Immaculate did not sound especially stern or angry and told her that it was just a reminder.Violla told Immaculate that she would pay her bills as soon as possible.

After hanging up her phone, Violla immediately went to the bank with her father's credit card, wanting to withdraw some money to lessen her financial burden at the moment. Unfortunately, she was told that the bank account was locked and she would have to activate it by contacting her financial advisor from South Nation.

Violla knew that her father had locked the account out of fear that someone would scheme for the huge sum of money in it.

For the time being, she would have to do extensive paperwork and make an appointment with her financial advisor from South Nation to activate the bank account.

Keeping her father's credit card back into her wallet, Violla sighed and shook her head. 'I don't want to start living off my inheritance from father.'

Violla felt helpless and ashamed.

'Am I really incapable of making a living for myself?'

After taking a few moments to think, Violla dialed Olympia's number.

"Hi, Violla… " Olympia's voice was mostly buried in the deafening heavy metal music blaring in her background. All that Violla could make out was her saying "hello".

After almost a minute, the music quietened down a little, and Olympia asked, "Violla, I'm so sorry for the noise. I'm in a quieter place now. What are you calling me for?"

"I… I just wanted to ask you if your workplace is still hiring," Violla replied, biting her lips.

"Yes, yes. In fact, I've just introduced the job to my classmate earlier today. Do you want to come over now?"

"Yes, none of the places I applied to offered me a job. I'm low on cash now, and I need a job to make some quick money for the next few months. Can you please help?" Violla asked.

"Of course. I'm at Empire Night right now. Do you want to come over?" Olympia was very willing to help Violla.

"Yes, I'll be on my way."

"Okay. Call me when you get here."

With that, Violla hung up the call, gave her kids a goodbye hug, and told them to sleep early.Her kids were very well-behaved and kissed her goodbye.

Putting on a mask and cap, Violla left her house in a casual outfit.

After taking a taxi to Empire Night, Violla took a proper look around her with mixed feelings. Once upon a time, she had often visited the place to keep an eye on how the escort was doing at work.

Thinking back on her past, she still longed for the time she had spent with the escort the most. Though he seemed cold at times, he would always work hard and share his income with her. Every time she found herself in a dangerous situation, he would appear miraculously and protect her.

That was a time when nothing stood between them . There were no past grudges, and neither Laura nor D'barl was affecting their relationship.

That was a time when nothing mattered except for their love for one another. They could not care less about social status or how people would judge them.

However, all good times had to come to an end. When the escort reappeared as Davon Roman, everything changed.

All kinds of problems emerged one after the other, some of which she had seen coming and some of which she had not. The two of them went through extreme ups and downs, and toward the end, their relationship seemed to bring more pain than happiness.

Alas, they had finally broken up. 'Perhaps, this is for the best.'

"Violla!" A bright voice pulled her back to reality.

Looking up, Violla smiled and said, "Olympia! Isn't it still working hours for you?"

"Oh, I didn't want you to get lost finding me, so I came to pick you up. I've already spoken to my manager. He said that you need to do an interview. If all goes well, you can start working tonight !" Olympia replied, pulling her into the club.

"Alright. Thank you." Violla felt really worried. She used to visit the place regularly, along with Davon at times, so there was a high chance that the manager would recognize her.

'What if he tells Davon about me working here?'

"The new manager is pretty nice. He's taking in many employees at the moment. We're quite lucky to get this opportunity," Olympia said with a smile.

Violla heaved a sigh of relief. 'Phew. The new manager probably doesn't know me. That's good.'

Meeting the new manager in the office, Violla almost jumped. He was Fred , the former owner of Bar DWF!

"It's you?" Fred exclaimed, looking equally surprised as her.

"It's been a while, huh?" Violla mumbled awkwardly. After all, she was well aware that the closing of Bar DWF was closely linked to her. 'Oh, boy. Will he still employ me? I've cost him to lose so much money!'

"You two are acquainted?" Olympia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Olympia, you can go ahead and do your tasks now. I'll talk to her," Fred said, smiling.

Violla also gave her a nod. Olympia blinked. "Okay… I'll go work now. Call me if anything comes up!" she said as she left.

"Okay!" Then, he pulled Violla to take a seat and poured her a drink. "When I heard Olympia talking about introducing a friend to work here, I was expecting another student from a music school. I did not expect to meet you here at all!"

"Even I. I've caused you so much trouble, but I've never apologized in a proper... " Violla squirmed around uncomfortably.

"It's not your fault. Mr. Drew was the one who provoked Mr. Roman. He should be the one to apologize," Fred chuckled.

Violla smiled stiffly, and made no other comments.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Drew was drugged that night. Those things that he did to you, he did not mean them at all. Did… did the two of you… You know, do the deed that night?" Fred continued, squinting his eyes.

"No, no. Of course, not!" Violla shook her head frantically.

"Okay, that's good to know. Mr. Drew is actually really fond of you, in a genuine way. I've never seen him treat another girl that way. That night was really just an accident," Fred lamented, letting out a deep sigh. " It is also unfortunate that our nation has no laws against sexual assaults."

