"That's not right…" Leila quickly realized what was going on. "Does he know that we're at Empire Night?"

The moment she spoke, Leila became extremely nervous. She frantically ordered the bodyguards, "Guard the door well. Don't let Davon's men come in."

Before she could finish, the door was kicked open.

Her bodyguards at the door were trampled upon at the same time.

"You're weak!" Cruze sneered.

Leila frantically drew a dagger and pressed it against Violla's throat. "Don't come any closer or I will kill her!"

This wasn't the first time it happened and Cruze was extremely familiar with such situations.

What was different this time was that Violla was on Leila's side.

She lifted her head and spoke anxiously, "Cruze she just wants to save her parents. Please tell Mr. Roman to release them."

"That's right, as long as you let my parents go, I will not harm her. Or else, we will all die together!" Leila's voice was trembling and so was her hand that held the dagger.

After that, she whispered into Violla's ear. "My phone is set to the broadcasting page. If they don't release my parents, I will show the world the video of you and your three bastards."

"Didn't you hear her? Release them," Violla ordered apprehensively.

"I need to check with Mr. Roman…" Before Cruze finished his sentence, a silver light flashed across their eyes, piercing Leila's wrist.

Screaming in agonizing pain, Leila knelt onto the floor while both her dagger and her phone fell onto the ground.

Violla was now out of danger but instead of trying to flee, she reached for Leila's phone.Meanwhile, Leila picked up her dagger and thrust it toward Violla.

A black figure dashed forward like an arrow but it was already too late.Violla cried out in pain as her shoulder was stabbed.Before the dagger could pierce any deeper, Cruze managed to snatch it away.

The next moment, Leila was also restrained.

Grabbing tightly onto the phone, Violla fell toward the ground but was caught by someone from behind.

"Hey beautiful!" Davon hissed.

"Escort!" Violla turned around to look at him. After being briefly stunned, she reached out her hands.

Davon thought that she was aiming for his mask and turned his face away by reflex.

However, this time, she reached for his collar instead.

Just as expected, there were a set of teeth marks on his shoulder surrounded by bruises.It was her doing last night.Coincidence could never explain something like that.

Violla was extremely emotional as she stared at Davon. "It's you. It's really you!"

Davon didn't say a word as he carried her and prepared to leave.Given that his hands were full, Violla seized upon the opportunity to tear his mask away.

His face was even more dashing under the dim light. She could see that his eyebrows were furrowed intensely while his cold gaze carried a hint of anger.

It was as she anticipated.'The escort is Davon .And Davon is the escort!'

Finally, his identity was revealed.

Violla was overwhelmed with emotions and didn't know what to feel.

"Are you happy now?" Davon kissed her lips.

"Davon, why did you lie to me?" Violla questioned him angrily.

Davon didn't reply as he carried her away.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Leila roared as she struggled. "Why do you keep protecting Violla? That slut seduces every man she sees. Four years ago, she even slept with an escort and gave birth to his…"

"Shut up!" Violla turned around and yelled while throwing Leila a glance.

She was hinting to her that as long she kept the children a secret, she would plead for mercy on Leila's behalf.

Seething reluctantly, Leila didn't say another word.

Amira had reminded her before that she was not to expose Violla's children easily. Or else, they would lose their trump card.

"Do you really want to see your mother?" Davon turned toward Leila. "Come along then."

As the fire within a few oil barrels burned ferociously, they illuminated the cold secret room.

Smith and Amira were curled up at a corner, muddling through sleep.

Meanwhile, Kevin sat in another corner, spacing out while staring at the ceiling. He looked as if he was waiting for a miracle to happen.

When he heard the metal door open, he quickly turned and sprinted desperately toward it. "Let me out! Let me out!" When the bodyguard pushed him lightly, he slumped to the ground in a wobbly manner.

After starving for an entire day and being tormented mentally, he was so physically tired that he had no energy left. Naturally, Smith and Amira were in worse condition.

"Dad, Mom!" Leila called out uneasily.

Only then did they regain their senses and frantically pick themselves up from the floor.

"Leila./" Amira rushed over to hug her.

Both mother daughter cried in each other's arms.

"Mr. Roman, it's illegal for you to imprison us here," Smith protested in a trembling voice. "/Please release us at once!"

"You threatened others and forced them to get married. Isn't that illegal too?" Davon sat down on the red sofa in a haughty manner, like a god watching humans go by their lives.

Violla stood by the side while pressing her hand against her wound. Furrowing her eyebrows, her heart was in turmoil. She had tried her best to stop Davon from coming here but it was, unfortunately, a futile exercise.

When Leila played the children's voice, he was at Empire Night too and must have heard it.He had heard Finny calling out to Eliana once and could naturally make the connection.

