"And that's just my basic salary. I haven't included my bonus and other fringe benefits," Molly remarked with a smile. "If I were to include all the extra perks I get, I'd say I make about two million a year."

"Oh, goodness! I'm so jealous of you." Violla couldn't help but envy her.

"Don't ever underestimate a secretary's work. You'll have a bright future ahead as long as you do your job well," Molly advised sincerely. "If you want to make it in life, you have no one else but yourself to rely on. Don't waste your days idling."

Hearing that, Violla felt a little guilty. 'It's true that I haven't really been ambitious about my career all this while.'

"Do your best! Your father was an incredible man, so I know you'll shine just like he did!"

"You knew my father?" Violla was surprised.

"Who hasn't heard about the president of Milan Corporation? Besides, your last name is pretty uncommon, and there's something extraordinary about you. It's not hard to tell whose daughter you are."

"Oh." Violla didn't want to recall too much of the past.


After a two-hour drive, they finally arrived at Garden golf course.

"We're almost there. Have a look at the documents and familiarize yourself with them." Molly drove straight toward the golf course and got off the car with Violla.

A staff member came over to welcome them. Knowing that they were there to deliver Davon's documents, the man treated them with the utmost respect and immediately took them to their boss.

Violla had been there before; her father was once a regular client who would often take his guests there too.

"Is that Miss Laura over there?" Molly asked, pointing to the golf course nearby.

Violla looked over and noticed the familiar figure which belonged to Laura, whereas right next to her was Davon.

"Ugh…" Molly's expression stiffened as she turned to Violla awkwardly. "I'll send the documents over on my own. Wait for me here."

No one else might have noticed it, but Molly had long been aware of the fact that Violla and Davon shared a special relationship.

Violla had been promoted directly to the president's office under Cruze's personal instructions too, and everything else that transpired after that was taken care of by Davon himself.

Davon was always a heartless man, but he had made many exceptions for Violla time and time again.

Others may not have been aware of this, but Molly certainly was.

"Okay. I get it." Violla retracted her gaze, looking especially calm.

Despite feeling stirred up deep down, her face remained expressionless.

She knew too well that her relationship with Davon was merely transactional in nature, so this was all nothing but a game. Whoever falls in love first loses.

'Don't expect anything. Don't fall for him, Violla. That way, you'll never be hurt.'

The woman continuously reminded herself about her own principles. 'Don't cross the line.'

The golf cart stopped nearby, and Laura's excited voice rang out. "Wow! It went in! I did it, Davon!"

"Not bad." Davon nodded lightly.

"Teach me more! I could use some work on my posture," Laura requested, leaning onto his body.

"Get Mr Justin to teach you." Then, Davon handed his golf club to Cruze and turned to leave, only to notice Violla and Molly standing next to the golf cart.

"Hello, Mr. Roman." Molly strode over with the documents. "Here are the documents you requested."

Standing in place, Violla gave her boss a polite nod and kept her gaze low, not saying a single word.

Davon glanced at her before instructing Molly, "Give them to Miss. Laura."

"Sure." Molly walked a few steps ahead and courteously handed the documents to Laura. "Here you go, Miss Laura."

"Thank you." Laura took the documents with a smile. "I'm sorry that you had to come all the way here."

"It's no trouble at all. This is all part of my job," Molly quickly responded.

"We're just about to have lunch. Why don't we all have a meal together?" While holding the documents, Laura caught up to Davon and held him by the arm in a carefree manner. Then, she turned to Violla. "Come and join us too."

Laura sounded as though she was being benevolent toward Violla.

How the latter wished to respond with a snide remark, but she held back.

"Thank you, Miss Laura," said Molly respectfully. "But we don't wish to bother you and Mr. Roman. We still have work to do, so we'll be taking our leave."

"You still need to have lunch when you get back, anyway. You may as well join us," Laura insisted as she leaned onto Davon once again. "Right, Davon?"

"Yeah," Davon responded. "Let's eat together, Please beautiful join us." His eyes were on Violla.

"Alright, then." Not daring to say anything more, Molly dragged Violla back into the golf cart, and the two sat behind Davon and Laura.

