That night, Violla was plagued with nightmares. When the sun rose again, she woke up covered in sweat.Her wide eyes were fixed on the ceiling as she panted.

It took her a long while before she was able to collect herself. After making sure that she was in a room in the villa and that she was safe, she sighed in relief.

Her clothes stuck to her, and it felt uncomfortable, so she headed to the bathroom for a shower. When her hands came into contact with water, a pang of pain traveled up her fingers. It was only then she realized the skin on the tip of her thumb was torn.

Violla paid no heed to it, thinking that it was an injury from her escape the previous day.

After washing up, she walked out of the bathroom just in time to hear someone knocking on the door. Immaculate's voice then came from behind the door. "Miss Milan, may I come in?"

"Yes," Violla replied.

Immaculate entered the room with a birdcage in her hands.Finny lay quietly inside as it observed the foreign environment fearfully.

The moment it saw Violla, however, it brightened up and fluttered its injured wing before yelling, "Mommy! Mommy!"

"Finny!" Violla quickly strode over to open the cage.

Finny flew out and landed on Violla's shoulder. Seeking reassurance, it rubbed its feathery head on Violla's cheek.

"Good girl." Violla kissed it gently.

Finny then lay quietly in the crook of her neck like a child in her mother's arms.

"What an intelligent parrot!" Immaculate exclaimed. "It's adorable!"

"It's part of my family." Violla caressed Finny's wings. "How is it? Is it hurt badly?"

"It'll have to rest its wing, and we'll have to change its bandage every two days. It'll be fine in a month," Immaculate responded as she closed the cage.

"I'm glad to hear that," Violla sighed in relief. "If it wasn't for Finny saving me, I'd be dead by now."

"Speaking of which…" Immaculate reported, "I've investigated this incident. The ones who sent you the gift and the ones who attacked Romans Corporation are all done by the same party. Cruze and I will be taking charge of this case, so you have nothing to worry about."

"What? Are you sure?" The news stunned Violla. "The ones who attacked Romans Corporation should be Mr. Roman's rivals. Why would they want to kill me? I'm just a nobody."

"You are not just some nobody," was Immaculate's profound reply before she changed the topic. "Oh, by the way, Mr. Roman has invited you to breakfast. So, hurry up and get ready for it."

Before Violla could come back to her senses, Immaculate had already bowed her head and left.

Violla thought about what happened the previous night. She had made a promise carelessly to ensure her safety. 'Is Davon going to force me to sign the paper now?' At that thought, Violla panicked. 'Oh no. If I sign the paper, I'll become his slave, won't I?'

"Eliana, Eliana!" Finny's cry interrupted Violla's thoughts.

"Hush," Violla murmured to the parrot. "Finny, this isn't our house, so you'll have to be careful with your words, okay? Don't mention Ryan, Jason or Eliana. Do you understand?"

"Ryan. Jason. Eliana." It seemed like Finny did not quite understand her words as it continued crying out the names of the children. It had been two days since Finny saw the kids, and the parrot missed them dearly.

"Finny…" Violla was about to reprimand it when the door suddenly flung open. Davon, who was dressed in a casual suit, strode into the room.

"Why don't you ever knock when you come in?" Violla was panicking, fearing that Finny would blurt out something it shouldn't have, and he would find out about the children.

" I keep telling you.This is my home." Davon sat on the couch before crossing his leg. "How was your sleep last night?"

"It was all right." Violla glanced at him timidly before she tentatively said, "Mr. Roman, thank you for saving me. I think it's time for me to go home."

"Your house's been blown into smithereens. What home are you going back to?" Davon took out a stack of checks before scribbling a string of numbers on one. He then handed it to her. "Here, use it to buy a house instead of renting."

"What?" Violla was dumbfounded.' Did I mishear him? The Devil is giving me money to buy a house?'

"Hm?" Davon lifted a brow. "You don't want it? Forget it then." He was a second away from keeping the check.

"Of course I want it!" Violla swiftly took the check. Upon seeing the numbers on the paper, she broke out into a smile. "Two million! Thank you, Mr. Roman."

"You're welcome. This is what you deserve, after all." Davon smiled. "This is the reward for you convincing Mr. Trad to drink the laxatives."

"About that… I thought you said you were going to take it out from the necklace's money?" A foreboding sense burrowed its way into Violla''s heart at his words.

Even Finny was trembling as it looked at Davon like he was a carnivorous monster.

"What's the difference between owing me a hundred million and owing me ninety-eight million?" Davon muttered. "I might as well give you the reward to make sure you won't have other worries when you serve me."

'Wait… Serve?' Hearing that word, Violla panicked as she hastily said, "Mr. Roman, I'm just an ordinary working individual. I-I'm not selling my body."

"Selling my body! Selling my body!" Finny repeated.Davon glanced at it.

Instantly, it shut its beak and buried itself in Violla's thick hair. It even used its beak to pull on her hair so that it could cover its face, as if that would be the perfect camouflage.

