Violla pulled her hat down and hastened out, but since she didn't bring her children with her, the attendant stopped her for some questioning.

Davon looked at her coolly from the doorstep, waiting for her to ask for help, but she had no such plan. Instead, she explained herself humbly to the attendant.

Davon didn't want to wait any longer, so he gestured at Cruze. When Cruze went up to help Violla, the attendant backed off in panic, then Violla went up to Davon.

He glared at her in disgust before leaving. At the same time, the ladies around were fangirling at him, and they engaged in a heated discussion.

"Who is that hottie? Is he an actor? I've never seen him on TV."

"Neither have I, but judging from that vibe, he must be a bigshot."

"Hey, he looks like Mr. D'barl Roman. Maybe he's a Roman as well."

"Really? Wait, he can't be the grandson of Mr. Roman, the father of those three kids, can he?"

"That's a possibility."

When Violla heard their conversation, she started feeling uneasy. 'Is it that obvious? Her children didn't resemble Davon, and that was why she could lie to him, telling him that they weren't his kids. But why's everyone guessing that he's their father?'

She looked at his silhouette and compared him to her children. When she thought about it, she realized that even though they weren't alike, Ryan and Jason had the same vibe as Davon. Not only that, Ryan had his father's eyes too.

"Come on!" Davon looked back and growled.

"Okay," she replied and quickened her pace. When they entered into the mall, Davon was the center of attention again. Instead of being proud of it, he felt frustrated.

Some shoppers were taking their photos. Violla didn't mind, since she was in disguise. However, Davon didn't want to show up on the news, so he gave them a look, and they stopped taking his photo.

'Going out with him is a disaster. Everywhere he goes, he's gets to be the center of attention. There's no privacy at all.'

All Violla wanted was to escape him as soon as possible. So she quickly dragged him to a fashion shop nearby.

"Welcome." A promoter came to greet them. "We have a promotion today. Everything's 20% off, so just pick anything you want. There's the fitting room, and these are all the half-priced items."

"Half-priced items? Where?" Violla's eyes shone when she heard the word.

"Everything on this rack." The promoter took them to the half-priced item area, though her eyes were only on Davon. ''Even though he isn't wearing any branded goods, the quality and workmanship for that suit alone are worth a lot. Will he really buy discounted goods?''

"It's an emergency, so I think he doesn't mind." Violla picked the cheapest ones. "Here. Get me the clothes his size."

"Alright then, Miss." The promoter went to search for it.

"Are you for real? Do you want me to wear those?" Davon's face fell. "Not even the helpers at home wear discount items."

"Oh, it's just for a while. You'll be going back soon anyway. There's no need for pricey clothes," she blurted. Then Violla smiled. "Besides, with your toned body, anything would look good on you."

"Is that so?" Davon liked being flattered, and he looked at his reflection. "Do I really have a toned body?"

"Of course. You're sexiest among all men that I know." Violla knew how to stroke his ego. "Even ordinary clothes like these can't cover your exquisite air up."

Davon looked at her from the mirror. "Okay, now that sounds a bit too pretentious."

"Here it is." The promoter came up to them with the clothes, oddly enthusiastic. "Do you need any help changing, sir? I can do it."

Davon frowned at Violla, but she was busy picking out clothes so she failed to notice his expression.

Feeling like he was being ignored, Davon was unhappy. " Violla Milan!"

"Why… What… What happened?" His voice gave Violla a shock, and she quickly came over.

"Change my clothes for me," Davon said as he walked straight into the fitting room.

Without a choice, Violla took the clothes from the attendant and followed him inside.

On the way, she remembered that there was still a white shirt that was left behind. So, Violla went back to grab it while accidentally overhearing the female attendant talking to the cashier. "That man is so handsome and charming, but the woman with him looked poor and pathetic. I really wonder what he sees in her."

"Shhh!" The cashier shushed when she noticed Violla, stopping the attendant from going any further.

The attendant turned around instinctively and saw Violla. Her expression immediately froze as the atmosphere became awkward.

Nonetheless, Violla did not say a word and picked up the shirt ,she wanted return to the fitting room.

However, before that could happen, Davon came out. He grabbed the shirt in Violla's hand and tossed it aside. He then pulled Violla out and left the place.

"Sir, are the shirts not to your liking?" The attendant chased after them and asked.

"Your poor and pathetic look was not to my liking," Davon replied coldly.

His reply caused the attendant to freeze in place. The colors drained from her face as she was devastated.

Right then, Violla raised her head and gazed at Davon. 'Well, he does look cute whenever he stands up for me.'

"Are you stupid?" He pinched her face, clearly annoyed. "Don't you know how to fight back when people insult you?"

