As morning broke, Violla was still slumbering away. Eliana barged into the room and leaped into her arms.

"Eliana!" Violla awoke with a shock. Before she could react, Eliana cupped her face and peppered it with kisses. Violla's face dripped with saliva as Eliana exclaimed, "I missed you so much, Mommy!"

"I missed you too! My good girl, I won't leave you again." Violla hugged Eliana tightly.

"You must keep your promise, Mommy." Eliana's mouth puckered into a pout as tears filled her eyes. "If you leave me again, I will ignore you."

"I didn't leave you. I was just late and didn't manage to get you." Violla cradled Eliana's chubby cheeks as she anxiously explained, "I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me, okay?"

"Hmph!" Eliana turned her head away and went on pouting. "I'll only forgive you if you make me bread!"

"Sure, I'll go and make your bread now." Violla quickly climbed out of bed.

"Mommy, Mommy." In the opposite room, Jason's urgent voice called out, "Take me to see Mommy, Ryan!"

"Give me a second." The doorbell rang. Let me see who's here." Ryan put on his shoes and went to open the door.

"Eliana, how about we go see Jason?" Violla lifted Eliana and strode out the door barefooted.

One of Eliana's arms circled Violla's neck, while the other arm gestured towards Jason. "We're coming, Jason."

"Mommy." Jason spread his arms and screamed for Violla.

"Mommy! The doctor and the nurses are here!" Ryan yelled from the living room.

"Good morning!" the doctor and nurses greeted Ryan .

"Good morning, please come in." Violla greeted them in return.

"Oh, come down Eliana. Your Mommy's waist is injured. She can't carry anything heavy," said the doctor when he saw Violla holding Eliana.

One of the nurses rushed up to carry Eliana. "Good girl, Eliana. Your Mommy's waist is hurting. I'll take care of you for the next few days, okay?" the nurse soothed Eliana kindly.

"Okay." Eliana nodded obediently. She cocked her head toward Violla and said, "What happened to your waist, Mommy?"

"I just have a small injury. It's nothing serious. I'll be fine in a few days." Violla pulled Doc aside and asked, "How do you know that my waist is injured?"

"I heard from Mr. Cruze. He said your waist is injured and that you can't do heavy labor. He reminded us to be careful and said that he'll arrange for a doctor to come and treat your injury today."

Mrs. Blake's agitated voice sounded out from outside. "Are the children back? Ryan, Jason, Eliana."

"Mrs. Blake." Ryan and Eliana dashed out when they heard her voice.

Eliana tunneled into Mrs. Blake's embrace. She hugged Mrs. Blake's neck as she said, "We missed you so much, Mrs. Blake! "

"My darlings. I missed you too." Mrs. Blake could not hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes. She carefully scanned Eliana and Ryan. "Let me see if you're alright. Did anyone bully you?"

"No. We're fine." Ryan immediately noticed the needle marks and bandages on Mrs. Blake's wound site. "What happened, Mrs. Blake? Are you sick?"

"I'm fine. I feel fine as long as I get to see you." Mrs. Blake cried as she had one arm around Eliana while the other was around Ryan. "Where's Jason?"

"Jason is in the room. His leg is injured, so he can't get out of bed," said Eliana as she pointed towards the bedroom.

"What? What happened to Jason?" Mrs. Blake started to panic. "Take me to him now."

"It's just a minor injury. You don't need to worry." Violla walked over with tears brimming in her eyes, and she pulled Mrs. Blake away to say, "What brings you here? I thought you were hospitalized?"

"Dr. Immaculate brought me here." Mrs. Blake pointed at Immaculate and the two attendants behind her.

"Good morning, Miss Milan." Immaculate strolled over with a broad smile on her face. The two attendants behind her were carrying medical bags.

"Good morning!" Violla immediately understood. Immaculate was the doctor Davon had sent to treat her waist.

"I'm going to treat your waist , so I brought Mrs. Blake along to see the children. She needs to return to the hospital for treatment later," Immaculate explained, grinning.

"It's just a small injury. There's no need for me to be hospitalized. I'm more comfortable at home. I'm happy just looking at Miss and the children," said Mrs. Blake hurriedly.

"No, Mrs. Blake. You have to stay in the hospital and go through the treatment. It'll set a good example for the children." Violla's expression was extremely stern.


"Mrs. Blake, we can come to the hospital all the time to visit you. Make sure you get better." Ryan encouraged Mrs. Blake.

