"Dad wrote you a letter?" Violla asked anxiously. "What did he say in it?"

Martin hesitated for a moment before playing it down. "It's mostly about asking me to protect you…On top of that, he said that if you have not claimed what he left you by meeting with Jude within five years, I should then deliver it to you personally."

When she heard his words, Violla's heart was in turmoil and filled with complicated emotions.

It never occurred to her that her father would write Martin a letter before he died.

Her father was likely worried about her. If she couldn't break out of her rut and start a new life in five years, Martin was to come and take care of her.

From what Jude had told her, she was now certain that the box's contents had nothing to do with her father's death.

'In that case, what did dad leave me?'

"Violla…" Martin's voice interrupted her thoughts. Regaining her senses, she turned toward him. "Thank you, Martin. You should head home now and take good care of yourself."

"Mmm-hmm. Goodbye." After looking longingly at her, Martin turned and left.

When Violla saw his slim silhouette, she felt extremely guilty for involving him in her troubles.

She hoped that Davon would keep his word and not cause Martin any trouble.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Eliana came out from the private room with Finny while holding a cake in her hand. "Mommy, this cake is really delicious. You should try it."

"Wow! It's beautiful." Violla bent over to carry Eliana and gave the cake a bite. "It's really delicious!"

"Mommy, the banana milkshake is very nice too." Jason brought over his milkshake and fed Violla with it.

"Hmm, it's tastes really good. I like it very much." Violla tried Jason's milkshake.

"Mommy, has Mr. Black left?" Ryan walked out with an ice cream in his hand, scanning the surroundings. "He likes vanilla ice cream. I just wanted to share it with him."

"I have also saved a mango pudding for him." Jason raised his hand, not wanting to be left out.

"I want to introduce Finny to Mr. Black." Eliana held Finny in her hand and raised her eyebrows in glee. "I told him that Finny can sing but he didn't believe me."

"Mr. Black is busy, so he had to leave first," Violla explained. "Did you thank him for taking care of you over the last few days?"

"We did. We thanked him properly." The three children remarked, "We even invited him to join us at the theme park sometime."

"Mr. Black is busy so he may not have time to go with you. Why don't I come along with you instead?"


"Mommy, let's eat together, the steak is getting cold!"

"Sure!" As Violla led the three children back into the private room, Ryan pulled out a chair for her in a chivalrous manner. She then gave him a peck on his face and praised, "Thank you, Ryan!"

"Mommy, I want a kiss too," Jason requested.

"Mommy, me too, me too…" Eliana joined in.

"Mommy! Mommy! Finny too!" As laughter filled the room, it was a sign of the sunshine after the storm.

Looking out the window, Violla noticed that Martin's car had left while Davon's car was also no longer in sight.She smiled wryly to herself. 'Davon really doesn't leave anything up to chance.'

Just when the children were having fun playing, Mrs. Black came over and asked Violla softly, "Miss, has Mr. Black left?"

"Yes, he's gone." Violla nodded.

"He is a good man," Mrs. Black sighed. "He personally drove to the village to pick us and put us in his home. In the beginning, the children were frightened and were wary of him. But, he took good care of them and slowly won their trust. During the last few days, they were all very close to him."

"I know…" Violla sighed again. She felt the best way for her to repay her debt of gratitude was to stay away from Martin, so as not to cause him any trouble.

After lunch, Violla took Mrs. Black and the kids back to their new home.

The moment they arrived at the building entrance, they were warmly greeted by the staff from the developer's office and property management department. Furthermore, the security guards even helped Mrs. Blake carry all her bags.

Mrs. Blake repeatedly praised their service and asked Violla softly, "Miss, it must be really expensive to stay here?"

"It is, but it's alright. I've gotten a raise." Violla didn't want Mrs. Blake to worry.

"Even if you got a raise, you can't splurge it all away. The rental and property management expenses combined must have cost a lot, doesn't it?" Mrs. Blake was concerned.

"The house has already been bought and the paperwork has been prepared. All Miss Milan needs to do is to sign them," explained the staff from the developer's office.

"Bought it?" Mrs. Blake's eyes widened in shock. She quickly inquired, "Miss, where did you get the money?"

"My boss gave me a big bonus for a job well done," Violla replied softly. "Mrs. Blake don't think too much about it. We can all now stay here peacefully."

Mrs. Blake didn't utter another word but her expression was grim.

Entering the apartment, everyone was shocked. It was the exact opposite of their old place. Inside, it was extremely spacious and bright. The decor was exquisite and even emitted a romantic vibe.

Every piece of decoration was curated and it was obvious a lot of thought had been put into it.

When the staff led Violla and her family to tour the bedrooms, it was huge and even included a walk-in closet. There was a huge desk inside along with individual bathrooms.

Furthermore, there were two rooms for children. One with a princess theme while the other was decorated for boys specifically.

