Violla watched as Mrs. Blake returned to the hospital.

Eliana ran over on her stubby little legs and exclaimed, "Mommy, Mommy, I want to wear the pink princess dress when we have dinner with Grandpa Roman tonight. Can I?"

"Grandpa Roman?" Violla asked after a moment of shock.

"The one who took care of us in the hospital. He wants to take us to have hamburgers," Eliana raised her head and replied innocently.

Violla was taken aback by her reply. The kindergarten principal's words surfaced in her mind.

"On the way back, we chatted with some attendants and found out that the person responsible is the grandfather of the president of Romans Corporation. He was really nice to the children. They've already grown close to him and didn't want to leave. Old Mr. Roman even bought them a bunch of gifts. There were so many that they filled up the car."

Violla's expression changed. She quickly asked the attendant, "Who is the Grandpa Roman that Eliana is referring to?"

"She's talking about old Mr. Roman. He's also our boss," said the pediatrician with a smile.

Violla was gripped by anxiousness. She hastily walked towards the bedroom to look for Ryan and Jason. "Ryan, Jason."

"We're in here, Mommy." Ryan and Jason were playing with Legos. The children were sitting on the carpet and had built a flying saucer.

"Ryan, Jason, I need to talk to you. Are you free?" Violla asked them politely.

"Wait." Ryan placed the last piece on and clapped excitedly. "All done!"

"You're amazing, Ryan." Jason gazed at Ryan with admiration. "I couldn't make this flying saucer no matter how hard I tried. You finished it so quickly."

"Haha, I'll teach you next time." Ryan raised his eyebrows smugly. He clapped the dust from his hands and turned to Violla. "We're free now, Mommy!"

"What's wrong, Mommy? Do you not want us to have dinner with Grandpa Roman?" Eliana asked curiously as she walked over and raised her chubby face.

"It's not like that…" Violla closed the door. She hugged Eliana as she sat on the floor and asked, "How did you come to know Grandpa Roman? Also, what exactly happened to Jason's leg? The kindergarten principal and your class teacher gave me a general account of what happened. But, I want to hear more details from you guys."

"Grandpa Roman's driver accidentally ran into me. They didn't mean to."

"Mommy, Grandpa Roman is really nice to us."

"Yes. He came to the hospital every day to be with us. He also bought us many things. He said he would be our guardian. If someone tries to bully us, he'll teach them a lesson."

"Yes, Grandpa Roman said that."

"Stop!" Ryan cut off Jason and Eliana "Let me speak."

"Okay. You speak, Ryan." Violla nodded.

"It happened like this…" Ryan told Violla about what happened that day after school, followed by what happened at the hospital, and finally how Davon showed up.

Violla listened while her heart pounded in her chest. She never expected that the children went through so many events in the past two days, and even met Davon.

'If what they're saying is true, old Mr. Roman probably does know who they really are. The car accident was really unintentional. Because what exactly was he doing in Uplands Estate?'

"Because this all too much of a coincidence? Why do I have a feeling it is pre-arranged.'

'This means that Davon didn't kidnap the children. It was just a coincidence that he found out about old Mr. Roman running over Jason. He just took the opportunity to threaten me.'

"Mommy, Mommy."Ryan interrupted Violla's train of thought.

She gathered her senses and said guiltily, "This is all my fault. If I weren't late, Jason wouldn't have gotten into the accident. You guys won't have to suffer."

"Don't say that, Mommy." Ryan gently touched Violla's face and kindly comforted her, "You need to work and take care of us at the same time. You have it hard enough. We should help you lighten your burden."

"Ryan is right." Jason fiddled with his fingers and said sheepishly, "If I weren't being playful and ran into the forest to chase the cat, I wouldn't have gotten hit."

"It's my fault for noticing the cat." Eliana pouted. Her chubby cheeks were accented by two cute dimples.

"So, I won't be late in the future, and you guys won't ignore safety to play. We'll improve together, okay?" Violla reflected on all their actions.

"Okay." The three children answered in unison.

"Now, let's discuss if we should attend Grandpa Roman's dinner." Violla kindly communicated and discussed with the children. However, her mind was screaming that he was their great-grandfather.

"I want to go, Mommy. Grandpa Roman is really nice to me. I like him!" Eliana's raised her chubby arms and cried out in a childlike tone.

"Yes. I like Grandpa Roman too. I promised to go," Jason quickly added.

"Mommy, are you worried that Grandpa Roman's grandson will be naughty? He's your boss, right?" Ryan read in between the lines and asked out of concern.

