"Violla! Violla!" Martin shouted from outside the ward. "Are you okay?"

He paused for a moment before speaking again, "Davon Roman ! I won't let you hurt her again!"

"Mr. Black, please be quiet! This is a hospital!" Immaculate scolded.

"Mrs. Blake gave me a call and told me that the kids went missing!" Martin exclaimed angrily. "Did Davon kidnap them? They're only three years old! Doesn't he know that the kids…"

"That's enough!" Immaculate bellowed, cutting him off. "You're doing nothing but hurting Miss Milan!"

"What are you talking about? Why would I hurt her?" Martin asked incredulously as he tried to push past her. "Davon Roman! Get out…"

The door creaked open before he could finish his sentence.Davon emerged from the room, his clothes in a wrinkled mess.

Even so, his mere presence felt like a chokehold.He glared at Martin warily. "What's the matter now, Mr. Black?"

"Davon Roman! Did you kidnap those three kids?" Martin asked, his voice shaking.

Instead of answering, Davon merely narrowed his eyes, making the temperature in the room drop by a few more degrees.

"Martin!" Violla exclaimed, limping out of the room while holding her injured waist. "He didn't kidnap the kids, and you're not needed here. Leave!"

"Violla! What in the world happened to you?" Martin yelled the moment he saw Violla in her battered state. He rushed forward to support her. "Did you get hurt? Who did this to you?"

Davon had kicked Violla squarely in the torso during the banquet that night, but Martin thought that she was fine.

However, the Violla standing before him looked as though she had gone through hell and back.

"I did it!" Davon declared. "What are you going to do to me?"

"You're a criminal!" Martin screamed, raising his fist to punch Davon.

"No!" Violla yelled, trying her best to push him away on her unsteady feet. "That's enough, Martin, You should go."

The more Martin got himself involved in her matters, the more difficult things became.

Immaculate sighed. She knew how much Davon cared about Violla and he would definitely try his best to help her as long as she asked him for help.

However, Martin's involvement would only make things thousand times more complicated.

'He's messing everything up!'

"Violla! Let's go!" Martin said, grabbing Violla's hand.

"You're not going to make it out of here alive," Davon scoffed. Without warning, he reached out and grabbed Martin's neck. "You have a death wish, don't you, Martin Black!"

Martin clawed at his iron grip and opened his mouth wide in a futile attempt to breathe, and his face slowly turned a ghastly shade of white just seconds later.

"No!" Violla screamed, lunging forward to pull Davon backward, only to be thrown to the side roughly.

She collapsed onto the ground and hissed in pain.

Immaculate rushed forward to help her up while Cruze yelled, "Mr. Roman! Calm down!"

"Shut up!" Davon yelled, losing control entirely.

'I should have been more decisive! I would have helped Violla find her kids if this jerk didn't barge in and attempted to take her away! I can't take this anymore!

I must kill him!'

His grip tightened, and he could almost see Martin's soul leaving his body.

"Davon… Please…" Violla begged, picking herself up from the ground with much difficulty, only for Immaculate to pull her backward.

"Miss Milan, you must stay still! You'll only get Mr. Black killed if you try to intervene!" Immaculate exclaimed.


Suddenly, there was a loud scuffle outside the room, and Mrs. Blake came barging in with a broom in her hands. "You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Before she could land a single hit on Davon, the two bodyguards stationed outside the ward grabbed her arms and dragged her away from Davon.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Mrs. Blake screamed. "How dare you harass Miss and kidnap her kids? Get your dirty hands off Mr. Black!"

She lunged forward without warning and threw the broom towards Davon's head.

Everyone watched in horror as the broom slammed into Davon's forehead and landed with a loud thud on the floor.

Violla's eyes widened as she glanced back and forth between Davon and the broom, her heart thumping against her chest wildly.

'I'm done for… It's over… I'm dead meat…'

'What a painless but insulting attack!' Davon's expression turned stormy almost immediately, and he let go of Martin's neck to glare at Mrs. Blake instead.

Mrs. Blake shivered upon seeing his deathly glare, making the bulging rings of fat on her body wobble like jelly.

She began to regret her actions.

Violla could tell that Mrs. Blake was doomed, and she almost fainted from despair.

"I think there's a misunderstanding here, Mrs. Blake." Immaculate said hurriedly. "Mr. Roman did not kidnap the kids."