"She was just ranting." Violla smiled awkwardly. "Besides, she was right. Compared to you, I do look a bit ragged."

"Didn't I give you two million to spend? You didn't even use it on the house. Can you be anymore cheaper than that?" Davon knitted his brows. "This is what… 99 after discount? You might be the only person that would want that."

"We should be thinking far in advance and save up whatever we can. This price is good enough." Violla pulled on her own shirt. "I got this t-shirt online for only nine ninety. I could've bought ten of these and wear them interchangeably."

Davon was rendered speechless as he dragged Violla to the digital information center. He searched up some brands and took her to the third floor, where all the major brands were.

"No way! I can't afford the clothes here," Violla refused as she wrapped her arms around a pillar.

"I'll pay for them," Davon proclaimed and walked in.

"You're paying? Alright then." Violla immediately changed her mind and followed behind. "Hmm, since you're buying your own clothes. I'll get you a pair of socks then!"

"Sure." Davon walked into the store. The moment he stepped foot inside, a few attendants immediately came to greet them passionately. "Welcome!"

"Bring me all the new products of the latest season you have here. For male and female." Davon demanded after he sat down on the sofa provided. He then patted the space beside him. "What are you standing there for? Come sit!"

Violla quickly went and sat beside him. Soon after, each of them was served a cup of freshly ground coffee and some snacks. There were even attendants that helped them change into slippers.

Back then, Violla had experienced such treatments too. But it had been four years since she last visited, so the place was unfamiliar to her. She felt quite perturbed, not knowing how she should react.

After the attendants put the slippers on Davon and Violla, they went to get the clothes.

While waiting, Violla leaned towards Davon and whispered, "You sure you're the one paying?"

The response she got, however, was an intense stare from Davon as he looked irritated.

"Alright. Fine. I'll stop talking." Violla knew he was getting impatient, so she immediately changed the topic. "So! Like I said, I'll buy you a pair of socks as compensation."

"I want white ones," Davon said without even hesitating.

"No problem." Violla got up and went to look for socks. Having said that, her face turned green when she saw the price. 'One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight! For a pair of men's socks! Are you kidding me!'

Violla had been experiencing poverty for four years by then. Her socks were all bought online at eighteen eighty per box. A pair that cost almost two thousand sounded absurd to her.

Nevertheless, she had already made a promise, and she did not want to go back on her word.

Violla reluctantly took a pair of white socks and paid for it, not forgetting to ask the attendant to gift wrap it. After that, she handed it to Davon. "For you. I already paid for it."

Davon took it from her hand and opened it up. It was the most common kind of white socks, but he still loved it because it was the first gift he got from Violla.

"Thank you," Davon said with a gentle smile.

"Huh?" Violla was gobsmacked. She felt like she had never heard him say those two words before. There was a time when she thought that the words did not exist in his vocabulary. Even after Davon said it, Violla was still doubting her own ears.

"Excuse me, sir. These are all this season's new designs. Both for men and women. Have a look and see if you like any of them. You can try it on as much as you want," an attendant told them as a few other attendants pushed two racks of clothes in front of Davon and Violla.

"Take a look." He gestured for her to go ahead.

"It's okay. I won't be needing them anyway," Violla said as she looked at the clothes on the racks. They were all really beautiful, reminding her of the brand of clothes she used to buy before her father passed away. 'Even if I buy them now, there won't be an occasion where I can wear them.'

Davon did not bother himself with what she just said. He got up and picked out an outfit for himself. Then, he proceeded to grab seven outfits from the women's section. "Come try it out!"

"I already told you… "Violla was about to refuse Davon but suddenly remembered how bad his temper was. So, she decided to not be so melodramatic and took the clothes.

"The women's fitting room is over this way. Let me take you there." Two female attendants went ahead and guided Violla.

Another two male attendants were in charge of looking after Davon.

Soon enough, Davon got changed. With some clean clothes on, he felt a lot more comfortable, and the creases on his forehead faded.

On the other hand, Violla was also done changing into a dress and had walked out of the fitting room. She stood in front of a mirror and looked at herself. It was as if a stranger was looking back at her.

"It looks nice on you. You can wear this when you're on business trips." Davon was buttoning his cuffs as he walked out.

Violla raised her head and looked towards him. Davon's change of outfit did not change how handsome he was. The design of the shirt he had was actually more casual than those that he usually wore, making him look gentler. It was not like how he always was – cold and merciless.

"This looks nice." Violla inspected Davon all around. "How much is it?"

"A hundred and eighty-three thousand, madam," the attendant announced with a smile.

"Emm… " Violla gulped and looked at the dress she was wearing. "What about this?"

"That one's not as expensive, just sixty-eight thousand," the attendant answered respectfully.

"Alright, never mind then… " Violla decided to change out of it.

