The old man took his leave only after the three kids were tucked in for the night, and he made it a point to remind the matron to take care of them to the best of her and her team's abilities.

They were his great grandchildren, and that they were to treat them as such.

He could not afford to let anything happen to those three precious children.

The matron nodded profusely as she spoke, "Yes, Mr. Roman! I'll personally attend to that!"

Eliana fell asleep after the old man left, and Ryan took this chance to clamber out of his cot and gently pat the shoulder of the nurse that had been taking care of them. "Sorry Miss, may I borrow your phone?"

"Of course!" the nurse said, handing over her phone.

Fearing that he might wake his siblings up, he hid in the bathroom and dialed Mrs. Blake's number, only to be met with a robotic voice telling him that Mrs. Blake's phone was turned off.

Sighing, he proceeded to call his mother, but no one picked up the phone.

Ryan's heart raced. 'Is Mommy on a business trip again? Why hasn't she returned home? Maybe she just doesn't want to answer a call from an unfamiliar number.'

Ryan decided to send his mother a message: Mommy, It's Ryan .Please call this number when you see this message.

He returned the phone to the nurse afterward. "My Mommy didn't pick up my calls. She's probably busy right now. I figured that she won't pick up if it's an unfamiliar number, so I sent a message telling her to call back once she sees it. Can you inform me when she calls back, please?"

"Sure, no worries," the nurse said, nodding. "You should sleep now."

"Thank you." Ryan said as a wave of fatigue washed over him. He stumbled back to his cot and fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.The nurse followed suit soon after.

Meanwhile at Uplands,Davon gave Violla a call, but it was ignored just like Ryan's call. He frowned as his anxiety mounted.Instead of calling her another time, he decided to call Immaculate instead to ask for Violla's unit number.

Immaculate mentioned Mrs. Blake's illness as well, and Davon simply hummed in response.He parked his car by the side of the road and climbed over the wall to enter Violla's block.

The door to Violla's apartment was locked, and no one answered when he tried knocking a few times.He sighed and took out a card to get past the lock before sneaking into the apartment on his tiptoes.

Even so, he still somehow managed to wake Finny up, and she began to flap her wings frantically. "Bad guy! Bad guy!"

"Shut up!" Davon bellowed.

Finny retracted her neck like a scared turtle and whimpered, "Mommy, Mommy, there's a bad guy here."

Davon shook his head and walked past her cage to find Violla's room, only to freeze in shock when he saw the sight before him.

Violla was on the floor, drenched from head to toe and deadly pale.

"Beautiful,what happened?" Davon growled as he picked her up bridal style and rushed out of the front door.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Finny called, bursting out of her cage to follow Davon out.

Davon walked into the lift with Violla in his arms, and Finny followed them closely. Instead of squawking incessantly as she had been before, she stayed silent and pecked Violla's hair gently, as though she was trying to wake her owner up.

Davon rolled his eyes and ignored Finny. 'What a dumb bird!'

Finny followed him all the way to his car, chirping nervously along the way and staying huddled against Violla's chest.

Davon steered the car with one hand and gave Immaculate a call with his other hand, telling her to wait outside the hospital.

"Yes, Sir!" Immaculate answered.

After he hung up, he began to pick up speed, stealing worried glances at Violla's motionless body next to him every so often.

He hated himself for unknowingly hurting her, but he could not stop the angry flame in his chest from flaring up. 'Why did this stupid woman throw herself into danger just to protect Martin? Did she think that he was worth more than her own life? She would have died if I didn't barge in to save her just now!'

He gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Mommy… I'm scared… I'm scared…" Finny whimpered, curling up against Violla's side and shivering in fear.

"Shut up!" Davon yelled. "Blabber some more and I'll pull out all your feathers!"

In response, Finny hid behind Violla's hair and started to sob.Soon, they arrived at Immaculate's hospital, and she was already waiting at the entrance with her team as told.

When Davon alighted from the car with Violla in his arms, the team of paramedics rushed forward to move her onto a gurney.

As they pushed Violla into the hospital, Davon followed them closely and asked, "What's going on? Why did she faint all of a sudden? Is there something else that's wrong with her?"

"I've done a thorough checkup on her, and I can confirm that she's fine," Immaculate said. "However, Miss Milan has gone through a lot over the past couple of months, and she hasn't been able to properly rest and recover from the initial trauma. Now that Mrs. Blake's ill, her mood hasn't been very good too, which might have further delayed her recovery."

