"Grand pa Roman!" Ryan blurted. "We thank you for your kindness, but we can't move to your place."

"Why?" D'barl was crestfallen.

"Because we have mommy, Mrs. Blake, and Finny waiting for us at home." Ryan tilted his head earnestly. "Mrs. Blake fell ill because she had to take care of us. Mommy's still not healed up yet. We can't leave her alone."

"You're a good kid." Touched by his kindness, D'barl patted his head. "A really good kid."

"Sorry, grandpa Roman, but we have to take care of mommy and Mrs. Blake." Jason stared down in shame.

"Yes." Eliana held her tears back. "Mommy sprained her waist, and she can't pick me up anymore. I wanna take care of her, and I still have to visit Mrs. Blaks."

"Of course, of course," D'barl quickly calmed them down, since they were on the verge of tears. "You don't have to move for now. Come over when your mommy and Mrs. Blake are all healed up."

'As if I'll go over.' Violla shivered. 'You guys are going to chase me out before I even get close.'

"I'll get the best hospital for them." D'barl told Douglas, "Call Amelia Hospital...."

"No need for that," Davon interrupted. "I've made the necessary arrangements."

"Oh?" D'barl was surprised. "When did that happen?"

"The day I sent the kids home." Davon glanced at Ryan. "That was when I did it," he answered.

"Yes." Ryan looked back at Davon before replying to D'barl, "Mrs Blake and mommy are getting the best treatment now. Don't worry, grandpa."

"That's good to hear." D'barl reminded Davon, "Hire the best doctors."

"Immaculate's in charge of it," Davon replied. "Is that not good enough?"

"I can put my trust in Immaculate." D'barl nodded. "Don't worry, kids. Your mommy and Mrs. Blake are going to heal up in no time."

"Thank you, grandpa Roman!" the kids thanked him at the same time.

"You should wear the smart-watches with you even in kindergarten, just in case. If something were to happen, then I can be reached immediately," D'barl told them.


"Don't worry about the teacher. I've already bought Dates Kindergarten." D'barl grinned. "So I'll be setting the rules from now on."

"Huh?" The kids widened their eyes in shock.

Violla was equally surprised. 'So does he know that these kids are actually his great-grandchildren? Why else would he spend so much money?'

"You bought the whole kindergarten, grandpa Roman?" Jason asked in disbelief. "Really?"

"To be exact, I bought the whole Dates Education Group, including… How many estates do they have?" D'barl looked at Douglas.

"Twenty-six kindergartens, seventeen private education institutions, and fifty-two training centers," Douglas smiled. "There's no need to worry when you go to school now, children."

"Um…" Eliana's eyes couldn't go any wider even if she wanted to. She was overwhelmed by disbelief.

"I thought the Stanleys own that education group," Ryan quipped. "I heard Titus' mommy and grandma saying that their family's the biggest shareholder."

"The Stanleys have pulled out long ago. Now Dates Education Group belongs to the Romans." D'barl grinned. "Tell me if you want anything. I'll buy them for you."

'Oh boy'. Davon was at a loss for words. "Grandpa, they're not a part of the Romans," he reminded in a rather annoyed tone.

"Shut up, brat," D'barl snapped. "Don't mind him, kids," he calmed the children down.

"You're so nice to us, grandpa Roman." Eliana hugged D'barl, and her adorable voice melted his heart.

"I'll repay my debt when I grow up, grandpa." Jason thumped his chest. "I'll be a rich guy and buy you anything you want. I promise."

D'barl roared with laughter. "Good! Good!"

"He's such a smooth talker." Cruze smiled. "No wonder Old Mr Roman is so amused."

Violla heaved a sigh of relief. 'Good thing Ryan made his move at the right time, or else I would have stepped in. That'd play right into his hand. But Davon seems to be doing it on purpose. Did he recognize me?'

Violla didn't want to stay there any longer. She quickly cleaned up the place and prepared to leave. "Hold it," Davon said. Violla stopped in her tracks, her sight remaining downward as she waited for his command. "You missed a spot." He pointed at the wine stain on the table.