The princess-themed room was extremely beautiful, fit for a fairytale princess. Its color scheme was dominated by pink and white. There were also flowing curtains and all sorts of dolls on display.

"Wow! It's gorgeous!" Eliana entered the room and exclaimed in joy. She was so excited that she kept jumping on the bed.

"Quick! Come and see my room!" Meanwhile, Ryan and Jason couldn't wait to see the boy's room.

Inside, there were two beds and it had a sci-fi-themed background. One of the beds was shaped like a plane while the other was shaped like a sports car.

It was also filled with toys. Especially those that they had coveted but couldn't afford to buy.

"Wow! I love this room!"

"Me too!" The two boys dashed in excitedly and took the toys out from their boxes to play. After that, they brought their toys onto the bed and frolicked in it.

"Ma'am, this is your room. Please take a look." The staff led Mrs. Blake to see her room.

Violla quickly followed behind.There was a custom-made hard mattress for the elderly and also a massage chair.

Lying down to try, Mrs. Blake exclaimed, "It's so comfortable. Whenever my back aches from work, I feel that it's too troublesome to get a massage outside. But now, I can simply get one at home."

"This has been installed just for you," the staff explained with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you. This is simply amazing." Mrs. Blake was extremely touched.

The property management staff even taught Mrs. Blake how to use the latest household appliances in their home. Before she left, she even adjusted the centralized heating and cooling system for their comfort.

When Violla saw how happy Mrs. Blake and the children were, she felt extremely relieved.

At the same time, her heart was still in turmoil.

Everything there was just perfect.

She knew that it was Immaculate who dealt with all the details.

But, this was all still provided by Davon. Would he take it back whenever he is upset?

When that happens, the children would be extremely disappointed.

Violla shook her head to stop herself from worrying unnecessarily.

Violla played with the children for a while until they had to go for their afternoon nap. She then changed her clothes and prepared to leave home.

"Miss, where are you going?" Mrs. Blake just returned from grocery shopping. She gleefully remarked, "There's a grocery shop within the building. So, I bought some ingredients for us to celebrate moving in over dinner."

"I'll not be having dinner as I'm heading to the cemetery. Besides, I don't know when I'll be back." Violla searched with the GPS of her phone. The mausoleum was approximately less than eighty kilometers from her home.

"You're paying Mr. Milan a visit? Today is not his death anniversary." Mrs. Blake asked with a grim look on her face, "Did something happen?"

"Don't worry, nothing happened. I just miss him so much, that's why I'm thinking of paying him a visit." Violla was sorrowful. "I'm a bit lost as too many incidents have occurred recently. After visiting him , I might just be inspired to walk a new path."

"It sounds fine." Mrs. Blake's eyes started to well up as she nodded and said, "Help me send my regards to Mr. Milan."

Violla forced a smile; she then choked up and could barely utter any words. Violla bought a bouquet of flowers and took a cab to the Mausoleum.

By the time she reached the mausoleum, it was already nightfall. The drizzle formed a veil of desolation and melancholy over the serene mausoleum.

Standing in front of her father's grave and gazing longingly at his picture, Violla's heart was filled with grief.In her memory, her father was a kind and easy-going person who could mingle well with people of all ages. His warm smile was contagious and soothing.

Throughout his lifetime, he treated everyone with kindness and tolerance. He was an honest businessman with high moral character. Instead of being manipulative and taking advantage of others, he would rather sustain a loss and forgive those who caused him trouble.

In everyone's eyes, he was a charitable person with a noble heart! Yet, such a great person did not get to live long. He met his tragic end unexpectedly.

He was now lying there, enduring the everlasting loneliness and harsh weather conditions.

Violla had a throbbing pain in her chest thinking about how an upright man like her father could be treated so unfairly in life.

She placed the flowers in front of her father's grave. After bowing at him to pay her respect, she went to the storage room of the mausoleum.

Once her father's safe was located, she opened it with the passcode, her mother's date of birth. As expected, her father's red wooden box was in the safe!

Violla became very emotional. She reminisced the moments spent with her father as snippets of the unforgettable memory flashed across her mind like a series of waves, warming her heart.Taking a deep breath, she took the red wooden box out of the safe and unlocked it with a key. An envelope, a photo album, and a silver document file came into view.

Violla opened up the envelope carefully. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the familiar handwriting.

Her father's neat and beautiful handwriting reflected his upright personality. He was the best example of a respectable and down-to-earth man.

She could sense haste amid his well-written lines.

Violla could roughly guess that her father was desperate as he wrote that letter to her. Apparently, he felt that he was at risk and could foresee his tragic end, so he struggled to have the letter written before he breathed his last breath.

Every single word reflected her father's affection for her, along with anxiety and extreme reluctance to part with her.

Violla's eyes started to well up with tears. She read word by word slowly, as if she was stroking her beloved father's face:

Violla, when you read this letter, I might have left this world forever. Do not be sad. I will continue to be your guiding star and protect you in heaven. I wish that my dear Violla will live a healthy and happy life!