"Pack it up!" Davon demanded. "Go and try on the other ones."

"I don't need it." Violla refused softly. "Why are we suddenly buying clothes for me?"

"You gave me a gift, so I should return the favor." Davon touched the box with the socks in it. "Just go. I'm rarely this patient."

"This way, madam." The attendants were really professional. They were not overzealous but were still treating them with exceptional courtesy.

Violla went and continued trying out the other clothes. In the end, Davon bought all seven of the clothes he picked out for her. On top of that, he even got her a few pairs of high heels and two sets of accessories to go with the dresses.

When he was settling the bill, the total amount charged was more than two million three hundred thousand.

That number made Violla's heart skip a beat, but Davon continued to drop another bombshell. "You can wear these for the time being. I'll get my designer to custom make your whole wardrobe after this."

"Sir, you treat your wife so well. It really makes people jealous of you two," one of the attendants could not hold in her compliment.

Violla's face flushed from what she just heard and explained hurriedly, "It's not like that. I think you misunderstood… "

"That's enough," Davon interrupted her and pointed to the pile of bags with his chin. "Go pick them up. We're leaving!"

Out of nowhere, the warmth a moment ago immediately subsided.

Logically speaking, no men ever let women carry the shopping bags, but Davon was an exception. All his life, he had never carried even a single thing. In his eyes, this was just how it had always been.

While Davon's request rendered Violla speechless, she still went ahead and took the bags before following Davon out.

"Excuse me, sir." The attendant chased after them. "The suit that you came with has also been packed."

"Throw it away," Davon responded without even looking.

"Huh?" The attendant was stumped. That suit was worth more than all the clothes he bought combined, so the idea of dumping it made no sense to her.

"Don't listen to him. Here, just give it to me." Violla hurried over to grab the shirt. "Thank you!"

"My pleasure."

While they were going down the elevator, Davon only had his gift with him in one hand, and the other hand was tucked in his pocket.

Meanwhile, Violla was carrying all the bags behind him like an assistant.

All of a sudden, her phone rang. So she placed the bags down before she took out her phone. "Hello? Ryan, have you guys reached home? I'm fine, and I'll be back soon."

Right then, the elevator opened, and Violla needed to get out. She quickly clenched the phone between her cheeks and her shoulder, picking up the bags on the floor as fast as she could.

Davon turned around to look at her, but no assistance was offered.

This made Violla fume deep down inside. 'Where's the chivalry in the man!'

"I'm doing some shopping at the mall right now. Don't worry…" She continued the conversation with Ryan for a bit.

"I need to go now, okay? I'll be back in half an hour. Are the nurses taking good care of you guys? All of you should go take a shower. I will be back for storytime…"

When the call ended, the phone slipped from her grasp, and it dropped onto the floor. She gasped and squat to down to pick it up.

Davon stopped and looked back at her.

A few young men came walking by. Their eyes widened when they saw Violla.

That made Davon realize that Violla was wearing the dress he just bought, and it was a tad too short. Unknowingly, she had accidentally flashed the crowd while squatting down.

Therefore, he immediately headed over and stood behind Violla, blocking off the angle to prevent the men from taking a peep. He even gave them a death stare.

The men were intimidated, so they quickly turned their heads and walked away.

"Couldn't you have helped me out a bit?" Violla was frustrated. "Great! Now my screen's cracked!

"If you needed help, why didn't you say anything?" Davon replied, picking up the bags with ease. He also pulled Violla back up. "You can't even walk properly. Is there anything you can actually do?"

"You…yes actually satisfying you sexually and being a mom." Violla blurted out. 'Is he actually blaming me for not asking for his help? Shouldn't he have initiated instead of waiting for me to ask?'

"Mr. Roman!" Right then, Cruze came hurrying along with some bodyguards.

"Just in time," Davon remarked as he handed all the bags over to the men. All except his gift, which he still held in his hand.The bodyguard took the bags and proceeded to follow him.

At the entrance of the mall, the cars were waiting for them when they exited.

One bodyguard went and opened the door for Davon, bowing as he waited before Davon got in.

"I'll just get a cab, thank you." Violla wanted to head home early.

"Just get in," Davon ordered.

It was another order that couldn't be denied, and Violla knew that. Thus, she reluctantly got in the car.

The bodyguards put the shopping bags in the trunk and got in another car before all the cars moved out.

In the car, Violla was looking at the time on her phone. The only thing she wanted to do was go home as soon as possible. However, she soon found out that the car was not heading towards Uplands Estate. It was going straight towards the Romans' residence instead.

"Where are we going?" Violla asked in a hurry.

"My place." Davon was fiddling his phone around.

"I need to go home." Violla panicked. "The kids are still waiting for me."