"Remember your promise!"

Davon reached his hands into her pajamas and started caressing her again.

Feeling the touch of his hand, Violla melted into his embrace.Her freedom could only be earned through her acquiescence.

When she finally left the villa, Violla felt as if she was walking out of prison. There was a sense that she had been reborn.

Winding down the car window, she closed her eyes while letting her face soak in the warm sunshine and gentle wind. She savored every bit of freedom she had regained.

Immaculate informed Violla cordially, "Miss Milan, a new accommodation has been arranged for you. Going forward, no one will know where you stay other than Mr. Roman."

Stunned, Violla asked in surprise, "What? I didn't ask you to do that. Besides, I just rented a new place myself."

"We have returned your new rental on your behalf," Immaculate explained. "The Smiths, the Stanleys, and the Blacks all know your address. Hence, it's not safe for you to stay there."

"But…" Violla wanted to protest.

"Don't worry," Immaculate added. "Although Mr. Roman bought the house for you, he will not come over there. Hence, you and your children can stay there in peace. If Mr. Roman wants to see you, I will come and pick you up."

"I understand." Violla didn't say another word. Although she felt uncomfortable being watched to that extent, there was little else she could do.

There was just no escape from Davon's grasp.

Given that he assumed the children were someone else's, she realized she was still lucky to receive such treatment.

Now that the secret had been revealed, there is no longer any need to be discreet. 'I can live my life without any shame, isn't that a good thing?'

Although her relationship with Davon was a strange one, she expected it to only be temporary.

She presumed that there was a limit to a man's sense of novelty. Once it wore off, he would abandon her heartlessly and she would get her freedom back.

Holding that thought in mind, Violla actually looked forward to that day.

Before she realized it, the car had arrived at its destination.Looking out the window, she noticed that she was at 1 Uplands.She couldn't help but feel stunned as it was where she used to live.

Uplands was famous for its disparity between the rich and the poor. Buildings numbered 1 to 10 were luxury units and considered the rich area; buildings numbered 11 onwards consisted of old dilapidated units.

The higher the number was, the poorer the residents were.Violla used to stay at number 32 which was mostly populated by the poor. The rent was cheap while the living environment was acceptable.

But now, in just within a few days, she was moving into the grandest building on the street.

Popping her head out of the car, she stared at the luxurious building in front of her. Feeling uneasy, Violla turned around and asked, "How much did it cost?"

"It's not expensive, just thirteen million," Immaculate replied with a smile. "It's a hundred and eighty-five square meters big. It comes with four rooms and two halls. When the children grow up, they can continue to stay here."

"When did he buy it?" Violla inquired.

"An hour ago." Immaculate explained with a grin, "This building is developed by one of the subsidiaries of Romans Corporation. The unit you are moving into is the show house. It has been completed for half a year. All it needs is some minor repairs and change of furniture which I have gotten someone to do it."

She looked at the time before adding, "By the time you have said your farewell to Mr. Black and finish lunch with the children, everything will be done when you get home."

"By the way, I'll have Finny and your luggage sent to your new home in a while. Also, your position at work has been reinstated."

After having everything arranged, Immaculate informed Martin to bring Mrs. Blake and the children to a nearby restaurant.

Violla couldn't find anything to nitpick about the meticulous arrangements. However, she did feel as if she was being controlled.She felt like a puppet in Davon's hands and it was simply suffocating.

However, all Violla could do was to thank Immaculate with a smile.

Finally, at the restaurant, she was reunited with her children after being separated for a long time.

Kneeling down, Violla spread her arms and called out to them, "Ryan! Jason! Eliana!"

"Miss…" Before Mrs. Blake could continue, her words were buried by the incessant cries of "Mommy".

Eliana scrambled desperately forward and threw herself into Violla's embrace. The momentum caused Violla to fall onto the ground.

With her bum hurting, Violla's eyes were filled with tears. She declared with a gleeful laugh, "Eliana, I love you!"

"Mommy, I love you too." She kissed Eliana.

Eliana pouted her lips and planted a sloppy kiss on Violla's cheeks.

"Mommy, Mommy, I've missed you too." Jason threw himself into Violla's arms and hugged her neck tightly with one arm. He then waved his fist with the other arm to show how strong he was, "Mommy, I have been practicing martial arts every day so that I can protect you in the future."

