Finny?" Violla froze. "Why are you here?"

' It's supposed to be in my new home.'

"I was worried that Finny would starve to death at home, so I picked it up brought it over," Immaculate explained before bowing at her. "I'm sorry to have done this without first asking for your permission."

"No, no. You don't need to apologize. Thank you." Violla had not returned home since having left last morning. If Immaculate had not gone to bring Finny there, Finny might truly starve to death because it was locked inside its cage.

Hence, she was grateful for Immaculate's kind gesture.At the same time, she was worried that Immaculate would have noticed something amiss when she went to her house.

Although she had yet time to unpack after moving, and the children's things were still in the room, if Immaculate had thoroughly gone through her house, she would have found them easily.

"Don't worry. I've only brought Finny over. I didn't infringe upon your privacy, nor did I touch your stuff," Immaculate reassured, seemingly understanding Violla's worries.

"Oh. Haha. That's good to hear," Violla chuckled awkwardly.

"Mommy. Mommy." Finny, which had been gloomy earlier, immediately brightened up when it saw Violla. It was now fluttering its injured wings and crying out for her.

"Finny." Violla then released the parrot from the cage and cupped it in her hands before kissing its little green head.

"Mommy, miss you. Miss you," Finny responded as it rubbed his head on Violla's cheek.

All those years, Violla had never neglected it at home, until yesterday when she went out early in the morning and failed to return at night.

Stuck in the cage, Finny had long finished its food and water, and by night it was already crying out in hunger.It was fortunate that Immaculate had gone to pick it up.

"I'm sorry, Finny There was an emergency yesterday and Mommy couldn't care for you in time. Mommy won't leave you behind ever again," Violla apologized to Finny.

Finny replied by mimicking Eliana's fake sobs. It even covered its eye with its wing, looking like the epitome of misery.

"The parrot is adorable," one of the maids exclaimed.

"You're right, haha!" Immaculate chuckled.

"Eliana, Jason, Ryan. Miss, miss." Finny suddenly fluttered its injured wings again as it cried out the children's names.

The maid paid no heed to it as she focused on placing the breakfast on the table.However, Immaculate froze as a complicated look crept into her eyes.

Hearing Finny's voice, Violla flew into a panic as she hastily explained, "Those are Mrs. Blake's children. Finny always plays with them."

"Mommy. Mrs. Blake. Mrs. Blake" When Violla mentioned Mrs. Blake, Finny quickly cried out Mrs. Blake's name instead.

"Mrs. Blake went to her hometown." Violla promptly brought Finny toward the bathroom. "All right. Mommy's going to take you to wash up."

Once she closed the bathroom door behind her, she reminded the bird, "Finny, stop saying stuff without thinking it through. You'll make things worse for Mommy!"

"Eliana, Jason, Ryan," squeaked Finny miserably.

"I asked you not to say their names anymore," Violla yelped; she was a second away from a mental breakdown. "Hush, and don't speak anymore. Mommy will bring you to them."

"Yay!" Finny raised its wing in a gesture of victory.

"I really can't win against you." Violla then heaved a sigh. She had to find a way to get Finny to Mrs. Blake and check if Eliana had recovered from her illness.

"Is she awake?" Davon's voice abruptly sounded from the outside.

"Yes. Miss Milan went to the bathroom," Immaculate politely replied. Davon then motioned for Immaculate and the maid to leave the room.

Hearing his voice, Violla quickly washed up before placing Finny into the bathtub. Quietly, she whispered, "Don't make a sound. Mommy will be back soon."

She then left the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"I'd have thought you're hiding a man in the bathroom if I didn't know better," Davon jeered when he saw her sneaky move, "It's just a parrot."

"It likes to poop into the breakfast bowl," Violla chuckled tensely.

"Well, we'll have to make the bird into stew then," Davon replied nonchalantly.

"What?" Violla spluttered. "No way! It's my family."

"Silly." Davon rolled his eyes at her. "Come over and have your breakfast beautiful."

Violla walked over to the table; her eyes lit up when she saw the sumptuous meal.Meanwhile, her stomach growled, reminding her that she had not eaten anything for the entire day yesterday.

When she sat down, Davon handed her a set of cutlery before he settled himself down on a chair to watch her eat.

Violla was a lady born with a silver spoon. However, to make a living in recent years, she had learned to eat as quickly as she could in order to get back to work earlier and maximize her pay. Thus, she no longer savored food elegantly like she used to do.That was why her table manners seemed terrible to everyone else.

Yet, Davon found her behavior realistic.Moreover, Violla was a pretty woman, so she looked good no matter what she was doing. In fact, she portrayed a silly kind of cuteness.

"Aren't you eating?" Violla licked her lips as she passed a spoonful of sauteed mushrooms to Davon.