Unlike before, Violla seemed especially calm today. Although, that was merely on the surface. For deep down, she was already cursing the bloody couple in front of her.

'May you both suffer from constipation every day. May you both wet your beds every night. May you be impotent for the rest of your life, Davon Roman!'

"I just bought a new swimwear, Davon. How about we visit a hot spring tonight?" Laura stuck to Davon like glue. "You must be tired after so many sleepless nights. Why don't you take it easy just for tonight?"

Hearing that, Violla trembled slightly as her mind went abuzz.

'Sleepless nights? Does that mean they haven't been able to keep their hands off each other in the past few days?'

The image of the two continuously getting frisky with each other in bed surfaced in Violla's mind.

In that instant, she felt like her world was crumbling. The rage within her began to boil, and was on the verge of spilling out when suddenly....

"Violla… Violla" Molly nudged her gently. "Are you cold? You're not wearing enough today."

"I'm okay. Thanks, Miss Molly" Violla pursed her lips and forced herself to remain calm.

'Don't be mad over a scumbag like him, Violla. It's not worth it! It doesn't matter who he sleeps with! It has nothing to do with you.'

'He may as well marry that woman right away! They're both so self-centered and cocky that they deserve each other. With their heads up high all the time, they might just trip and fall to their deaths while walking one day!'

'He won't bother you now that he's gotten himself another woman. You can finally focus on your work, look after the children, and begin a new life…

You should just pretend to not know him from now on.'

'Even if they start screwing each other right in front of you this instant, you should cheer them on!'

"Violla… Violla!" Molly slapped Violla by the shoulder.

"Huh?" Violla snapped back to reality, only to realize that the golf cart had already stopped in front of the restaurant.

Davon and Laura had already alighted, but she remained sitting there in a daze.

"What's wrong? You seem so out of it," mumbled Molly.

"Nothing." Violla quickly got down and followed Molly into the restaurant.

"Mr. Roman! Miss Laura! This way, please."

The vice president of Tariques Group, Justin, stood at the entrance to welcome Davon and Laura.

"You're really good at golf, Mr. Justin." Laura struck up a conversation with Justin. "I noticed that there isn't really anything you can't do. Are you married?"

" I am flattered, Miss Laura," Justin replied with a laugh. "Well, it's rather unfortunate, but I've been divorced for a few years and haven't found myself another partner."

"Is it because your standards are too high?" Laura teased. "What kind of women are you into?"

"I like women who are pretty, gentle, and obedient." While speaking, Justin's gaze fell on Violla "And this is?"

"She's one of the secretaries from Romans Corporation who came over to bring Mr. Roman some documents," Laura answered enthusiastically. "Oh, and she's single."

Violla froze and turned to Laura.

"I'm not wrong, am I, Violla?" Laura beamed as she gazed at Violla. "Why don't you consider Mr. Justin? He may be a little older than you, but he's a mature, responsible, and successful man."

Violla took a peek at Justin and felt greatly humiliated. Judging by Justin's wrinkled face and flabby stomach, Violla thought he should be around her father's age.

'Laura has such a brilliant plan, but does she really think she can get rid of me by setting me up for a blind date with this old man?'

'Is it even necessary for her to go to great lengths to get rid of me when I haven't made any move or gotten in her way with Davon's relationship?'

'Why is she sending this disgusting old man my way again when I have forgiven her for stepping on my hand and giving me a hard time? She should stay away from me because I have returned the check through Molly's help!'

" Violla, you seem to be pretty young. How old are you?" On one hand, Justin's eyes gleamed in excitement and looked at Violla differently.

On the other hand, Violla remained silent throughout the conversation because she could barely keep a straight face in front of the old man anymore.

Molly stepped in to get Violla out of the nasty situation. "Miss Laura I'm sure you're kidding! I don't think Violla deserves Mr. Justin when she's just a rookie in the corporate world."

"What do you mean she doesn't deserve....." Laura started.

"Aren't you hungry? Why don't you hurry up and finish your meal? Besides, Violla has a man . She can't cheat on him because he is otherwise known us the devil. We don't want to put Justin and Violla in hot soup do we now?" Davon broke the silence, stating indifferently before Laura could finish her sentence.

