"Mr. Roman, please calm down. We have a lot of guests with us, including the representative from the Black family. I believe it's best to not cause a scene," Cruze said in a hushed tone.

"He's right! We shouldn't get worked up and contaminate our hands because of such a filthy woman! She doesn't deserve our time!" Laura played along with Cruze to persuade Davon.

Laura's words worked like a charm. Davon suppressed his wrath and returned to his usual indifferent self.

He cast Violla to the couch queried in a dead-pan tone, "Are you such a fragile man, Mr. Black? You have the audacity to hit on my woman, but you can't even take a punch from me?"

Martin brought himself up and wiped the blood off his face. He gritted his teeth and rushed over to Davon's side in an attempt to assault him.

Davon's eyes gleamed in excitement.He lifted his leg to deliver another powerful kick, but when he was about to reach Martin, Violla sprinted over and got in front of Martin to shield him from the brutal kick.

Consequently, the powerful kick was launched on Violla's abdomen area.

As he tried to stop Violla from falling, Martin fell to the ground with Violla in his embrace.Slouching against Martin, Violla felt as though her body would break in half soon.

Davon was shocked as Violla started shivering in pain. He glared at her in disbelief because he didn't expect she would put her life at stake for another man.

'Does that mean she prioritizes Martin's safety over her own wellbeing?'

His hands balled into fists with his nails penetrating his palm.Martin cradled Violla in his arms with his body trembling in fear. "Violla! H-Have you lost your mind?"

Beads of sweat streamed down Violla's forehead as colors drained from her face. She forced a smile and asserted, "I-I'm fine. Please leave us alone."


"Go!" The fragile woman pushed him away from her.

Cruze rushed over to help Martin up and stated in a hushed voice, "Mr. Black, allow me to show you the way out. Miss Milan will be fine as long as you stay away from her."

He managed to persuade the dejected Martin raised his head and glared at Davon in the eyes. "We shall see!"

"Let's go, Mr. Black." Cruze dragged Martin out of the room with him.

Meanwhile, Davon had his cold gaze glued to Violla with frustration written all over his face.

Laura whispered, " Don't get worked up over such a filthy woman."

"Get out of my sight at once, this is between me and my woman ." Davon shot back in dead seriousness.

"Davon…" Laura was about to say something, but when she noticed his gaze full of murderous intent, she fled, rushing out of the room.

Molly was about to say something, to talk some senses into the enraged man, but she changed her mind and carried herself out of the room with Laura after giving it a thought.

Davon marched towards Violla while looking down upon her as though he was a devil that was sent to reap her soul out.

Violla inched away from the vicious-looking man and tried to bring herself up from the ground, but she convulsed unwittingly due to the racking sensation coming from her waist.

Finally, Davon brought himself to a halt and crouched over, staring at her when they were merely a few inches away from one another.She was clueless about the things he had in his mind because she couldn't read his emotion.

Violla avoided his gaze and stuttered, "N-Nothing's going on between Martin and I … H-He's merely here because he has something to tell me…"

Davon grasped her chin and raised her face against her will, stating with an evil grin, "You must have a thing for him, huh? I can't believe you're willing to forsake your life to protect him!"

"I don't want to get him involved because he has nothing to do with this." Violla's gown was completely drenched in sweat as she started sweating profusely.

Davon chuckled as though he just heard the most hilarious joke of the century. "Are you telling me he has nothing to do with you when you have given birth to his children? Do you really think I'm a fool? If you're telling the truth, who's the father of the children?"

"N-No… h-he's…" Violla got nervous and tried to explain herself.

"Shut up! Stop pushing your luck and challenging my limits! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll..."

He leaned over and enunciated his reply in a serious manner, "I'll kill him."

Violla's jaw dropped open when she heard Davon's words—the man's jealousy and his desire to possess her had driven him mad.

He seemed to be serious and would send Martin to hell should Violla refuse to stay away from him as she had promised.

Violla was overwhelmed by his warning. "No! Martin is innocent! We haven't...."

"If we hadn't made our way into the room just now, I'm sure you were having the best time of your life by now, weren't you?"

Davon gritted his teeth and caressed Violla's swollen cheek.Actually, he had misunderstood her words because he thought she was talking about the incident that had occurred in the room.

Violla shook her head and rebutted, "No! Actually, Martin isn't the....."

Someone knocked on the door nervously before Violla could tell Davon the truth.

Cruze announced, "Mr. Roman, old Mr. Roman is here!"

Irked by Cruze's presence, Davon replied with a frown, "Alright." He squeezed Violla's cheek and repeated himself, "I'm warning you for one last time, Violla! You better stop pushing your luck and challenging my limits!"

She stared at him open-mouthed, but she dared not defy his words because she was intimidated by his warning.

Davon narrowed his eyes and added in an uncanny way, "Perhaps I won't come after you, but I won't hesitate at all when it comes to your beloved children and your friends! They're the ones who have to bear the consequences of your foolish action!"

Violla shook her head vigorously and begged, "No! Please! Don't hurt them!"