"Is Mrs. Blake sick?" Eliana finally understood as she held Mrs. Blake's face. "If you're sick, you have to stay in the hospital, Mrs. Blake. When I was sick, you told me the same too."

"Fine, fine!" Mrs. Blake smiled and nodded. "I'll listen!"

"As you should." Violla smiled in relief. "Since you took a half-day off today, you can spend time with the children."

"Right, right, right. Have you eaten breakfast? I'll go and prepare it for you right now." Mrs. Blake was a workaholic. She immediately rolled up her sleeves and bustled into the kitchen.

"Hey!" Violla shouted after her. "You're a patient. You should be resting."

"Yes. We're taking over the kitchen. You can keep the children company for the time being." The three female attendants beamed.

"But…" Mrs. Blake eyed them before shooting Violla a doubtful look.

"It's just…" Violla gulped. "The person who arranged for the three children. He wants things done that way."

"We were sent by Mr. Young Roman," Doc quickly explained.

Mrs. Blake furrowed her brow but remained silent.

"Don't forget about me, Mommy and Mrs. Blake." Jason's voice screeched from inside the room.

"Hahaha, I almost forgot that Jason is in the room. Let's go be with him," Violla urged Mrs. Blake.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Mrs. Blake's spirits were lifted just looking at the children.

The family temporarily gathered in the children's room. Violla returned to the bedroom. Immaculate inspected then administered some medicine on her injury.

"Thank you, Dr. Immaculate. How is Mrs. Blake?" Violla whispered.

"She hasn't been eating or sleeping well these past two days. She's also uncooperative during treatment." Immaculate smiled wryly. "Her mood might improve after she spends some time with you and the children. However, she harbors a deep grudge against Mr. Young Roman. You might need to give her some work to do."

"Understood. Thank you!" Violla nodded.

"What about you? Have you resolved the misunderstanding between you and Young Mr. Roman?" Immaculate asked.

Violla frowned but did not speak. 'Resolved? Davon used the children to threaten me and threw me into the depths of despair. How can something like that be resolved?'

'All the secret going-on terrifies me.'

'I'm not brave enough to provoke or go against him anymore.'

"Otherwise, all the untruths might really come to pass.'

'I can't afford to lose!'

Immaculate sighed and said sincerely, "I don't know how such a serious misunderstanding formed between you and young Mr. Roman. He's actually…"

Before Immaculate could finish speaking, someone rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Blake pushed the door open and said, "How is the injury on your waist, Miss?"

"Much better. Have a seat, Mrs. Blake," said Violla hurriedly.

"We'll take our leave now." Immaculate led the attendants out.

Mrs. Blake closed the door and anxiously asked, "Was it the bad guy who caused your injury?"

Violla's eyes shone. She was about to lie when Mrs. Blake agitatedly continued, "It really was him. That a******. Karma will get him!"

"No, you got it wrong." Violla tried to explain.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Blake's face was red with anger. "You're never one to lie. One look and I know exactly what happened."

"It was him, but he didn't hit me. He hit someone else and I stood in his way. Which is why…"

"So it was him? The next time I see him, I'll be sure to teach him a lesson," said Mrs. Blake with frustration.

"You can't. He's the Devil. It was dangerous enough when you hit him with the broom. If you try something like that again…" Violla rushed to advise her against it.

"So? It's not like he'll kill me. At the very most, I'll sacrifice my life fighting it out with him," said Mrs. Blake fearlessly.

"He might not kill you, but he could punish me." Violla threw out her trump card.

"What? Fine, then. I won't go after him." Mrs. Blake immediately calmed down.

She pulled Violla's hand and anxiously urged her, "Miss, let's stay away from him. We don't need his house, the people he hired, or his hospital. Let's go to Mr. Black instead."

"Didn't you see how he beat up Martin? Martin is no match for him." Violla furrowed her brows tightly.

"Not even Mr. Black can fight him? Is the bad man that powerful?" Mrs. Blake's eyes widened in terror.

"Don't let your imagination run wild." Violla tried another method of comforting her. "He's not so bad. He has saved me many times. If not for him, I would have lost my life long ago."

"Really? When?" Mrs. Blake was astonished.

"Those times…" Violla recounted those times where she was in danger, when the house exploded, when she was attacked, and how it was Davon that saved her each time.

Mrs. Blake was absolutely appalled.

Finally, Violla added, "He's not a bad person. He just has a bad temper. So, let's not poke the bear."