Heeding his orders, Violla went over to clean the table. However, Ryan frowned, unsure of what to feel.

"Grandpa, did you get their parents' approval before you did all of that?" Davon said on purpose. "What if the kids' father objects to it?"

The children looked despondent at the mention of their father. After all, the other kids laughed at them because they had no father.

"Can you shut up?" D'barl knew that Davon was only making things hard for him in the future if he went to claim them.

"What's your father's name?" Davon kept on asking, ignoring D'barl.

The kids looked at one another, unsure of what to answer. Fury welled up within Violla, her hand trembling. 'This b*stard. He's doing this on purpose. I don't mind him doing this to me, but why the kids? Why in front of everyone?' She felt like slapping him at that moment.

"Didn't your mommy tell you?" Davon tried to wheedle it out of them.

"Why should we tell you?" Ryan glared. "Don't you think hassling us when we can't answer is a rude behavior?"

Davon was surprised to see Ryan so angry. 'Martin been getting along with them for a while now. Don't they know that he's their father? Even if they don't, he would tell them, wouldn't he? Wait, did this stupid woman lie to me? Martin isn't actually their father?'

Davon was inexplicably excited once that idea popped up. He was about to keep asking when the glass of fruit juice was spilled onto him all of a sudden. Frowning, he stared at the janitor coldly. She did it on purpose.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it," Violla kept apologizing and wiping his shirt with the cloth she used to clean the table.

"F*ck off!" Davon shoved her away, and she inadvertently fell.

"Mommy!" Ryan shot up and exclaimed.

Everyone looked at him. "What's wrong, Ryan ?" D'barl asked.

"I…" Ryan looked away and shifted the topic quickly, "I just remembered that mommy's alone at home and hasn't had dinner yet."

"Oh yeah. I have to get some food for her." Eliana filled a bag with the food on her plate, planning to take it home to her mother.

"I wanna get her something to eat too." Jason helped.

"Now, now, kids. I'll get them to pack something else for your mother," D'barl quickly said. "You're all good kids, but you should finish your dinner first. Your mother shouldn't have leftovers for dinner, right? I'll take you home once they cook something up for your mother."

"Thank you, grandpa Roman!" the children thanked him.

At the same time, Violla had already gotten up. The manager chided her quietly, and she quickly left the place with her mop in hand. Davon suddenly stood up and followed her, but not before tying his coat around him.

Ryan frowned. He was worried that Davon might do something bad to his mother, so he got down from his chair. "I'll need to use the restroom, grandpa Roman."

"I'll come with you, young sir ." Douglas held his hand.

Violla was going to leave after putting the cleaning equipment in the restroom. She came to the restaurant that night just to keep the children safe, and D'barl's hospitality towards them made her feel at ease.

Since they were going back soon, there was no need for her to stay there anymore. Besides, she could feel that Davon was starting to suspect her. If she didn't leave soon, he might find her out.

Violla quickly kept the cleaning equipment in the restroom's store closet, then she took off the gloves and prepared to leave. However, when she turned around, one familiar man was in her way.

"Ahhh!" Violla exclaimed in shock. It was the first time seeing him again after the escape from the hospital, and the first time being so close to him.

She had an emotional roller coaster over the last few days. Too many events had happened, and she almost broke down a few times. Violla could feel that he was in control of her life. Even though she had escaped him, he could still keep her in check.

Although it had been a few days, meeting him again still cast fear into her heart. She took a deep breath and stared down, pretending not to know him. "This is the ladies. You got the wrong place, sir."

Davon didn't answer. Instead, he looked at her coldly. Then, Violla tried to go around him, but the moment she got close, he grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall.

"W-What are you trying to do?" she growled. "You're going to lay your hands on even a janitor?" She knew how grotesque she must look. And she was in a janitor's attire that smelled of nothing but disinfectants.

"Are you a janitor? Really?" He brushed her hair, cupping her chin and raising it so he could look into her eyes. "I know those beautiful eyes any where." He sneered. Then Davon tore her face mask away, revealing her beautiful face that was laced with anger, her eyes filled with the flames of fury.