'Furthermore, I have been repeatedly threatened by the Smiths. Hence, he must know that there is a reason for it.'

The reason he stopped himself from investigating any further was that he didn't want to expose her secret.

But now that it was happening right in front of him, there was no way he could hold himself back.

"Mr. Roman, I don't understand what's so good about Violla to deserve such protection from you." Amira shielded her daughter behind her and declared, "She seduced my son-in-law. I'm sure you have seen the videos. Furthermore, she slept with this man then."

She pointed at Kevin. "They had a one-night stand! I'm sure you have seen the news from that time. How can you tolerate something like that still?"

"That's right," Leila gritted her teeth and asserted, "Violla is a promiscuous woman. What do you see in her?"

"Did you hear them?" Davon glared at Violla "They are slandering you!"

Violla furrowed her eyebrows and defended herself, "How many times do I need to explain that nothing happened between Franklin and me? There's nothing I can do if they don't believe me."

"What about him?" Davon pointed at Kevin with his toes while his eyes flashed with fury.

Kevin was so frightened that he trembled violently. Lowering his head, he observed Davon and wanted to say something but decided against it.

"Don't you know what happened?" Violla exclaimed in displeasure. "They claimed that the escort I slept with is him. What do you think?"

"I'm not sure." Davon narrowed his eyes as he glared at Kevin. "Perhaps, you slept with someone else after sleeping with me?"

"You…" Violla was so angry that her face changed color.

Amira was stunned. 'What are they talking about?'

"Actually, nothing happened between this lady and me," Kevin explained frantically. "Mrs Smith gave me some money and sent me to the hotel. I suddenly heard gunshots and fled through the window out of fear."

"That can't be. How can you take the money and not do anything?" Leila demanded angrily. "Are you lying because you're afraid of death?"

"No, I'm telling the truth…The photos are all fabricated." Kevin replied anxiously. "Besides, when I was escaping through the window, I saw a man barge in. I overheard him saying ,that someone had mistaken him for an escort and he was about to play the game.He looked like…"

Kevin looked at Davon and meekly continued, "He looked like you. But he was wearing a mask."

"Is that so?" Davon brought out his black half-mask and put it on elegantly.

"Oh, so that's what happened." Kevin pointed at Davon nervously. "So, you were the one who slept with her four years ago."

Amira, Leila, and Smith were all dumbfounded.

As their eyes widened in shock, they looked at Davon and Violla in disbelief. It was an earth-shattering revelation to them that made their whole family look like idiots.

They had tried every trick in the book to hurt Violla including bringing up what happened four years ago. They even searched for all sorts of evidence to slander her.

All this while, they thought that they had a trump card to threaten Violla with. But, they didn't expect that it wasn't one at all. It was a card that would sent them to their ruin.

It was no wonder despite what they did to humiliate and malign her with the incident from four years ago, Davon's belief and protection for her was unwavering.

It now appeared that he was the real 'culprit' after all.

Violla let out a long sigh now that the truth was out.

Going forward, the Smiths could no longer use that secret to blackmail her.

"Mom," Holding onto Amira with her trembling hands, Leila whispered in her ear, "In that case, the three bastards are…"

"Shut up!" Amira slapped her instantly and replied softly, "Don't you want to leave here alive?"

Covering her cheeks with her hands, tears of humiliation began to flow from Leila's eyes.

She knew that she had lost decisively.

"Even if you were the one who spent the night with her four years ago, the fact is that she still seduced my son-in-law," Amira lamented while trying her best to squeeze out some crocodile tears. "My daughter and her husband were extremely loving until she appeared. Now, they almost got divorced."

"That's right," Smith added immediately. "We didn't know the truth and thought that Kevin was the man from four years ago. That's why we wanted Violla to marry him which would be good for both families. Besides, we have never hurt Violla all this while."

Violla was speechless when she heard their words. They were utterly shameless when they made themselves sound like the victims.

'Besides, why are they insisting that I was the one Franklin had an affair with? Neither the video nor photos showed my face at all.Why can't it be someone else?'

Violla looked toward Davon who didn't plan to reveal the truth. He simply looked at them in a condescending manner as if they were just clowns.

Amira wiped away her tears and pleaded in a pitiful tone, "Mr. Roman,we were blind to not know our place, misunderstood you, and did all those foolish things. However, we have paid the price for it. Please have mercy on us and let us go."

"You don't have to beg me." Davon pointed at Violla. "You should beg her!"

"Violla," Smith quickly approached her and pleaded, "it's all my fault. I shouldn't have wrongly accused you. On your father's account please put in a good word for us and ask Mr. Roman to let us off.