"Fine, I understand." Mrs. Blake sighed. "I really hope we can return to those quiet days. Although we were poor and times were hard, life was stable. Nothing much happened. With all that happened recently, I'm always on my guard."

"It won't happen in the future. You can relax." Violla made a silent resolution.

"Miss, promise me you'll be okay." Mrs. Blake grabbed Violla and choked out, "Before Mr. Milan's incident, he hoped that you would be safe and happy. Nothing else matters!"

"Yes, I know. We all have to be okay. You need to cooperate with treatment and get better soon so you can help me take care of the children!"

"Yes." In the afternoon, Immaculate took Mrs. Blake back to the hospital. Doc and the three attendants took care of the children while Violla took a short rest.

The kindergarten principal called to ask Violla if the three children needed to take a leave of absence.

Violla asked the children what they thought, and they decided to return to the kindergarten the next day. Doc. and the three attendants would accompany them the entire way.

Jason enjoyed crowds and found it suffocating to be at home.

All Eliana wanted was to go out to play. Although Ryan could be calm, he wanted to go to the kindergarten to learn.

Life was finally at ease. The next day was Monday, and Violla also decided to return to the office to work.

She was determined not to go against any of Davon's requests.

As long as I don't cross him, our family will have a good life.

That day, Davon kept one eye on his phone, waiting for Violla to call. But she never did.

Immaculate went over to give her report. She kindly said, "Miss Milan's waist injury is much better. She should recover soon. By the way, I sent her a message in the afternoon, and she said that she's going back to work tomorrow."

"Okay. What else did she say?" Davon asked casually.

What he really wanted to ask was if she mentioned him.

"She… She also said that your arrangement is very thoughtful." Immaculate gingerly lied. "You even arranged accommodations for the doctor and attendants which allow them to take care of the children. She said you solved a huge problem for her and she's very thankful....."

"You're getting bolder these days. How dare you lie to me?" Davon cut her off and glared at her menacingly.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Roman," Immaculate hung her head and apologized.

Davon knitted his brow. 'So it really was a lie. That ungrateful wretch. She has no concept of being thankful.'

"Go." Davon lowered his gaze and continued sipping his alcohol.

"Yes." Immaculate bowed and was about to back out of the room when she came face to face with D'barl. She quickly lowered her head again and greeted, "Nice to see you, old Mr. Roman!"

"Yes. Has the matter been resolved?" D'barl took a seat on the sofa opposite Davon.

"What matter?" Davon asked without thinking. When realization hit him, he said, "Oh, it's settled!"

"Good." D'barl nodded. "Romans Corporation is growing by the day. You need to take note of public opinion. I hope my incident didn't cause you too much bad press."

"No, it's fine." Davon looked at how he was dressed to the nines. "You're dressed up. Do you have a date with some old woman?" Davon teased.

"Stop it. How dare you tease me, you brat! I am not a cheat. " D'barl whacked Davon with his crutch.

"Hehe." Davon chuckled. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see my three grandchildren." D'barl's face immediately brightened at the thought of the three children. "I just called them and asked them out for a meal."

Davon frowned. "Are you serious? You've only known them for a few days. Why are you treating them like your actual great-grandchildren?"

"Those three children are fated with me. From the moment I set eyes on them, I felt a sense of closeness. Moreover, they look a little like you. You share similar personalities as well, especially with Ryan. " D'barl chuckled giving him a hint .

"Stop! Those three rug rats…" Davon snapped with displeasure.

He hurriedly added, "Don't set them so close to me. I'm not the kind of person to sleep around!"

"I know you're careful in that area. Otherwise, I might suspect that they're actually your children!" D'barl sighed as he rolled his eyes hinting him again.

"I used to always be on your case and forbade you from gallivanting out there. Now that I see these three children, I very much hope that you'll gallivant. You only have to do it at least once." D'barl spat.

"Have you gone senile? What nonsense are you spouting?" Davon's face grew solemn.

"Fine, fine. I'm done wasting my breath on you." D'barl rose to his feet and started to walk out. "You're just a boring stick in the mud. I'm off to see my grandchildren. They're too cute!"

Davon was speechless. He did not expect that D'barl would become so close to 'Martin's' children. Somehow, it did not sit well with him. He took big gulps from his glass.

"Mr. Young Roman. Will old Mr. Roman realize who those three children are? Should we give Miss Milan a head's up?" Cruze whispered his suggestion.

"She has a brain of her own. Can't she think for herself?" Davon snapped.

"Yes!" Cruze sighed.