Her words struck a nerve with Leila who collapsed to the ground and buried her face in tears.

"So that's how it is," Leila lamented. "I understand because Titus has been taken away by the Stanleys and I have not seen him in a long time."

Looking gloomy, Amira quickly got her wits about her and sneered, "Do you think I'm a fool? Who do you think Mr. Roman is? If he really wants to find out, do you think you can even hide it?"

"I…"Violla started.

"Forget it, whatever reason you have to keep it a secret is none of my business," Amira asserted coldly. "As long as you can get us out of here safely, we'll keep our mouths shut."

"You really are smart, Aunt Amira." Violla acknowledged Amira's capabilities with a sigh.

Amira realized that even if they revealed the children's existence, Davon still wouldn't forgive them.

But, one word from Violla and their family would be left to rot in the freezing cold room that no one knew about.

"Don't worry. Now that you're Davon's woman, who would dare harm you?" Assuming that Violla was still hesitating, Amira added, "We just want to leave this place safely and have no other demands."

"You are overestimating me. Can't you see I'm locked in here together with you?" Violla bemoaned as she sat on the sofa. "His mood can be so volatile that even I can't get a good grasp of it."

"He will definitely let you out," Amira asserted confidently. "By that time, I'm sure you know what to do."

Violla ignored her and stared daggers at Leila instead. "Did you really send men to abduct my children?"

"What?" Amira's eyes widened in shock. "Leila, you sent men to kidnap the kids?"

With a glint in her eye, Leila lowered her head in silence.

"Are you crazy?" Amira yelled angrily. "Those are Davon's kids. If he finds out about it, he will kill us!"

"Who knows for sure?" Leila glared coldly at Violla. "If they are really his children, she would have revealed it long ago. Why does she even need to be so secretive?"

"I find it strange too." Smith questioned, "Violla, are those children really Davon's?"

'Leila is a mad woman didn't she say she understood me a minute ago?'

Ignoring them, Violla tapped on her phone anxiously to call Martin and verify her children's safety.However, there was so signal at all.

"This is a secret room where all signals have been cut off. You won't be able to get through." Amira grabbed Violla "Be honest with me. Is Davon the father?"

"It's none of your business!" Violla pushed her away.

Outraged, Amira gritted her teeth and scolded Leila "You stupid girl, how many times do I have to tell you not to act impulsively? Why do you always have to do something stupid without my knowledge?"

Amira was in a dilemma. On one hand, she wished the children belonged to Davon, on the other hand, she wished that they didn't.

If Davon was the father, it was understandable for them to help Violla keep the secret.

But, if Leila's men managed to kidnap the children and hurt them in the process, their whole family would be finished.

However, if Davon wasn't the father, he would have the impression that all of them made a fool of him on purpose. When that happens, they would still be in hot soup.

But, he would not kill them if any harm came to the children.

Therefore, choosing the lesser of the two evils, she hoped that the children weren't Davon's.

Meanwhile, in the car, Cruze warily asked, "Are we really locking Miss Milan in there?"

"Since she doesn't want to talk, let her just stay in there." Davon's tone was cold and didn't leave any room for negotiation.

"Why don't you let me investigate?" Cruze suggested. "Actually, I don't think it's going to be complicated. We can find out easily."

Instead of answering, Davon turned to look out the window while spinning his phone in his palm, as if he was contemplating something.

As the light from outside the car illuminated his face intermittently, it was hard to guess what was going through his mind.

Cruze stayed beside him without saying another word.

After a long while, Davon finally responded, "Let her reveal it herself."

"Sure." Cruze nodded.

Violla didn't believe that Davon would imprison her for real. She was confident that he was just trying to scare her and would return to release her soon.After all, they had just enjoyed a night of passion the night before.

However, one night passed uneventfully.Violla slept in a muddled daze. She finally woke up without knowing how much time had passed and yet, it was still just as quiet.The calm confidence she had earlier started to fray.

Meanwhile, Leila began to lose control of her emotions as she cried while cursing Franklin's cold-heartedness. The next moment, she would accuse Violla of being shameless and charge at her to beat her up. However, Amira and Smith managed to hold her back reminding her that Violla was Davon's woman.

Violla spent the next day and night under such chaotic circumstances. Consequently, she was both physically and mentally strained by it.

Furthermore, she was worried about the children's safety. Walking up to the steel door, she banged on it and cried out Davon's name to no avail.

Even after she screamed at the camera in the corner of the room, no one came for her either.And that was how Violla struggled through another day.

