"All right," Violla mumbled weakly. "I'll move out right away."

"Be sure to move out before midnight, or else I'll get someone to help you ," the landlady uttered. "For now, I need you to pay your penalty fees first."

Left with no choice, Violla could only pay the fee before she hurriedly looked for houses.

Fortunately, the house she rented was fully furnished. As such, she did not have many things to move.

She placed the pieces of furniture she owned and her suitcase in the security room before she went to the housing agency to look for houses.

As she had to work on Monday, she had to finish moving by the end of that day

After going through some troubles, Violla finally managed to rent a house that was near her office. The rent was thrice the amount of her previous rent, but the house was spacious, and it was in a good neighborhood.

Most importantly, no one knew about that place.

Hence, no one could come and disrupt her life.

While the banks were still opened, Violla rushed there and deposited the two million into her account.

Looking at the amount left in her account, Violla grinned and exited the place with her head held high.

After moving everything into the new house, Violla started cleaning up. She only finished cleaning the entire house late into the night. Lying exhausted on the couch, she stared blankly at the ceiling. When she imagined the smiles that would be on her children's faces when they came home, the corners of her lips tilted upward.

It had been a tiring day, so she soon fell asleep on the couch.

Finny, who was perched on the television, looked at her gloomily and called out, "Mommy, hungry." But Violla was already out.

That night, Violla slept soundly. She woke in the morning from the cold, and she realized she had not slept under a blanket at night. Pulling her jacket closer together, she was about to fall asleep again when she found out it was already rather late in the morning.

In less than half an hour, she fed Finny and washed up before she rushed to work.

She had taken half a day off on Friday. Combined with the weekend, she only had two-and-a-half days off, but Violla felt as if she had had a long holiday.

After all, she had gone through too many things during those two-and-a-half days.

At work, she wondered why her colleagues were giving her odd looks and discussing quietly among themselves despite not knowing what had happened to her.

"Violla." Her colleague from the administration department, Eunice walked over and exclaimed, "Not bad, Violla. I never thought you are in that kind of relationship with Mr. Stanley."

"What?" Violla froze. She had kept her relationship with Franklin private, and not many knew about it.

"Stop faking it," Eunice giggled excitedly. "I knew it. You were transferred three times in less than a month after joining the company, so I knew you must have pulled some strings. I thought the man backing you was Mr. Isaac at first, I never would've thought it'd be Mr. Stanley! You're impressive to have a man like him on your side."

Hearing her words, Violla furrowed her brows and questioned, "What the hell? What kinds of rumors did you hear?"

"How can they be rumors? We even have photos and videos." Eunice chuckled as she opened her social media on her phone. "Look, it's everywhere on the internet. You're trending online."

Violla grabbed her phone to look at it, and instantly, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she read the titles of the articles.

President Of Stanley Group, Franklin Stanley, Secretly Dating A Secretary From Romans Corporation.

Franklin Stanley Having An Affair With A Secretary.

Franklin Stanley Planning To Divorce For His Mistress. Mrs. Stanley Rushed Back To The City Overnight.

These three articles were the top trending articles online.

When she clicked into the pages, she realized the news was vividly described, and even photos of her meeting Franklin at the Blue Pearl were in the article. In fact, one of the photos was of Franklin holding her hand and staring into her eyes lovingly.There was no way for her to clear her name now.

When Violla clicked into the comments, goosebumps appeared on her arms.

Die, homewrecker!

I hate mistresses who ruin others' families. Karma will get this woman soon.

Let's hunt this mistress down and expose everything about her. Make her suffer for the shameful deed she did!

"Ignore the comments," Eunice whispered as she took her phone back.

"I've heard that Mr. Stanley has been in a bad relationship with his wife, and the two didn't even have a wedding. Mrs. Stanley has the reputation of being particularly arrogant in the corporate world, and no one likes her. You have to do your best and get the title of Mrs. Stanley. And don't forget about me when you're married into a rich family."

"Eunice, you've misunderstood the situation. This isn't what it seems like..." Violla was about to explain when her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she realized it was an unfamiliar number. "Hello?"

"Hello, are you Miss Violla Milan? I'm from The City TV. I'm hoping to interview you about your story with Mr. Franklin Stanley....."

Before the man could finish his sentence, Violla had ended the call. In the next second, her phone rang again.

Violla dared not pick it up this time, but it didn't matter because soon, her inbox exploded with countless messages.

Miss Milan, we're from City Daily. We're hoping to have an exclusive interview with you about Franklin Stanley and you.

Miss Violla Milan, we're from The City Business Daily. We're hoping we can arrange an exclusive interview with you. Shall we arrange for a time?

Miss Violla Milan…

Every media company in the City, and even media companies overseas, were hoping to interview Violla.

She dared not pick up any calls from unfamiliar numbers, nor did she dare to click into her inbox anymore.