"Uh… Yes, he is my boss," Violla replied after a moment of hesitation.

Ryan pondered for a moment before saying in a serious voice, "He looks fierce, but he was friendly when he brought us home last night. He didn't try to harm us."

"He brought you home?" Violla asked, appalled.

The children nodded and made a sound of acknowledgment.

Violla's mind swam with images of Davon interacting with the children. He was probably as stern as ever.

It's a wonder he didn't scare the children off with his demonic aura.

"Mommy, Grandpa Roman treats us pretty well. We really like him. But, if you don't want us to get too close to your boss' grandfather, we won't go." Ryan said.

Jason and Eliana hung their heads in disappointment.

Jason silently played with the Legos and ruined the recently completed flying saucer.

Eliana pouted as she fiddled with her fingers. The tears in her eyes were on the brink of flowing out.

Violla could not bear to see her children looking so sorrowful. But, she also did not want them to get too close to D'barl. "Children, I know you aren't happy with Mommy. But I have my reasons. I hope you guys can…"

Before Violla could finish speaking, the doorbell rang. An attendant exclaimed, "You're here, Mr. Old Roman!"

Violla's face drained of color. 'Oh my god. Mr. old Roman is here! If he sees me, we're doomed.'

"I'm here to take the children. I also want to meet their mother and apologize to her." D'barl voice sounded out.

"Grandpa Roman." Eliana ran out enthusiastically.

"Eliana! Don't go out yet!" Violla hastily grabbed her.

"Mommy… I want to see Grandpa Roman." Eliana pouted again, tears pooling in her eyes. She looked like the picture of woe.

"Mommy, we won't go if you don't want us to dine out, but shouldn't you at least inform grandpa Roman about it?" Ryan thoughtfully suggested. "After all, he's still our guest, and we can't ignore him now that he's already here."

"Yup, he's right," Jason nodded profusely. He was so worried that beads of sweat had already formed on his forehead.

"That was not what I meant… " Violla started.

"Miss Milan ,Mr. Roman is here." Before Violla could complete her sentence, a paramedic outside announced D'barl's arrival.

"Ryan, why don't you go and receive him?" Violla lowered her voice and instructed her son, "Just tell him that I'm not feeling well and won't be able to entertain guests. Also, don't let Mr. Old Roman come in. Ask him to wait outside instead. You kids get changed, then go ahead and have dinner with him."

"Huh?" Ryan was confused and asked with a frown, "Mommy, but why? It doesn't seem very nice to keep our guests waiting outside."

"Exactly!" Jason and Eliana agreed.

"Truthfully speaking, I met Mr. Old Roman before, but there were some misunderstandings between us." Violla explained tactfully. "That's why I don't want him to know that I'm your Mommy."

"Oh!" Jason and Eliana did not fully understand the situation but nodded anyway.

"I understand now," Ryan was the one who truly understood what Violla meant and said, "Don't worry, Mommy. We'll keep it a secret for you."

"Yup, we won't tell," Jason and Eliana echoed after their brother once more.

"That's good to know." Violla could finally heave a sigh of relief. "So, if Mr. Old Roman asks who your parents are, try to dodge his question, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy," the three kids answered in unison.

"Jason and Eliana, if you two don't know what to say, just keep quiet and let Ryan answer, alright?" Violla reminded the two younger kids.

"Okay, get going now," Violla said as she let go of Eliana.

"Yay! Thanks, Mommy!" Eliana immediately sprinted out and called out to D'barl affectionately, "Grandpa Roman, Grandpa Roman!"

"Ah! My good girl is here!" D'barl replied happily, excited to see the children.

Jason was impatient to go outside as well and was about to wheel himself out.

"Slow down," Ryan helped to wheel Jason at once and closed the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Violla remained in the room and did not dare to go out. She stuck her ear to the wall while trying to hear what was going on outside.

"Grandpa Roman, we're so sorry, our Mommy is not feeling well, so she's not able to meet you," Ryan said obediently, as Violla taught him to. "Our house is quite messy too. Do you mind waiting at our neighbor's house for a while? We'll be there right after we get dressed."

"Of course, that's fine," D'barl answered immediately before continuing, "By the way, kids, do you know what your Mommy is down with? Do we need to get her the doctor?"

"Nah… Mommy just got back from the hospital," Ryan made sure that his explanation was flawless. The boy even said to the pediatrician, "Doc, please help to entertain grandpa Roman while we get changed!"

"Sure, that's not a problem at all," Doc invited D'barl and his subordinate to his house opposite at once. "Mr. Old Roman this way please."

