Just as Violla was about to knock, the door suddenly opened. Cruze walked out and couldn't help but feel awkward upon seeing her. "Vio…"

Then, he quickly changed his words. "Is something the matter?"

"Miss Molly told me to do some cleaning here." Violla looked past Cruze's shoulder and noticed what was happening inside the office.

With his back facing her, Davon sat on the couch, and right next to him was Laura leaning over to whisper something into his ear.

The two looked so intimate with each other.

Violla's chest instantly tightened as she averted her gaze and lowered her head. "If it's not convenient right now, I'll come back later."

Then, just as she was about to leave,

"Hold on!" An enchanting female voice resonated across the room.

Cruze shut his eyes with a frustrated look on his face.

"Hey, Cruze! I accidentally spilled some wine here. Could you get her to come in and clean it up?"

Laura spoke to Cruze in an especially polite manner, but that was just so she could get Violla to do her bidding.

Cruze cast Violla a troubled glance.

Violla waited for two seconds, but Davon remained quiet.

Hence, she could only walk in with the cleaning tools.

By now, Laura maintained a fixed distance from Davon.

However, they still sat close to each other on the same couch.

The red wine had spilled on the coffee table and carpet right in front of them.

Violla walked over and knelt down, using a cloth to wipe the coffee table.

"Wow, Davon. Your secretaries are getting prettier and prettier," Laura remarked, glancing at Violla from head to toe.

Despite her simple attire and lack of makeup, Violla had the ability to look extraordinarily charming just by standing in a corner.

Furthermore, she was a completely natural beauty and exhibited an indescribable presence.

"Well, yeah. They're alright but this one here Violla, is the most beautiful of them all ," Davon replied blandly.

Violla smiled internally. Her face blushingly red.

'That's why I can't , keep my hands off her?' Davon told himself.

"It's just a shame that they're a little lacking in professionalism." Laura's extra words sounded light and nonchalant, but they were clearly full of hostility.

Violla's movements jerked slightly, but she suppressed the rage within her and continued cleaning.

"You missed this spot." Laura pointed toward the stain beneath her feet using her sharp heels, signaling Violla to clean that area too.

Violla stared at the spot but remained unmoving, for leaning over there would be no different from kneeling right before Laura.

"What's wrong?" Laura raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Do you not see it, or do you not intend to clean it up?"

Violla tightened her grip on the cloth. In the name of work, she certainly couldn't refute this woman. On a personal note, however, she refused to be humiliated this way.

Yet, Davon kept quiet, not showing any intention on helping Violla out.

This only made the woman even more upset.

"Cruze do it!" Davon hastily said seeing the air tense.

"Oh, but I could never trouble Cruze with such menial tasks!" Despite speaking to Davon, Laura kept her gaze on Violla. "You're a stubborn one, huh? I guess you won't take orders from me."

Taking a deep breath, Violla continued to fight her rage. She turned over with the cloth in her hand, only to accidentally drop the stained fabric on Laura's foot.

"Eww! That's disgusting!" Laura got up in a fit and proceeded to step on Violla's hand.

"Ahhh!" Violla screamed in pain.

Like a nail, the sharp 8-cm heel instantly tore the skin on the back of Violla's hand, causing it to start bleeding.

Unable to take it any longer, Davon stood up, shoved Laura aside, and helped Violla up.

"Davon!" Collapsing on the couch, Laura stared at the man in disbelief.

"Don't you ever in your miserable life try that sh*t again?" Davon growled at Laura. Fighting the urge to embrace Violla and kiss her pain away Davon said, "Hey beautiful,go and tend to your hand,let me handle this."

Remaining silent, Violla lifted her gaze and glared at him, her eyes were brimmed with tears. Then, she picked up her tools and strode her way out of the room.

"I can't believe this!" Laura was extremely infuriated. "That secretary of yours is horrible, Davon."

"Are you okay?" Davon snapped instead of responding to her words.

"I am, but… Why did you push me? You even snapped at me" Laura whined.

"You stepped on her hand." Davon barked.

Violla had already left the office by the time Davon answered Laura.

"But she's the one who dropped that cloth on my foot," Laura insisted, evidently displeased. "That was filthy!"

"And that's why you decided to step on her?" asked Davon in return.

Laura froze before explaining reluctantly, "No. I didn't do it on purpose. She shouldn't have placed her hand there....."

"I'm sure your father taught you to be kind to others." Davon furrowed his brows. "This is no longer a world where slaves have to serve their masters. We live in an equal society now."

"But she's just a secretary! Why are you getting so worked up?" Laura insisted. "Or is there something going on between.....''

"She may just be a secretary, but she's still my employee," Davon cut her off before giving her a stern reminder. "Remember how you once lost your temper when we were young, and you threw a cup at my cat?"

