"Really?" Laura was overjoyed, but immediately, she looked at Davon timidly. " Davon, is that okay?"

Before Davon could say anything, D'barl interrupted, "There's no need for his consent when you have mine."

"Thank you, Grandpa Roman." Laura made a face at Davon and helped D'barl into the villa.

Behind them, a few bodyguards were unloading the luggage while Cruze and the others went up to help them with their work.

Davon took a glance at Violla's room on the second floor.

Violla hurriedly drew the curtains and backed away to a corner. 'What should I do? What if Mr. Roman insists that Laura stays here?'

'Does Mr. Roman know about me? If he does, will he pick on me together with Laura?' Violla walked back and forth in her room, unable to calm the storm in her mind.

'What should I do? Will Davon send me away in secret when they are asleep?' While she was deep in her thoughts, she heard footsteps approaching before coming to a stop in front of her room.

Violla felt her heart tightening. Walking barefoot on her toes, she headed toward the door to listen to the movements outside.

Laura's voice could be heard. "Davon, I want to stay in this room."

Judging from the silhouettes she saw through the gap below the door, she knew that there were many people standing outside of her room.

Davon rejected her request indifferently. "No. Choose another room."

"Why? I want to stay next door to you." Laura acted coquettishly to coax the man into giving his consent.

Violla knitted her brows as she held her breath, listening attentively to the movements outside.

'Does Laura know I'm here? Is that why she requested to stay in this room? Davon won't agree, right? His coat and shoes are still in my room, not to mention his stuff in the bathroom.'

One would know their relationship from the way she looked now and the layout of her room.

'How am I going to deal with this mess?'

"That room is also next to mine, so you can stay there." Davon pointed at the other room beside his.

Laura smiled and nodded. "Alright. Grandpa Roman, I'll go unpack my luggage."

"Go ahead." D'barl took a glance at the room before turning to Davon and said, "Let's talk in your room."

Davon tried to decline, "It's so late. Don't you have to rest?"

"It's only for a while." D'barl walked into his room directly.

Cruze instructed a maid to bring him whiskey. As reluctant as he was, Davon had no choice but to follow his grandpa into the room.

Violla supported her waist as she headed to the balcony to eavesdrop on their conversation.

The balconies of hers and Davon's room were connected, so she could hear what they were saying as long as they didn't close the door.

"Leave us," ordered D'barl.

"As you wish." Cruze and the maids backed out of the room immediately.

"Please have some whiskey, grandpa." Davon served him a glass of whiskey .

"Alright. Thank you." D'barl took a sip of his whiskey and sighed. " Whiskey just like fashion has tastes. And your taste in whiskey is so bad ."

Davon said, "I'll look for a better brand tomorrow."

Davon was stunned for a moment before he asked, "For how long are you planning to stay here?"

"Why? You don't want me here?" D'barl said in an icy tone while his expression turned grim.

"No…" Before Davon could finish his sentence, D'barl decided to cut to the chase and asked, "Are you scared that I'll treat that woman badly. What's her name again,Violla Milan?"

In the room next door, the woman hiding beside the balcony door trembled as she felt fear gripping her heart when she heard his words.

On the other hand, Davon remained unfazed. He was aware that nothing passed his grandfather. He could even smell a week old pregnancy and he kept tabs on everyone bearing the name Roman including his grand-children. So it didn't come as a surprise to him that he knew of Violla. "You've got a great deal of business to attend to, so I know you're not here for such a trivial matter. Did Aunt Diana look for you?"

D'barl's tone became stern and cold. "Hmph! I am surprised you still regard her as your aunt?"

"She provoked me first," Davon said coldly.

D'barl reprimanded, "We all know who started all this. If you didn't raise your hand to strike Drew, your aunt wouldn't have done anything to your company."

With a stony expression, Davon retorted, "But Drew was the one who offended me first."

D'barl was so angry that he raised his voice. "All that just for a woman? Drew is your cousin! Yet, you almost strangled him to death because of your woman!"

"So? He didn't die in the end anyway." Davon's words dripped with disdain.

"How preposterous!" D'barl knocked his cane against the floor, and it made a loud thud.

Violla was so terrified that she started shuddering, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

After listening to their conversation, she finally understood what had happened. It turned out that Drew was Davon's cousin. She was drugged and almost raped by him that day. Arriving in time, Davon saved her and beat Drew to a pulp.

And it was because of this that Davon offended his aunt.

So Davon's aunt was the one who ordered some men to cause a scene at Romans Corporation's product launch?

Right then, realization dawned on Violla. ' I'm the root cause of the conflict between the members of the Roman family. No wonder D'barl hates me. Maybe he even sees me as a threat.'

Davon murmured under his breath, "Who would have known that he was so weak?"

Glaring at Davon coldly, old Mr. Roman declared, "That's enough! I've discussed with your aunt, and she promised to leave your company alone, so you're not allowed to irk her again."

Davon replied indifferently, "As long as she doesn't bare her fangs at me, I won't do the same."