As for Leila, she had already fainted from just being too weak.Amira and Smith grew anxious and grabbed onto Violla, urging her to think of a solution.

As the wound on Violla's shoulder wasn't treated, it started to bleed from their violent grip.

And after two days of going without food and drink, coupled with the repeated rantings of Leila, Violla had finally reached her threshold. Suddenly, she felt her vision becoming blurry and her body covered in sweat. Before she knew it, she collapsed onto the sofa.

Violla had a nightmare. In it, there was a lion that was watching her. It sniffed her body and licked her wounds as if it was going to eat her up.In the dream, she was so terrified that she couldn't stop trembling.That same fear continued to seize her until she suddenly awoke, with her body awash in sweat and still trembling.

Finally, after half an hour, the steel door opened.Underneath the dim light, she sensed that she was being watched by someone, just like the lion in her dream.

Turning subconsciously to look, what she saw sent a shiver down her spine as she scrambled up from her bed.

"Finally awake?" Davon was sitting on the sofa, stroking his chin elegantly while starting at her. Violla sat up hugging her pillow. She was breathing heavily while trying to gather her wits.

After a while, she managed to regain her senses and demanded angrily, "F*ck you! Why did you do that to me? Where are Amira, Smith and Leila ?" She realized they weren't there.

"Did you not stay in here long enough?" Davon raised his eyebrow ignoring all her questions.

Violla froze immediately and didn't dare utter another word.Davon stood up and approached her slowly.

Violla recoiled in fear but Davon gently grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him. Without much effort, she could feel her body being dragged forward.

It was just like in her nightmare, where she was being pounced on by a beast and had to stare death in its face.It felt like she was going to be eaten by him!

"Does it hurt beautiful?" Davon's voice was as gentle as the moonlight as he stroked her wound which had been bandaged without her knowledge. She was even back in her room in Davon's villa.

However, his actions felt inexplicably terrifying.Violla didn't respond. All she did was look at him with a complicated expression.She didn't understand how he could change his moods so easily.

In one moment, he would be passionate and loving. In another instance, he could turn cold and ruthless. 'Which one is the real him?'

"You have to listen to me…" Davon's luscious lips brushed across her cheeks and whispered, "Do you know that I can know all your secrets within ten minutes of giving the order?"

After that, he pinched her chin with his thumb gently stroking her lips.

"But, I hope you will choose to tell me yourself." Davon's voice was extremely gentle. Smiling with his eyes, he looked extremely charming.Violla was stunned briefly as she was mesmerized by how handsome he looked.

He sounded as if he was flirting with her, instead of ordering or threatening her. Violla was at the brink of being bewitched before she was jolted by the slight force he applied on her jaw.

Regaining her senses all of a sudden, she realized that it was the Devil tempting her.Her heart began to race so fast that it even skipped a beat. Subconsciously, she opened her mouth but nothing came out.

'Should I tell him about the children? Given how volatile his emotions are, how will he react if he knows he is a father? ' Her mind flashed with a plethora of scenarios…

"How can you not know the answer to such a simple mathematics question? I'll lock you in the secret room to reflect upon yourself. We talk again after three days and nights." She recalled.

"Why can't you even defeat the teacher in a fight? Are you even worthy of being my son? I'll send you to the Devil's training camp." She remembered that time in high school.

"Crying again? I hate kids that cry. If you don't stop, I'll sew up your mouth!" She sent her mind to a whirlwind.

Holding those thoughts, Violla couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spine. Suddenly, her body was enveloped by a sudden frostiness.

'Davon is someone that will imprison anyone at a whim, glare at them with a menacing look, and destroy his enemies decisively. Someone like that isn't suited to be a father.Furthermore, he might have a hand in dad's death.No, I definitely can't tell him.However, even if I don't, he will find out sooner or later.What should I do?I really don't know.'

Just when she was struggling with her dilemma, her phone suddenly rang causing her to look around frantically.

Meanwhile, Davon casually took her phone out from underneath her pillow.

It was Martin that called.Shaken, Violla snatched her phone back and wanted to answer it.

But when she felt Davon's frosty gaze, she froze and didn't dare pick up.With one hand, Davon slid his finger over the phone to answer and put it on speaker.

With the other hand, he pinched Violla's chin and signaled for her to answer. When Violla greeted with a wary "Hello", Martin's frantic voice could be heard, "Violla, where are you? Are you alright?"