"You didn't talk to me for three years after that…" Laura couldn't help but tense up upon recalling the incident and immediately tugged onto his sleeve to apologize. "I'm sorry, Davon. I won't do it again. Please don't be mad!"

"You should apologize to her instead." Davon withdrew his arm. " She is to me far more important than the cat."

"You want me to apologize to her?" Laura's eyes widened in disbelief, but she quickly changed her mind as soon as she noticed Davon's frigid expression. "Okay, okay. I'll go and tell her I'm sorry. Just don't be mad."

With that, she quickly left .Davon gestured at Cruze, instructing him to follow the woman. 'Make sure Violla has been apologized to."

Violla's coworkers were beyond terrified to see blood trickling down her hand ceaselessly, and they immediately brought her a first-aid kit.

Molly dashed over the moment she found out about it. "What happened?"

"Nothing...." Just as Violla was about to respond, Laura strode toward her. "Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Fighting her tears, Violla replied coldly, "I'm fine."

"I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't mean it." Despite apologizing, Laura sounded as haughty as usual. To top things off, she even took out a blank check and tossed it to Violla. "This is for the medical bills. Write whatever amount you see fit."

While speaking, she began to leave with her bodyguards.

"Hold it right there!" Violla roared at her. "Do you think you can just use money to...."

Before she could finish, Molly cut her off.

Shaking her head at Violla, she then turned to Laura and said politely, "Have a good day, Miss Laura!"

Strolling into the elevator, Laura turned and left Violla an arrogant smirk.

This caused Violla to tremble in rage. A few coworkers gazed at her in pity, albeit not daring to say anything.

"Get back to work, everyone," Molly ordered.Thus, the coworkers lowered their heads and left.

"I know you're upset, but you can't afford to get on her bad side," Molly advised while tending to Violla's wound. "Miss Laura isn't just the president of Tariques Group; she's also Mr. Roman's childhood sweetheart. There have been talks about a union between the two families, so she might someday become our boss too."

Violla felt even more anguished to hear such words. Leila once mentioned that Davon had a fiancee. 'Could that woman be the one she was referring to?'

"Even if you may leave Romans Corporation one day, you'd still have to earn a living elsewhere, wouldn't you? Don't get on Miss Laura's nerves, or you might not be able to get a job anywhere else. I think you should back down."

Molly continued earnestly, "I'll have you take care of other duties the next time she comes so you'll avoid running into each other. The tension shouldn't take long to ease. As for this check, I suggest you give it back to her. Consider it a way to get her to owe you a favor."

After speaking, Molly patted Violla on the shoulder. "Well, that's just my opinion. You should think about it."

Violla kept her head low and remained silent.

She didn't understand why in today's society which preached equality, there were people who thought they could pick on others just because they had more power.

'Davon's like that, and now there's Laura too.But I guess it's no surprise. Birds of the same feathers flock together, after all! They're friends precisely because they behave the same way.'

"Are you okay?" Cruze asked softly.

Violla merely glared at him, then left with the first-aid kit without a word.

Cruze remained frozen in place with a miserable look on his face. 'What did I do to deserve that?'

By lunch, Violla was still so infuriated that she was in no mood to eat. Molly gave her a sandwich and arranged for her to work on some lighter tasks.

Davon left in the afternoon, but not before casting Violla a glance when passing the reception desk. Even so, he said nothing and headed straight toward the elevator.

Violla kept her head buried in documents. 'Remember, Violla, don't you ever bother with that disgusting man ever again!'

By the time work ended and Violla arrived home, she had already managed to keep her emotions in check. "I'm home!" she exclaimed with a smile.

"Mommy!" The three children rushed up to her and leaped into her arms, asking for hugs and kisses.

"What happened to your hand, Mommy?" Ryan immediately asked upon noticing Violla's hand, which had been firmly swathed in bandages.

"Oh, I hurt myself at work," Violla replied cheerily. "Don't worry, though. It's just a tiny injury."

"Why do you keep getting injured, Mommy? Is it really dangerous at work?" Jason asked anxiously.

"He's right, Mommy. If it's too dangerous, you should change jobs," said Eliana as her heart ached. "I don't want to see you get injured, Mommy."

"Me neither!" agreed Jason and Ryan in unison.

"Me neither!" Finny suddenly chimed in.

The parrot certainly had a knack for mimicry.

"It's not dangerous," Violla responded with a chuckle. "I was just too clumsy. Don't worry, kiddos. Mommy will be more careful next time."

"Are you hurt, Miss? Let me take a look." Hearing the commotion, Mrs. Blake rushed out of the kitchen.

"I'm fine! Really." Violla hastily changed the subject. "Is dinner ready, Mrs. Blake? I'm starving."

"It is, but…"

"Is there my favorite beef stew tonight?"

"Yup, there is. Alright, you all. Go wash your hands, and I'll start serving up the food!"