"Mommy…" In spite of his usual maturity, even Ryan had the urge to get a hug. When he couldn't squeeze himself in, he was visibly disappointed.

"Ryan, come over here!" Violla reached out to pull Ryan in and hugged all three of them together. She also gave each of them a kiss on their forehead.

"Ryan, Jason, Eliana, I want to say sorry for not being there for you recently. From now on, all of us will be able to stay together again."

"That's awesome! Yeah!" Cheering in delight, the children hugged Violla and refused to let go.

Mrs. Blake wiped the tears off her face as she watched.In the midst of the heart-warming reunion, Violla forgot that there was someone else there.

Mrs. Blake softly reminded her. "Miss, Miss, Mr. Black is still here."

After regaining her senses, Violla looked up at Martin.

He was standing quietly by the door, smiling warmly at her with a gentleness in his eyes.

"Ryan, Jason, Eliana, go to the private room to have some lunch. I need to speak to Mr. Black first before joining you." Violla patted the children on their backs. The three of them nodded obediently and took their leave from Martin.

"Mr. Black, thanks for taking care of us for the last few days."

"Mr. Black, we're going to eat first. See you later."

"See you later!"

Martin waved at them with an extremely warm expression. The whole restaurant had been booked for them. Therefore, other than a few crucial wait staff, only Violla and Martin were left.

"You don't look too good." Martin reached out to touch Violla's face. She avoided his hand by reflex. It was as if her body had been cursed by Davon. It would naturally be repelled by the advances of another man.

Martin's hand froze in the air, causing him to feel both awkward and disappointed at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Martin," Violla apologized sincerely. "I've caused you a lot of trouble. Did Davon make things difficult for you and your family?"

"No." Martin's expression turned grim. "The Black family doesn't have any business dealings with him. Hence, he can't do anything to us. Besides, I didn't offend him."

Violla opened her mouth but decided against speaking.She didn't know how to explain her lie to Martin. She felt as if she had pulled him into a trap and was feeling guilty about it.

"Let's sit down and talk," Martin pulled Violla along to have a seat. "What's going on between you and Davon?"

"I don't know how to even tell you…" Violla struggled to explain.

"Who is the children's father?" Martin asked softly.

Violla stayed silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "Martin, I've done you wrong…"

"You have to tell me what's going on." Martin grew impatient.

"It's better you don't know too much." Violla frowned before exclaiming, "I don't want to burden you any further!"

"There's no such thing as a burden between us." Martin felt frustrated. "Four years ago, I wasn't there when you were in trouble. But now, I'm here. No matter what it is, I'll definitely help you!"

"Thank you, Martin." Violla was extremely grateful. "But now, I… I…" After pondering for a moment, she gathered her courage, "I now have a boyfriend and he will take care of me."

Stunned, it took Martin a while to regain his senses. "Boyfriend?" It was earth-shattering news to him.

He had just returned for a few days. On his first day back, he heard the rumor about Violla and Franklin being together. On the third day, he found out that she had children and they were almost kidnapped. And now, she was breaking it to him that she had a boyfriend.

"Yes…" Violla hung her head and didn't dare face him. "Martin, I'm really sorry. I don't know how to say this but I must still thank you. I'll always remember how good you have been to me. But going forward…"

Mustering her courage, she gritted her teeth and declared, "We should not see each other again!"

Right after the words left her mouth, she lowered her head again.She felt that she was a scumbag to have discarded Martin right after using him. Her actions were unforgivable.But, to not cause him any more trouble, she was left with no choice.

"Urgh…" Her words dealt a devastating blow to Martin. Stunned, it took him a long while to regain his senses. "Violla, is someone threatening you?"

"No…" Filled with anxiety, Violla knew she had to be decisive. "I just feel that I should keep a distance from other men since I have a boyfriend now."

"Don't tell me he is… Davon?" Martin probed.

"Mmm-hmm." Violla nodded while averting his gaze. "I'm sorry!"

Martin didn't say another word as he picked up his coffee to take a sip. He was trying his best to maintain his composure.

"Martin, I owe you too much. I would like to repay your kindness if there's an opportunity to do so. But now, for our sakes…"

"I have just one question," Martin interrupted. "Who is the children's father? Is it him?"

Violla was shocked as she didn't expect him to have guessed it.She had assumed that he didn't know anything.She figured it might just have been speculation on his part but he had guessed correctly.