"You've already sold yourself last night." Davon took out the contract and waved it in front of her eyes with a grin. "From today onwards, you're mine."

Violla's eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared at the paper in his hand. She then recalled the events that happened the previous day.

'That's right, I was chased by a wolf last night… And I ran as quickly as I could to the villa… When I reached the villa, I slammed my fists at the steel gates while crying for help…After he threatened not to open the gates if I refuse to sign the agreement, I finally agreed to sign it… However, I remember passing out soon after, so I couldn't have signed the agreement.'

When Violla took the paper for a closer look, she realized that the paper indeed did not contain her signature. However, there was a bright red thumbprint on it. Although it was already dry, she could still smell the scent of blood.

She stiffened for a moment before she raised her hand and looked at her injured thumb. Realization finally dawned on her. "Davon, you douchebag!"

"Douchebag. Dou....." Before Finny could repeat it a second time, the look on Davon's eyes made it flinch and it whispered, "Mommy, scared. Scared."

Shifting his gaze away from Finny, Davon picked up a remote from the side and pressed on its button. Then, Violla's cries for help echoed in the room.

"Please save me! I don't want to die!"

"Davon, as long as you save me, I'll do anything."

"Give me the contract. I'll sign it. As long as you save me, I'll sign it."

"Are you sure?" came Davon's voice. "Are you going to claim that I'm forcing you again?"

"No, I won't. I'm doing this willingly. Let me in first. Let me in quickly. The wolf is here. It really is."

"All right. But remember, you're the one begging me."

The recording then ended.

Ashamed, Violla's face flushed red, and she wished she could burrow into the ground and hide.

Raising a brow, Davon cast her a gentle look. "I even have a video recording. Do you want to watch it?"

"You..." Violla's lip trembled as she fought the urge to cry.

"Be good now." Davon took the contract, folded it, and kept it in his pocket. "If you perform well, you'll be rewarded. If not, you'll still have to do whatever is on the contract, and you'll be punished as well."

He then stood up and patted her face. "Think about it. Which one sounds better?"

As fury coursed through her veins, Violla glared at him, but she dared not speak a single word.

"I'll take my leave first then." Davon turned to leave without sparing her another glance. "I hope you'll have thought things through when I'm back."

As he left, Violla waved her fist at his back and cursed at him inwardly, 'You b*stard! Douchebag! Animal! Piece of sh*t!I hope God realizes what an assh*le you are and smite you from above!'

"Eliana, Jason, Ryan," Finny abruptly cried out, "scared. Scared."

Davon who was about to step out of the room, paused in his tracks. He turned to look at Violla and asked, "What did it just say?"

"N-Nothing." Violla's scalp tingled from fear as her heart raced. She cursed at Finny for those words inwardly.'Damn it, why is Finny saying their names at a time like this? Is it trying to mess everything up for me?'

Davon then turned to look at Violla for a moment before he continued walking out.

It wasn't until Violla could no longer hear his footsteps that she breathed a sigh of relief. Snapping her head to the side, she scolded, "Finny, don't speak without thinking!"

"Mommy…" Feeling rather upset, Finny mumbled, "Bad man. Scared."

"I know he's a bad man, but...."Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Miss Milan, may I come in?"

"Give me a minute." After locking Finny in the bathroom, Violla let Immaculate into the room.

"Miss Milan, Mr. Roman has left for North Nation. He has instructed me to take care of you. I've prepared breakfast. Will you be having it in the room or....."

"He's left for North Nation?" Violla interrupted in an excited tone. "How long will he be gone?"

"Three days, if he's quick. If he's not, then I'm not sure. But he'll try to be back as soon as he can." Immaculate replied.

"There's no need to rush. It's better if he stays there longer." Violla said.

In fact, Violla would rather he never came back.

Immaculate chuckled. "We've dealt with the person who attacked you the last time. From now on, you won't be in any danger, and I've sent someone to fix your house. Furthermore....."

"There's no need to fix my house." Violla stopped her. "I'll deal with my own house. You don't need to be concerned with it. Ask them to stop, I don't want anyone to be at my house."

"Huh?" Her words stunned Immaculate.

"What do you mean 'huh?' Hurry up and tell them to stop." Violla was terrified of someone finding out about her children.

"All right. I'll let them know right away." Immaculate promptly made a call to the group of fixers asking them to head back.

"They're not at my house yet, right? You didn't search through my house, did you?" Violla had never been more worried.

"No, we haven't. They're only on their way, and they're heading back now after receiving my call." Immaculate gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. Without Mr. Roman's order, we won't investigate you. However…"

After a pause, Immaculate carefully asked, "What are you worried about?"

"Everyone prefers to have their own privacy." Violla forced out a tear from her eyes. "The Devil has already taken control of most of my life. I just want a little space of mine."

"Mr. Roman isn't controlling you; he likes you."