" Your woman Violla… She's here, right?" asked D'barl.

Violla almost collapsed onto the ground after hearing that. 'How did Mr. Roman know that I'm here?'

"Yeah, she is " Davon admitted.

D'barl scoffed, "She's living with you already? What? Are you thinking of marrying her?"

This time, Davon fell silent and didn't answer immediately.

Covering her chest and holding her breath, Violla's heart clenched as she waited for his answer nervously.

After a long while, Davon finally responded, "I don't plan to marry her."

Disappointed, Violla felt as if someone had splashed cold water over her heart, making it lose all warmth and hope.

However, very quickly, she regained her rationality.' He has never been serious about me anyway and only sees me as his toy. There's no way he'll treat me with sincerity.'

D'barl's tone softened slightly. " You must think I am a fool Davon Roman. I know you are planning on marrying her .You are just scared of admitting it because you are scared to put her in danger once you announce her as your woman. That's your own way of protecting her. But that's right. Women like her aren't worth your time, so never take them seriously, Because she is weak. She can't survive a day in our family where everyone is domineering. You need someone confident like Laura."

Violla was completely speechless at his remarks. 'So, in D'barl's's opinion, women of inferior status are to be toyed with? How despicable! He sees me as weak?'

'With a grandfather like him, it's no wonder Davon behaves like a psycho.'

"Laura is your best choice." After pausing for a moment, D'barl continued, "The Tariques family have always been on good terms with us, the Romans. You should marry the only granddaughter of the Tariques to unite the two families. It will bring benefits to both sides."

Violla scoffed. 'Marry her then. You guys will make a good match since you guys are both arrogant.'

Davon said in a flat tone, "Only the Tariques family will benefit from this."

"You…" D'barl's face turned ashen with anger.

Davon argued pompously, "There's a big difference between the Tariques family's status and ours, so our marriage will only benefit them. What is there for me to gain from this? If you want to strengthen our family, like really gain control of the Central Nation, I'll have to marry the heiress of the Landiana family. At least, they are on par with us and they have control in central nation already . We marry there it's a done deal . Don't you think so?"

D'barl chided, "Nonsense! We've been at loggerheads with the Landianas for generations. How is it possible for us to form a union with them?"

Davon returned to the topic. "Yeah. So stop thinking of arranging a marriage between Laura and me. The effort of generations of the Romans family will be in vain if I sacrifice myself."

D'barl was so furious that his face turned livid. "You brat…" Before he could finish his words, he started coughing and clutched his chest.

Davon advised earnestly, "Please don't get too worked up. You're not getting any younger, so you should be more open-minded. Let your grandson live the life he wants."

"You little brat! I'll kill you…" D'barl growled, and a series of smacks could be heard.

Widening her eyes in shock, Violla felt her heart tightened as she covered her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.

'Did Davon really get beaten up? Was he…'

"Look at you. It doesn't even hurt at all. You must be getting old." Davon's voice sounded with a tinge of amusement.

"You rascal… You…" D'barl was so furious that he started feeling out of breath.

"Grandpa! Are you okay? Where is your medicine?" Seeing that something was amiss, Davon hurriedly asked him.

Then he yelled, "Somebody, come at once!"

Soon after, the sound of hurried footsteps was heard coming from the room next door.Violla's heart was racing as she paced around in her room.

'Please be okay, Mr. Roman. Or else I'll really be in deep trouble.'

"Grandpa, what's wrong? Please don't scare me. What is going on here? He was still fine just now!" Laura's anxious voice could be heard from the other room.

"Shut up!" Davon bellowed.

Very quickly, silence ensued in the room. Shortly after, Davon ordered, "Leave us."

"Yes." Everyone went out of the room after hearing his command.

Laura said, "Grandpa, I'll help you to your room."

"I'll do it." Davon volunteered as he walked to D'barl.

D'barl glared at Davon and shouted, "Get lost, you brat! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

D'barl lowered his voice and said, "I wouldn't dare. You will come after me even in hell."

"Hmph!" After shooting a death glare at Davon, D'barl left the room with the help of Laura .

The house finally quietened down as the lights in the living room and corridor were switched off one by one.

Lying down on the bed, Violla heaved a sigh of relief while her heart was filled with indescribable feelings.

'Is it because of me that Davon is reluctant to marry someone from the Tariques?'

'Or is the reason like what he said? That he isn't interested in getting married because he won't benefit from it?'

Suddenly, somebody opened the door,Violla jumped in shock and almost fell off the bed.

Davon said, "It's me."

Violla saw his familiar figure in the dark, locking the door before he unbuttoned his shirt and walked toward her.

"You sure have guts to come here now. Aren't you afraid others will know?" Violla spoke in a hushed tone as she was scared that others would know of her presence.

Davon ignored her and tossed his shirt on the couch. After shutting the balcony door and drawing the curtains, he went to the bathroom straight away.

"Hey, you…" Before Violla could finish her sentence, Davon shut the bathroom door on her.

