommy, this time we cannot tolerate her behavior."

"That's right. This morning, she pooped in our breakfast and destroyed Mrs. Blake's crystal, causing us not to have anything to eat. This is unacceptable."Jason was feeling indignant about what happened in the morning.

"However, plucking her own feathers isn't a good sign. Is she depressed?" Violla was worried. "Why don't we take her to the vet?"

"That's right. I think we should." Eliana frowned as tears welled up in her doll-like eyes. "Although I'm also angry at her, I'm worried to see her this way."

"Don't worry Eliana. We will take her to the vet after dinner." Violla kissed Eliana's cheeks while gently reassuring her.

"Both of you pamper her too much." Ryan sighed like an adult. "Women are just too soft."

"That's right, women are so troublesome." Jason frown with discontent. "Finny is also female, that's why she causes so much trouble."

"Both of you can't behave this way," Violla lectured them patiently, "Finny is also part of our family."

Just when Violla was speaking, she heard someone knocking and quickly put down Eliana. She opened the door. "Is it Mrs. Blake who has returned from shopping?"

When she opened the door, she saw a delivery man standing outside. He handed her an exquisite-looking box. "Violla Milan? Someone has sent you a gift. Please sign to confirm receipt."

"Who sent it?" When she received the card and took a look, she saw Davon's name. Shocked, she wondered how he got her home address.

"Please sign it," the delivery man reminded again.Violla quickly signed in and took the gift back inside.

"Mommy, who sent the gift?"The children surrounded her, filled with curiosity.

"It's someone you don't know." Violla felt troubled. If Davon was indeed the escort, then he must then be the children's father.

"Does he already know the truth? Or else, why would he send a gift here?"

"What is it? Quick, open it up so we can see."The trio widened their eyes with anticipation.As Violla unwrapped its exquisite wrapping layer by layer, she wondered what it could be.

Her heart was overwhelmed by emotions . "Mommy, you're just too slow. Let me help you."Jason took over the gift box impatiently and help to unwrap it.Meanwhile, Ryan brought a pair of scissors to help.

Eliana was rubbing her hands as she waited excitedly by the side.Finally, they managed to open the gift box. Inside, there was another pink box that emanated a floral fragrance. Just when Violla was about to open it, Eliana volunteered excitedly. "Come, let me do it."

"Alright, you do it!" Violla knew how much little girls enjoyed opening presents, hence she passed it to Eliana.Holding the box in her hand, Eliana took a deep breath before opening it excitedly.

"Ah!" A horrifying shriek rang out, followed by Ryan and Jason's screams.Finny fluttered around her cage squawking, "I'm scared, I'm scared!" The house went into an uproar.Violla's eyes widened in shock and she looked at the contents in disbelief.

It was the body of a dead kitten. It was still covered in blood and was a gruesome sight indeed. Obviously, someone had killed it cruelly.Beside it, there was even a toy with flashing lights and a clown's smiling face.

"Don't worry. Mommy is here." Violla quickly composed herself and put the cover back on the box.When she was about to take it outside, she felt something was amiss. She could hear a ticking sound coming from the box.

"It's a bomb! Mommy, throw it away!"Ryan grabbed the box from Violla's hands and dashed out.

"Ryan!" Violla screamed as she ran after him.Right when Ryan threw the box along the corridor, the box exploded with a loud bang.

The whole house was shaken and pieces of the corridor ceiling came dropping down, almost hitting Ryan.

"Ryan! Ryan!" Violla dashed toward him like a madwoman and hugged him. "Are you alright? You scared me."

"Mommy, I'm fine.." Ryan was just choked by the dust from the debris.Violla carried him into the house and closed the door immediately.

"Mommy." Eliana was crying in fear, her face swollen red.Hugging her, Jason put on a strong face and comforted her, "Don't worry, I'm here."

"Who sent such a thing? Why does he want to harm us?" Ryan asked frantically.

"That man…" Violla was confused as she didn't understand why would Davon do such a thing.

"My God! What happened?" Mrs. Blake returned from shopping. She too was shocked when she saw the scene. "Miss, Eliana, are you alright?"

"Mrs. Blake, take the kids back to the village." Having calmed down, Violla was decisive. "There's no time to spare. Pack your bags quickly while I get a car."

"What… What's going on?" Mrs. Blake was stuttering in fear. "Is someone trying to harm us? Who is it?"

"I don't know but they know our house address. Therefore, we are in danger and you have to leave with the kids immediately." Violla gave, the gate guard who works at their apartment block, a call, "Mr guard are you still moonlighting as a driver? I'll pay you double to send Mrs. Blake and the kids back to the village."

"Double? Sure. I'll be right up to help with your bags." After ending the call, Violla pondered a while before giving Davon a call.She wanted to know if he sent the "Delivery from Hell"

Davon had just arrived at the City's airport. He was walking toward the terminal with his men.He was shocked to see who was calling.Violla had always called escort's number and never did call him directly.In fact, he never even gave her his number before.

'Why is she calling me all of a sudden?Does she suspect my identity and is trying to probe?In the office today, she must have seen the tattoo on my lower back. That's why she was acting that way.Hmph, I'm not going to play this game with you.' Davon contemplated.

Davon ended the call with a grin.When she heard the call ended, Violla felt a chill in her heart. 'Since he is not taking my call, did he really send the Delivery from Hell?No, it can't be him because he has no reason to do so.Even if he knew I was hiding something, he wouldn't use such a devious method to scare the children.Perhaps he doesn't have my number and chose not to answer an anonymous call?' With that thought in mind, Violla quickly called escort.

Regardless of whether he was Davon, she needed to find someone to help her first.She had the feeling that the person who sent the Delivery from Hell would strike again.