"If you want me to spare them, you should stay away from Martin!" Davon lifted her back to the couch and removed his blazer, putting it on Violla. When he passed by Cruze's side at the entrance, he instructed, "Get Immaculate over!"

"Yes!" Cruze took a peek at Violla, who was on the couch, before closing the door.

Violla leaned against the couch, but she couldn't stop herself from shivering because of the fear she felt deep down. She couldn't imagine the things that would occur if Davon lost his mind and put their children at stake.

Eventually, the thought of telling Davon the truth crossed Violla's mind because their children might be safe if he was aware of their actual identity. Perhaps Davon would stay away from Martin as well.

With that being said, Violla was afraid her children would be influenced by their aggressive and violent father should they grow up with him.

While she lost herself thinking about all sorts of things, she heard someone knocking on the door. A few seconds later, Immaculate entered the room and asked, "Miss Milan, have you hurt yourself?"

"Dr. Immaculate… O-Ouch…" Violla tried to sit upright, but the moment she tried to move around, she would feel the excruciating pain in her waist.

"Please stay right there, Miss Milan! I'll check on your wounds." After a simple examination, Immaculate suggested, "Thankfully, you haven't cracked your bones, but let's drop by the hospital for a thorough diagnosis just to be safe. I'll get everything ready at once."

"Dr. Immaculate, have you seen Martin? Is he fine?" Violla was worried about Martin's condition because he had always been a fragile man ever since they were young. She was afraid he would be gravely injured by Davon's powerful punch.

"I have dropped by and checked on his condition just now. He's fine." Immaculate whispered and asked, "Miss Milan how could you be so reckless? You should stop provoking Mr. Roman if you want to keep your friend safe!"

"I didn't provoke him! He was the one who has lost his mind!" Violla shook her head and shared her concerns with Immaculate.

"Huh…" Immaculate heaved a long sigh and got a team of people over to take Violla to the hospital.

Soon, a few paramedics showed up with a wheelchair and took Violla away with them through the back entrance.The weather was frigid as it started pitter-pattering outside.

Holding on to Davon's blazer, the pale and haggard Violla started trembling in cold and pain.When she was rushed to the ambulance, she caught a glimpse of Davon marching out of the banquet hall with a bunch of people behind him.

The guests stood by the entrance as a car approached the entrance of the hall. They seemed to be anticipating the arrival of an honorable guest.

Davon rushed over to open the door and leaned over to help the guest out of the car in a courteous manner.

"Who is that?" Violla was surprised because she didn't expect there would be a figure that could get Davon to behave himself.

Immaculate whispered into Violla's ear, "He's Mr. D'barl Roman! Mr. Davon Romans grandfather."

Hope rekindled in Violla's heart as she finally met someone who could control Davon.

'Will Mr. Roman help me regain my freedom?'

Immaculate could tell what Violla was thinking, and she said meaningly, D'barl Roman's attitude is worse than Davon. Miss. Milan I suggest you stay away from him. He is the real devil. Davon can't even match his shadow in ruthlessness. "

Violla was speechless, as she just realized how naive she was. Judging from how brutal and perverted Davon is, are there even chances of his grandpa being amiable?'

"Be careful!" Immaculate instructed the paramedic when they were carrying Violla on a stretcher into the ambulance.

Lying on the stretcher, Violla sighed helplessly. 'It seems I'll have to wait until Davon gets bored of me and lets me go.'

When her imagination was running wild, she received a message from Olympia: Violla, thank you so much. I've been hired by a listed company, and they offered me a high salary my madam also gave me a bonus for my treatment.

Violla smiled and replied: Congratulations and good luck!

She felt better after receiving a message full of warmth and gratitude. Being able to help Olympia was the biggest reward for coming all the way there.

The ambulance slowly made its way toward the hospital as the music from the banquet hall faded gradually.

The banquet went on smoothly. It wasn't affected by Violla's absence, as she was a nobody in the eyes of the guests.

D'barl Roman's arrival had made the atmosphere in the banquet hall tense and serious.

All the guests split into two rows, standing in order, and greeted him politely.

D'barl Roman nodded slightly before scanning through the crowd and headed toward the lounge.

Laura followed behind the old man while supporting him in his tracks. She seemed so attentive in taking care of him that it was as though they were family.

In comparison, Davon seemed like someone who had nothing to do with all of that, trailing behind them silently.

After they left, everyone in the banquet hall was chattering excitedly. It was foreseeable that the union between the Romans family and the Tariques family would happen eventually.

Meanwhile, Violla went for an X-ray to check her injuries. Her bones weren't fractured, but the damage inflicted upon her waist was quite severe.

Immaculate treated her wounds and took her back to the Romans' residence.

Then, the paramedics helped her onto the bed. Initially, she wanted to take a bath, but Immaculate told her not to run the wound under water and asked the maid to wipe her down.After advising Violla to take a good rest, Immaculate left with the rest, leaving her alone in the room.

Her body was aching so badly that she felt like it was going to crumble with the slightest stretch. There was a lingering smell of herbs in the air that wafted from the ointment on her back.