Throughout my life, I have sailed through all sorts of obstacles and have no doubt embraced glory once. I do not blame anyone but myself for ending up in this miserable state now. I have tried my very best and spent my whole life fighting against that family, but I did not succeed.

My only remorse now is that I am still unable to look for your mom and apologize to her. Your mother did not die at birth but went missing. To protect you and our family, I had no choice but to resort to a cowardly method of forcing her to leave us in despair.

If you have a chance to meet her in the future, you must convey my message to her: I love her very much! She's my only love this whole lifetime. If there is a next life, I will beg her to give me a chance to be with her again!

It's too bad that I do not even know whether she is still alive. Perhaps she has left this world already and is waiting for me in another world.

I'd better stop talking about this. It sounds funny to you, doesn't it?

Every time I get drunk, I mumble about your mom repeatedly. I bet you can memorize my words and mimic my tone by now. You won't have a chance to hear me nag about that anymore.

How I wish I will never part with you. I cannot help but worry about you. In these years, I have showered you with my fullest love, but I have forgotten to train you with self-protection skills.

I thought that I could protect you under my shield for the rest of my life, so you can just focus on living happily.

But now, I might need to leave earlier without you. My heart aches thinking of how you will be left alone in this materialistic world, striving hard against the unpredictable storms of life.

I could almost picture your hardship when I am no longer around.There will be a lot of unscrupulous people preying on you, applying all sorts of manipulative tactics to seize your assets. Looks like wealth and power have put you at great risk. I believe the only way to keep you away from their attacks is for you to not possess anything that could catch their attention.

Hence, I did not plan on stopping them from seizing my assets. After all, not much is left in my possession, so just let them go ahead and fight among themselves.

But Violla, I have created a backup plan for you.

The silver file contains details of a bank account; it is a personal bank account that I have opened for you earlier in North Nation.

Since you reached thirteen, I have been transferring ten million annually into this bank account. I have never withdrawn a single cent from it even when the company was facing its financial crisis.

I have assigned a trustworthy person to manage this bank account. When you receive this letter after five years, the accumulated balance of this bank account will exceed a hundred million.

This sum should be enough to afford your living expenses for the rest of your life. I hope you can live a simple life with a man who really loves you. It is indeed great happiness if you are able to spend the rest of your life in peace!

Of course, this is just my vision. I have no idea if your life will be as peaceful as how I imagine it to be.

I also have another backup plan for you, in case you encounter any obstacles or crises that cannot be solved.

Inside the silver envelope, there is a black card aside from the bank account details.

There is a phone number on this card. When you are really helpless and have no other options, call that number to look for that person, and tell him your mother's name.

He will appear immediately.No matter how tough the difficulties are, he will be able to get them resolved for you!

But Violla, bear in mind: never ever call this number unless you are really in a helpless situation and have no way out. Once you call this number, it will lead you down a totally different path life.

Remember! You must remember!

Violla had mixed feelings upon finishing reading the letter. To her surprise, her father seemed to have many secrets.

'What is that family which father couldn't fight against? Does that family have anything to do with father's death? Who's that mysterious person behind the phone number? Why will my life change dramatically once I give him a call? How come he can solve all my tough problems?

Violla was really puzzled.It really sounds like the magic door to a mysterious realm as in the fairy tales. Entering the door impulsively might lead to the opening up of Pandora's box. Anyone would find this curious. How I wish I could understand the hidden truth!

Violla opened the silver envelope and took out the black card; there was a string of numbers handwritten in gold. It was an overseas phone number.

Violla looked up that number on her phone and found out that it was registered in West Nation. The last five digits of the phone number were the same——"9". After going over the numbers silently a few times, she had it memorized.

'Who's the owner of this phone number?' This question flashed across Violla's mind momentarily before she brushed the query aside.

She put both the black card and bank card into her purse and was about to browse through the photo album when her phone suddenly rang. The caller ID showed that it was from Davon..

He had suddenly called her at this time and at this venue.Instantaneously, she felt intimidated with a sense of reluctance. She was in a dilemma of whether to answer it or not.

In the end, she picked up the call, "Hello!"

"I need to see you." Davon emphasized his words in a tone that reflected tyranny and arrogance. "Now. I mean, now!"

"I'm in the suburbs." Violla breathed out.

"Give me the address. I'll get my man to fetch you," Davon said domineeringly.

Violla actually intended to tell him that she was not in the mood to meet at the moment, but she could foresee the consequence if she dared to say so.

She took a deep breath and tried to sound as gentle as possible. "No need to come to fetch me. I can take a cab over. Are you at home now?"

"I'm not at home. I've sent you the address. Check your phone." Davon replied.

"Alright," Violla replied and was about to hang up the phone before Davon added, "Half an hour!"

"I'm really a great distance away…" He hung up the phone before Violla could finish her sentence.