Within several minutes, she had received dozens of messages with every one of them asking about her relationship with Franklin.

Violla was panicking, and she knew things had blown up. If this kept up, every private matter of hers would be revealed to the public. If that happened, even her children would be caught up in this mess.

'What do I do?What should I do?' her mind screamed.

"Let me in!" Leila's shrill voice came from the outside. "I'm not here to make a ruckus. I'm here for Violla. She moved out from her previous place, so this is the only place I can find her. That b*tch had the audacity to seduce my husband and forced him to divorce me while I'm not around. I want to confront her about this."

Everyone by the elevators heard her shouts, and they all cast odd looks at Violla.

Promptly, Violla lowered her head as she frowned in silence.

"What are you looking at? What's there to look at?" Eunice scoffed at them righteously. "It takes two to tango, you know? So why do you have to blame everything on the woman?"

Violla's eyes darted at her colleague. 'Oh my God, Lily. You're just making things worse!'

"Violla, don't worry. I'm on your side." Eunice hooked her arm around Violla's and huffed, "Didn't you see the photos? Mr. Stanley is the one holding Violla's hand, and he's the one looking at her lovingly. I'd dare say that Mr. Stanley is the one who made the first move."

"How can a mistress be the one who's morally right?" a female colleague refuted. "Regardless of everything, he has a wife and a child. You shouldn't have involved yourself in someone else's family."

"That's right. Everyone is supposed to have morals. We can't be walking around like shameless people," another female colleague hissed.

"You're just jealous that she's a pretty lady," Eunice argued.

"So what if she's pretty? Does that mean she has to be a mistress if she's pretty? Karma will get you soon for doing something as immoral as this."

Unable to bear their words any longer, Violla turned to leave.

"Hey, Violla why are you leaving? If we don't take this elevator, we'll be late for work," Eunice cried out, but the doors had already closed.

"I bet she's too ashamed to stay here."

"Honestly, what's wrong with the HR department? How can they recruit someone as immoral as her?"

"So you're the only ones who are standing on the moral high ground?"

Her colleagues were still arguing by the elevators. After rubbing her temples, Violla headed toward another elevator instead.

Right then, Leila's agitated voice traveled into her ears again. "Violla, you b*tch! Get the f*ck out here, or I'll reveal all your secrets to the media!"

Hearing her words, Violla who was about to enter the elevator, stood rooted to her spot. She knew what secrets Leila was threatening her with.

She could not imagine the disastrous consequences if the circumstances of her children's births were revealed.

The media would find out about her hiring an escort, and they would definitely put words into her mouth before they spread the news.

When that happens, not only would she have to face Davon, but the children would also be traumatized.

Furthermore, she had yet to find out whether Davon was the escort that night.

"Please leave. Stop making a ruckus in Romans Corporation." The few security guards then dragged Leila out.

"Let go of me. Let go!" Leila continued struggling vehemently as she screamed, "Don't you know who I am? My husband is Franklin Stanley. How dare you lay your hands on me? I'm going to get my lawyer and sue you!"

"Help! The security guards at Romans Corporation are beating me up. They're beating me up!" None of the security guards paid any attention to her words as they continued to drag her out.

Refusing to give up, Leila continued yelling, "Violla, are you really planning to hide in there? I'm going to the reporters right away and I'll...."

Before Leila could finish her threat, Violla scuttled out. "Stop making a fuss here. Let's have a private talk instead."

"There you are, you finally have the guts to face me," Leila sneered. "Why should we have a private talk? Are you afraid that I'd expose some ugly details about you? Why didn't you think of that when you were seducing my husband?"

"You've misunderstood me. There's nothing going on between your husband and me." While Violla was talking, many of her colleagues had crowded around them. Most of them did not care about the fact that they were about to be late for work; they only wanted to hear more gossips.

Even the security guards were watching them from the side.

Just then, Sean walked over and whispered, "Violla , do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine." Violla did not want to trouble him nor involve him in the mess.

"I've misunderstood?" Leila questioned in agitation. "If there's nothing going on between the two of you, why were you two on a date? Why were you holding hands? Who knows if you've done other things with him? Do you think I'm a fool?"

"We met that time to return the bracelet," Violla stated. "You should know how important the collaboration with Romans Corporation is to your husband. If you keep this up, while it's true it'll affect me, I'm afraid it'll affect you worse."

Hearing that, Leila's expression froze. She understood Violla's words well, but fury had taken over her mind earlier. That was why she barged into Romans Corporation to curse at Violla, hoping to force her out of the building.

Now that she had achieved her aim, it would not be beneficial for her to keep up the maniacal act.

"There's a café opposite the street. Wait for me there. I'll be there in ten minutes after I apply for my off." Violla then turned to return to the office building.

"Don't leave!" Leila rushed forward to stop Violla but her path was blocked by Sean.