"Yeah, especially on women and gender based violence. I hope that one day the government will wake up and protect us." Violla sighed.

"There's no need to delve deeper. And about my job application, are you willing to let me work here?" Violla diverted the topic.

"What do you mean am I willing? Of course, I'll take you in, simple as that. But hold on, aren't you Mr. Roman's girlfriend? Why are you hunting for a job here? Did the two of you split through?" Fred replied.

"Yeah. But… I mean… I wasn't really his girlfriend, to begin with." Violla nodded, smiling bitterly.

Fred was rather curious and he continued asking questions. "I've seen the news. He's going to be engaged with the daughter of the Tariques family, isn't he?"

"I've seen the same article. Hmph. They seem to be a good match," Violla said dispassionately, feigning her cool.

"I've seen and heard about so many stories like this. Marriages in those wealthy families never end up well. Those involved can't even make decisions for themselves. Don't be too resentful toward Mr. Roman. " With the tone that Fred spoke in, he sounded like a weary man who had seen and experienced everything there was to life.

"I'm not resentful. We broke up on good terms." As Violla said those words, Davon's dark gaze flashed across her mind, and his voice echoed in her ears.

"You will never be able to escape from me."

'Will the two of us really live our own lives in peace? Will he come after me?'

"If that's the case, then I'll just give you the job. You can start working tonight. I'll get someone to take care of the recruitment procedures later. Oh, but this time, you'll be getting paid the same as everyone else. I mean, I'm just a manager now, and I don't really have lots of connections," Fred said with a smile.

"I understand. Thank you!" Violla said, giving him a slight bow.

"Don't sweat it!" With that, Fred called for the chief promoter,to take Violla to complete some paperwork and pass her the work uniform.

As they went through the recruitment procedures together, the chief promoter briefed her about the basic rules and the pay. "The basic pay each day is three hundred. You'll also get three percent of the total bills for alcohol and drinks. Also, you can keep your tips. At the end of the month, there is a bonus for the top three promoters. Got it?"

"Yes, thank you!" Violla exhaled deeply. 'It's great that I've managed to find a job at last.'

After going through the recruitment procedures, the chief promoter handed Violla her work uniform and added, "Get changed, and I'll lead you to look around and familiarize yourself with the place. The tasks you get as a promoter are not too difficult."

"Okay, thank you." However, an unsettling nervousness crept up Violla's spine as she got changed. Looking in the mirror of the fitting room, she had to do a double-take.

Her skirt was barely a mini skirt. It could almost pass for a micro skirt. She had not noticed how revealing the uniform was when she saw Olympia moments ago, but after putting on the uniform herself, she felt rather uneasy.

In the mirror, she saw herself in a fitted V-neck blouse in white with a contrasting black mini skirt. The pencil skirt barely covered her voluptuous bum. The bunny ear headband she had on was cute indeed but made her outfit look like lingerie.

"Urgh… Is the collar of my blouse too big? And this skirt is… " Violla felt extremely uncomfortable in the uniform.

"The other promoters are wearing the same uniform. Didn't you see Olympia just now? Okay, but this does look really provocative on you since you have such a good figure," the chief promoter chuckled.

"So… " Violla pursed her lips.

"I think you can just wear this for tonight. You can alter this uniform when you get the time tomorrow. Anything goes as long as you don't make any big modifications. And also… This!"

Whipping out a black-laced mask, the chief promoter exclaimed, "A mask! All the promoters have one each."

"Thank you," Violla said, putting the mask on. 'Okay, even if I come across Davon, he wouldn't be able to recognize me in this mask, would he?'

"Alright, let's get going. I'll show you the range of alcohol we sell at the bar. You'll need to memorize the price list."

"Okay." Violla followed the chief promoter to the main hall.

Most were sublimed in the atmosphere with movement to the pulse and beats. A few dancers were pole-dancing on the stage, and the men below were howling like dogs on heat. Some were even taking off their tops as they swayed to the upbeat music.

"See? These men have their eyes on the dancers. No one would notice you. Don't worry too much." the chief promoter tried to reassure her.

"Yeah." Seeing how hot the dancers were, wearing nothing but lace lingerie, Violla was somewhat convinced that nobody would be interested in her.

"Moreover, we have really sexy hostesses here. Even if those in the private rooms were to stare at you for a bit, they probably wouldn't do anything to you. They already have all those ladies around them, you know?" The cheif promoter continued.

"Yeah, I guess." Violla felt a little more relaxed.

Afterward, the promoter took her to the bar and introduced her to the names and price lists for the liquors. As for the usual beers, cocktails, and drinks, she was told that she could just jot their names down in the bill without memorizing the prices, given how cheap they were.

The cheif promoter also talked about how the more she recommended the expensive liquors to her customers, the more commission she would get out of the sales. "Our top promoters can earn tens of thousands of commission just in one night. Adding the tips, some of them earn more than a hundred thousand!"

The prospect of making big money was very attractive for Violla. 'A hundred thousand in one night? That means I'll be able to pay Mrs. Blake's medical fees after two nights of work!'