Every time her body ached, she gritted her teeth and cursed at Davon.

'I've been getting injured ever since I got together with him. This madman! What trauma did he suffer during his childhood to become someone so brutal? I hope I can get away from him as soon as possible.'

Late at night, Violla drifted off to sleep gradually with her pillow in her arms as thoughts raced across her mind.

While she was sound asleep, a hand reached out and caressed her waist gently.

As she drifted between sleep and reality, she felt somebody behind her, but the familiar scent of that person made her let down her guard.

She continued to sleep while the man's hand wandered all over her body. Then he lifted the quilt before lying down beside her.

Pressing against Violla, Davon placed one hand under her neck, pulling her into his embrace while gently caressing her body with the other.

According to what Immaculate said, Violla didn't suffer any injuries to her bones, but her waist muscle was damaged, so she needed to go through physiotherapy.

The moment Davon accidentally kicked her, his heart skipped a beat and ached for her, but at the same time, he was infuriated.

'This woman was willing to give up her life to protect that man.'

At that thought, flames of fury started burning in his heart, and he tightened his grip on her legs to seek revenge.

"Argh!" Violla woke up from her sleep in a fright and shifted. When she turned around, he planted a kiss on her lips.

Violla wanted to push him away, but as soon as she reached out, she accidentally pulled her waist, and her face scrunched up in pain.

Davon hurriedly let go of her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts." Violla's forehead was covered in sweat while her body was frozen in place as she was scared that it would cause her more pain if she moved.

Not daring to mess with her again, Davon carefully turned her back to her original position with her back facing him, lying on her side.

Violla curled her trembling body up.Sweating profusely, her silk pajamas were drenched in no time.

Davon furrowed his brows and picked up his phone to call Immaculate "Come over now."

But Violla immediately stopped him. "No need. Dr. Immaculate already said that it would hurt tonight. Don't worry. I'll feel better tomorrow."

At the other end of the call, Immaculate chose her words carefully. "Yes, Mr. Roman. It's normal that she's in pain now since her waist muscle is injured, but she'll feel better tomorrow. If it is too painful to bear, feel free to give her some painkillers. I've placed them on her bedside table just in case."

Listening to her words, Davon stood up from the bed and took the painkillers for Violla, but she shook her head, refusing to take them. "I'll be fine after a nap. Switch off the lights. They are straining my eyes."

Placing the pill bottle aside, Davon looked at her trembling figure and the way her face grimaced in pain. His eyes were full of worry as his heart ached for her, "I am so sorry Violla,I didn't mean to hurt you. You should have never put yourself infront of him."

Violla glared at him with a burning rage in her eyes.

Davon hissed, "I am so sorry !The kick was meant for Martin"

Feeling wronged, Violla looked away as tears rolled down her cheeks, wetting her pillow.

Looking at the way she reacted, Davon heart broke,unable to bring himself to lash out at her, he put on his clothes and switched off the lights before leaving the room.

Listening to his fading footsteps, Violla was overwhelmed with conflicted feelings.

'What on earth is that man actually thinking? He says he loves me, but he's always hurting me.He also says he hates me, but what's up with his sickening possessiveness? Sometimes, he acts as if he actually cares about me…What is all this?'

Cruze was about to knock on the door when Davon opened it. Seeing him at the door, he froze for a short while and immediately informed, "Mr.Roman, old Mr. Roman's here!"

Davon frowned. "It's so late at night. Why is he here?"

"Miss Laura is with him," added Cruze.

Davon was taken aback, but he remained silent and closed the door of Violla's room.

In the room, Violla was restless after hearing their conversation. 'Are they here to capture me and kick me out?'

"Get me a coat." Davon's orders could be heard from outside of the room.

"Yes, Mr. Roman." Cruze walked away and returned soon after with a coat in his hands.

Hearing footsteps outside the room, Violla assumed that Davon had gone to welcome old Mr. Roman.Having trouble falling asleep, she supported her body with her arms and got up slowly.

The sound of a car engine sounded from downstairs. In an instant, the dark villa became brightly lit as if it was daytime.The bright lights shone into the room through the balcony, making Violla anxious.

Squinting her eyes at the lights, she lifted a corner of the curtain to look outside the window. Davon stood at the entrance with Cruze and the others to welcome D'barl Roman.

"Good day, Mr. Roman." The bodyguards and maids greeted as they stood in two straight lines, leaving a path in the middle, while Davon went to open the car door and helped his grandfather out of the car, Cruze opened another car door, and the one who came out was Laura.

Having changed her outfit, she looked elegant, and even her usual aggressive eyes were full of smiles.

"Grandpa, let me help you to the door." Laura went to support D'barl.

"Alright. Good girl." D'barl was amiable as he smiled at Laura. He seemed to be satisfied with Laura being his future granddaughter-in-law.

"Thank you for letting me come to Davon's house. He never brings me here," Laura looked at Davon and whined while the latter stayed silent.

D'barl took a glance at him and announced, "Your family's beach side villa is too far away. From now on, stay here with Davon"