Laura winced at Davon's words because it was evident the man was trying to protect Violla. "And you know this how?" Laura questioned but Davon snobbed her before saying, "Eat."

"Oh! You're right! I believe most of us are hungry since we have been out for the entire morning!" Justin was an observant man. He immediately summoned the waiter and instructed, "Please serve us our meal at once!"

"Miss Molly, Mr. Cruze, have a seat and join us!" Justin invited everyone that was present to join him at the table and started engaging himself in a conversation with Cruze and Molly to get himself out of the awkward situation.

Cruze and Molly played along with him to ease up the tension that was built up over the past few minutes.

Meanwhile, Davon indulged himself and took a sip of the red wine.

Laura's face puckered because she felt embarrassed after Davon reprimanded her in front of others. She secretly held a grudge against Violla and finished her glass of wine in an attempt to calm herself down.

In spite of being on pins and needles, Violla couldn't take herself away,she had no choice but to join the crowd and brace herself through the meal.

"Mr. Roman, this is a wine from my precious collection. Please give it a try." Justin served Davon and Laura each a glass of drink. "Miss Laura, why don't you give it a try as well? The president has complimented it after savoring it when we were out for a meal last time."

Davon took a sip as suggested and stated, "Mmm… It's not half bad at all…"

"Mr. Cruze, Miss Molly, Violla you guys should give it a try too!" Justin served everyone their glass of drink. When it was Violla's turn, a leg showed up at the bottom of the table, causing him to trip over.

As a result, he staggered and spilled the remaining wine that was in the decanter on Violla.

"Ah!" Violla shrieked and got up from her seat immediately.

The red wine streamed all the way down from her collar, soaking her white shirt crimson red, exposing her supple yet busty figure in front of everyone.

Immediately, Justin apologized, "I-I'm so sorry!"

After he grabbed the napkin that was nearby, he reached over in an attempt to wipe Violla's shirt dry on her behalf.

Davon's expression turned gloomy because Justin's hand was merely a few inches away from Violla's breast.

Violla took a step back and denoted, "I-It's fine… I-I can clean it up myself. My man is not only jealous but also possessive. You might end up with a broken arm l. "

Cruze and Molly exchanged awkward looks understanding Violla very well.

" Why do you people keep talking as if he is around?" Laura asked.

" He might be Miss Laura." Molly answered.

Choosing to let go of the matter ,Laura turned her attention to Justin .

"Are you okay?" Laura expressed her concerns and reprimanded Justin, "Mr. Justin, how could you be so careless?"

"I-I…" Justin was at a loss for words. Truth be told, he was aware of the identity of the culprit, yet he couldn't expose the truth in front of them.

"Since you're completely drenched, you should head over to my room and get yourself changed." Laura beckoned the waitress over and instructed, "Show her the way to my room!"

The waitress walked over and said, "Please follow me, Miss Milan."

"I-It's fine…" Violla didn't want to put on Laura's clothes,she was afraid it was one of Laura's many tricks to get the better of her.

Laura asked rhetorically with a grin, "Aren't you afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of others? Ever since a few minutes ago, Mr. Justin has a hard time moving his eyes away from that busty figure of yours. If you don't get yourself changed, do you want to show it to others when we're done with our meal?"

"I-I…" Justin responded with an awkward smile.

"You…" Violla couldn't stand it anymore.

Thankfully, Davon broke the silence and instructed, "Check her into a room next to mine and get her another set of outfits."

"Yes." Cruze got up from his seat and walked out to carry out Davon's instruction right after he took note of it.

Davon instructed Molly, "I want you to keep her company."

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Molly grabbed Violla's hand and took her away as fast as possible.

Laura couldn't keep her cool anymore. She confronted Davon in front of Justin "She's merely a secretary, isn't she? Why are you going to great lengths to protect her?"

Davon paid no heed to Laura's words and glanced at Justin instead. He announced in a callous tone, "Mr. Justin, I believe your assistance isn't required anymore!"

As soon as Justin heard the bad news, he started apologizing, "Mr. Roman w-what's wrong? P-Please, give me another chance to prove myself worthy! I-I definitely won't repeat the same mistake twice!"