Being able to spend every single day with her family and talking about life's trivial matters over meals,to Violla, that was a blessing. She was especially thankful for her current life and didn't want anyone else disrupting that.

If Davon were a regular guy, maybe he'd be thrilled to reunite with his children.

But he's no regular guy.

The woman had initially thought of telling him the truth as they slept in each other's arms that night, so that the entire family could finally be reunited.

Not even what Juliet had said to her eventually was enough to make her suspicious of Davon.

Yet, Laura's arrival today seemed to have completely thrown even the slightest idea of the children meeting their father out the window.

At night, Violla lay in bed alone. Gazing at her injured hand and thinking about everything that had happened that day, a mix of emotions swirled within her.

She used to think that Davon was a volatile man prone to mood swings. Moreover, he seemed to have been involved in her father's death, so he wasn't fit to be a father himself.

But now, Violla had another problem,there was a gap between her and Davon that she could never cross.

It wasn't just their clashing personalities or the obstacles that came their way; it had more to do with their different statuses and family backgrounds.

'I'm nothing but a regular employee who even struggles with life, but he's a powerful man far beyond my reach.

We're just not meant to be.'

'Dad used to tell me that all the powerful businessmen here could never marry whomever they wanted. They'd either get married for business deals and political reasons or be forced into unions with other families,all for the sake of benefitting their families.I guess Davon Roman is no exception.'

The thought of Davon possibly marrying another woman made Violla's heart burn with fury. She pulled at her dinosaur pillow and was on the verge of ripping it apart.

'That disgusting scumbag! Why does he keep teasing me despite already having a fiancee?'

'From now on, I'll have to stay away from him!I'll ignore him if he ever comes looking for me again.Then, she glanced at her phone. If he calls, I'll either not pick up or just reject the call to piss him off!'

Yet, the man didn't call all night.

In fact, Davon didn't drop by the office for the next few days, and work was much more relaxing.

For the first two days, Violla was delighted by his absence. 'It'd be better if he never comes back! Everyone feels on edge whenever he's around.'

Then, a week went by in the blink of an eye, and Davon still didn't come to work.

Violla began to feel uneasy. 'Where the hell has he gone to?'

'He didn't actually go get married to Laura, did he?'

Just as Violla pondered over the idea of sending Davon a text message, she suddenly heard a few secretaries muttering among themselves by the pantry.

"Hey! Why do you think Mr. Roman hasn't been coming to work?"

"Isn't it obvious? He must be busy spending time with Miss Laura"

"Yeah! Miss Laura's company is located in North Nation, but she's come all the way to this City to discuss a joint project, so it's only natural that Romans Corporation treats her like royalty."

"But that doesn't mean Mr. Roman has to do it personally!"

"What do you girls know? Mr. Roman and Miss. Laura are childhood sweethearts, so of course Mr. Roman has to welcome her in person! Who knows, Miss. Laura might even become our future boss."

"Huh? Is that true?"

"Of course it is! I heard it from Miss Molly herself... Laura and our boss dated and broke up,but it's like they might reconcile."

"What are you ladies talking about?" Molly interrupted them coldly.

With that, the few secretaries immediately dispersed, returned to their respective seats, and got back to work.

With a cup of coffee, Violla returned to her seat too. Despite looking calm on the outside, her heart was filled with astonishment.

'He's never been away from the company this long. Even if he goes overseas, he'd come back in at most three or four days. But now, it's been a week and he still hasn't shown up....I guess he really must be spending time with Laura.'

"I have some urgent documents here that need to be sent over to the Garden Golf Course for Mr. Roman's signature," Molly announced as she walked over with a document. "Elizabeth, could you...."

"I'm sorry, Miss Molly. I've been having an upset stomach all day," Elizabeth replied hastily. " Garden golf course is too far from here. I'm worried I might cause a scene and make the company look bad."

"Then, you do it with her...." Elizabeth turned to another secretary.

"Did you forget, Miss Molly, I will be following Mr. Stone to meet with the media," the other secretary said meekly.

Molly frowned as she scanned her surroundings. Finally, her eyes fell on Violla. "I guess you're the only one who can do it, Violla."

"Me?" Violla froze for a moment. "I don't think I can manage."

"We'll go together." Molly glanced at her watch. "You'll have to see more of the outside world sooner or later. You can't keep staying at the reception desk, or you'll be a good-for-nothing for life."

"Okay. I understand." Violla sighed with relief hearing that Molly would be going too. "When do we leave?"

"Now. I'll get the documents ready, and we'll meet in front of the elevator in ten minutes."


Molly drove to Garden golf course with Violla. On the way there, she asked the latter a question. "Mr. Roman has eighteen secretaries, but everyone gets paid a different salary. Do you know why, Violla?"

"No." Violla shook her head.

"Do you know how much I earn each month?"

"No." Violla gazed at her meekly.

"A hundred and thirty grand."

"What? That much?" Violla was visibly taken aback.