Speechless, she was overwhelmed with anxiety.' If D'barl and Laura know that Davon's here with me, they'll tear me into pieces!'

Soon after, Davon came out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

He was probably tired of dealing with D'barl as he downed a bottle of water after sitting down.

Violla whispered, "Send me back since they're resting in their rooms now. Or else they will find out that I'm here tomorrow."

"So what,they all know you are my woman." Davon looked at her coldly.

Violla panicked. "It'll be awkward… Your grandpa hates me, so I bet he'll humiliate me…"

"That's unlikely. If he hated you trust you me,you wouldn't be here by now. He could have already thrown you out." Davon continued drying his hair with a towel. " He doesn't really care about who I am dating,all he wants is control of the Central Nation."

"But…" before Violla could finish her sentence, there were a few knocks on the door, followed by Laura's gentle voice. "Davon, are you asleep?"

Violla was stunned, but she quickly came to her senses. After focusing on the sound, she realized Laura was knocking on the door to Davon's room. However, Davon was in her room.

She kept on gesturing at Davon anxiously, pointing at the door in hopes that he would deal with it.

Davon rolled his eyes at her before tossing his towel away. Then, he got on the bed and wrapped his arms around her.

Violla widened her eyes in shock as she remained frozen in place, afraid that the woman outside would hear the movements in her room.

Outside of the room, Laura was knocking on the door while calling out to Davon, "Davon, I need to talk to you."

The man she was looking for was hugging Violla from behind, his hands reaching into her clothes and caressing her chest gently.

Violla covered her mouth and dared not make any sound.

"Davon …" Laura was still knocking on the door.

However, Davon simply ignored Laura and landed kisses on Violla's shoulders and neck.

The electrifying sensation from the touch of his lips against her skin made Violla's body melt while her heart pounded like crazy.

Soon, Immaculate came to their rescue. "Miss Laura, Mr. Young Roman is exhausted, so he should be bathing in the bath room now. Why don't you look for him tomorrow?"

Laura was obviously reluctant to return to her room without having a talk with Davon, but she didn't wish to disturb him. "Alright. Goodnight, Dr. Immaculate."

"Goodnight," said Immaculate.

After both Immaculate and Laura left the corridor, the lights were turned off. Violla was finally able to take a breath and chided the man who was kissing her neck. "Stop it… Hmm…"

Before she could finish her sentence, Davon sealed her lips with his warm ones.

This time, he learned from his past mistakes and didn't hold her body like before. Instead, he let her remain lying on her side and avoided touching her injured waist.

Initially, Violla wanted to push him away, but he moved closer to her and nibbled at her earlobe. "Don't move. It's your fault if it hurts."

Violla didn't dare to move, not only because she was afraid of the pain but also because she was scared that others might know if they were too loud.

So she could only close her eyes and let him please her.

A strong desire was burning inside of him, making him want her more and more each time he hugged her.

Moreover, he was getting used to her company. Without Violla sleeping by his side, he found it hard to fall asleep, and even if he drifted off to sleep because of fatigue, he would still wake up several times during the night.

In fact, he started having naughty thoughts when meeting her at the golf course today after not seeing her for the entire week.Although they did it in Garden golf course, it wasn't enough to quench his desire.

That sexy dress she wore tonight at the banquet attracted many stares from the guests.And he was displeased.

He wanted to leave his marks on her body to remind her that she belonged to him. 'You're mine. Forever!'

Outside the French windows, the branches swayed along with the breeze, just like the couple reveling in pleasure on the bed.It was a steamy night for them.

Violla couldn't resist Davon's fiery passion, so she let him please her as she pleased him back.He was gentle and careful that night though. No matter how much he longed for her, he tried his best not to hurt her waist.

However, as if he didn't get to enjoy himself to the fullest, he whispered in her ears before hugging her to sleep, "Do your best to cooperate with the physiotherapy and get well soon."

Then, he fell asleep.Listening to his faint snores, Violla's mind was in a mess.

'Old Roman and Laura are here, so why won't you let go of me? I'll most likely get into a lot of trouble if this goes on.'

Heaving a sigh deeply, Violla turned her head to look at Davon.

Perhaps because he was really exhausted, he fell into a deep slumber. Furrowing his brows slightly, his handsome face looked mesmerizing even in the dark.

Violla didn't realize when she had gotten used to having skin contact with him, and she didn't feel repulsed at all when he had his arms around her.

In fact, she was so jealous and mad when she saw Davon being intimate with Laura, to the extent that she even suspected if something had happened between them.

'Am I in love with him? But no matter what, everything between us will end soon, and this warmth… will surely fade away one day.'

So, she was reminding herself repeatedly. 'Don't fall for him.I must never take this seriously.'

Davon chuckled and kissed her forehead and whispered, "I will find a way out for us, just give me time and be patient. No matter what just know you are the woman for me. Will you hold it down for me Violla?"

Violla kept quiet and didn't respond but instead,she tucked herself deeper in his arms. Davon held onto her tightly and sighed heavily.