"Take your time, kids grandpa can wait," D'barl said to the three kids affectionately.

"Yup, Okay. Thanks, grandpa ." The three children nodded politely.

"This is for your Mommy and Mrs. Blake." As D'barl spoke, Douglas tried to enter the house with gifts for Violla, but Ryan intercepted the butler immediately and said, "Just pass it to me, thank you. Thanks again, grandpa Roman!"

"You're welcome!"

Douglas tried to look into the house without saying anything.

"Grandpa Roman, please give us ten minutes." Ryan then hurriedly closed the door after waving to D'barl politely.

The three kids went back to their rooms to get dressed while Violla took out their clothes and passed them to the paramedic before reminding them again, "Ryan, remember what I told you, yeah?"

"I know. Don't worry, mommy," Ryan reassured his mom.

After getting dressed, the three kids went next door to look for D'barl.

Violla, who was listening by the door, could hear her three kids' chattering non-stop with D'barl while D'barl addressed them affectionately as "my darlings." His hearty laughter could be heard intermittently.

Even Violla could feel the warm and fuzzy atmosphere from within the room. Gradually, her frown disappeared from her face and was replaced with a smile.

It was her wish as well for the kids to be loved by more family members.


She could feel a chill running down her spine whenever she thought about Davon's unpredictable moods and violent ways.

Even if there was really more than met the eye to the car accident, the woman was already traumatized by Davon.

Violla learned her lesson well from the fear she felt during those three days without her kids.

That feeling of despair was so horrible that it had almost driven her to the brink of insanity, so much so that she would never take any risks to experience that feeling again.

Never would she place her bets ever again on Davon's sanity.

"Miss Milan since the kids are not here now, we'll head over first. Call us if you need anything?" The voice of the paramedic interrupted Violla's train of thoughts.

Violla nodded her head and replied, "Thanks for your efforts."

"No problem," The paramedic answered and left.

After that, Violla was the only one left in the spacious house. Sitting alone in there, she thought of Mrs. Blake and the kids and suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

She knew that the kids merely went out for dinner and would be back after that, yet she still couldn't help but feel fear gripping her heart.

'What if D'barl has found out about their identities?'

'What if he managed to coax them and took them away from me?'

'If that happened, she would never get to see her kids ever again.'

Violla grew increasingly worried as she allowed her thoughts to run wild.

When she couldn't take it anymore, the woman hurried back to her room and got changed. After putting on sunglasses, a mask, and a cap, she chased after them.

However, only when Violla stepped out of the residential estate that she realized she did not know where the kids went for dinner.

Violla stopped in her tracks while she tried to recall details of conversations she had with her kids. Then, she finally remembered something Eliana had told her.

"Grandpa Roma is treating us to western food at fairy world ."

After Violla figured out where they were at, she immediately hailed a cab and headed over.

At the same time, D'barl and the children had already arrived at fairy world restaurant.

That was a restaurant specially catered to kids under the age of twelve. Not only did the restaurant sell nutritious food that children loved to eat, but there were also a spacious indoor playground and a mini library.

Adults were only allowed to enter the restaurant when they had children with them, and everyone had to be dressed fancifully.

Eliana had put on a pink princess gown. With the natural curls on her hair coupled with the princess crown that she was wearing, the little girl managed to attract the crowd's attention the moment she stepped into the restaurant.

"Wow! What a pretty little girl! She's so adorable and looks just like a doll!"

"Yeah, she's so beautiful. Oh, the two boys with her are really good-looking too!"

The crowd noticed Ryan and Jason at once. Even though Jason was in a wheelchair, he still oozed charm in his suit and looked just like a little prince in fairytales.

Ryan, on the other hand, had an air of charming aloofness. He looked exactly like a mini version of some domineering president of a corporation.

The three siblings instantly became the center of attention, and everyone started taking pictures and videos of them.

Ryan frowned. When he was just about to stop them from doing that, the Romans family's bodyguards stepped in and beat him to it.

D'barl then asked the boy softly, "Do you feel disturbed? I can get them to reserve the entire restaurant for us."

"That's alright." Ryan shook his head and continued, "There are other kids here who are enjoying themselves. They wouldn't be able to continue playing here if we reserve the entire place."

"You're such a kind child," D'barl replied as he patted Ryan's head gently and said lovingly, "Okay, we won't do that then. Let's go inside and have something to eat."

"Alright." Ryan held Eliana's hand, and just when they were about to walk inside the restaurant, an arrogant voice sounded. "I'll pay double the price. Get everyone out immediately. I want my grandson to have this place all to himself!"