"Just give her another checkup and nurse her back to health." Davon ordered.

"Yes, Sir." The paramedics pushed Violla into a room on her gurney for Immaculate's inspection.

Davon stood outside the room and waited anxiously while Finny flew around in circles. When her injured wings began to hurt, she came to a rest on Davon's shoulder, only to receive a cold glare from him.

Finny shivered and covered her face with her wings, but she did not make a move to fly away.Davon figured that she had accepted him into the family since he had saved Violla on several occasions.

Davon continued to glare at Finny, but he did not try to chase her away.After all, Finny was Violla's pet, and if Finny went missing, Violla would never be able to make a full recovery.

'Whatever. I'll just change out of this suit later on.'

However, he could not help but think about how Finny had pooped on his clothes the first time they met, so he turned around and warned, "Don't you dare poop on my clothes again!"

"I'm scared… I'm scared…" Finny repeated like a broken recorder. She peeked out from behind her wing feathers, only to squawk in fear upon seeing his scowl.

As she jumped in fear, a fresh dollop of poop descended upon the fabric of his suit, staining his shoulder a sickly green.

Davon's face turned as green as the poop as he clenched his fists in anger.

"Mommy… Mommy!" Finny shrieked, taking off from his shoulders in a frantic attempt to look for Violla, only to crash into the door like a fly with a severed head.

Davon watched as Finny fell to the ground and resisted the urge to facepalm. 'Like master, like pet! They're equally stupid!'

'Whatever. I'll spare her for that stupid woman's sake.'

Peeling his blazer off his body and draping it over a nearby chair, he bent over and picked Finny up from the floor.

"Bad guy, bad guy… Mommy… Mommy! Finny's scared! Finny's scared!" Finny squawked, flapping her wings and pecking Davon's hand in an attempt to escape.

Davon ignored Finny entirely and stuffed Finny into his blazer pocket. He jabbed a finger into Finny's face and growled, "Stay here and don't move, or else!"

Finny was left with no choice but to cease and desist, and she nodded slowly with a fearful shiver.

Immaculate snickered from her position at the door, but she wiped her smile off her face the moment she noticed Davon's chilly glare.

"Ahem. Mr. Roman, Miss Milan is rather feeble, and she fainted due to excessive anxiety, but I'm sure she'll wake up soon," Immaculate reported.

"Excessive anxiety?" Davon asked, frowning. "Is it because of Mrs. Blake's illness?"

A strange sense of jealousy gripped his heart. 'I bet she's closer to Mrs. Blake than me!'

"Yeah, she's probably exhausted," Immaculate said. "She had to take care of Mrs. Blake and her three kids while nursing her own injuries, which must have been really hard."

"What happened to Mrs. Blake?" Davon asked.

"She is diagnosed with mild stroke, so she needs time to recover," Immaculate said.

"Direct all attention to her and get in specialists from overseas if needed," Davon ordered.

"Of course, Mr. Roman." Immaculate said with a smile. "I didn't expect you to be so caring towards Miss Milan's loved ones too!"

"I'm just being compassionate, you know," Davon said coldly. Though, Immaculate could hear the lack of confidence in his voice.She covered her mouth and let out a small chuckle.

"Take care of the bird too," Davon said, pointing at Finny. After that, he walked into the ward.

The paramedics were in the midst of wiping Violla's body down with a damp cloth, and they immediately dropped everything to bow to Davon the moment he entered.

Davon gestured for them to relax before sitting down by Violla's bed and staring at her face.

'Why is she falling sick and getting hurt so often? Is she really that sickly? What if I'm the reason for all her suffering?'

When the paramedics filed out of the room through the door, Finny took the chance to burst into the room.

She landed by Violla's head and pecked her hair gently. "Mommy… Mommy…"

"Be quiet!" Davon bellowed.

Finny glanced at him timidly and stopped squawking. Instead, she burrowed herself into Violla's blanket and stroked her hair with her wings tenderly.

Davon felt a lump forming in his throat. 'That bird may be dumb, but she's really loyal.'

He recalled how Finny had rushed forward to save Violla the last time she got attacked, and how her mangled wing from that incident had yet to heal.

He turned to a paramedic standing nearby and said, "Bring me some parrot food."

"Yes, Sir."

The paramedic returned shortly after with a bag of parrot food, and Davon proceeded to pour some into his hand and offer them to Finny.

Finny hesitated for a moment before fluttering over to his hand and helping herself to the food.