Violla sneered in her heart. 'When all of you treated me like dirt the last time, why didn't you remember my father? And yet, you suddenly bring him up now for your own convenience?'

"That's right. Violla, I'm sorry. I beg of you…" Amira pleaded.

Even Amira lowered herself and pleaded with Violla for forgiveness. However, Leila continued to glare at Violla angrily.

"Don't be in such a hurry to negotiate your release," Davon interrupted them. "There's still something you haven't shed light on."

The Smiths fell silent immediately before staring at him in fear.

"I have told you everything I know," Kevin meekly stated. "I have no more secrets."

"Is that so?" Davon looked at Kevin with a piercing gaze.

It was so fearsome that Kevin dropped to his knees and frantically confessed, "I admit that I am the one who drugged her before I fled that night. That's all."

"No wonder I hardly remember anything from that night except for Davon's tattoo,which I saw in daze when I woke up," Violla mumbled to herself.

"Did you not take advantage of her when she wasn't conscious?" Davon was spinning his ultra-thin phone on his palm while his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"No, I really didn't," Kevin frantically explained. "Actually, I'm not even straight. Why would I want to feel her up?"

"Huh?" Violla's eyes widened in shock. "What are you saying?"

"I-I'm a transvestite!" Kevin hung his head in shame. "I don't like women at all."

Violla almost popped a vessel.The news was actually right when they reported that she had slept with a transvestite escort.

However, no one knew that it was Davon who slept with her.

"Transvestite! Wonderful!" The murderous intent in Davon's eyes receded a little. He almost wanted to tear Kevin to pieces a moment ago, but now his tone was a lot more cordial. "Release him!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard dragged Kevin out of the room.

"Thank you, thank you." Kevin was immensely grateful.

"Let us go too," Amira quickly pleaded.

"You have not told me everything and yet you want to leave?" Davon raised his eyebrow.

"We… don't have anything more to say." Smith was puzzled. Since Davon was the man from four years ago, he wondered what else was there to explain.

"Unless…" It quickly occurred to Amira that Davon didn't know about the three children.

'Why is Violla still so secretive despite the fact that their father is rich and powerful? Unless, he isn't the father at all?'

"My patience is running thin." Davon looked at the time on his watch. "I'll give you three minutes. If you don't spit it out, I'll lock all of you up together."

He glanced at Violla as he spoke.

"What?" Violla pointed at herself in disbelief. "Including me?"

Instead of replying, Davon nodded instead.

"You…" Violla started.

"I almost forgot." Davon stared at the phone in her hands which belonged to Leila. "The secret is in there, isn't it?"

He reached out his hands to her. "Give it to me!"

"No, there's no secret…" Violla recoiled a few steps back.

Davon frowned.

When his bodyguard and driver, was about to take the phone from her, Cruze shot him a glance for him to back off.

Now that Davon had revealed his identity which implied that Violla was his woman, no bodyguard would dare lay a finger on her.

"Are you all dead?" Davon bellowed.

"Right away!" Cruze hurriedly stepped up and asked politely. "Miss Milan, please hand over the phone."

Violla continued to back up.

Cruze didn't dare take the phone by force. Instead, he continued to persuade her, "Please cooperate and give it to me."

Meanwhile, Violla had almost backed herself against one of the burning oil drums and was an inch away from scalding herself.

"Be careful!" Cruze reached out to pull her back by reflex.

Out of desperation, Violla threw the phone into the burning fire, shocking everyone.

"Very well," Davon sneered with a nod before preparing to leave. "Lock all of them up so that they can reflect on their mistakes!"

"Yes." Cruze gave Violla a sympathetic look before leading the bodyguards out.

"Hey, don't imprison me here. I'll tell you everything…"

Leila was desperate to leave but Amira quickly covered her mouth.

After everyone had left, Amira finally let go. Leila yelled angrily, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"That's right, why did you stop Leila?" Smith was puzzled.

Ignoring them, Amira walked over to Violla instead. "The three bastards… I mean children, are they not Mr. Roman's?"

"Nonsense, of course they're his," Violla coldly affirmed.

"Then why are you hiding them from him?" Amira asked.

"I am the one that raised the children. I don't want them to be taken away." Violla found a reasonable excuse. "He may seem to treat me well now, but love is unpredictable. What if he resents me one day and takes them away? I'll be left alone with nothing."

Violla voiced out her greatest fear, "Davon is a powerful man,his family too,if he decides to take them away I will never see them again and there is nothing I can possibly do ."

''Besides we are not in any exclusive relationship with him. I am his woman but not exclusively. He has never asked for it.Our relationship is complicated you will never understand. So if he wants the kids,he will take them away. What will be left with?" Violla added between stiffles.