She was about to start hurling profanities again when Sean warned, "Mrs. Stanley, the company has informed Mr. Stanley about this matter. I'm sure he'll be here soon, so it's best if you stop making a fuss here."

"Who told you to inform him?" Anger exploded in Leila, but all she could do was to leave.

Meanwhile, Violla went to Molly to apply for her leave.When she found Molly, the woman threw a stack of newspaper at her face and said sternly, "Violla, your private life has caused a lot of troubles for the company, and it's affecting the company's reputation. The higher-ups have notified us that you'll be suspended temporarily.

"Suspended? Why?" Violla promptly explained, "Miss Molly, this is a misunderstanding. I really didn't...."

"You don't need to explain to me," Molly interrupted. "It doesn't matter what the truth is. What matters most is that the company's reputation has suffered from this. You'll be suspended until this issue is resolved. This is just the company's standard operating procedure when handling this kind of problem."

With that, Molly turned and left.

Violla was at a loss for words. This was a disaster that she never saw coming. 'I'm innocent! Why is the media spouting nonsense?'

Nevertheless, her priority right then was to deal with Leila. Otherwise, should that woman loose her mind and expose the matter about her children, she would be doomed.

When Violla rushed to the café to look for Leila, flashlights attacked her the moment she stepped into the café, and she could not open her eyes.

Subconsciously, she raised her hand to block the lights from her eyes. Then, she heard Leila's voice. "This is the homewrecker, Violla Milan. Take a good shot of her. Zoom into her face!"

It was only then that Violla realized Leila had gathered a group of reporters there to ambush her.

'What a cunning woman.' Every single camera was pointed in Violla's direction, and reporters were spewing questions at her.

"Miss Milan, what is your relationship with Mr. Stanley?"

"Miss Milan, when did you start having an affair with Mr. Stanley?"

"Miss Milan were you the one to force Mr. Stanley to divorce his wife and marry you?"

"Miss Milan, why did you do this?"

Wrath surged from within Violla, and she snarled, "What evidence do you have to prove that I'm the homewrecker?"

"One of our reporters took photos of you and Mr. Stanley dating at the Blue Pearl. Both of you were acting intimately, and he even held your hand. Is that not the case?" a female reporter interrogated.

"So, I was having an affair with him just because I was holding his hand?" Violla stepped forward and placed the female reporter's hand on the hand of the cameraman beside her. "Does this mean you're having an affair with him now?"

"You..." Her words rendered the reporter speechless.Even the cameraman was stupefied.

"Miss Milan, are you saying that you're not the mistress?" another reported queried. "Then why did you meet Mr. Stanley alone?"

"You'd have to ask Mrs. Stanley about that." Violla stared at Leila coldly. "She took something of mine and flew overseas for holiday. I was in a hurry to get it back, but she refused to meet up with me and give it back. That's why I could only try to get it back through Mr. Stanley."

"You..." Leila glowered. "You b*tch! How dare you accuse me of this?"

"Is that not the truth?" Violla snapped. "Do you want me to ask for the owner of the necklace to verify this?"

With that, Leila finally felt fear. She had nearly forgotten that the man backing Violla was Davon.

Taking two steps ahead, Violla whispered into Leila's ears. "If you want to talk about this, let's talk nicely. If you want to make a fuss… Well, two can play at this game. After all, I have nothing to lose now. On the other hand, you have everything to lose. Will you be willing to part with the title of Mrs. Stanley?"

"You....." Leila repeated as she ground her teeth. In the end, she relented. She had to take Franklin's feelings into consideration, as well as the consequences that awaited her should she dare to cross Davon.

"That's it for today's interview. Please leave." Leila instantly dismissed the reporters by giving them ten thousand each. She then instructed the bodyguards to send them off.

Seeing how this was a big scoop, the reporters were reluctant to leave, but the bodyguards couldn't be bothered about their reluctance and simply chased them out of the café.

Hence, they had no choice but to leave while cursing and swearing that they would not get involved in Leila's matters ever again.

The café finally quieted down now that the reporters were gone.

"Violla, you are to cut ties with Franklin immediately, or else I won't let you off the hook," Leila commanded bossily.

"I'll repeat this one last time," Violla seethed impatiently. "There's nothing between Franklin and me."

"Nothing?" Leila slammed her fist at the table. "You called me the other day, telling me that you're going to seduce him."

"That was me trying to provoke you into coming back." Violla frowned. "You're really dumb, you know that?"

"You…" Leila's expression darkened. "If there's nothing between the two of you, why would Franklin come back with the ruby necklace ? Why would he be adamant about divorcing me? He even signed the divorce papers."

"The ruby necklace is a gift from Mr. Roman. They have another agreement." Violla's frown deepened. "As for why he's divorcing you, he should be the one you're asking that question to."