"Martin, I…"

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" Violla was suddenly interrupted by the three children calling out to her.She froze immediately, just like a deer in the headlights.

"Mommy, where are you? Come back quickly. I miss you a lot. …" When Eliana's squeaky sobs were heard over the phone, it melted Violla's heart.

Violla wanted to respond but didn't dare utter a word.

"Mommy, are you alright? Did some bad guy harass you? I will help you beat him!" Jason declared.

Jason's voice sounded like a brave little warrior. His bravado made one feel as if he was waving his clenched fist at Davon over the phone.

Hanging her head, Violla bit her lower lip and didn't even dare to breathe.She could feel Davon glaring at her with a murderous gaze.

"Mommy, why don't you say something. Have you been kidnapped? If you were, just grunt twice." Ryan's train of thought was way ahead of his age.

Violla could feel a lump in her throat while her heart was racing so fast it was about to explode.As for Davon he was staring daggers at her, causing Violla to feel as if all those daggers would pierce through her heart.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" The children continued to yell over the phone.

The next moment, Mrs. Blake came on, "Miss, are you alright? Miss, say something! You're scaring us!"

Violla didn't dare say a word as her body was trembling all over.At that moment, Martin realized something was amiss and ended the call abruptly.

Looking at the ground, Violla didn't dare face Davon. But she could feel the frosty vibe that he was emitting.It was so cold that she felt as if she would be frozen in ice.

Davon kissed Violla's cheeks and he questioned, "Are you still holding out? Do you want me to bring the man and the three children in front of you before you're willing to talk? Hmm?"

"No, please don't," Violla pleaded as she grabbed his hand. "The children are innocent. Don't do anything rash, I beg of you!"

She knew that once she angered him, he was capable of anything.

"Then be honest with me. Are the children yours?" Davon demanded.

"I…" Violla was in a panic. Realizing the cat was out of the bag, she had no choice but to nod meekly. "Yes!"

"Are they the same kids who took the chip?" Davon lifted her chin so that she would look him in the eye.

"No no no, they didn't steal it," Violla frantically explained. "A man in black put the chip in Jason's pocket. After that, Finny ate it. I didn't know what happened then. But once I knew, I fed Finny laxatives so that it would poop it out. After that, I cracked my head to think of how to return it to you…"

Her voice was getting softer. The more she spoke, the more terrified she became. Davon looked as if he was going to eat her up anytime.His face was frighteningly gloomy, just like the calm before the storm.

"We really didn't steal the chip. We don't even know what it was…" Violla was still trying to explain desperately. "Think about it, if we really intended to steal it, why didn't we sell it to your competitors? Besides, we even tried our best to return it."

"Who is the father?" That was the only question Davon cared about. His voice was exceptionally calm but bone-chilling cold at the same time.

Violla's heart was thumping non-stop as she was in a full-blown panic. She had wanted to say "It's you", but she knew she couldn't tell him the truth yet.She wanted to spin a lie but was aware she was bad at it.

Or perhaps, being honest with herself, she knew it was impossible for him not to see through her lies.

"Speak!" Davon roared.

Violla trembled as she looked at him in fear.

"I-I-It's…" She stammered for a long while.

"They're mine?" Although Davon was trying his best to hide his emotions, he could no longer bear the suspense. "Four years ago, you got pregnant. Instead of having a miscarriage, you bore the triplets. Am I right?"

His eyes were sparkling with anticipation, hoping that he would get a definitive answer.By now, his hands were trembling from the rush of emotions. He stared intently at Violla's lips, worried that he would miss her reply.

"No, of course not." Violla quickly denied it. "How is that possible!"

She felt that he was the Devil with extreme mood swings, to the extent he might even have blood on his hands. To acknowledge him as the children's father now was simply too frightening for her.

"It isn't me?" Davon tightened his grip on Violla's cheeks and demanded, "Then who is it?"

Violla trembled in pain and struggled to push his hand away.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Cruze entered to report, "Mr. Roman the Black's family's men have found us."

Those words escalated an already dangerous situation into an even more treacherous one.

Meanwhile, Violla could see the rage in Davon's eyes. He intensified his grip on her chin as if he wanted to crush her bones.

"It hurts…" Violla moaned meekly.

"Do you still know pain?" Davon glared at her. "Do the three children belong to… Martin?"

The Black family had always kept a low profile. Now that they had mobilized their men to plead mercy for her, it was difficult not to believe that she had an intimate relationship with Martin.