"You knew who I was back there, didn't you?" She glared at him. "You were doing that on purpose. You harassed my kids so you can get to me."

"Harass?" He sneered. "I was nice enough to them."

Violla said nothing. She didn't expect him to treat the kids that way ,at least he wasn't too mean.

"They don't know who their father is?" Davon gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Martin gets along with them, doesn't he? Didn't he tell them?"

"Does that have anything to do with you?" Violla frowned.

"Is Martin really the kids' father?" Davon stared deep into her eyes.

"Of course." Violla looked away as she couldn't bring herself to look back into his eyes.

"You know…" A wicked smile curved his lips. "I can always get my hands on Martin and the kids, and then I can perform a paternity test on them," he threatened.

"You…" Violla panicked. "Are you out of your mind?" she hissed. "Why do you want to know who the children's father is? It has nothing to do with you."

"Oh, but it does." He whispered into her ear, "What if I am their father?"

With panic welling up in her eyes, Violla trembled, but she denied, "You're reading into it too much."

"Is that so?" He pulled her face closer to himself. "Then let's do that paternity test."

"Have you gone mad, you b*stard?" she cursed. "Get your hands off my children!"

"Looks like you have forgotten about your vow." He sneered. "You never seem to learn no matter how many times I punish you, so it must be done every day."

Davon took off the janitor attire Violla was wearing, revealing her petite, naked body. It was as seductive as the bud of a flower, poising to blossom at a moment's notice. "What are you trying to do?" Violla started panicking. She was about to resist when Davon pinned her against the wall again.

"You'd better not pull anything funny, Davon. Someone could come in any minute." She was shivering from what he was about to do to her. "Please, don't," she begged.

"You started it." He took off her pants and tried to shove it in from behind.

"No…" Violla was going to cry.

"I can go in myself. Thanks, Mr. Douglas." They heard Ryan talking outside.

"Of course. I'll be waiting outside then," Douglas said.

Violla covered her mouth, fearing that she might let any sound out. In the meantime, Davon stopped moving too. He frowned and waited for Ryan to leave, but instead of going to the men's, Ryan came to the ladies' and hissed, "Mommy? Mommy!"

Violla kept her mouth covered. She looked back at Davon, begging him to let her go. Davon looked furious, but since he was left with no choice, he let her go. Then, Violla quickly clothed herself.

"Why aren't you going in, young sir Ryan?" Douglas came up to him.

"Oh, right away." Ryan went into the men's. He was young, but he knew his mother came in disguise so nobody could recognize her.

Violla heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the sounds outside.

"Dammit." Davon frowned.

Violla relented when she remembered the time her kids went missing. Thus, she begged, "Come at me if you want to vent, Davon. Don't hurt my kids."

"Sure." He opened his arms. "You sullied my clothes, so clean them."

Violla gawked at him. 'Sh*t, his clothes are stained by the juice'. "I can't do that." She looked at him fearfully. "Why don't you change clothes? I'll wash the one you're wearing as compensation."

"Where can you get a set of clothes for me then?" He arched his eyebrow.

"I..." Violla didn't know how to answer that. She was the one who dirtied it, so she should get a new set for him. Can't argue with the devil's logic. "The mall's right next door. I'll get you a new set of clothes there," she suggested.

"We'll go together." Davon picked up his coat and tied it around his waist.

"You don't have to." She didn't want to go with him. "You haven't finished your dinner, and your grandfather's still there."

"Do you think I can continue with dinner looking like this?" He pointed at himself.

"Fine then." Violla couldn't do anything about it. "You go on ahead. I'll be right there."

"You'd better not dawdle." He glared at her before leaving the restroom.

Violla picked up the janitor's clothes and folded them before keeping them in the closet. After that, she washed her hands before wearing her mask and hat, then she left.

Ryan saw her leaving when he came out of the restroom. He wanted to go after her, but Douglas came before he could leave. Hence, all Ryan could do was pretend he never saw his mother.