Just then, Olympia was seen running over to the chief promoter, a big smile plastered on her face. "The guests in that private room just ordered a bill worth a few hundred thousand! Can I check how much commission I'm getting from that?"

"Let me have a look," the chief promoter answered. After a few seconds, the promoter patted Olympia on her shoulders and cheered, "Forty-eight thousand!"

"Wow, that's great!" Olympia was on cloud nine.

"Congratulations, Olympia." Violla smiled at her.

"Violla? Oh, my god! You're so curvy and pretty! I almost couldn't recognize you in this uniform!" Olympia spluttered.

"Hah… I can still tell that it's you even with your mask on, though," Violla joked.

Violla felt that Olympia really did stand out in the crowd with her distinct petite figure.

"Well, that's because I'm the flattest one of them all here!" Olympia said, blushing.

"Alright, Olympia show her around. I have some things to attend to." With that, the chief promoter turned around and left.

" Violla, how about you come to that private room over there with me. The customers there are really generous. If we can get them to make more orders, we can split the commission between us!" Olympia said cheerfully, pulling Violla's hand as they made their way to a private room.

"Okay, thanks!" She appreciated.

To Violla's dismay, one of the customers in that private room was none other than Justin, the former vice president of Tariques Group.

Back in Garden golf , Laura had tried to arrange for Justin and her to get together, and he had also made a move on her, angering Davon and causing him to lose his place in the project.

To make matters worse, Laura fired Justin afterward in an attempt to please Davon.

Though Violla had not seen him at all since the incident, she knew that he probably held a grudge against her for landing him in his unfortunate situation. If he were to find out that Violla was the promoter standing before him, he might set her up for trouble.

Sensing the impending danger, Violla turned around without hesitation, wanting to leave. However, a drunk customer in the private room grabbed her hand, snorting, "Hah… This one is really sexy. I'll have her."

Panicking, Violla shook the drunk man off and stepped back. "I'm a promoter, not a hostess."

"The hostesses are coming right this moment," Olympia quickly added.

"Really? You've got a pretty good figure for a promoter. Let me take a look at your face too!" His gaze was lustful.

Before Violla could even react, the drunk man snatched her mask.

As Violla moved away by reflex, her mask was torn in half, exposing much of her face.

Justin, who was sitting on the sofa, raised an eyebrow and then stared intently at Violla with an ominous darkness in his eyes.

"Damn you! Why is a whore like you acting all innocent? I know what you're here for! So what if you're a promoter? Name a price. I have all the money!" The drunk man yelled aggressively.

"Sir, the promoters here don't sell anything else but alcohol. As I said, the hostesses are coming soon!" Olympia explained indignantly.

"How dare you talk back at me!" The drunk man raised his hand and was about to slap Olympia.

Violla immediately blocked his raised arm and said firmly, "Enough is enough! Don't go overboard!"

"So what if I go overboard? I'm buying you tonight! Hmph. Your hand is so smooth. I bet you're a real beauty." He cackled creepily.

Licking his lips, he turned his wrist and grabbed Violla's hand.

Violla was beginning to feel nauseous and tried to leave the room with Olympia.

However, the dirty drunk man gestured to his bodyguards, and the towering bodyguards swiftly blocked their way.

Olympia was as pale as a sheet.

"What in the world do you want?" Violla snapped.

"I want to screw your sloppy cu*t! If you make me happy, I'll pay double!"

"You should think twice about that. We are in Empire Night, not a brothel!" Violla gave Olympia a look.

Getting her hint, Olympia whipped out her phone to contact Fred to help them.

"Damned whore! Guess you like it rough! Take them down!" The dirty drunk man knocked Olympia's phone out of her hands and gave a command to his bodyguards.

Just as he uttered those vulgar words, Violla and Olympia were already restrained and subdued on the sofa.

Reaching out his stubby fingers, the drunk man was still keen to take off 's mask. All of a sudden, another man in the room spoke. "That's enough. Cut it out Maxwell."

"Mr. Justin, what's wrong?" The drunk man looked up with a confused look.

"Don't make a scene here. Empire Night is owned by a really powerful figure. Things won't end well if rumors of you doing this spread around," Justin said placidly.

"He's right! If you want s*x, there are plenty of hostesses here. Why make things difficult for a mere promoter? We are here for Mr. Justin, remember? Don't ruin the mood," The other customers in the room added.

"Hmph. Whatever." With that, the drunk man let go of Violla, and the bodyguards backed off.

Without looking back, Violla dragged Olympia out of the private room.

"That was so scary!" Tears trickled down Olympia's cheeks.

"I'm so sorry for getting you in trouble. And your phone looks wrecked. I'll compensate you for that," Violla said gently as she patted Olympia's shoulders.

"That's not a big deal. More importantly, shouldn't we tell Fred about this?" Olympia said shakily.

"Yes, we should. " As soon as Violla spoke, Justin emerged from the private room, smirking, "Hi there, Miss Milan I didn't expect to see you here!"