"That's impossible." At the mention of it, fury started dancing in Violla's chest. "If he likes me, he should've gifted me several villas, sports cars, and a billion or two. He should've treated me like a princess instead of tormenting me like this."

"Maybe everyone expresses their love differently?" Immaculate suggested with a chuckle.

"If that's the case, he sure has a unique way of expressing his love then." Violla rolled her eyes before inquiring, "Dr. Immaculate. I wish to go home. Can I?"

"Of course you can. Let me get a car for you." Immaculate agreed.

On her way back, Immaculate said to Violla, "Miss Milan, to be honest, living in the villa will be much safer. If you want to work, I can make arrangements to send you to and from work."

"No. I still prefer to live in my own house." Violla smoothened Finny's feathers. The parrot was currently sound asleep.

"All right." Immaculate did not insist. "Since Mr. Roman won't be around, you can look for me if you have any issues."

"Got it. Thank you," Violla replied absent-mindedly. The only thought that filled her mind was how she was going to escape Davon.' Should I take this two million and escape with the kids?'

"If you want to buy a house, I can make arrangements for that too. After all, Roman Corporation has properties everywhere. Not to mention we have branches in many cities."

Hearing Immaculate's words, Violla dismissed the thoughts of escaping. Perhaps Immaculate was hinting to her that Davon would find her no matter where she went. Guess I should stop my wishful thinking.

When Violla reached Uplands the first thing she did was buy a phone.

This time, Violla steeled herself and bought the best phone available, hoping that it would not malfunction as easily as it did the last one.

Slotting in her phone card, Violla quickly gave Mrs. Blake a call.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Blake had thought that something happened to Violla when she couldn't contact her the previous night.

After explaining to Mrs. Blake that her phone broke, Violla proceeded to give her kids a video call.

Violla could see that her kids had put on their thick cotton-padded jackets, but they still looked as good as ever.

Frowning, Ryan worriedly queried, "Mommy, are you okay? We're worried about you."

"I'm fine. Don't worry," Violla reassured.

Jason squeezed to the front and showed his mother his fists. "Mommy, I've been practicing martial arts recently. When I'm stronger, I'll be able to protect you."

"Thank you, Jason ." Violla smiled sweetly. "Jason's the best."

"Mommy, Mommy." Eliana squeezed her chubby cheeks into the frame. When she saw her mother, her large eyes instantly welled up with tears. "Mommy, Eliana misses you."

Seeing Eliana's tears, both Ryan and Jason started tearing up as well. However, the two boys frowned as they forced the tears to remain in their eyes.

"Be good, Eliana. Once I'm done dealing with the things here, I will come for you three," Violla consoled."The bad guy's already been caught, and I have to fix and clean the house first so that you'll be able to return to a pretty home."

"That's great!" the children cheered.

"Mommy, we'll come and help you with the cleaning," Ryan voiced out. "We can't let you do everything alone."

Jason chimed in, "That's right. I'm a strong boy. I can do a lot of things." The little boy proceeded to clench his fists and showed his mother his muscles.

"I can help Mommy too." Eliana sniffled as tears slid down her chin.

"Eliana! Eliana!" Hearing Eliana's voice, Finny suddenly woke up. In the beginning, it spun its head around, looking for the girl. When Finny realized the children were on the screen, it moved toward the screen and screeched, "Ryan, Jason, Eliana!"

"Finny!" The children were beyond excited to see their pet parrot, and they quickly waved at it.

"Miss you. Miss you," Finny repeated at the screen.

The children scrambled to appear on the screen.

"Finny, we miss you too."

"Oh no. Finny, why is your wing hurt?"

"Finny's hurt because it tried to protect me, but a vet has already checked it. Finny's fine now. It'll make a full recovery soon," Violla assured. "Ryan, Jason, Eliana, the three of you have to be good kids. Wait for me to come for you, okay?"

"Okay. We'll be good kids." They chorused.

Violla's heart was filled with hope as she looked at her children.

After consoling her children, Violla went home. Reaching her house, she realized the landlady had changed the door lock and stuck a large notice on the door, warning Violla to contact her as soon as she could.

Frightened out of her wits, Violla quickly called the landlady.

When the landlady rushed over, she jabbed a finger in Violla's direction and started cursing at her. After telling Violla she would not be refunding her the deposit and rent, she demanded her to pay thirty thousand as a penalty and even told her to move out by the end of the day.

Violla tried to reason with her, but the landlady stated, "Ever since you moved in, bad things kept happening. I've already closed an eye on those who came here to cause a ruckus. But it's only getting worse. Now, there's even murder and kidnapping. What kind of place do you think this is?"

"Madam,please allow me to explain....."Violla pleaded.

"I don't want to hear your excuse. Move out immediately, or I'll call the cops on you," the landlady warned with a growl. " I've been kind to you by not calling the cops and throwing your things out. I've even waited for you to come back to discuss with you."