"Who would it be then?" Mrs. Blake asked, her voice trembling. "Their teacher called me this morning and told me that the kids were gone! I couldn't get in touch with Miss, so I told Mr. Black to search for them at Miss' place. Little did I know that Miss had gone missing too!"

She raised a trembling finger and pointed at Davon accusingly. "I overheard the nurses talking about how you sent Miss here, and that's how I found you. Why is it that she's falling sick and getting hurt so much recently? Why are people breaking in and planting bombs in our house? Where are the kids? It must be you!"

She lowered her finger as she began to sob uncontrollably. "They're only three and a half years old… What did they ever do to you? Why must you hurt them?"

"Mrs. Blake, Mr. Roman isn't involved in this," Immaculate said, panicking a little. "This must have been…"

"Mrs. Blake am I right?" Davon said all of a sudden as he approached her menacingly. "Who told you that I was the one behind the kids' disappearance, hmm?"

"I-It's…" Mrs. Blake stammered, glancing hesitantly at Martin. "It's me! I had a hunch!"

"Mrs. Blake, Davon did not kidnap the kids!" Violla screamed, rushing over to grab Mrs. Blake by the arms. "Listen to me and return to your ward! You need to rest! I'll take care of this!"

Mrs. Blake opened her mouth to protest, but Violla fell to her knees and pleaded for her to leave. "Please, Mrs. Blake I need you to leave."

No one had ever dared to hit Davon with a broom, and the last thing she wanted was for Davon to hurt Mrs. Blake because of it.

Mrs. Blake had gone overboard, and Davon would make her suffer for it if she stayed any longer.

"B-But you…" Mrs. Blake said, only to gasp in shock when she was shrouded in Davon's massive shadow.

Violla rushed forward and threw herself between Davon and Mrs. Blake. "Don't touch her or my family members! Kill me if you want!"

"Huh," Davon huffed as he nodded with a smirk. "I'm not one to hurt the elderly or kids, so you're going to be the one suffering my wrath!"

Mrs. Blake panicked and pushed Violla behind her. "Don't touch her! I dare you to beat me up!"

Davon simply sighed and signaled to his bodyguards, who dragged Mrs. Blake away. "Help! Somebody help me!" Mrs. Blake was terrified as it happened.

One of the bodyguards reached over and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Mrs. Blake…" Violla called, worried that she might get hurt.

"Don't worry, Miss Milan" Immaculate whispered. "Mr. Roman won't hurt her."

"But…" Before Violla could finish her sentence, Davon grabbed her chin roughly and twisted her neck around to face him.

His eyes flashed dangerously as he asked, "Am I some sort of convicted criminal, huh?"

"W-What do you mean?" Violla asked, terrified. "I never thought of you as the one…"

"Cruze!" Davon shouted, ignoring her attempt to explain herself completely. "Capture the three little rascals now!"

"Yes," Cruze said, glancing at Violla before rushing out of the room.

"No…" Violla pleaded, lunging forward to stop Cruze. Before she could even get close to the door, Davon gripped her arm tightly and dragged her back towards the bed.

"Davon Roman! How dare you!" Martin screamed. "What do you think you are? I've already called the police, and if you don't let go of Violla now."

"I don't care about the cops! They all know I am Davon Roman." Davon shouted, cutting him off. "Take him away!"

"Yes, Sir!" two bodyguards chorused before dragging Martin out of the room.

Martin screamed and struggled the whole way out, and a curious crowd had already formed by the time he got to the door. However, the moment he emerged from the ward, they took a step back in fear of getting themselves dragged into the fray.

Meanwhile, Davon practically tossed Violla onto the bed, making her wince as her injured waist protested painfully.

"Stay put if you don't want to die!" he yelled, looking at her as though they were strangers.

"Don't be like this, Davon." Violla said weakly, her forehead shimmering with sweat. "Martin might have had some misgivings, but I've always believed you."

"Oh, really?" Davon asked, grinning coldly. "Did you really think that I kidnapped your kids?"

"No, I…"

"I can't just sit around and be accused of something I never did," Davon said as he sat on the sofa and put one leg over the other elegantly. "So you think I'm a criminal? I'll act like one then!"