"I've had my breakfast." Davon had wanted to move away from the food, but as her hand was still hovering in mid-air, he leaned over to eat the mushrooms.

"They're good, aren't they?" Violla giggled.

"Hmmm." Davon nodded before he scowled and stood up, ready to leave.

"What's the matter?" Violla froze as she watched him walk away. What did I do wrong?

Once Davon was gone, the room suddenly felt sprawling and empty.Having lost her appetite, Violla placed her chin on her palm as she recollected what just happened.

'What did I do wrong?Why did he suddenly scowl at me? Didn't I just feed him mushrooms? Is he allergic to them?'

Just as she was deep in thought, Immaculate entered with a knock. "Miss Milan, I've brought you a charger. Let me charge your phone."

"Thank you." Violla then decided to test the waters. "Dr. Immaculate, I'm thinking of going out for a walk."

"Alright. I'll arrange your transport," Immaculate replied.

"Just send me home. You don't need to worry about the other things after that."

Violla was planning on going home first. After that, and without Davon's knowledge, she would sneak to the countryside.

"Sure." Immaculate gave her a faint smile and a nod before she left.

The moment Immaculate left, Violla immediately switched on her phone.There were countless missed calls, received calls, and even unread messages.

Among the missed calls were those from Mrs. Blake, Martin and Leila.However, the only call that was picked up was from Leila.

Glancing at the time, Violla concluded that Davon had picked up Leila's call on her behalf to warn the latter about something. That call only lasted ten seconds.

On the other hand, he did not pick up Mrs. Blake's nor Martin's calls.

Moreover, all her messages were still in their unread state, Davon had not clicked into any of them.

At that, Violla let out a sigh of relief before she tensed up again. 'Oh, no. Would he have seen my photos?'

She then swiftly clicked into her phone gallery, only to realize it was completely empty apart from some few photos of her and Finny.

It then dawned on her that she had just changed to a new phone.

'Thank goodness! If she had been using her old phone the previous day, Davon could have realized everything upon seeing the photos of her and the children.

Fortunately, her secret was still safe for the time being.In order to protect themselves, Amira and Leila should be keeping the children a secret. After all, it would be more dangerous for them if they reveal the information now.

As long as they kept it a secret, Violla would be wary of them and would be forced to plead with Davon to let them go.

At those thoughts, Violla once again felt relieved. What she had to do now was to find out whether Davon was the escort. Next, she would have to find out whether he had something to do with her father's death.

If he was the escort and he had nothing to do with her father's death, she would not mind revealing her secret, which might then lead to a merry family reunion.

On the way back, Violla probed, "Dr. Immaculate is Mr. Roman allergic to mushrooms?"

"Not that I know of. Why are you asking?" Immaculate was curious.

"No reason in particular…" Immaculate was puzzled.

'Since he is not allergic to mushrooms, why did his face change drastically right after having them?'

'Is he allergic to me instead? If he was, he wouldn't have been that voracious.At that moment, Violla's mind was filled with scenes from their two days of intense passion, causing her cheeks to flush red.

Before she knew it, the car arrived at the new house.Immaculate wanted to walk Violla upstairs but she insisted on going up alone.

Left without a choice, Immaculate left with the bodyguards.Arriving home with Finny, Violla was stunned when she opened the door.The house was in a mess with the room doors all broken into.

Immaculate had dropped by before but Violla believed that she wouldn't ransack the house. 'Did a thief force entrance?'

Violla quickly entered to check and realized the children's bags had been scoured through. Some of their clothes and photos were gone.

Seized by panic, she quickly went back to her room to check if her documents and valuables were still intact, which they were.

However, there was a note left in the drawer beside her documents. The handwriting was familiar and it stated: Violla, call me !,

There was no signature but Violla was certain that it was Leila.She called her at once and instantly got through.

"That's quick. I thought you were going to wait at least a few days." Leila's voice was raspy and tinged with devious mockery.

"Did you enter my house? And did you take my children's clothes and pictures?" Violla questioned.

"That's right." Leila laughed coldly. "I even made a copy of the video of them in kindergarten. I'll pack them up and send them to Davon. How about that?"

"What are you trying to do?" Violla thought that Leila had gone crazy.

"Oh, just sending him some things won't do any good." Leila laughed deviously. "My men are heading towards Mrs. Blake's house. I believe they will get their hands on your children soon."

"Leila!" Violla screamed in anger. "If you dare touch my children, I'll never forgive you."

"If you don't want them to be harmed, you will have to obey my every instruction," Leila ordered coldly. "Now, come to Empire Night immediately. I'll meet you at the same private room."

"Leila! " Before Violla could say another word, Leila ended the call.