Davon went dead silent and smashed the glass without a second thought on that score.

Justin felt a shiver running down his spine and collapsed on his seat when he heard the loud noise of the glass being shattered into pieces.

Meanwhile, Laura's face turned pale. Her hands started trembling as she held on to her glass of drink, but she dared not make a noise in fear of offending Davon more than she already had.

Needless to say, Davon was infuriated. He started emanating a menacing presence, intimidating those around him with his gaze full of murderous intent.

"Get me another bottle!" Davon instructed the waiter, yet his instruction was a double innuendo, indicating his will to get rid of Justin and substituting him with another candidate.

"Yes, Sir!" The waiter headed out and returned with a brand new bottle of wine and a glass for Davon.

Justin brought himself up from his seat and bowed at Davon while expressing his apology, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Roman! I-I must have been blinded by my lust! P-Please forgive me for being an imbecile fool!"

Immediately after he finished his sentence, he bowed once more before walking out of the private dining room.

Justin was an observant man he instantly knew there was a relationship between Davon and Violla through the furious man's response—Davon got worked up because Violla wasn't merely an employee of his.

He apologized for his so-called mistakes because he failed to notice their relationship and tried to lay a finger on Violla.

No matter what sort of chance Laura had created, Justin should have known his place and stayed away from Violla in the first place.

Since he had crossed the boundaries and started having filthy thoughts, he should prepare himself for the consequences that would be awaiting him.

Justin begged Davon to be merciful prior to his departure because he was afraid the powerful man would go after him in the future.

At the end of the day, Justin was a smart and experienced corporate player from the upper echelon that had been in the industry for a long time.He was aware of the consequences that would be in store for him should he fail to atone for his sins.

Color drained from Laura's face because she was the only one left behind with Davon in the spacious dining suite.

"Aren't you hungry? Why aren't you savoring your meal?" Davon asked Laura while he cut the steak that was served.

Laura was no longer her usual arrogant self and stopped getting full of herself in front of Davon. She lowered her gaze and finished her meal in silence.

"You should refrain from doing such a silly thing in the future. I'm sure you don't want to trip in a similar manner, do you. I can make your fate worse than Justin's. Stay clear off Violla. Do that which has brought you to do in this City . I repeat myself incase you didn't hear me the first time. Stay clear off Violla,Laura."

After Davon made himself clear, he had a mouthful of steak.When Laura heard his words, she paused, and her hands started shivering because she was horrified.

On the other side,after the receptionist showed Violla the way to her room, Cruze showed up with a maid. They brought Violla her new set of clothes.

Molly expressed her gratitude on behalf of Violla and closed the door after she took over the clothes. "I guess Mr. Roman is serious about you, huh? He has instructed his subordinate to bring you a brand new set of clothes, including a set of lingerie. I must say he's quite a detail-oriented man."

Violla paid no heed to Molly's words because she sat on the couch and lost herself in the process of thought.

Molly approached Violla and waved when she reached her side. "What's on your mind? You should go take a shower and get changed immediately. It doesn't feel great being drenched in red wine, does it?"

Violla finally returned to her senses. She stated, "Molly, I want to go back! Let's go back once I get changed!"

"I...." Molly received a call when she was about to reply to Violla's suggestion. She tended to the call and picked it up immediately. "Mr. Cruze? Huh? Are you serious? A-Alright! I'll be there at once!"

After she hung up the call, Molly lowered her volume and denoted, "Mr. Justin has been terminated from the project. I have to rush over and get the upcoming information ready immediately."

"Huh? Are you sure? Mr. Justin is the vice president of Tariques Group. What…?" Violla was equally surprised by the news.

"Are you sure you're not aware of the reason behind his termination? It seems like I'm right,Mr. Roman is serious about you, huh?" Molly replied with a bright grin as though she had something in her mind.

Violla's mind was all over the place because she was clueless about the rationale behind Davon's action.

He seemed to have a crush on her, but he had neglected Violla and spent most of his time with another woman.

However, the fact Davon terminated Justin because of the things he had done suggested otherwise.