The escort didn't pick up too.When she saw the devastation outside the house caused by the explosion, she was terrified.With her hands still trembling, she sent escort a message: escort save me.

"Miss, we are done packing." Mrs. Blake walked out of the room with a huge luggage bag. "I've called the taxi driver to pick us up when we arrive. He will bring a man with him."

"Alright, their presence really puts my heart at ease." Viola urged them to hurry. "Quick, I'll walk you down."

As Violla anxiously led Mrs. Blake and the kids downstairs, she kept reminding her, "Mrs. Blake ,I've put the bank card in your bag. There's a hundred thousand inside so it should be enough for the time being. Be careful and call me when you arrive."

"I understand." Mrs. Blake's eyes were red. "Miss, come with us. I can't bear to leave you alone here."

"Mommy, come with us." The children tugged at Violla and refused to let go.

"Mommy can't leave." Violla had a hunch that she was the target of the perpetrators. If she left with them, it might put them in danger.

"Ryan, Jason, Eliana, you have to be good. Once I resolve this matter, I'll come to the village to pick you up." Violla stated.

"Mommy, we don't want to leave you.'' Eliana threw herself into Violla's embrace and cried till she trembled. "I'm afraid I won't see you again."

Her words unnerved both Ryan and Jason at the same time.Ryan's eyes were red. Despite the urge to cry, he gritted his teeth and stayed strong.

As for Jason, he clenched his fists with a frown. With tears in his eyes, he pleaded, "Mommy, come with us, I will protect you."

"Mommy knows that." Violla hugged her children tightly as she choked, "Mommy knows that you are good children. With you around, I won't be afraid. I'm just staying back to find out what's going on. Once I'm done, I will come for you. Trust me."

Mrs. Blake was wiping tears off her eyes and didn't dare say another word.

"Alright, time to get into the car." Violla pushed Mrs. Blake and the trio inside. She paid the gate guard and added, "Guard, be careful when driving."

"Don't worry, I am very experienced as I have driven for more than ten years." Receiving the money,the gate guard announced cheerfully, "Kids, we're off!"

As Violla watched them leave, she saw the children looking back from the back seat with tears in their eyes. Waving at them, she could no longer hold back her tears.

Ever since the children were born, they never left her before. This time, it might be at least a few days before they were reunited.

Violla had to find out who was the culprit as she couldn't allow them to harm her children.

With careful thought, she narrowed down her enemies to Isaac, Yulisa, and the Smiths.

Isaac and Yulisa were in jail, so they were out of the equation.As for the Smiths, despite how vicious they were, they wouldn't dare use Davon's name to commit such an act. "However, if not them, who then?"She called escort again as she walked home.

When she hurriedly left home just then, she didn't take anything other than her phone. Heading back to pack, she decided to stay at a hotel until the matter was resolved.

Just when she lowered her head to make a call, she didn't realize there was a figure following her from a dark corner.

At the airport, Davon had just boarded the plane when he saw a missed call on his other number. There was also a message from Violla that read: Come save me!His expression changed dramatically as he stood up to disembark.

"Mr. Roman." Clyde followed behind him quickly. "Is there something wrong?"

"Go to North Nation on my behalf. I need to head back first." Davon rushed off the plane without looking back. He quickened his footsteps before starting to sprint.In his heart, he was blaming himself failing to foresee this.

'That madwoman had sent men to disrupt my product launch.' Hence, it's natural for her to harm Violla too. How could I have missed something so important and not pick up her call? If something happens to her, I won't be able to forgive myself.' Davon ruminated.

"What should we do?" the bodyguards asked Clyde.

"Team one shall protect Mr. Roman while team two will come with me to North Nation," Clyde ordered decisively. "Protect him from the shadows, and don't get in his way."

"Understood." the security guards responded.

Just when Violla returned to her home and prepared to turn on the lights, she could sense a murderous intent behind her. Turning around she grabbed her high heel and swung it forcefully.

However, she missed as the intruder jumped aside to avoid it. Violla then rushed into the house frantically and shut the door. After locking it, she stood behind the door to block it.

Outside, the man was kicking the door down. Every time he struck, the door would shake Violla forward.

Violla was seized by fear. With one hand blocking the door, she tried calling the police with the other.At that moment, she received a call. It was Davon.

She quickly picked up. "Save me…"

"Violla, where are you?" he asked.

"I'm at home." she replied.

"Damn it, I'm asking where do you stay?" He asked.

"I…" Before she could finish, the door was kicked open. Both her and her phone fell onto the ground.There wasn't enough time to pick up the phone. Hence she frantically picked herself up and tried to run. However, the man in black kicked her back down.

"Ah!" Violla's agonizing scream rang through the phone, Davon's hand that was gripping the steering wheel began to tremble. He was speeding so fast that it felt like the car was about to fly.

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?" With her body on the ground, Violla scrambled backward in fear.

The man in black was wearing a face mask and a baseball cap, hiding his features. He was holding a sharp knife as he approached her gradually.

"Don't kill me," Violla trembled as she pleaded, "I'll give you all my money." The man in black ignored her. Raising his knife, he thrust it forward.

"Mommy!" A loud shriek could be heard followed by a flash of green flying across the room. It pecked at the man's eyes viciously.

"Argh!" The man's eyes began to bleed as he screamed in agony. He waved the knife in his hand to fend off his attacker.

"Evil man! Evil man!" Finny evaded the attacks with great agility. With a flap of her wings, she danced around in the air.

"Finny!" Violla scrambled to stand up and reached out her hand for Finny to land. After that, she turned and ran into her room.

"Damn it!" The man in black pursued.

Violla quickly locked the door and even pushed a wardrobe over to reinforce it. With Finny in hand, she wanted to escape from the window. But when she reached it, she realized she was on the thirteenth floor.