Violla called Mrs. Blake immediately but couldn't get through.She also called a few of their neighbors and friends there but no one picked up.She was almost driven crazy by desperation.

Furthermore, she couldn't get Davon to help either. 'What should I do? At that moment, her phone rang. It was Martin on the line.

Violla quickly answered, "Martin!"

"Violla, where are you? I want to see you." Martin said.

"Martin, there's something I need your help with. " Violla said.

"Go ahead." Martin stated.

Violla quickly explained that her children were in danger and pleaded with him to save them. Furthermore, he had to help keep it a secret.

Martin took action at once.After ending the call, Violla hesitated before deciding to meet Leila at Empire Night.

Leila was someone that didn't care for anyone nor the consequences of whatever she did. Currently, her projects with the Stanley family had been suspended while her relationship with Franklin was at the end of the line.Her parents were also kidnapped.She had lost everything.

Therefore, Davon's warning meant nothing to her.Under such circumstances, she was capable of anything.Instead of dragging this any further, Violla decided to end it today.

Arriving at Empire Night in a cab, she saw that it was packed despite having just opened for business. The heavy metal music was so loud that it shook her eardrums.

After squeezing herself through the crowd, she arrived at where the VIP private rooms were. While she was looking for the room which Leila and her used before, she spotted a familiar silhouette amongst the crowd along the corridor.

'Davon .No, it's escort.' He was wearing a mysterious half mask and dressed in a black leisure suit. With four subordinates behind him, he walked towards the right side of the corridor.

Despite not knowing the names of the four men, Violla was certain that they were Davon's men.

'He must be the escort. He must be…' Overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions, Violla wanted to question him. But suddenly, a hand grabbed her on the shoulder and dragged her forcefully into one of the rooms.

"Let me go!" Violla struggled vehemently.

Leila motioned to her bodyguards who then released Violla before standing guard at the door.

"What do you want?" Violla glared at Leila coldly.

"Release my parents first." Leila had likely not slept for days as her eye bags looked heavy. She seemed to be in a daze and was extremely exhausted.

"I didn't take them." Violla barked.

"Drop the act." Leila slammed the wine glass she was holding onto the floor, smashing it into pieces. "If not for you, would Davon even capture them?"

"Since you know it was Davon that took them," Violla asserted coldly, "Why don't you ask him instead of me?"

"Are you still trying to play games with me?" Leila took out her phone and made a call.The heavy metal music that was being played in Empire Night came to a sudden stop.

The next moment, Eliana's squeaky voice was heard shouting, "Ryan! Jason! Wait for me!"

"Eliana! Quick!" Jason could be heard yelling back.

"Eliana, slow down or you'll fall." It was followed by Ryan's voice.

Violla widened her eyes in shock and frantically tried to stop her. "What are you doing? Stop it."

"This is just the prelude." Leila gloated as she waved her phone. "I've spent ten million to pay off Empire Night's DJ to connect my phone to their broadcasting system! I found out that Davon has forbidden all media companies from publishing any news related to you. I can't do anything to you online, but I don't think Davon can help you here, can he? The Empire Night has thousands of patrons a night. If everyone present saw the news about you, wouldn't it be exciting? Don't you think?"

"You…" Violla was trembling in anger.

"I still have a lot of clips." Leila showed Violla her screen as she scrolled through it confidently. "I even found videos of you and the children participating in the kindergarten activities. Do you want me to play them?"

Just as she spoke, she prepared to play the videos.

"Wait." Violla compromised immediately. "Turn it off. I'll call Davon and have him release your parents."

"That's a good girl." Leila exited from the broadcasting page and motioned Violla to go ahead. Violla frantically gave Davon a call.

"Put it on speaker," Leila ordered.

Violla did as she was told.Just a minute ago, in another private room.

Davon was in a midst of a discussion when he was jolted by the children's voices. Looking up, he looked outside with squinted eyes as if something had occurred to him.

'Where have I heard those names before?' Suddenly, his phone rang.

When he saw who it was, he took leave from his secretive guest and answered the call by a corner. "Hello!"

"Mr. Roman, I'm begging you. Please let Uncle Smith and Aunt Amira go." Violla's voice was trembling.

Davon knew at once that she was being threatened. Furthermore, he surmised that she was also at Empire Night as he could hear the faint background music through the phone."

"Alright!" Davon readily agreed while signaling his men.

Cruze understood immediately and quickly led two men out to deal with the situation.

"Tell Leila to pick them up at Empire Night," Davon replied.

"Huh?" Before Violla knew what was going on, Davon had ended the call.

Violla began to feel nervous. 'Does he actually know that I'm at Empire Night?'

"What does he mean? Don't tell me my parents are being held here too?" Leila remarked.

Violla lamented in her heart on Leila's behalf. 'You're dumber than me!'