Finny was really hungry as Violla had only fed the parrot a small amount of food before her phone call that night.

Finny had stayed put after that, even as Violla failed to emerge from her room after a long time.

Finny only realized that something had happened to Violla when Davon came barging in like a burglar.

"Mr. Roman," Immaculate called, walking in with a basket of wine and pastries in tow. "Cruze sent this over just now."

Davon hummed in reply and gestured for her to leave the room, which she did with a slight bow of her head.

Outside, Cruze stood guard along with a few bodyguards.He was worried when Davon drove off by himself, but there was nothing he could have done to stop him.

When Immaculate called him and informed him about Davon's whereabouts, he decided to bring Davon's usual dinner of wine and pastries to the hospital to ensure that he did not go hungry for the night.

After delivering the food and wine, he found a spot outside the ward and waited patiently for Davon's orders.

Meanwhile, Davon watched as Finny pecked at the pellets of food on his hand as he sipped his wine, and his gaze softened as time passed. 'She's pretty cute.'

Soon, Finny finished all the food in his hand and started flapping her wings pleadingly. "Water, water!" she chirped quietly.

"What a greedy bird!" Davon chided, offering her the wine in his glass. "Drink up! This is top-quality wine!"

Desperate for hydration, Finny dipped her beak into the wineglass and drank the wine hungrily.

Davon grimaced. 'You greedy bird! '

After a few mouthfuls of alcoholic goodness, Finny burped loudly and collapsed onto the bed beside Violla before falling into a drunken slumber.

Davon got himself a fresh wineglass and helped himself to another two glasses of wine before walking over to watch Violla sleep.

Her pallid face was like a knife to the most sensitive depths of his heart, and he told himself to keep his temper in check from then on.

'I can't afford to hurt her again!'

Leaning forward and planting a light kiss on Violla's forehead, he got up and walked over to the sofa to sleep for the night.

Meanwhile, Immaculate knocked on the door of the ward, only to receive no reply.

"What's going on?" Cruze asked.

"Mrs. Blake is hospitalized, and now Miss Milan is ill too. What's going to happen to the three kids?" Immaculate asked, frowning. "I wanted to ask Roman if he's going to send anyone over to take care of them, but he's asleep."

"Well… I can't say much regarding this issue," Cruze said hesitantly.

Without Davon's orders, he did not have the right to act on his own accord.

After all, those three kids were not Davon's, and the last thing Cruze wanted was to get on Davon's nerves.

However, there was a nagging feeling that he had to take responsibility for the kids' safety.

"Never mind, let's just go take a look," Immaculate said. "I'll take the blame if Mr. Roman demands for an explanation later on!"

"Thank you," Cruze said, patting her shoulder.

However, when Immaculate arrived at Violla's apartment with two pediatricians, the kids were nowhere to be found.

Panicked, Immaculate rushed back to the hospital to report the situation to Davon,only to find him still asleep.

Cruze hesitated when he heard Immaculate's story. "Did Miss Milan leave the kids with someone else? Are they with the Black's? If they are, then it's best to keep quiet about it."

"That's true." Immaculate said, lowering her head in anxiety. "Shall we talk to Miss Milan when she wakes up in the morning?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

The next morning, Violla woke up from her deep slumber abruptly while screaming, "No! Don't hurt my kids!"

Davon rushed over and held on tightly to her hand. "You're safe! Don't panic!"

Violla's eyes flew open, and Davon almost took a step back after seeing just how much fear there was in her eyes. "My kids… my kids!" she screamed, huffing and puffing from the effort.

"What's wrong?" Davon asked, frowning.

"My kids are gone…" Violla cried, grabbing his hands tightly. "Help me, Davon! My kids are gone."

Davon knew that he had no obligation to help since the kids belonged to the Blacks family, but he could not help but feel sorry for her.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Violla only grew even more anxious. "Please help me!" she begged, as though Davon was her last hope.

Davon grimaced and turned around. "Cruze!"

Cruze rushed in immediately. "Yes, Mr. Roman?"

"Go and…"

"Why are you stopping me? Let me in!" A voice suddenly rang, cutting Davon off.

It was Martin Black and his voice made Davon's heart turn cold.

The logical side of his mind took over, and he yanked his hand away roughly. "They're not my kids. I don't have to help you."

"Y-You…" Violla stammered, staring at him in shock.

'What the hell did you just say? They are your kids, for goodness' sake! You'll regret not helping them!'