"It appears I'm right." Tightening his grip on the coffee cup, Martin's eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

"No one knows about it, even himself," Violla anxiously explained. "Martin, it's a very complicated situation which I don't even know how to explain. The bottom line is that I don't want to cause you any trouble."

"I understand!" Martin interrupted her and gently replied, "It doesn't matter. Since you have made your choice, I wish you all the best."

Violla was stunned as he looked up at him.

Martin was dressed in all white and looked dashing in his outfit. Despite the afternoon sun shining on him through the window, it still wasn't enough to cover the glow that he was emitting.

'Only he deserves to be considered the perfect gentleman.' Unfortunately, she ended up disappointing him again.

"I'm sorry." Despite being filled with guilt, she didn't know what else to do other than apologizing.

"Foolish gal, you didn't do anything to betray me." Holding her hand, Martin replied in a gentle tone, "The things I have done for you are simply trivial. Even as a friend, I am obliged to help you. Let alone..."

Violla couldn't help but feel her nose burn as tears welled up in her eyes.

Lowering his gaze, he smiled wryly, "Compared to being with you, I would prefer you to be happy," he bared his soul to her.

The honesty and sincerity in his words made them all the more precious.

"My judgment tells me that you have made the wrong choice," Martin lamented. "But, what can I do? You have always been stubborn to the extent I do not have the confidence to persuade you out of it, just like four years ago…"

After a brief pause, he broke into a smile and commented in a self-deprecating manner, "There, I can only let you go and do whatever you want. One day, when you have had enough of the troubles of the world and men, you will then appreciate me for who I am.At that time, as long as you turn around, you will see me there!"

Having heard his words, Violla could no longer hold her tears back as they began streaking down her cheeks.

Not wanting the children to hear her, she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. As tears dropped in silence, she didn't dare make a sound while crying.

"Silly gal, stop crying." Martin quickly passed her a napkin for her to wipe off her tears. Putting on a brave face, he teased her, "If you continue to cry, the kids will think that I am the one who bullied you. I have been trying hard to gain their favor over the last few days. Hence, they have grown to like me and even wanted to introduce Finny to me…"

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Before Martin finished his sentence, a familiar voice could be heard from the entrance . Violla quickly wiped off her tears and turned around to look.

Finny flew into the restaurant from outside. As its injured wing hadn't fully healed, its flight trajectory was hampered by it. Fumbling around, it almost crashed into a crystal chandelier.

"Finny…" Violla extended her hand.Finny landed on the back of her palm and brushed its head against Violla's cheeks.

As Violla stroked its wing, she suddenly noticed that it was wearing a black and gold ring with a "D R" imprinted on it, which was the Romans mark.

She was shocked by the sight of it and suddenly became nervous.Frantically looking around, she finally saw one of Davon's cars parked downstairs.

They were using that method to remind her she belonged to Davon.

"Is this Finny? It's so cute!" When Martin reached out to touch its wing, Finny pecked him on his finger. It then spread its wings and glowered at him.

Martin's hand recoiled as he grunted in pain.

"Finny! Don't be rude," Violla scolded.

Finny hid its head underneath its wing and didn't utter another word.

"Is Finny back? Finny…" Eliana's squeaky voice emanated from the private room.

"Eliana! Eliana!" Finny flew straight towards her.

"Is your hand hurt?" Violla checked on Martin's hands and remarked with guilt, "I'm sorry, Martin for how rude Finny was. Next time, I'll have to discipline it more."

"Don't worry, it's just a pet. It's normal for it to treat strangers that way." Martin didn't mind at all. "Violla, what are your plans? I heard Mrs. Blake say that your previous landlord has taken back your house. Where are the kids going to stay? Have you found a place yet?"

"Everything has been arranged." Violla shot a glance outside.

Trailing her line of sight, Martin saw Davon's car, causing him to frown. "Alright, since it's no longer convenient, I think I'll take my leave."

Putting down his coffee cup, he stood up before murmuring, "Mrs. Blake has my number so please remember that. If there's anything you need, just call me anytime."

"Take care of yourself and don't worry about me." Violla was overwhelmed by guilt.

"I hope you can take back what your father has left you as soon as possible," Martin added.

Shaken by his words, Violla stared at him in surprise. "How did you know about it?"

"Before he died, he wrote me a letter…" Martin sighed remorsefuly. "I only saw it recently. The letter is the reason I have returned."