"No!" Violla sobbed, shaking her head vehemently. "Please…"

"Why don't you shut up and save some energy to plead for your kids' lives later?" Davon huffed before getting up and left the ward.

Violla yelled his name over and over again, but he did not look back.

After he walked out of the door, a paramedic closed and locked the door from outside.

Violla limped to the door and pounded on it several times, only to receive no response. She fell to the ground in despair.

With Mrs. Blake ill and the kids missing, she was already under a lot of stress. Davon's outburst was the last straw on the camel's back.

She refused to think about what would happen if Davon managed to find her kids and capture them for good.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door a couple of times. It opened seconds later to reveal Immaculate, who was pushing a cart filled with medical supplies.

"Dr. Immaculate…" Violla cried, tugging on Immaculate's coat desperately. "Please tell Davon to leave my kids alone!"

"There's no need to do that," Immaculate said calmly. "In fact, I don't think it's a bad thing."

"What?" Violla said, confused. "He's going to capture my kids! How is that any good?"

She froze as realization hit her like a truck. 'Wait… If the kids are missing, he will have to find them first if he wants to capture them, right?'

"Mr. Roman is just brutal with words," Immaculate said, sighing. "He could have just told you that he's going to find your kids."

"Really?" Violla said, still not entirely convinced. "Is he really that nice?"

"He found you lying unconscious on your apartment floor last night, and he rushed you to the hospital immediately. He stayed by your side the whole night when you were asleep. Don't you remember all that?" Immaculate asked, a little annoyed at how dense Violla could be.

Violla glanced at the sofa, Davon's blazer, the Romans family's exclusive wine glasses, and the unfinished pastries and fruits sitting on the table. She recalled how he had held her hand and spoke to her in a soothing voice when she woke up screaming and crying for her kids.

She recalled how he had hesitated instead of outright rejecting her when she begged him to help her find her kids, and how he had only lost his temper when Martin appeared out of nowhere.

'Maybe, just maybe.'

"He loves you, Miss Milan." Immaculate said with a sigh. "Even I can see it. He's hot-tempered and stubborn, but he's a simple man with a pure heart. Things wouldn't have turned out like this if you treated him with equally pure intentions."

Violla nodded absentmindedly. "I'll be eternally indebted to him if he leaves my family alone and helps me find my kids."

"I'm sure Cruze will find them soon enough," Immaculate said as she picked up some bandages from the cart she pushed in. "Please lie down, Miss Milan. I need to change your bandages. Your family needs you, so you must do as I say and take some time to recover."

"Thanks you." Violla said, clambering onto the bed obediently.

Immaculate left after she helped Violla change her bandages, and the paramedics came in just moments later with a light breakfast.

After breakfast, Violla groped around for her phone to give Mrs. Blake a call, but she could not find it no matter where she looked. Sighing, she borrowed a nurse's phone and dialed Mrs. Blake's number from memory.

The first thing Mrs. Blake did was to fuss over her the moment the call went through, and she only calmed down when Violla confirmed that she was fine.

When Violla found out that Mrs. Blake was staying in a ward just upstairs, she heaved a huge sigh of relief. 'Looks like Davon kept his promise and left her alone!'

"The kids will be going home soon, Mrs. Blake," she said. "You need to rest and recover."

"And you need to be careful of that devil!" Mrs. Blake added anxiously.

Violla grimaced. She had always kept Mrs. Blake and the kids out of the drama with Davon, but her knowledge of the kids' disappearance came as a surprise.

Realizing the kids were missing, Mrs. Blake called Martin—who saw Davon as an enemy—for help and this led to the massive showdown that morning.

Things were getting out of hand, and Violla feared another confrontation between Mrs. Blake and Davon.

If Mrs. Blake lost control and tried to accuse Davon of kidnapping the kids again, the consequences would be terrible, to say the least.

Violla decided to have a chat with Mrs. Blake after the kids were found.

"Hey! What's wrong with this little parrot?" a paramedic asked all of a sudden as she picked up an unconscious Finny.

Violla rushed over to take a look, and she panicked when she noticed how Finny had not moved an inch despite all the noise. She patted Finny's body gently and called her name several times, only to receive no reply.

"Is it dead?" a nurse asked before covering her mouth in regret.

Violla panicked and picked Finny up gently. She managed to find a pulse, but it was weak and almost nonexistent.